9th Circle Lord

# 101 The Dragon Realm

The adaptors of the people who came into the city were smooth.

Unlike outside the gateway, people within the castle welcomed strangers and were also friendly. I completed my ID and was assigned a residence.

The Gentiles will soon adapt to Elmont-specific societies.

Luther climbs to the top of the city's central tower and looks around.

‘It's getting bigger. ’

The population has steadily increased.

The city currently has a total population of 50,000.

It was a small and medium-sized urban population.

‘It is still lacking. ’

We need to increase it a little more.

To do so, we must penetrate the sea route and attract more people.

Cities' populations will soon be active in their world.

So the more, the better.

After rethinking, Luther unfolded the map.

The map was given by the Demon King, but until he returned to Elmont, the clear red dot disappeared.

Luther asked.

“I can't see your men. What happened? ”

The Demon King who appeared one day answered his question.

“Exactly the old men who let me down. ”

“What happened? ”

“I hid. One or two of my companions disappeared, and I noticed and hid myself in the darkness. Even abandoned my power. ”

The Demon King and his men led to power. But now that I have cut off his power, I need to find an agent.

Luther didn't believe him.

“I don't think it's possible to hide from your gaze. ”

“It's possible for a monster to interfere. ”

Luther's gaze sank.

Demons do more harm than they appear.

“We'll find the place where the quadriceps happened. ”

“That's what I mean. I think that monster takes my life pretty seriously, like your toy. I haven't shown myself yet. ”

“Evil spirits are not toys. ”

“So? Are you a colleague? ”

“The evil spirit calls me captain. ”

“You have to be careful with monsters. ”

“He's a coward and he won't do anything against my planting. ”

The Demon King shrugs.

It is interference that makes Luther talk about the undecided evil spirit.

“Hiding behind your crooked men without activity is either conspiring with the seedlings, or you're frightened. ”

“Which side do you want to keep the odds on? ”

“Your men are weak, so the monsters summoned are lousy. I guess they threw rocks at the lake when they conspired. ”

You don't have to worry too much.

Luther knows that the Demon King's men can't fight against him during a few duels.

The Demon King laughed.

“I think so, too. Maybe he was scared. I'll be waiting for you to be quiet. ”

“Anas will be thrilled. ”

Since the creatures who are the subject of the church have ceased to be active, the Church of Anes will be impoverished.

But Luther's interests were separate. The demon king who took the dragon is back.

I wondered why the dragon had made contact with the Demon King's rebellious men.

“Have you investigated the dragon? ”

“Yeah, it's nothing. ”

“Why did you do that? ”

“I have an inner ear. ”

Seeing that he said it out of tune, the dragon seemed to have a common internal affair.

Luther, who first came across the facts, revealed his laughter.

“My inner? Does the dragon have an inner? ”

“Even war-eating humans can't be compared to the brutal history of dragons. They always fight and eat. ”

“I didn't think it would be peaceful, but dragons are no different from humans. ”

But the question arose.

The dragon has a commander with the title of Lord. Why doesn't he stabilize society?

“You said the dragon lord wasn't normal? ”

“Yes, but I've grown up eating colleagues everywhere. If someone decides to commit a dragon massacre, there is no law against being as strong as Lord Mann. ”

Luther frowns.

Though I'm guessing the dragon society through the Cox I met the other day, this was too much.

“Are dragons the only way to eat each other? ”

“It's the easiest and hardest way to be strong, but the choice is right. After all, it's the law to be the winner. ”

“What happened to you? ”

“The dragon rod's hunger has increased. ”


“I eat a lot of coworkers. ”

Luther frowns.

“No guilt? ”

The Demon King smiled nicely.

“Guilt? That sounds funny. There's only one dragon with that guilt I know of. ”

Luther roughly guessed who the Demon King was referring to.

The only dragon cock in the human world.

Seeing what he was saying, he knew who he was and seemed to be blindfolded.

Luther knew why the Demon King was doing this.

“Conflicts caused by turmoil will weaken internal cohesion. ”

“Now you're breaking through my intentions without me telling you. Yeah, it's time to go north. ”

“Got it.”

“You take it lightly. So I like you. ”

“The men who betrayed you will be put off later. ”

“I'm here to talk about it, though. I watched your fight. I expected it, but it's overwhelming. I don't think I need to care about them anymore. Of course, if you get into trouble, you'll have to step up. But now the dragons are more of a problem. They can't be caught, but they have abilities. ”

Even a dragon rod can summon powerful monsters at will.

Luther was also reluctant to summon the dragon rod.

The Demon King said decisively.

“I really need to clean them up. ”

Luther was chatty.

“You don't expect me to do it alone again, do you? ”

The Demon King laughed.

“It's possible?”

“We have to take risks this time. In the first place, I thought it was the lack of people like Georges who took care of your rogue men alone. But this time it's not easy to predict because it's a dragon. ”

Luther deliberately tried to take his foot off.

He was having a meeting about doing what the Demon King told him to do.

Now, the demon king's subordinate, the dragon, is himself.

But after that it was a problem.

The Devil King's ambition reaches to Naxanore.

If you defeat the dragon, the next monster is Naxanore.

The future of fighting them is death.

