9th Circle Lord

# 154 KRW Betrayal3

I have no choice but to think differently.

When Naxanore's portal opens and the Demon King appears, this world cannot be captured.

At worst, at least there was a good thing.

I didn't know when or what would happen, but I was preparing for it, and only now can I see the light.

Luther opens the status window.

And I tried to contact everyone through him.

[It's an emergency. I'll start evacuating now.]

It was urgent, but not in a hurry.

When prompted, confusion is weighted.

Luther has been told to remain calm.

All who could be contacted through the status window doubted this.

The first Kalua reacted.

[Master. What's going on?]

[Naxanore's Demon King appeared.]

[The Demon King?]

Kalua's rebellion was what everyone felt.

The Demon King. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Luther said decisively in the middle of the doubt.

[Now follow me, even if it's hard to understand. Assemble people now and gather everyone in a confined space. We must hurry.]

[Yes, Master.]

[Roger that. I'll start convening right now.]

It was a sudden notice, but everyone followed without a clue.

For them, Luther is an absolute being like God.

His orders are absolute.

While everyone was preparing, Luther summoned the spiritual kings.

The spiritual kings knew Naxanore well.

Everyone was astonished at his news.

“Oh, my God! ”

Noah did not speak in shock.

Salion hurriedly asked.

“Who the hell is that? ”

“That's not what matters now. We don't have time. Gather the Elves. I'm going to start a big move. ”

“What if it's a move?”

“Yes. I'm going to the world I've created, perhaps. ”

Minerva screams for elasticity.

“Good job keeping your eyes open! If you hit the hippocampus, you'll be eaten by Naxanore. ”

Elyme's face hardened.

“We also need to be prepared. We need to disconnect this world from Naxanorian monsters. ”

“Can you take care of it? ”

Noah's question reminded Luther of the Demon King of this world.


The spiritual kings nod as they explore the possibilities.

“All right. I'll start the evacuation. ”

“Call me right away when you're done. I'll make my move right away. ”

“Got it."

Mystic contacted me terribly before the answer to the Spirit King was finished.

[Master. We all assembled.]


[I was only active in sulphuric acid anyway.]


He was directed jointly by a spatial shift of sulphuric acid.

As Luther reveals himself, the Gentiles shake their arms.


My naive face is full of bright smiles.

I don't have time to complain.

The landed Luther told the Gentiles.

“I have a problem with this world and I need to get out of my seat for a while. I'll let you know as soon as I turn off the fire, so trust me and follow me. ”

I opened my eyes with a circle of heterosexuals gathered together.

What the hell happened?

The question was brief.

Luther immediately set up a magic camp on the floor.

All the foreigners stood in the enchanted camp.

He immediately attempted to move the space in that state.

In an instant, the world of creation appeared.

The foreigners nodded their heads.

It's clear and sunny, unlike the gloomy surrounding Sulphur Mountain.

Kalua approaches.

“Master, what happens now? ”

“Once you are safe. I'm in a hurry. I'll talk to you later. ”

Luther returned to the broken world without time to explain.

The status window has alerted you.

This time it was Kane.

[My Lord. We are ready.]

[Got it.]

This time it was Elmont.

Elmont was also in a confined space in the first place, so it was not difficult to convene.

Besides, Cox's help was great.

Cox rushed from the moment Kane heard that Luther was in an emergency.

Cox knew Luther's enemy.

They are the monsters of Naxanore.

Of course, it's an emergency, which means it's related to him.

Cox's action brought people together in an instant.

Luther appeared, but did not mix words with each other.

They were realizing each other's sincerity.

Luther moved all the citizens of Elmont he convened.

In an instant, Elmont citizens became familiar with the Sultan's xenophobia, which transformed the environment and revealed itself to the world of creation.

“It's Mom!”


Everyone who saw each other was amazed because it was the front.

Luther left their sudden confrontation behind and moved back to the broken world.

When it reappeared, the world changed a lot.


The darkness subsides during the day and the bloody clouds encroach upon the sky.

Luther's face darkened.

‘Too fast. ’

Naxanore's influence has been encroaching on the world ever since.

Let's hurry. Luther immediately moves to Dragon space where Chiara is.

Chiara was the leader of the Demibeasts, so the gathering was quick.

The problem, however, is the activities of the Demibeasts.

They were scattered throughout the forest, making it difficult to assemble in one place.

Chiara became urgent.

She was looking up at the sky, too.

The bloody sky is gloomy.

Something bizarre is happening.

Gather the Demibeasts who feel the need to gather to the village, but it is still slow.

In the meantime, Luther appeared next to her like that.


“Let's say hello later. ”

Luther pulls the Demibeasts with his magical power.

The Demibeasts were dragged to the village without hesitation.

Luther casts a straightforward spatial shift after roughly gathering all the nearby Demibeasts.

Quaa 'ang!

Going to his own world of creation, a blasphemy appeared.

The power of darkness began to block Teleport Runner.

Luther breaks the power of darkness with his bare eyes.

With the power of darkness shattered, Chiara and the Demibeasts moved safely into the world of creation.

Once again, the world of creation was dazzled by the advent of the Demibeasts.

The broken world that had returned was getting worse.

It was not just the environment that changed, but the power of darkness that was shattering the Rune language that was the backbone of the world.

This way, space movement is not easy to write.

Anes hastily started coping from the moment he opened the portal, but he still didn't have time.

The spiritual kings appeared by Luther's side.

Minerva exclaimed.


“Stand by for the gathering place. I'll be there.”

On his instructions, the spiritual kings disappeared.

I saw the location, and I was away from the rhythm.

Luther headed to the place where Elyme was closest.

The elves and dwarves tremble, pointing at the sky with a confused face.

