Mu Yi and Mu Er pointed to the front in horror.

Zhang Rang suddenly shouted in his heart and turned his head abruptly.

But it was too late.

Ji You flew out of the sand pile, it should be said that the fine sand escorted Ji You, and he came up, his eyes widened suddenly.

He waved his hand heavily.

In an instant, the gravel flew up and roared like a giant dragon.

The Sharon burst into flames in an instant, and after roaring for a while, he got down, flew up, and hit the opponent in front of him.

He instantly raised his hands.

A wave of qi resisted in front of him, and he never expected that at this moment, the salon suddenly opened its mouth wide and swallowed it.

Ji You waved his hand heavily and threw it into the air, and then fell heavily.

Throwing it back to the ground.

Zhang Rang vomited blood and covered his chest. He ran forward instantly, the treasure in his hand was instantly aimed at Ji You's chest, and the thorn fell.

Seeing this scene, Ji You took two steps back.

When he saw this scene, the sword collided.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

When the two separated, Ji You had already broken the qi in him, and said lightly to the person in front of him, "It's time to hit the road."

Suddenly a loud noise came.

The three guardians fell to the ground at this moment, and he said lightly, "It's just a competition, Ji You, why did you kill your fellow student?"

Ji You said lightly, "I'm not his classmate."

"Even so, you are still in the Heaven's Gate."

"So what you should do now, you know."

After finishing these words, the two looked at each other, Ji You was at this moment, quickly backed up, and looked at the people in front.

Ji You said lightly, "In that case, as long as he compensates for our loss today."

"It's just a profound stone. How much, Zhang let you give it."

Zhang Rang clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect that he would have to compensate his wife and Xuanshi today. Thinking of this in his heart, he took out a small payment ring from his arms.

"There are a total of 10,000 high-grade profound stones in this ring, you can take it."

After all, he threw the Na ring into Ji You's hands, and Ji You put the Na Ring into the Na Ring.

After feeling this scene, he raised his head.

Li Fu and Zhang Fei wrapped themselves up and heard them say, "Senior Brother Ji You is really powerful, he even defeated the disciples of the Three Guardians."

San Hufa took Zhang Rang away, and he suddenly slapped Zhang Rang on the body.

Zhang Rang's heart was miserable, but he didn't dare to say a word.

He said lightly, "Master, it's really not my fault, that kid is really insidious."

"I didn't expect that a little Ji You could make you so timid."

After saying this, the two of them looked at each other.

Suddenly, two people beside him stepped forward.

Ji You said lightly, "Attention, we have to be more careful."

Li Fu and Zhang Fei also thought that Ji You was right, so they looked at each other and escorted Ji You to the pothole behind them.

After seeing this scene, Ji You suddenly widened his eyes.

A note was inserted on the pillar in his room, and Li Fu said, "It must be that kid who is not convinced and wants to find you to fight in the back mountain."

Ji You smiled lightly: "Isn't this delivered to your door by yourself?"

After hearing these words, Li Fu thought for a while.

"Senior brother, it's better not to go."

"If you want to go, is it not good to inform the saint?"

Thinking of this in his heart, he took a deep breath, and his eyes widened in an instant.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and said lightly, "Be careful."

Ji You nodded, turned around, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Disaster relief At this time, there was a swaying sound in the air.

Several people were flying around, and several ups and downs sounded.

Ji You looked to the side, and he quickly looked beside him.

In this back mountain, a lot of mysterious grass and a lot of gravel are planted, but there are also a lot of monsters here, so there are often some disciples of Tianyi Sect who will ask others when they encounter unpleasant things. to the back mountain.

If something happens, it can be said to be the work of monsters.

At this time, they approached Ji You's direction, and Zhang Rang brought more than ten disciples to stand in front of Ji You.

"The saintess ceremony has not yet been decided, even the saintess behind you can't help you."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Rang's mouth, and he looked in Ji You's direction with a playful smile, and the people beside him suddenly moved, and in the blink of an eye, they flew to Ji You.