Luther thought that the Devil King's road was a shortcut to destruction, and he decided that he needed to brake now, trying to lift the beast like a bison.

An answer was given that did not respond to the boredom.

The Demon King fills his tongue.

“That's a small wall. Where did that confidence go when we first met? ”

“Even now, I'm full of confidence. However, there is a habit of tapping even when crossing the stone bridge. Once you've investigated enough, you'll be fine to execute your plan. ”

“Then the dragons might do something crazy. Unlike my old men, they are deeply enchanted. Even if you're out of power, you can summon an enemy you can't handle. ”

“You have it. It's not as constrained as your men, so it won't be a big deal. ”

The persuasion keeps getting stuck.

There was no pretext to answer that either. The Demon King made a proposition to kick his tongue as if he didn't deserve it.

“I will teach you new powers. ”

Luther was flawed.

“A new power? Do you have anything else to learn? ”

“Soul. It is the power of the soul. Combining it with Ener will make you stronger. ”

His eyes were bent like bows.

“When you deal with souls, you can fight your enemies without the burden, even in the world of dreams and spirits, like Philoa who fought first. ”

“I know how to pull a soul out. ”

“Yes, but through Ener. Isn't it the power of the soul itself? What I teach strengthens my soul. It is also powerful and when combined with Ener, it exerts a formidable power. ”

It is an unacceptable and attractive proposal.

Luther bites the bait hot.

“Then teach me. ”

“No way. You're not asking me to do it with my bare mouth again? ”

Luther frowned.

“What do you want? ”

“Kill the Dragon Lord. ”

Luther puts out his tongue.

“This is how it ends. ”

“Why? We like each other. I'd love to kill a dragon rod with a potential threat, and you'll get new powers. We can help each other. ”

“Didn't I tell you to fight alone after all? What the hell are you doing in the meantime? ”

“I'm busy. Besides, they're the things that make the game even if I'm around, so it's hard to move. ”

The dragons fear the Demon King.

So divide the zone and be alert like a bucket of iron.

Luther, frowning and contemplating, thought that his choice was finally made.

‘It's not a big loss to me either. ’

I don't know what dragon roads are like, but the rest weren't that hard.

If it were at the same level as Cox, to be honest, it wouldn't be any different from the Demon King's men.

Luther nods.

“Let's leave tomorrow. ”

“I thought about it. ”

The satisfying face of the Demon King has blurred.

“Now the dragon's seed will dry up. ”

He disappears and Luther snorts.

‘The Demon King warns me. ’

There is no help without price.

It must have come back as a stimulus to the Demon King without knowing his sudden growth.

Without it, I would have taught you power at no cost as before.

But now I make a deal.

‘You can't be used. ’

Just as the Demon King is plotting, so is he.

He has already given up this world.

You cannot live in a world parallel to Naxanore.

But I can't even fight the Demon King. He is like a god with measurable power.

If you disobey the Demon King, it is death.

So right now, we have to stop at the rebel line and do what we say.

But Luther pushed his heart even harder this time.

‘Leave. Forever. ’

I will no longer enter the gaps of these goddamnable monsters.

Router, who hardened his face, was determined to see people laughing and chattering peacefully in the city he built.

The next morning.

Luther stands in front of the Blade Mountains with Chiara.

The Seekerman Wyverns roamed through the sky and emitted the same roar as the roar of hell, but they did not roar.

No matter how many monsters you have, you can't do this to yourself.

I always had a good laugh when Chiara left to see if it was good to go with Luther.

Chiara asked, smiling in a bizarre monster.

“What are you doing this time? ”

“I'm going over the Blade Mountains. ”

“North? I heard there's a dragon there. ”

“Yes. This time we hunt dragons. ”

Chiara nods.

I didn't care what I caught with Luther.

“Got it.”

“Come on, let's go. ”

The two of them, who floated in the air, crossed the mountain range like shoots within minutes.

Wyverns don't forgive strangers.

Angry Wyverns chased them right away, but it wasn't enough to catch them both.

As they entered the desert beyond the Blade Mountains, Wyverns no longer followed.

Router, who saw the desert, was overwhelmed with scholarly fever.

“There were no humans who crossed the desert. ”

As he did, there was not one or two curious people beyond the desert.

Those were all those who did one finger.

There were eight circle magistrates, and there was a Sword Master.

But no one found out the truth beyond the desert.

So Luther landed in the middle of a desert.

A well-flown router suddenly descends, and Chiara follows.

She asked.

“Why? What have you got here? ”

“I wonder what's in the desert. I haven't allowed a human footpath for a long time. ”

Luther stepped up with the words.

The moment his foot is trampled into the desert, a monster detects vibrations and reveals them.

Quang! Quang! Kwaang!

The sand columns soar in a row from all sides, and the sound of fierce wings is heard.

Chiara opens her eyes.

“What's all that? ”

The rising sand disappeared and countless insects were threatening to build wings.

Luther glances at the flying bugs.

A worm the size of a palm of a hand, with a bee-like venom.

“Maybe they were sentries who kept secrets beyond the desert. ”

Wing! Wing!

The worms move like swarms of clouds and are threatening to rush towards the Luther.

It was the first obstacle in his way.

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