It has just escaped the dragon's control, and it looks like it has been eaten by Naxanore.

Luther immediately moved the space without greeting.

Qaaaah! Qaah!

The power of darkness, tightened like a spider web, blocked Luther's Mana.

It used to be a fierce waterfall, but this time it's fierce like a tide.

But Luther is not a decent person either.

He deals with Ener Soul.

The will is soon to come true, and Naxanore's power of darkness has never been different from that of the world.

Quaa 'ang!

He breaks through the fierce resistance and sends the heterosexuals convened by Elyme into the world of creation.

The flowing Luther sequentially rescued the heterosexual herd convened by Minerva and Elyme.

Finally, it was a group of heterosexuals convened by Salion.

Salion's expression was not good.

“Look over there! ”

He pointed to the front that appeared to Luther.

Luther's face was dark.

The monsters were approaching in the sky.

Each one looked different, but the form was bizarre.

It seems to be attached to the body of several creatures.

Luther shoots Mana at them.

Magic Hell Fire.


A huge flame that looks like it's about to be swallowed up sweeps forward.


Tens of thousands of Naxanorian monsters have become ashes and disappeared.

Luther was not reassured.

Because I felt a huge presence behind the coming procession of monsters.

It was an earring of turtles and alligators, and countless monsters were emerging from the small holes of the entire body.


An elf shed a desperate groan.

Luther looked at the beast that produces the beast.

A long neck grows above the middle of the ear shell, with a large head.

The red sheep's eyes were shining brightly on his head.

A voice came out of both eyes.

“How dare you think you can avoid us? ”

"The Demon King."

He was precisely identifying his intentions.

Luther insisted on a better way than raising a precedent.

First, we had to keep the Salyons and the Gentiles safe.

However, in the face of the situation, I did not seem to be hesitant.

Luther deliberately found a gap.

When he tries to run the enchantment, the King of Ears bursts into the light.

“Hahaha! Where are you going! ”

As if someone were pulling, the Demon King approached like a shot.

Luther holds Ener Soul in his Mana as he approaches.

Spear of Death. Death Spear.

Combining Ener Soul, Death Spear was a new magic spell made in Luther's Creative Rune.

‘Pull the time. ’

Luther blows Death Spear to the Demon King.

At the same time, he cast space movements.

Wedging fluid!

Des Spears, who tore through the air, strikes the face of the Demon King.


The deaf devil laughed.

It seemed reasonable and the power was lousy.

But the laughter was also brief.

The exploding Death Spear is sacked like a void.

With him, the popularity around him disappeared.

There was no way that popularity would suddenly disappear.

The Death Spear explodes and the fog of Putrin is distracting the Devil King's ability to detect the target.

The deaf devil cries out bitterly.

“How dare you! ”


The fog sucks into the Devil King's body as he breathes heavily.

When the senses returned, the Demon King watched the front.

The opponent's place was empty until a little while ago.

He puts out his red tongue.

“Found it.”

The opponent has left a trail.

The Demon King was also a familiar force.

Soul power through void.

The Demon King's gaze touched the air.

His eyes were filled.

“There you are! ”

I can never run away unless I'm aware of it.

The Demon King followed the clue left by Soul.


Once again, the light of space travel revealed itself.

The spiritual kings of Zomazoma sighed with relief as the Sallions and the Gentiles appeared.

However, the atmosphere was a novice.

“I left my son! ”

“My daughter! ”

The cries of the heterosexuals in the Dragon Realm were overwhelming.

There were xenophobics who were unable to join because of the urgent evacuation.

After escaping from the broken world, Luther went through his own world of creation.

I still couldn't be reassured.

Ener Soul is used in the event of a malfunctioning Runner due to the power of darkness.

And the Devil knows Ener Soul.

I was worried they might come after me.

We must prevent Naxanore's demons from invading.

Luther manipulated Rune language to prevent anyone but himself from entering the world of creation.

Naxanore, however, was a place filled with unconscious monsters, and so was King of the Eared Horses.


Suddenly the world of creation shook violently.



At the same time, everyone screamed.

An earring king appeared above the sky.

He laughed.

“Uh-huh. Where are you going? ”

Luther's eyes shake.

The Demon King was no longer the Demon King.

I pierced through my own space-time.

Luther immediately rises to the sky.

He looked carefully at the Demon King who appeared.

Fortunately, it was not current.

He was stepping into the gaps in the world of creation.

Luther performs Ener Soul with all his might.

The Demon King also sowed his power.

The confrontation between Ener Soul is tense.

The difference in power lies ahead of the Demon King.

But this world was Luther's power.

Moreover, constituent materials were also the backbone of runners.

When Runner and Ener Soul were unfolded, even the Earring Demon King couldn't easily hit Luther.

The power of tenacious power swung like a hurricane.

The parallel is finally over.

Even the Demon King could not stay in space-time for a long time.

It is swept away by a void that lingers for a long time in a space of time that no one can control.

The void was the world the Demon Kings feared the most.

The King of the Ears swallowed up the fury.

“I'll come back one day. At that time, we will encroach on this whole world. ”

The proclaimed Earring Demon King used a unique technique that agglomerated the power of darkness on Luther to see if he deserved to retreat.

A clandestine black hand.

The power of darkness reaches the heart of Luther without even knowing the rat or the bird.



Looking at the bloodpuking router, the King of Ears retreats and bursts into laughter.

“Hahahaha! Leave it. I will come back! ”

The Luther falls to the ground, with less than a handful of power remaining as the Ear Demon King disappears and consumes power.

Those spirits left him.

I came to him with no one who was so desperate.



“My lord!”

Everyone cried his name aloud.

But Luther didn't wake up.

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