The disciples of the Killing God Alliance outside the temple gate.

They mingled the long swords in one place, and all the profound energy was poured into one of them at once.

Ji You smiled lightly.

In the blink of an eye, eighteen men in black robes appeared in front of him.

"Ding, the host used the "Eighteen Golden Puppets" and gained 1*999 experience points"

"Ding, the eighteen golden body puppet has broken through to the eighteen golden body Arhat, and it has a certain inspiration."

Eighteen black-robed golden body Arhats opened their eyes that had been closed all the time.

There was confusion in their eyes.

With Ji You's thoughts moving.

The eighteen golden-bodied Arhats formed a sword formation.

A huge sword floated in the air.

With the wave of Ji Youjian's sword, in an instant the sword came towards him.

The hit was outside the man's qi gang.

The man rushed with his sword, ready to fight Ji You to the death, but was hit hard by Ji You's sword.

The treasure in his hand clicked and turned into pieces.

"My third-grade treasure, how is this possible?"

Ji You didn't move, just shouted something in her heart.

The eighteen golden body Arhats launched at the same time, and their iron fists suddenly bombarded down.

But they were a step too late. The eighteen golden body Arhats were too terrifying. They moved forward like cunning rabbits.

With one punch, the two of them were smashed to pieces.

The rest of the people saw Ji You's puppet so terrifying, and they had the intention of retreating in their hearts, and they retreated with their swords in hand.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in place.

Ji You took a step forward and put the eighteen golden puppets into his own ring.

"God's gift."

Many people saw the scene here, and they all believed that Ji You was the god.

They all knelt in front of Ji You, and Ji You distributed the medicine pill into everyone's hands.

After the people returned home, they took out their longevity rankings and began to worship the Frozen Queen.

Ji You passed on his life and let all the divine envoys with the strength of Tongxuan Realm gather in the temple.

Everyone in the temple returned to the temple one after another.

They knelt on the ground and looked in Ji You's direction.

Ji You stood at the center of the square.

"Starting today, we will hold high the holy flag, so that the world can step into the realm of profound practitioners."

"Long live, long live!"

The crowd shouted loudly, Ji You glanced at the crowd in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The masters of the Profound Opening Realm were dispatched, causing countless people to watch, and a group of people came out and surrounded them.

"Aren't you the ones from the Frozen Temple? How did you gather?"

Ji You smiled lightly: "We are of course to unify the chaotic place."

The people in front of them couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Unify the land of chaos, what are you kidding?"

"It's just that you can't even unite the chaotic place in our Yin City."

The crowd spoke lightly.

With a wave of Ji You's hand, the masters of the Profound Opening Realm in front of them activated at the same time, each using their own profound skills, knocking the group of people in front of them to the ground.

In a secret room.

Everyone under his command reported that all the people he sent out were killed.

There was a strange feeling in my heart.

They also said: "If we keep at it, we may be the next to be killed."

"Yes, as the saying goes, those who know the times are Junjie."

"Exactly, why don't we turn to Mr. Ji Youji together."

After the voice fell, they all left the secret room and came to Ji You, and knelt down in front of Ji You.

"Meet the great envoy."

Ji You doesn't care about the people in the chaotic land, most of these people are people who sway with the wind.

Ji You said indifferently: "To establish the Holy Army, I want to crusade the land of chaos."


Everyone shouted loudly.

They quickly gathered together.

The news that Ji You was going to unify the land of chaos quickly spread.

Except for Yincheng.

There are also Xucheng, Chengcheng, and Youcheng, which are called the three places of chaos.

The people here are all bloodthirsty, if it is said that the people of Yin City still retain a little humanity, then the people of the other three cities can be said to be human.

The City Lord of Xu Cheng, Xu Fuding, just stepped into the first layer of the Spirit Profound Realm with one foot.

Hearing that someone was going to challenge himself, he couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect that someone would dare to crusade against me, it's just courting death."

The man behind him knelt on the ground.

"Naturally, he is courting death. City Lord Xu is the strongest person in the world. Even Chengcheng and Youcheng Lord are just dead bones in the coffin waiting to die."

A few people behind him joined in.

"Exactly, exactly."

"Send my bloodthirsty army first and ask for advice first."

After the voice fell, the rest of the people immediately agreed.

Mad Blood, the leader of the bloodthirsty army, heard this order, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the tip of his tongue licked the long sword treasure in his hand.

The rest came in.

They had just finished their two-to-two duel, and only one person could survive. It was through this method that the most powerful army appeared.

