In the eyes of Hydra, there was a hint of disbelief.

This kid can actually hurt himself.

Didn't he reach the sixth level of the Spirit Profound Realm?

"Damn, why can your profound strength increase so quickly?"

The profound energy of the Hydra rose heavily.

He raised his hands: "Dancing Fury!"

At this moment, the eight heads separated from his head and flew out.

Flying out in the direction of Ji You.

Ji You swung out a long sword with a sword in his hand, hit the head, and a head fell.

Two, three.

"Impossible, impossible!"

The black front roared continuously.

What the hell is going on here? All of my profound strength just now has no effect. What's even more terrifying is that my profound skills are in front of Ji You.

A terrifying force erupted.

Ji You suddenly stepped back and put out his hands, the profound energy in the air stopped at this moment.

Hei Feng manipulated his huge body and gradually stepped back. The next moment, Ji You suddenly started to swing the long sword down heavily.

At this moment, two strands of profound energy collided.

The Hydra let out a wailing, and it suddenly fell down at this moment.

It fell to the ground, and the dust drowned its body at this moment.

The next moment, Ji You took a step, and the surrounding snakes gradually dispersed, and the swimming snakes were trying to gather together quickly.

Ji You felt that this Hydra had actually injected so much profound energy into it.

Holding the treasure in his hand, he swung a heavy sword down, and the head of one of the long snakes fell.

He turned around and waved, and the heads of the other snakes flew out.

A small long snake swam quickly. He looked at the long snake that was leaving, and suddenly there was wind under his feet. He took a step forward, and after reaching the long snake, a sword fell.

The long snake was headed in a different place.

Ji You breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Hydra was completely dead.

Taking advantage of the heat of the fire suit, the ice cubes on Xiao Gu's body were melted, Xiao Gu turned back into a human body, and fell asleep. Ji You stuffed a medicinal pill into her mouth.

Just breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, suddenly his waist tightened, and Ji You behind him took a step.

Looking back, it turned out that Xiaocai hugged Ji You tightly, Ji You turned her head, and a warm feeling came into Ji You's mouth.

Xiao Cai actually hugged Ji You and kissed.

The two embraced each other, and Xiaocai took Ji You to the cave next to her.

Another storm of cloud and rain.

Ji You put on his clothes again.

The colorful snake lay on Ji You's body.

This is the second time between the two of them, and the colorful snake said: "I was just poisoned just now, don't think about it."

After he finished speaking, the colorful snake didn't know how to deal with the relationship between the two. As he was walking out to the other side, suddenly at this moment, Ji You pulled him into his arms.

He said to the colorful snake in front of him, "I like you."

"I was very nervous when I saw you being beaten by Hei Feng for me just now, so."

Before Ji You's voice fell, the colorful celestial snake in front of him disappeared, and the colorful celestial snake flew over the snowy mountain, recalling the scene just now, his face suddenly blushed, and the action was simply unsightly.

Ji You, ah Ji You, why did I meet such an enemy as you? After her affairs are dealt with, I must follow Ji You to do good things.

Thinking of this, the colorful snake suddenly disappeared.

Ji You trembled as he looked at the disappearing back.

The phantom of the remnant soul appeared in the sky at this time.

"Little devil, are you reluctant?"

Ji You glanced at the ghost image of the remnant soul: "Let the seniors laugh."

Remnant Soul phantom looked at the high platform in front of him: "That's the place leading to the Snow Palace."

Ji You hummed, and the ghost of the remnant soul disappeared again. Ji You came to Xiao Gu and touched her head.

After a while.

Xiao Gu woke up, she pestered Ji You, asked for something to eat, and fell asleep again.

He returned to the carriage with the small bones in his arms.

Accompanied by the chirping of the fierce horses, he started to walk, and he didn't know how long it took to walk out. The ice covered the entire mountain range at one time.

Ji You looked at the endless mountain peaks.

He dodged forward and flew a short distance away, roaring.

Suddenly the sky changed.

A mysterious light enveloped Ji You, and everything around them changed, completely blocking their way to land.

At the same time, the glare in front of him burst out with a super strong light.

Seeing that they wanted to go in, but couldn't.

The wall of light was suddenly heavier at this time.

As if to reject all contacts.

The wooden box in his hand was flying towards the sky at this moment.

The five pieces of paper inside were being glued together at this time.

A long passage emerged, and Ji You took the hand of the person beside him and walked into the long passage.

As soon as he stepped out, the long road automatically retracted.

