9th Circle Lord

# 130 Academy

Ambassador Rapid, who was awake after Anes left, nodded his head.

Luther said.

“You must have been exhausted for a while. ”

“Oh, I lost consciousness for a second. ”

“Work is good, but health comes first. ”

Ambassador Rapid laughed at Luther's advice.

“That's it. I'm going to forget all about it and retire. ”

“It would be a huge loss of talent for the Anes Church. ”

“Hahaha. Word alone makes me feel good. But now that I'm bluffing, I guess I'm all old too. ”

“No, it's not. You can also earn and go. ”

In the words of Luther, who leaves room, there is hope in the face of Priest Rapid.

“What does that mean? ”

“Whatever anyone says, the Church of Anes is not the religion of the Vasco Empire. First of all, it is natural to respect human rights. ”

I was delighted in the eyes of Ambassador Rapid.

“Thank you for your consideration. ”

“But the conditions stick. ”

Luther didn't fall for it.

Priest Rapid swallowed his saliva while it was not yet fruitful.

“Is there anything you want? ”

“It's simple. Fishermen in Elmont are always worried about the weather at sea. We need specific blessings related to it. And there's no such blessing in Anes at the moment. Make it. Let's come and have a serious discussion. ”

The face of Ambassador Rapid became more severe in response to specific demands, and he nodded within.

“Very well. I've forgotten the characteristics of Elmont, too. We try to keep the people of Elmont in care of the Anes. ”

“If you bring me the conditions I want, I will build the Temple of Anes in Elmont. ”

“Haha. Thank you. ”

“Let's get this far. ”

Luther got up.

The High Priest stood up face to face and held Luther's hand with both hands.

“I hope you will smile and be satisfied when I see you again. ”

“I'm not too busy, but I look forward to seeing you again. ”

“Yes, of course. You can't hold someone busy for long. ”

Luther summons Zach to the status window.

Luther appeared to Jacques.

“Show me where the High Priest is staying. ”

Ambassador Rapid shakes his head.

“No, it's urgent, so I'll leave right away. ”

“The sun in Elmont is hot. Stay for a while. ”

“I'm in a hurry, so I can't stay still. Let's go back and study with each priest so that we can fulfill our demands. ”

“You can't do that. Take a look.”

“Yeah, I'll be right back. ”

The High Priest Rapid returns and Luther summons Kane.

“Did you call?”

“Ambassador Rapid of the Church of Anes has just visited. ”

“Oh, did you? What conversation did you have? ”

“I'm going to build a temple. I tried to slow it down, but I think it will be soon. ”

Kane was puzzled.

Luther doesn't deserve a temple.

He doubted that he would allow such a temple.

“Do we really need to enter the temple? ”

Kane left without liking it and noted that it was inefficient.

The reason why temples exist is because they are efficient before faith.

They are usually responsible for treating people like therapists.

But Elmont doesn't have to.

If it hurts, there is a Luther.

If any sickness passes through his hands, it is better as if he had washed.

But I wondered if I needed a temple.

Luther shakes his head.

“I can't help it. Know that for a reason. ”

“Yes. Then let's find out where to build the temple. ”

“Turn to the outskirts if possible. To the side where no one is looking. ”

Kane chuckles.

“I will definitely do that. ”

“And I'm going to set up an academy. ”

“The academy? ”

“Yes, I intend to expand public education for people. The quickest way to do enlightenment is to know how to write and read. So far, magic has been done by Kalua. ”

“Yes, she's gone. ”

“From now on, I teach magic. ”

Kane opens his mouth to Luther's answer.

“Is that true? ”

“There's nothing wrong with that. ”

“Amazing. If the Lord himself teaches you, people will be enthusiastic. As you know, for the people of the land, the Lord is like the sun. ”

Luther frowned.

Kane thought he'd like it, but it's a surprise and a flaw.

“No one shall idolize. The reason why I keep away from the Church is there. ”

A flawless Kane nods at the warning.

“Yes, I'll keep that in mind. ”

“There's nothing better about learning magic from me. Teaching is kind of gifted. I need an expert, but I can't help it now because I don't have the resources. ”

Luther didn't think he had the talent to teach himself.

But first I had to teach.

When you are educated and clean up the discipline, you become rational and organized.

If that were the case, nothing would happen to fall into the Church.

Luther pushes when he sets a goal.

He said.

“I need to be specific. If everyone wants to be educated in the academy, it will be fruitful if they focus on areas that are structured and achievable. ”

Graduating from an academy is enough to achieve good results in a field.

Luther established a concrete plan and embarked on progress.

The academy set up by Kalua in the centre of the city was transformed into a library.

The more libraries, the better.

Besides, the academy wasn't doing my part.

There was no one to teach.

No matter how motivated the locals were, they lacked the resources to guide them.

Luther needed to remove this part.

So I summoned Dolken and Elena.

“I need to get some air outside for a while. ”

“Yes, just say it. ”

“Get information from Barkoz and bring those who will excel in each discipline. Take this.”

Luther handed over a small woodlot.

