Ji You looked at them coldly.

Immediately afterwards, the Behemoth Academy went up to the ring, and the opposing team quickly surrendered.

The battle of the day is over again.

After the game was all over, Ji You came to the hotel where the Academy of Strength is located.

Each of them lay on the bed and cried.

"Captain, will we not be able to practice in the future?"

Zhao Yan looked at the apprentices beside him, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

"You guys, if so, forget it."

Ji You knocked on the door, Zhao Yan on the bed picked up the crutches beside him, and limped in front of Ji You.

"This is Mr. Ji, let you see our ugliness."

Ji You waved his hand: "I'm here to help you."


Hearing this sentence, the six people present raised their heads one after another.

Ji You said lightly, "I have a way to help you, and it will also enhance your power."

Several people looked at each other and said slowly, "Really?"

"It's natural."

"Then what can be done?"

"Beast Profound Skill."

Hearing this sentence, everyone lowered their heads.

"To be honest, although we can use profound skills, we cannot integrate profound beasts into our bodies."

Ji You said indifferently: "Your body has been transformed with profound skills, so you can use that trick, but next, we can try it."

Everyone looked at each other and walked forward, trying to kneel on the ground.

"I'm willing to give it a try."

"But if you fail, you will die."

Everyone clenched their fists: "To be honest, if we can't become mysterious masters, then even if we don't die, we will lose the confidence to live and become a confused person."

Looking at the flames in their eyes, Ji You said, "Okay, I promise."

After saying this, Ji You suddenly turned around.

With a heavy wave of his hand, a profound energy suddenly enveloped them, leading them out of the Central Capital City, and walked straight into the woods beside them.

Although the scope of the profound beast forest is large, it cannot extend to the eastern region.

But in this deep forest, there is this new king of mysterious beasts, and in the outer area, the soldiers from the Eastern Kingdom have been surrounded by soldiers.

Ji You and the others were about to enter when a soldier came out.

He released the profound energy at the peak of the Tong Xuan Realm.

Ji You said lightly, "I have a token in my hand."

He raised the token high and looked at the token in Ji You's hand.

The soldier asked suspiciously, "Are you from the Central Capital Profound Master Academy?"


"In the past, you could enter the Profound Beast Forest to hunt Profound Beasts if necessary, but not today."

At this moment, the fifth prince came here one after another with the soldiers beside him. They pulled out the treasures, and the soldier guarding the gate knelt on the ground and said lightly, "Meet Your Highness the Fifth Prince."

The fifth prince said slowly, "We are friends, let them in."

Ji You nodded at the fifth prince, and the group entered the deep beast forest in this way. Ji You asked, "His Royal Highness the fifth prince, if I'm not mistaken, you are also a mysterious beast."

"Yes, this time, I just want to see if there is any evolution suitable for my beast profound skills."

At a fork in the road, an old man came out and cupped his hands: "His Royal Highness Fifth Prince, I sense that our target is on the left."

Ji You cupped his hands and said, "Let's go to the right, where there are mainly dexterous profound beasts."

The fifth prince said: "If there is any need, please tell me, so let's say goodbye, and hope that we can play against each other on the ring."

"His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince is saying goodbye."

Ji You took everyone to the depths of the deep forest on the right, where countless profound beasts looked at Ji You's direction with hostile gazes.

He released the peak profound strength of the ninth level of the Spirit Profound Realm, and the powerful pressure caused all the profound beasts present to flee in a frenzy.

Ji You looked in the direction in front of him and gradually took a step forward.

I only saw that there was a haze in the sky.

A burst of green mist shrouded the scene, and it seemed that Ji You's top-level profound strength was the most important supply for this profound beast.

The giant snake hovered in the air.

Facing Ji You's direction, he spit out a long snake head.

Huge sweat dripped from Zhao Yan's forehead. He raised his hand and said heavily: "No, it is a sixth-grade profound beast, which is already equivalent to the human profound realm of humans."

Ji You said indifferently, "It just so happens that this profound beast is what you should have."

Zhao Yan grabbed Ji You: "If you want my brother to exchange his life for the profound beast, I don't need it."

At this moment, the black long snake swam in an instant, and the green mist near its mouth was also slowly released at this time, and the green mist instantly covered Ji You's direction.

If it wasn't for Ji You's protection, Zhao Yan and the others would have been corroded by this poisonous mist long ago.

Ji You raised his hand, and the giant sword of the Quan Rong appeared in his hand instantly.

