Ji You touched Xiao Gu's head.

"Our little bones are the cutest."

Xiao Gu smiled and turned around in a circle. Ji You took her back to the Tang family. The brothers of the Tang family saw that the woman behind Ji You was so beautiful.

They all praised that Ji You is really a lucky girl.

Ji You laughed loudly, and the Tang family's head ordered a table of exquisite meals, and everyone lay down on the table and ate.

All the chicken legs were eaten clean in the blink of an eye.

Everyone's eyes widened as they watched Xiao Gu eat chicken legs one by one into their stomachs.

Tang Ya looked at Xiao Gu, there was no such thing as a girl in this place, if brother Ji You liked it, he should also like himself.

At this moment, Tang Ya picked up a piece of sweet and sour tenderloin and sat beside Ji You.

"Brother Ji, you and some of my brothers fought this afternoon. You're tired too. Eat something to replenish your body."

Ji You snorted and bit the sweet and sour tenderloin.

The brothers of the Tang family watched this scene one after another. How could this domineering younger sister still have such a gentle side? In an instant, their envy for Ji You reached its peak.

Ji You said lightly, "Then thank you sister Ya."

Just as the Tang family was eating continuously, a few servants suddenly walked in.

They cupped their hands and said to the people in the seats, "Report to the patriarch, there are many people from the Su family outside the door, and they said outside the door that they want you to hand over Tang Mingyuan."

After saying this, everyone came forward one after another, each holding a long sword in his hand.

The leader was an old man who was over two hundred years old.

I only saw him shouting angrily: "Tang Tang, you come out for Lao Tzu, you Tang family have great skills, kill my precious grandson, and also solve our Tang family's first elder."

After shouting this sentence, several people ran out in front of them, and they all took out a long sword from their arms.

The secret guards of the Tang family also waited in earnest.

Tang Tang walked out with his many sons.

"Why, the Shi family can't control their son, do they want to trouble other people's families?"

Hearing this, he became angry and snorted coldly at Ji You: "Stinky boy, I think you are courting death"

Elder Shi Li limped forward and whispered a few words to the man next to him.


"Boy, did you kill my grandson?"

Tang Tang said, "Old Shi, I think you are ignoring my existence, right?"

“Hmph, I’m already a master at the second level of the Human Profound Realm. Just because you just stepped into the Human Profound Realm, do you want to be my enemy?”

Everyone in the Tang family was surprised. What, when did this Shi Guanhai advance to this level? The more they thought about it, the more panicked they became.

"The second level of the Human Profound Realm, the first level has become a new world since the first level of the Human Profound Realm. Now that he has entered the second level of the Human Profound Realm, even Old Master Tang is no match for him!"

Hearing this sentence, he snorted coldly: "Speak up!"

After a violent drink, the profound energy on his body skyrocketed.

"Old Shifu, die!"

In an instant, the profound energy in Old Man Tang Tang's body had already reached the second level of the Human Profound Realm.

He was covered with a small layer of profound energy, and he flew over in the blink of an eye. Old Master Shi was not to be outdone. Only Ji You knew that the two were still testing each other's strength.

Two fists meet.

Several rockeries of the Tang family were shattered by the aftermath of profound power.

It was followed by a loud bang.

There was a loud bang from the rockery, and one after another collapsed.

The two drew their bodies back, stood at opposite ends, and looked at each other.

"Old guy Tang didn't expect you to have such a strong strength?"

"Old Master Shi, after so many years, you are allowed to improve, can't you allow me to improve?"

After saying this, the two rushed up again.

With another punch, the old Shi family found that Tang Tang was weaker than him.

The profound energy in his body suddenly turned into a blue bird.

"Profound skills, grab food!"

After shouting these words, the blue bird in the hands of the old Shi family suddenly flew out, and continued to suck the profound energy of the other party, seeing this scene.

Tang Tang looked at the blue bird in the sky.

"Profound skill, fiery flying blade."

The profound energy in his hand turned into a long knife, and he pointedly pointed at the blue bird.

In an instant, the long knife came before the blue bird.

The elder Shi family snorted coldly and said lightly, "Is it just you?"

After shouting these words, he swung his fingers heavily, and the blue bird burst out with a burst of profound energy, its mouth opened slightly, and in an instant, the profound energy continuously merged into the blue bird's body.

Elder Tang Tang's profound skills disappeared in an instant.

Elder Shi laughed: "I didn't expect it, Mr. Tang, I practiced this trick hard, just to deal with your Tang family's fiery flying blades."

"My food grab is to defend the world invincible."

After he finished saying this, he smiled faintly, and at the same time he waved his other hand slightly, only to see a long snake gathered from Qi Gang, and it was constantly swimming on the ground.

He suddenly flew up, opened his bloody mouth, and took a heavy bite on Tang Tang's arm. Tang Tang didn't respond in time at all. After being bitten, his face suddenly turned blue and black.

Apparently poisoned.

Two traces of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Ji You said lightly, "You actually used poison?"

"Boy, it should be your turn next."

As soon as the words fell, Ji You flew forward in the blink of an eye, pulled out the long sword above his waist, and slashed heavily on the long snake.

Accompanied by the sound of a click, the long snake that was condensed by the Qi Gang came after the sound of a click.

The long snake turned into a blue mist.

Elder Shi looked in Ji You's direction, and said indifferently, "I didn't expect that you have a little talent, and you can even cut off the qi-gang long snake at the second level of the Human Profound Realm."

Ji You said lightly, "Thank you, Patriarch Tang, for taking action for me, but the poison on your body must be recuperated."

He threw the medicine bottle in the Najie into the hands of the Tang family.

Tang Patriarch was so poisonous at this moment that he sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breath.

All the sons of the Tang family held treasures and resisted him.


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