“Open it. ”

“What is this? ”

When I opened the wooden box, there was a needle-like sharp needle, and the shade of the white bag on the floor was exactly halved.

“It is an absolute standard. ”


“If you assign this to someone to use, the needle will move. If the needle is followed by black, never embrace it. On the other hand, if it is white, persuade them not to obscure the means. ”

“Are you equipped with a separate function? ”

“Yes. It's a function of the role I play in accepting people at the gateway. It can't be used for many people, but it can be used efficiently for individuals. ”

“That's important. ”

“Yes, you should never lose it. ”


Luther, who was watching Dolken answer forcefully, gave Mana Stone to Elena this time.

“You'll be walking around a lot in the future. So, if there is a crisis that you don't know, hold this manna and call on my name. If you do that, I'll show up. ”

“Thank you, my lord. ”

“Now they all call me lord. ”

They used to call me Luther, and they all say "lord."

Elena smiles freshly.

“Now it's stuck to my mouth. And get along. ”

“Yes? I think I'm a good lord. ”

“You excel no more. ”

“Enough with your mouth shut and leave. I don't have time. I gave Barkoz the comms, so contact him in real time. ”

“I'm leaving right away. ”

Luther, who gave them the mission, found a place to set up an academy.

At last, a moderately high cliff on the shoreline caught my eye.

The scenery is nice and the wind is cool.

It is the optimal condition for establishing an academy.

“This will be the beginning of magic. ”

Luther began construction.

After pulling sand from the beach and desert, it hardened with hard crystals and began processing.

The floor is lined up with marble columns.

It was more like a temple than a spire.

Looking at the white light-sensitive building, Luther began a fine rescue.

Made primarily a training ground for practicing magic, and put permanent shields all over the place to prevent accidents from happening by magic.

Students built dormitories to live in and academies to train in.

With Luther picking up and kicking his arm, the huge building was completed less than half a day.

“Enough is enough. ”

He found Kane again.

“I need a uniform. ”


“Yes. You can't make a lousy, clueless robe out of an academy uniform. I need someone who has the talent to make it look good. Does anyone know? ”

“Ms. Rebecca, Jacques' wife, is quite gifted. ”


“Yes. It was also the occasion that you met Jacques' clothes so often. ”

Kane winked.

“That's why Zach would mess up his clothes on purpose. ”

“There was a talent nearby. ”

Luther took Kane's advice and found Rebecca.

Rebecca was pleased to hear Luther's offer.

“I'd be really happy to make an academy outfit. ”

“It's hard on your own, so you'd better work with a lot of people. ”

“Yeah, I'll do that. But what are you going to do about it? ”

“First of all, tops and pants. And I'm going to do it as a cape, not as a batch. ”

“Yes, but I don't have a lot of clothes. Most of the linen in the camps is made. ”

“Linen can't get good clothes. There's more to this than I thought. ”

The only thing left behind within the camp was the clothes.

Luther was disconnected from the outside, so I didn't think about the necessities.

“I see more work. ”

It's not one or two, it's the position of tens of thousands of conscious obligors, so there was too much to supply.

“First of all, I need to take care of my clothes. ”

People aren't so enthusiastic about knights.

Because the equipment they wear looks great.

Luther was not very conscious of the appearance, but wanted to build the pride of the students to be educated in the future.

Then I had to make decent clothes.

Luther thinks about how to get good clothes. Suddenly, the first island comes to mind.

“The original island was the home of the dragons. Everything there was useful. ”

The monsters there were a kind of necessity to lead the life of the dragons.

Luther thought there was something he could use, and moved to the original island.

After searching for the seeds of darkness sown by the Demon King of Chaos, I fell on the island in the first place.

Luther found the White Worm in the depths of the jungle among many monsters.

The monster white worm is a caterpillar, and its hunting style resembles that of a spider.

I used the thread drawn from my anus to capture food with traps or nets.

Luther was very impressed.

The method of hunting is a good way to hit and pick the second thread.

He deliberately wanders around the White Worm's habitat for prey.

Of course, the White Worm didn't stand still as the prey wandered around.


A net made of white worm thread struck him with a sharp sound.

Luther touched the net.

Tough, but soft.

“This should make you feel good. ”

Soft as silk and tough as leather.

In the meantime, the White Worm has been crawling around with a heavy body to hunt for captured prey.

Luther tears the net and lifts the caterpillar.

I smacked him like a whip to make a fuss.

Luther picks up nets and caterpillars and reveals herself in Rebecca's home again.


Rebecca screams at the caterpillar.

After calming down, I put out a net made of thread.

“What do you think?”

Rebecca's eyes twirl as she touches the thread.

“It's very curly and soft. Where did you get this? ”

Luther points to the White Worm.

Rebecca's eyes fluttered.

After a while, she nods.

“I can make it look good enough. But it's too tough, and it's not easy to cut. ”

“I'll give you a good tool. So please work hard to make clothes for academy students in the future. ”

“Yes, leave it to me. ”

Hearing Rebecca's pledge, Luther now conceived the name of the most important academy.

‘I wish Elmont Academy of Magic. ’

After completing his assignment, Luther began to convene students in earnest.

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