The Quanrong Great Sword swung heavily.

"Ding, the host used the giant sword of Quanrong, and gained 1*999 experience points"

A gust of wind erupted from the giant sword, blowing the surrounding poisonous mist back one after another.

Ji You suddenly rushed out, the long snake twisted its body, and its tail slammed heavily in Ji You's direction, and the person in front of him suddenly flew out with a powerful force.

Ji You looked at the long snake in front of him, and the snake was about to hit seven inches.

He flew into the air, twisted his body, waved his hand heavily, and the giant sword in his hand burst out with a powerful profound energy, heading directly towards the seven-inch position of the long snake.

There was a loud bang.

The long snake fell heavily to the ground.

Ji You hurried out, took the giant sword in his hand, and inserted it into the long snake. The long snake fled in a hurry, constantly swimming in the air, and Ji You made a sudden stroke.

The long snake's hard skin was cut into a wound in an instant, and blood continued to flow down.

Looking at the blood in his hands, Chang Snake still wanted to resist, but then.

Ji You shouted loudly, "Flaming Blade Technique."

Every fall of the knife hit the long snake's body, and blood continued to flow down.

Looking at this scene, he took a deep breath.

A powerful ray of light erupted from the giant sword of the Quanrong in Ji You's hand, and the giant sword of Quanrong with a long knife ran out of a huge giant dog and roared at the sky.

The snake spirit of the long snake also rushed forward.

A dog and a snake were entangled together, and they gradually merged together.

Ji You's giant sword of the Quan Rong had a new change and became a sharp green long handle.

Ji You was wielding a sword, and a green poisonous mist was slowly coming out at this time and injected into the long snake, but the long snake was able to spit out the poisonous mist because the poisonous mist was all gathered in its mouth.

But the body itself does not have the power to resist poison.

The long snakes gathered at this moment.

After falling to the ground, Ji You picked up his meridians and flew out.

A green meridian appeared in Ji You's hand, and Ji You handed it over to the other party's hand.

Zhao Yan took over the tendons.

There was a look of fear in his eyes.

He said indifferently, "How do I merge with this profound beast's meridians?"

Ji You said lightly, "Just like this."

He suddenly waved a palm, and the power of this palm actually pushed the meridian in Zhao Yan's hand into his body.

The powerful Profound Beast Meridians have injected powerful profound energy into Zhao Yan's entire body.

However, Zhao Yan's body itself was not able to withstand this powerful profound energy, and in an instant, it continuously charged around.

Ji You looked at this powerful profound energy.

Zhao Yan spat out a mouthful of blood, and Ji You stepped forward and injected the profound energy from his body into his body, but in the next second.

Zhao Yan opened his eyes.

He stood up with trembling hands, threw off his crutches, and stepped on his own legs.

"Profound skills, Baiyouying."

At this moment, Zhao Yan started to swim and scattered, as if more than a dozen Zhao Yan appeared in an instant.

"I made it, I made it."

Zhao Yan excitedly hugged Ji You's body.

"Thank you."

Immediately afterwards, Ji You found a few mysterious beasts and matched the beast body meridians for everyone in the other Academy of Power.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the sky.

Ji You frowned: "No, there is something wrong with the Fifth Prince."

He turned his head and ran out first, and the people from the Academy of Power behind him also followed Ji You and rushed out.

Ji You came to the location of the fifth prince.

Only to see that all the guards have become corpses, scattered.

The fifth prince looked at the giant beast in front of him, and the giant beast was at the end of his life. He swayed and fell to the ground. However, at this moment, a young man in a purple robe led fifty Spirit Profound Realm 1st Layer The mysterious man came out.

"Isn't this Brother Five Emperors?"

"Sixth brother?"

"Brother Five Emperors, it seems reasonable and reasonable to die under the mysterious beast today."

"We are brothers, do you want to kill me that much?"

The sixth brother laughed: "I'm not a sixth prince, I'm a person from the temple, but if you still want to know the truth, I'm afraid you have to ask King Yama."

He waved his hand heavily, and in an instant hundreds of arrows that could pierce the profound practitioner's qi gang flew out.

Ji You appeared in front of the fifth prince, and his Qi Gang suddenly lit up.

Resist those long arrows one after another.

The sixth prince pointed at Ji You and said, "How dare you intervene in the affairs of my temple?"

Ji You smiled indifferently: "Anyone from the temple? Well, your people, I have long wanted to meet."


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