"What, do you think my words are funny?"

"Or did you take refuge in the group of people in the Xuanshi Temple?"

Ji You bowed his hands, such a lovely old man is rarely seen in this continent now, Ji You said lightly, "Report to His Majesty the Eastern Empire, he is dead."


"Who are you saying is dead?"

Ji You said lightly: "It is the master of the Xuanshi Temple."

There was a happy smile in the eyes of the King of the Eastern Region: "I never expected that he died in your hands."

Ji You was too lazy to take these boring credits, and said lightly, "He was killed by the two princes."

When he saw the two people beside him, he turned his head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The King of Eastern Regions is not worried that Ji You will become the next temple master of the Xuanshi Temple.

So he opened his mouth and said, "I wonder if the little friend has an idea to become the head of the new generation of the Xuanshi Temple?"

Regarding this point, Ji You didn't show any kindness at all, and agreed directly. Even the King of the Eastern Region felt a little surprised by Ji You's refreshment.

What exactly is going on?

I saw Ji You said slowly: "I'm also investigating some things, only this kind of power that has been passed down for a long time will have clues."

"I see."

At this moment, the prince and the fifth prince also woke up. The prince hugged the fifth prince and patted his shoulder. Suddenly the prince knelt on the ground and said to the king of the Eastern Region: "Report to the emperor, my son. Please resign."

"Why, you prince."

"The prince, Erchen, is too stupid. He didn't even know that he was used by others, so he continued to do it without face."

When he heard this sentence, the king of the Eastern Region suddenly laughed out loud: "Do you think I don't know? The fifth prince has been secretly supporting you to become the prince, and has always maintained your status."

"What, the prince's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the elder brother that he had always regarded as a thorn in his side was actually the one who had been protecting him. This time, if Ji You hadn't been there, how would he see people in the future."

Ashamed, he walked in front of Ji You and knelt in front of Ji You: "Thank you, son."

Ji You helped him up.

"Everyone, I plan to recover the Profound Master Temple."

The prince said, "No matter how many soldiers and horses the brothers want, my royal family will do my best to help."

Now even the Hall Master at the fifth level of the Human Profound Realm is dead, and the rest of the people are not in Ji You's eyes at all, Ji You said lightly, "Then I would like to thank the Crown Prince, but I think that there are all of us in the middle. The help of a few classmates in the college is enough.”

"Let's see, I'm assigning you five hundred golden armor guards. Although they only have the strength of the ninth-level first-level Spirit Profound Realm, they are enough to deal with a certain number of Spirit Profound Realm masters."

Ji You cupped his hands: "So, thank you, Prince."

This time, Ji You did not refuse, but stood up. After leaving, he went to the other side to look for Chang Yuan and others. Chang Yuan and others said excitedly after they came out.

"As long as we can come back alive, each of us will be a baron."

Their eyes were filled with pride, and Ji You slowly took a step forward. He slowly said, "In this case, we will arrive as soon as possible."

After saying this sentence, Ji You disappeared in place in an instant.

He had already gone hundreds of meters away, and when they saw this scene, they immediately followed, quickly followed behind Ji You, he said lightly, "Ji You don't want to leave me behind. ."

But unexpectedly, everyone followed behind Ji You, and they ran over quickly.

I only saw them following behind Ji You.

Although their profound strength had already reached the second level of the Human Profound Realm, in front of Ji You, a person at the first level of the Human Profound Realm, they seemed to be extremely weak.

Ji You, on the other hand, flew forward extremely fast.

"Ding, the host used 3,000 cloud moves and gained 1*999 experience points"

"Ding, the host used the dark forest and gained experience value 1*999"

In the blink of an eye, Ji You quickly flew forward, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the door of the Xuanshi Temple in the middle of the capital city, and the rest of the people were talking about it.

The Xuanshi Temple, in the Central Capital City, has become an independent lineage, no matter in terms of land occupation or area.

The people in the Xuanshi Temple also disappeared early. They stood on the city wall with treasures in hand, and looked at Ji You in front of them vigilantly. Ji You said lightly, "Hahaha."

They raised their spears.

Aiming at Ji You below.

"Presumptuous, to bring so many soldiers and horses here, do you know where this place is?"

Ji You opened his mouth and said, "The Xuanshi Temple has already won, you come out."

After hearing this, they appeared in front of Ji You.

"Is this true?"


After hearing this, Ji You suddenly waved his hand, and five hundred soldiers in golden armor ran out one after another, and they put their long swords on everyone's necks.

Seeing the long sword resting on his neck.

The remaining forces of the Xuanshi Temple looked at Ji You in surprise.

"You, you lied to me to wait, and you will know when our palace master comes back."


The golden armored guards laughed, and they said at the same time, "Your palace master has already died!"

After hearing this sentence, they took a step forward, as if they didn't believe it, all the profound energy in his body burst out in an instant, and that profound energy was injected into his body at this moment. among.

Everyone in the Xuanshi Temple raised their hands at this moment.

At this moment, Ji You's figure flashed and disappeared in place. Countless rumbling sounds fell on the ground. Seeing Ji You's terrifying one-handed profound skill, what else would they dare to say?

They all took a step back.

Ji You said lightly, "The surrenderer will not be killed!"

Ji You's words made them all look at each other. If we surrender, everyone thought about it in their hearts.

The next moment, they all knelt on the ground, kept kowtowing their heads, and said to Ji You, "I am willing to surrender."

Ji You hummed and stood up: "Come in and let's have a look."

The people behind followed Ji You into the Xuanshi Temple, but they were very curious how many treasures there were in this legendary Xuanshi Temple.

Although everyone came in, their identities are not the same now.


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