Doris didn't find Marquis Potts for nothing.

Marquis Potts is the key lateral muscle of the Trinity.

His breath is not enough to drop the bird of heaven yet, but at least no one can hear him.

In the meantime, Doris, who had paid countless bribes to Marquis Potts, was so anxious.

Face to face with Marquis Potts, who has never dared to allow it.

The financier knocked on the Marquis's office.

“Marquis. I'm a financier.”

“Come in.”

When I opened the door, I saw the solemn image of the Marquis sitting at the desk, along with the scent of the book.

The Marquis pointed to Doris, the fiscal officer with his head lightly down.

“Who's the author? ”

Doris bowed and greeted me with a handsome look.

“Nice to meet you. Doris Merchant State is called Doris. ”

The financier explained.

“This guy was involved with the Elmont guy. ”


Marquis, who shined his eyes, raised his body.

He stares at Doris as he approaches.

“What happened? ”

“The men of Elmont intercepted the woman Doris was after. The situation seems to be moving with the intention of Count Elmont, not arbitrarily. ”

“Oh, yeah? Elmont moved during this awkward time, right? ”

Marquis Potts stares at Doris with his gaze.

I didn't do anything wrong, but Doris got stabbed for nothing.

“Bring in the goblins. I need to think about what to do with them. ”

It was an ambitious view, but it was instantaneous for the spines to gather in one place.

Clerk, finance officer, article director. And even Count Algiers, brother of Marquis Potts and master of the Sword.

Doris seemed to be suffocated by the comforts of the witches.

Moreover, the seat was also the seat of the Senate.

Marquis Potts himself sat him down and pointed to everyone.

“I would ask you once again for a kind explanation for those here. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Pale Doris stuttered and repeated the story to the financier.

At the end of the story, Earl Alzarin asked.

“Did a woman named Vanessa have an issue? ”

“Well, I'm not sure that's it. ”

“Why don't you know? That's the most important profit right now. If you know anything, don't hide it. ”

Doris came to mind at the time of Count Algiers' ascent.

He pleaded.

“I mean, really. I don't really know why they took my wife. ”

“No way. There must be a reason. I have to investigate her back. ”

The financier replied.

“You know, I've already made up my mind. If you just wait a little while, the information will be here soon. ”

The parchment arrives in the parchment room in clumps terribly before the end of the speech.

I questioned the look on the faces of those who looked in.

“What the hell is the reason? You're just a fallen nobleman, aren't you? ”

“Is there anything special? ”

“There's one. Her father, Baron Barnes, was responsible for the water supply and sewer works. ”


Marquis frowned.

“I can't be sure of this. ”

“I think we should approach it. ”

“What if I don't want to offend you? ”

Marquis Potts had a one-sided encounter with Earl Elmont.

To proceed with the posse as the other princes did.

At that time all the other princes' neighbours were gathered together.

Earl Elmont pollinated the conversation of seedlings that had to go in and out of there in secret, causing trouble for everyone.

Marquis Potts did not underestimate Earl Elmont.

Earl Elmont is an ambitious and prestigious man.

I'm afraid I won't get along very well.

“What do we do with this? ”

I asked the Marquis what the Clerk was thinking.

“Actually, whatever they did, it's not that important, is it? ”

“What are you talking about? Doesn't matter? ”

“What I'm trying to say is that our purpose is to improve our relationship with Earl Elmont, right? Whatever he does, it doesn't matter to us. ”

The secretary said as if nailed.

“It's important that we find ways to improve our relationship. ”

“Yes, that's right. That's more important. ”

Marquis nods at Doris.

“Let the author go. ”

“What about Doris' request? ”

“What request? ”

“Bring me a woman named Vanessa. ”

Doris was then painted when my work came out.

I eagerly looked into the eyes of the mourner, and the marquis expressed his gratitude.

“That would be hard. If Elmont takes a woman named Vanessa, there's no way we can stop her. I'm sorry.”

“Marquis. Please help me.”

“There's nothing we can do. ”

The Marquis's decisive answer led Doris to stretch her shoulders.

A diplomat who was watching him closely made one suggestion.

“Why don't you do this? I'm using a guy named Doris. ”

Marquis laughed.

“I thought of that, too. Let's make a case because he's obsessed with a woman named Vanessa. After the quadrant, we'll help. ”

“Let's make a debt. ”

“Yeah, let's keep this a secret. Let go of Doris' hand before he finds another noble. ”

A diplomat has risen.

“I'm going to start right now. ”

“I don't expect it.”

Marquis, who smiled, rubbed his hands.

“If you get his heart, you can make the Trinity Emperor. ”

Count Elmont has a contribution to healing the Emperor.

If I could contain him, I would be very likely to see the glorious light of glory to the tribal princes who push them away.

Doris headed straight to the tavern to escape the Marquis in a powerless wagon.

If it is difficult for Marquis Potts to believe in himself the most, it is the same elsewhere.

After drinking, he soon became very drunk.

Vanessa's face rises like a welcome in the air.

Angry and cylindrical.

A man dressed as Rob approaches Doris in a furious rage.

“Doris Merchant State. Right?”

“But who are you? ”

It's very suspicious to cover Robro's whole body.

A suspicious man told him that Nazi

“There is a way to get Miss Vanessa back. ”

Doris' spirit awakened.

He stuttered and asked.

