The group of Rafid Priests, who were expecting a special treat, were suddenly puzzled when they returned to the first floor of the Grand Hall of the Spire.

“Count Elmont. Where are you going? ”

“I'm going to eat. ”

“But why are you going out? ”

Luther is returning to where they came from.

The doubting Luther replied to them as if it were natural.

“Isn't it natural to go where the food is to eat? ”

“Looks like there's a restaurant outside. ”

“I'm not going to the restaurant. What do you want to eat? ”

According to Luther, the Rafid High Priest became a mute who ate honey.

I wasn't wrong, but I still wanted to do something special.

I asked him if he seemed absurd.

“Are you eating with ordinary people? ”

It was discriminatory.

No one else made a call about it.

Rather, it is a reaction that is natural.

I noticed how the High Priestess humbled herself with the ordinary people.

Luther looked at Ambassador Rapid and said,

“Once you try it, you'll have a different idea. ”

It was an unconscious aristocratic ritual, but Luther didn't point that out.

The world he wished for did not include the Priest Rapid.

Either it was wrong or not, Luther had no intention of interfering in his actions.

The expression of Ambassador Rapid became uncomfortable.

The atmosphere changed and all the paladins and priests secretly expressed dissatisfaction.

I couldn't believe it, but I really thought I'd humble myself with ordinary people.

Expectations were right.

Luther found a secluded tavern.

He pointed to a table that the owner had made sloppy.

“Sit over there. ”

“...... ”

The High Priest remained silent and the priest of Hawaii, who noticed his planting, stepped forward.

Hmmm. Hmm. ”

The coughing priest raises his eyebrows.

“Count Elmont. This is a little too much. How can you let the High Priest sit there? ”

The priest represented the heart of Ambassador Rapid.

I wanted to be treated, but I was angry with the market floor and the filthy assortment.

Luther didn't mind.

Rather he asked if there seemed to be a problem.

“Why shouldn't the High Priest be sitting there? ”

“Dirty and dirty. Let me show you to a more sensible place. ”

“This is the most plausible place in Elmont. ”

“That's ridiculous. ”

“Priest. Leave if you have any complaints. Elmont's leaving is filthy, so I can't treat you even if it's offensive to me. ”

Luther's cold reaction caught the priest's eye and blew it.

He shakes his head weakly.

That's useless.

The priest retreated, devouring him.

Ambassador Rapid said calmly.

“Please understand our priesthood's tenacity. I know I'm uncomfortable, but I think I was expecting a comfortable place. ”

It seemed to rebuke the priest, but it was a blasphemy against Luther, who had no place in the secret.

Suddenly, Luther's expression hardened.

“I deliberately set up an unbreakable position to speak with the High Priest, but I didn't think it would be offensive. ”

Luther didn't lose a word.

Turning the unholy place into an unbroken place, he offended the uncomfortable Rafid Priest.

Embarrassed Ambassador Rapid struck his hand.

“I didn't think that was the intention. Please don't get me wrong. ”

“Hmmm. Let's take a seat. ”

Luther deliberately sat down with an uncomfortable tee.

A brief protest increased the distance.

Xenon, the crusader who was secretly watching, blinked.

'Isn't he a wizard? That's a good horse. ’

Even within the church, the politically predisposed Pope pushed the Rafid into words.

It is never a trivial figure.

The High Priest Rafid wanted to take a look at the inconvenient tea route.

The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that it is impossible to appraise the body of the moment.

The flamboyant atmosphere instantly cooled down.

In the meantime, the owner of the tavern brought out food.

The group of priests who were expecting him swung their eyes.

Triple Fish was a fish, which looked extremely disgusting.

The priest, who protested, called out trembling.

“What is this horrible fish? ”

“Try it first. It tastes good. ”

The priest shouted violently.

“You want me to eat this horrible thing? Are you insane now?”

Everyone looked at how loud the voice was.

Luther woke up crying for joy.

“I can't bear to hear it. Look around. Everyone is eating this triple fish. Are you insane? How dare you speak to me, lord of this land and lord of Elmont! ”

At one point in his communion, the priest realized his impatience.

The priest solidified his face and apologized.

“I made a mistake. Forgive me.”

The archdiocese was in a hurry to evolve.

“I was surprised when I first saw it, and I made a mistake. Forgive him. ”

“I can't do that. ”

Luther said decisively.

“I'll get up first because disrespect can't sit together across the street. Please share your business later and leave quickly. ”

The ambassador's group was greatly embarrassed when he spurred his place.

As for Luther, I expected him to give me Billy, so I was thankful, but I had to take care of the situation somehow as an ambassador who was trying to build a temple in Elmont.

Ambassador Rapid was in a hurry.

“Count Elmont. Calm down. My priest really made a mistake. ”

“High Priest. We'll talk about it later. ”

As Luther leaves, the High Priest stares at the priest.

The priest did not raise his head easily.

The High Priest, who was staring at a priest with a falling head on the ground, gave him a long ceremony.

“Earl Elmont is not worth it. The plan for the future must be tough. ”

Even though the priest made a mistake, Luther's behavior was also problematic, which had no explanation for Triple Fish.

I wish I could say it tasted good even though it was unpleasant.