More than ten people wrapped up in Ji You's direction and surrounded him in the center.

Countless flags were inserted in front of Ji You.

They looked at each other, as if they were thinking about something.

When they landed on the ground, they looked at each other and Ji You said lightly, "Do you want a formation?"

"Hmph, Heaven Dou Formation!"

After shouting these words, in an instant, a row of stars fell on the ground, seven stars appeared on the ground, and a small circle of light appeared outside.

After seeing this scene, Ji You said lightly, "Kill!"

After shouting these words, the people around felt like they were all over their bodies, as if something was quickly restraining their legs.

He took a deep breath.

Never thought that he would make such a big mistake.

He took a deep breath.

"you are vicious."

After saying these words, those people jumped up at the same time and landed on the top. They raised their hands, and the long sword was completely wrapping Ji You at this moment.

Ji You said lightly, "Kill."

After shouting these words, those treasures flew up at the same time and flew into the sky.

It shot out all around.

It was inserted on the ground, and the surroundings were connected, and countless thunder and lightning appeared on the ground in an instant.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning spread out towards the surroundings.

The ten people screamed and fell to the ground one after another. After seeing this scene, Ji You stood up and looked in Ji You's direction.

Ji You said lightly, "And you."

Zhang Rang looked at Ji You's proud face, and immediately became annoyed, his legs were like the wind in an instant.

"In the square, there are still formations left by the sect master. Some profound skills are not easy to perform. Ji You is really unlucky for you to be a hundred years old today."

After shouting these words, they came to Ji You in an instant.

After Ji You watched this scene, he took a deep breath. He raised his hands, the profound energy in the air was gathering at this moment, and that profound energy was pouring in front of him at this moment.

After seeing this scene, Ji You slowly took a step forward.

In an instant, the Kunpeng giant sword in his hand became incomparably huge.

The surrounding explosions shook instantly.

Ji Youfei fell in front of Ji You, a sword stabbed down, Ji You suddenly flicked off his long sword, and with a flash, he left here in an instant, and after a while, appeared behind him in an instant.

"How can you be so fast?"

There was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, but what could he do?

As soon as his body stiffened, he froze in place and wanted to move, but he couldn't move.

Ji You picked up the treasure beside him.

A heavy sword fell on his head, Zhang Rang let out a scream, but he had to passively accept the solution, Ji You put away the Kunpeng sword, and at the same time split the skin on his body. .

The smell of blood came out at this moment.

Smelling this smell, at this moment, the profound beasts on the side came forward one after another, and turned their eyes to Ji You's direction. After Ji You saw this scene, he took two steps behind him.

Those profound beasts bit Zhang Rang's body in one bite.

The remaining few profound beasts were also wrapping up in Ji You's direction at this time.

A rank eight demon wolf couldn't bear it any longer, and swooped directly in the direction of Ji You, and then rushed forward. Ji You stepped behind him, took two steps back, and picked up the beside him. The treasure, towards the belly of Xuanlang, was suddenly stabbed and fell.

The demon wolf let out a whimper and then went silent. Suddenly, a soft female voice rang out. Ji You suddenly flew above the tree trunk, Yan Yurou landed on the ground, and several female disciples beside her exclaimed.

"Isn't this a disciple of the Three Guardians?"

Yan Yurou just gave him a cold look.

"He should have died a long time ago."

"Saint, there is no one around now, I'm afraid everyone will misunderstand us."

"No need to worry, we should go to the Jade Spring to wash the dust off our bodies."

After saying these words, the shadows disappeared. Ji You hunted down a few more monsters. When he was about to go back, a sharp explosion sounded from the direction of the spring.

After a few ups and downs, Ji You came to that place. After seeing this scene, he looked in that direction and thought about it in his heart.

After seeing Ji You with no clothes at this time, a few girls couldn't help but let out a scream.

Ji You clenched his fists with both hands: "I just passed by this place, I'm sorry everyone."

After hearing Ji You's words, Yan Yurou said lightly, "Then you still watch?"


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