“Guys, how do you know that? ”

“If you think about it yourself, you'll notice why I know it. ”

“Well, then? Four, Marquis Potts? ”

“I warn you, never put that name in your mouth again. This is done in secret. ”

On a man's advice, Doris nods at elongation with her eyes wide open.

“Absolutely. I will never take that name out. ”

“Tonight. Prepare the wagon and wait at the Breath of Fire Inn. ”

The Breath of Fire Inn was where those who came to Elmont and Vanessa stayed.

Doris nods at elongation.

“I will do as I say. ”

“It's midnight tonight. ”

The man that Najic said left.

Doris couldn't hide his joy.

“Then it is. I paid Marquis Potts a lot of bribes, but of course I should help. ”

Even Marquis Potts is not worth it, no matter how wishful Elmont is.

Doris, who was drunk, hurriedly moved as if he had done so when.

Since the plan was in front of me, I also had to be prepared.

Elena was troubled when Gordon didn't show up at the inn, even at the appointment time.

“It seems strange. Why isn't the Wizard Gordon coming? ”

“You must be busy organizing the perimeter. I heard you have a patient to take responsibility for. ”

The healing wizard, Gordon, promised to take care of the patients and join them before leaving.

And I decided to show up at the inn today.

But he didn't reveal himself.

Elena didn't feel good.

“So when we first met, we got hit by a gang. I didn't ask why. ”

I didn't ask because the person was so bright and didn't want to take it out.

But I should have asked why.

That way I could explain the reason for my absence now.

Elena, who sat nervously, finally stood up unbearably.

“I don't think I feel good. I have to go back to his place. ”

Dolken presses her shoulders.

“I'll go. We need you here. ”

He pointed to Vanessa and Eric with a snowflake.

Elena nods.

“Investigate what happened. ”

“Got it."

Dolken left.

After a long and proper meal, Eric smiled widely.

“It's so delicious. ”

Vanessa smiled bluntly.

“Have you eaten a lot? ”

“Yeah, I'm full. ”

The clerk gave out the car.

“It's a car that helps digestion. I'm just giving it to you, so enjoy. ”

“Oh, thank you. ”

Three people drank tea without a doubt.

Eric asked Elena, reminding her of Dolken's departure.

“Is there anyone waiting? ”

“Yes, he's as brilliant as your sister. ”

Vanessa shows curiosity.

“Who are you? ”

“A wizard. He's very talented, but his circles are low, so he's not getting any recognition around him. ”

“Too bad.”

“I'm going to use my abilities in Elmont now. ”

“I'm looking forward to it.”

“You'll probably like it when you meet them. He's a bright man who doesn't bend over to the surroundings. ”

Vanessa nods.

Eric, who unconsciously saw the entrance to the inn, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Eh! That guy! ”

In the direction he pointed, there was Doris smiling savagely.

Eric screams as he wakes up.

“Why did you come here! You bastard! ”

Doris slowly approaches Eric's cry.

When Elena got up, Nazi said.

“Why did you come here? ”

Doris cries aloud.

“I've come to get my wife! ”

I still couldn't give up my foolishness.

Elena stares at Doris without a word.

Dolken was not the only Expert.

WARNING Her young gaze suddenly frowned and Doris trembled.

‘Well, she's not normal either. ’

This is not the time.

Doris exclaimed.

“It's her! Kill her! ”

Fearful of falling his musical instruments, assassins surround the inn.

“What the hell!”

Doris smiles coldly at her in a panic.

“Hahaha! Bitch! What did I tell you? I said I'd pay you back! I'll let you pay for taking my woman! ”

The assassins were ruthless.

They started killing all the people at the inn.


“It's murder!”


Assassins approach.

Elena said in a rush.

“Hide under the table! ”

There is no fluctuation in the warnings.

When I looked back, the two of them fell down with their heads buried on the table.

Looking closely, I'm sleeping.

Why are they sleeping?

Elena was troubled by the sudden drowsiness.

You're on a sleeping pill! ’

There was probably a problem with the car the clerk brought.

She bites her nails and bleeds.

At least the sleeper went.

‘I won't stand still. ’

I want to kill Doris right away, but the enemies are coming.

The assassin pushes the sword towards her.

At that time, Elena's hand moves like lightning and pulls out her sword.


The assassin's body was cut off.

The assassins, who were in such a good mood, stopped.

The encounter was brief.

Elena, who counts the numbers, kicks the weapon of the assassin's body on the floor.

Wedging fluid!

A dagger full of feet aims for the assassin's forehead with a bitter wave.


An assassin with a dagger on his forehead collapses like a sandcastle.

At the same time, Elena sweeps everywhere.

I panicked in the eyes of trained assassins.

Assassins have fallen impatiently in the ranks of Expert.

Doris panicked, and even more distant figures were surprised.

“That's why I'm going to end it alone. ”

“I'm not going to get in the way of this. ”

“It's not the time to do this. I have to go and get some fresh color right now. ”

They rushed into the inn restlessly.

Once we get rid of Doris, we have to stop his mouth.

But all of a sudden things got worse.


Elena waves her sword at the siege that appears behind her.

Quaa 'ang!

The sword is pushed and she rolls around the floor.

She knew what she was blocked by.


Her eyes deepen and a crowd appears in the direction of the magic shot.

When the wizards appeared, the question fell into her eyes.

Why are they attacking themselves?

I had no idea what was going on.

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