After the indifferent priests, Crusaders Xenon and Rioque approached and said a word.

“It seems that Count Elmont is deliberately trying to create discord. ”

“Do you think so? ”

“Yes, one of the two. Either there's hostility in the Church of Anes, or you're trying to take the lead in the negotiating process. I don't know which one, but he's a very evil man. You have to be careful.”

The final negotiations are up to Ambassador Rapid.

On the advice of the Crusaders, the face of Ambassador Rapid was filled with water.

“First of all, we were wrong to control it the way we felt. I can't help but focus on the ledger now. ”

Priest Rapid, who sighed, sat down and ate the flesh of Triple Fish.

His eyes widened sharply.

“This is really good. ”

“Are you?”

Following the Rafid Priesthood, another group also ate Triple Fish with one point and one point.

An admiration came to everyone's face.

“It's really delicious. I've never seen such a delicious fish. ”

“Ha, you didn't do the festival for nothing. ”

The gaze of those who were admiring touched the priest who naturally shouted.

“Just be careful what you say. ”

“I made a big mistake. ”

The more the Triple Fish is said to be delicious, the less the priest drops his head.

The High Priest didn't even give him eyes.

The objective of the priests in charge of the high priesthood is the ascension of the ranks within the temple.

The Church of Anes also has a strictly hierarchical presence, and the help of the High Priest is absolute if you want to go beyond the hierarchy.

However, the priest who made a mistake made a big mistake this time.

The high priest would let him go, and the rank of priest, who had become a broken kite, had to be seen to have crossed the water.

After returning to the office, Luther was satisfied with the unexpected appeal.

I was going to raise a quadruple anyway.

I tried to catch Billie, whether on my own or not, but the priesthood made things easier.

‘But it's not over yet. ’

But I can't blame a priest for a mistake and drive them out.

At the very least, it had to be profitable.

‘Anas, I'm going to show you that troublesome thing. ’

I will definitely be watching.

When Luther thought of it as annoying, a signal came from subspace.

I did something and it was Cox's comms.

Luther's gaze on his comms was strange.

‘Now the only dragon that survived on the ground is Cox. ’

Luther thought about telling me this.

Concerns were not long.

I made friends anyway, and I respected him.

What I had to tell you was obvious in a way.

Luther, who received the signal from the comms, injected Mana.

Cox's bright face appeared.

He smiled quietly.

“Friend. Long time no see. ”

“How have you been? ”

“Well, I'm doing just fine. What about you?”

“I've been a little busy lately. ”

Cox's complexion darkened when he said he was busy.

“If you don't mind, may I know? ”

Luther nods.

Cox seemed to know about the reaction.

“Actually, I was going to tell you. I went to the Dragon Realm and eliminated all the dragons there. ”

“Mm-hmm. You did. ”

Cox, who answered, hasn't answered for a while.

The look on my face made me feel like I had crossed paths.

Luther asked carefully.

“Are you okay?”

“For now. Haha, you don't have to worry at all. I'm not grumbling. But I'm just being nice. I'm surprised to hear that all my factions who have lived in Silver won for a long time have disappeared. ”

“But how did you know? ”

“Someone's here. He convinced me. Let's hold hands together. At the same time, he knows about you. ”

Luther's eyes flare.

“Who is that? ”

“This is hard to believe, but the opponent has completely concealed his identity. Oh, one thing is clear. It was a woman. She had a beautiful voice. ”

“A woman?”

The eyes of the returning Luther were strange.

‘Then it was a woman who taught the dragons how to summon monsters. What the hell are you? ’

Seeing that Cox knew who he was, he didn't seem to be an ordinary gambler.

Who the hell is she?

I also wondered for a moment.

Given Cox's confusing appearance, talking to him comes first.

“What are we going to do now? ”

“Well, I don't know. I just thought I'd stay quiet forever, so I couldn't do anything in vain. ”

“Don't do that, but don't come to Elmont. ”

“Elmont? Oh, you were the lord of Elmont. Haha. You want me to come to your territory? ”

“Yes, I serve good dishes. ”

“Hm. How did you know I was enjoying my food? Uh-huh. All right. It's been a long time since I've been here anyway. I'll see you soon.”

“I'm happy to welcome you. ”

“Hahaha. See you soon. ”

The conversation with Cox is over.

Luther thought about him.

‘I don't think he's going to have much grudge against me. ’

Even though I'm confused, it's a bit chilly.

Luther understood his reaction.

‘If you look at society, there can be no love for your kind. ’

They try to eat each other, but of course they get bored.

‘If you don't know, I need to talk to you. ’

Luther liked Cox.

He had the orientation of life that he wanted to live in.

Refusing restraint and living freely.

It was the life he truly wanted.

I want to keep my relationship with Cox as long as possible.

If you come to Elmont this time, I will burst my heart and talk to you deeply.

During Luther's vomit, the Movement Magic Squad throws up the Rafid Priest in the middle of the parlour.

When Luther stood up, he looked at the priest Rapid, smiling calmly, as if he had forgotten what had happened before.

‘Now I have to soothe Anes. ’

The real subject of negotiation was Anes, not Ambassador Rapid.

Luther welcomes High Priest Rapid, pondering how he can cheer her up.

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