With Xiaogu and Baihu, he went straight to a temple, and when he returned again, Ji You felt that there seemed to be some changes in the temple.

The phantom of the remnant soul appeared beside him.

Even though only the phantom was left, he still trembled.

Ji You and the ghost ghost stepped into the temple.

The next moment, the temple suddenly changed.

A throne appeared on top of the temple.

The ghost of the remnant soul just approached the past, and suddenly the throne suddenly fell like a bolt of lightning, and it fell in front of the ghost of the ghost. The ghost of the ghost couldn't believe it all.

His body trembled.

However, at this moment, the phantom mist that the ghost shadow of the remnant soul had been hiding floated and suddenly dissipated.

Since there was no divine power to maintain, even if the ghost image of the remnant soul absorbed the profound energy on the five pieces of paper, it began to weaken.

Along with that profound energy, at this moment, it slowly became stronger.

The face of the ghost ghost was introduced into Ji You's eyes.

A face that was astonishing to the extreme appeared in front of Ji You's eyes.

Ji You's heart beat fast, perhaps because he knew that Ji You knew about her, the ghost image of the remnant soul was another one, covering the mist in front of her face.

However, at this moment, a person appeared behind him.

He was wearing a brown robe and shaking his hands: "God, is that you? God?"

God Lord?

Ji You looked suspiciously at the ghost image of the remnant soul.

The elder knelt on the ground, but looking at the power of the ghost image of the remnant soul, he said directly: "How come the power of faith in you is so low, God Lord?"

Remnant Soul Void just wanted to say something, but was suddenly pulled back into the rope by the rope of soul.

The elder looked at Ji You: "You came back with the Lord of God."


"I think back then, the five domains of the Xuantian Continent were always under the protection of the God Lord."

"Suddenly one day."

It turned out that 10,000 years ago, due to the good geology of Yinyouzhou, other twelve states continued to invade and occupy Yinyouzhou. At the time of its demise, the Frozen Empress was born and led a group of followers to repel the invaders.

The Frozen Empress was helpless. After sweeping away all the invaders in Yinyouzhou, she did not hesitate to consume her life to activate the seal of heaven and earth, isolating Yinyouzhou from the world.

And the phantom of the remnant soul is the Frozen Empress.

After the old man finished speaking, he was still immersed in the glorious years of the past.

I didn't expect to see the God Lord again today, and the God Lord turned into such a weak appearance.

"I want to guard the Hall of Evolution. I can't leave here, but the only way to resurrect the Frozen Empress is to unify the four domains and seven branch halls. Otherwise, we won't be able to do this."

Ji You was still a little shocked in his heart, but he didn't expect that the ghost image of the remnant soul would have such a big background.

"Why unify the four domains?"

"Because the beliefs of all the subjects of the four domains are exactly what we need."

Ji You hummed.

After thinking about it, if this is the case, I must first unify the seven empires.

"But what are the four domains?"

"The location of the branch hall we are in is Nanyu. Originally, the Nanyu Dynasty unified Nanyu, but after the Frozen Empress disappeared, Nanyu split into seven empires, and the seven empires gradually split up, and the internal Do not hesitate, this gave me the opportunity to kill the temple."

It turned out that Ji You suddenly understood and said to the Great Elder in front of him, "Don't worry, I will definitely unite the entire Nanyu Empire."

After saying this, the elder was very relieved: "I have a talisman here. In the future, you can use this token to let them help you when you see the people in the Palace of Evolution."

Ji You took the token and apologized with both hands. Xiao Gu's profound strength has not recovered yet, and the first elder said, "I have some medicine here, maybe I can help this one. What? It turned out to be a natural disaster panic dragon?"

"How do you know Xiao Gu?"

"You can actually bring a natural disaster dragon?"

"Thousands of years ago, the natural disaster family was indeed an old friend of us, but in an accident, the entire race disappeared on the mainland. This may be the last survivor. You have to take good care of her. If you don't give up, I will too. Accept her as a disciple and take care of her for three to five years."

Hearing about Xiao Gu's life experience, Ji You clenched his fists: "Thank you, Elder, but Xiao Gu should protect her by myself, and I will also help Xiao Gu to find out who killed their race back then."

"It's so good. She and I are also an old friend. According to our seniority, we should also call her a niece. Then I will leave the matter of my niece to this son."

The two said goodbye. Ji You touched Xiao Gu's head on the road. Obviously Xiao Gu was still in his childhood. When he recalled seeing her, he didn't know what she encountered.


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