After they got the order, they marched directly to Yincheng.

Ji You looked at the people in front of him and practiced profound skills, so that after a few days, he could start to unify the chaotic place.

But it was not expected.

At this moment, a profound practitioner walked in. He only took the medicine pill today, and he already had the profound strength of the third level of the Imperial Profound Realm. If the people in the seven great empires knew about this, it would not be the itch of hatred.

"Report to the great envoy, we found that an army is approaching us, what should we do?"

After hearing this, Ji You's face did not change, he just told them to gather all the Holy Army in the city, and wait for a while and then go out of the city gate together.

Ji You stood tall above the city gate.

When the bloodthirsty army saw Ji You, they all showed smug smiles.

Mad Blood pointed the long sword in his hand at Ji You.

Some old people in the city couldn't help but worry.

"This bloodthirsty army is gathered by many profound practitioners."

"Exactly, I heard that the way they cultivate is through constant killing, and every two duels will be held every once in a while, and only the remaining one can survive."

"I don't know if the envoys can resist them."

While they were still in doubt, the people in the city ran out.

It just so happened that they were going to take this opportunity to see if the medicinal pill Ji You gave was real or fake.

"Blade of strong wind."

"Blood waves."

They used profound skills at the same time, and for a while, countless sword shadows appeared in the sky.

They all flew to the bloodthirsty army.

Mad Blood shouted: "Kill!"

Accompanied by a word of killing, the members of the Bloodthirsty Legion also used their own profound skills at the same time.


He shouted violently.

Countless swords and axes flew out at the same time.

Flying towards Ji You's Holy Army.

The two strands of profound energy collided and bombed.

The power spread out, and they all fell to the ground.

"Master of the Imperial Profound Realm, it's still a little bit meaningless."

After saying this, Ji You waved his hand again, and the surrounding experts in the Profound Opening Realm jumped off the city wall and killed the bloodthirsty army.

The mysterious skills formed by the combination of Qi Gang flew out at the same time.

There was a loud bang.

Crazy Blood, holding a long sword, stepped out, and a sword fell.

The Qi Gang suddenly dissipated and disappeared.

Crazy Blood said lightly: "You are not enough to see, that kid on the city wall, your breath makes me feel dangerous, just so I want to ask you for advice."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Ji You's mouth. Among the seven empires, he has not yet foreseen his opponent, but he can deal with it today.

Ji You jumped off the city wall, holding the giant sword of the Rong Dog high in his hand.

With a heavy wave, a huge profound energy rose into the sky.

The mad blood was beyond Ji You's expectations, and he also swung his long sword at the same time.

The two strands of profound energy were colliding heavily at this moment.

However, in the body of the mad blood, there is still a demon red arrogance.

It was directly wrapped in that profound energy.

"Killing intent?"

The killing intent was integrated into the profound energy.

All of a sudden, Ji You's profound skills were forced back.

"Kill kill kill!"

The bloody eyes became more and more red.

That profound energy came in front of Ji You, Ji You just raised his hand slightly and smashed the profound energy in front of him with a bang.

Mad Blood saw Ji You's bombardment, and his profound strength suddenly disappeared.

"Boy, you have some skills."

He brought his profound strength to the pinnacle, and the mad blood fighting method was to exhaust his profound strength to gain every progress. Ji You saw that he was able to get close to him.

She stepped forward and kicked him in the chin.

The mad blood flew to the sky at once, Ji You's legs were hard, and a mysterious force was wrapped in it, and his whole body flew to the sky and his fists fell like a rainstorm.

Every punch fell on him.

It was like a gust of wind, booming, three falls, and he let out a painful scream.

The more Mad Blood was beaten by Ji You, the more excited he became.

But in the blink of an eye, Ji You flashed behind Crazy Blood and threw out another punch.

He actually did not explode and died, which means that the forging of the body of the mad blood has reached a certain level.

Ji You said indifferently: "Crazy blood, you have good qualifications, why not join our Frozen God Sect?"

Mad Blood suddenly asked: "Joining you, didn't I lose the qualification to fight with you?"

Ji You said lightly: "As long as you want, if I have time, I can have a few tricks with you."

"Also, how about I help you improve your skills?"

People in the land of chaos have no so-called loyalty. The conditions Ji You proposed were exactly what he wanted, and the mad blood said lightly: "Okay."

Ji You walked out with mad blood.

The legion in front of him was still fighting, and he said lightly, "The Profound Envoy kills!"


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