9th Circle Lord

# 167 Hypothetical 3

Luther didn't try to find an old connection.

‘I'm sure he'll be fine. ’

Every race has its own home to prosper in.

Now that society has been established and civilization has evolved, you won't have to take care of yourself.

Of course, I didn't completely let go.

‘I can't see the Demon King. It's still in the void. ’

A demon king who was trapped in a self-made void and chased after a clue of enlightenment.

And he was shocked by the fact that he was licensed.

Now where did his choice go?

‘I wanted to see you, but I can't see you. ’

It is not difficult to control the world for a licensed router.

And there is no sign of the Demon King anywhere.

‘Probably one of the two. Still in the void, or become a god. ’

If I became a god, I would celebrate.

Luther is positive about the presence of the Demon King.

Without him, he would not have known Ener Soul, nor would he have been empty.

‘It should be good. ’

It was not going to be solved with a day or two, so I hoped that the efforts of the Demon King would be fruitful.

The girl across the street, thinking deeply. Elaine gazes at him with her gaze.

“What are you thinking so deeply? You just spilled it in my ear, didn't you? ”

“I'm listening to everything. ”

“You were listening to me? They're smoking something else.”

“Once you deduce, my age is all wrong. ”

Twenty lines to forty, but no.

Elaine clasped her arms.

“You're not telling me on purpose, are you? Don't you keep it too secret without even introducing yourself? ”

“Tell me more about you than that. How's life at the Elmont Magic Academy? ”

“Ha! Mister. Do you know why I burned you? Because I made a bet. You know, if I keep avoiding answers and lying, there's no reason for me to burn you? ”

“No. You would have burned me if you hadn't made a bet. ”

Elaine narrows her eyes to a firm answer.

“Why are you so confident? ”

Luther stares at Elaine's face.

Her heart was pale red.

It was a heart that meant liking reason.

A smiling router softly said.

“You like me. That, too, has a rational liking. ”

An angry Elaine raised her voice at Luther's direct words.

“What are you talking about! ”

When she screamed, there was a fuss outside.

“Lady! Are you all right! ”

Elaine, who quickly sank into the cold with Elburn's cry.

“Don't stand there until I call you. ”

“But you yelled. ”

“Never mind, it's nothing. ”

Luther fills her tongue with a decisive answer.

“Your attitude towards Elban is cruel. You need to be more generous. ”

Elaine raises her eyebrows to the point.

“You. You know what I just said? ”


“I'll let you know. Are you saying I like you? ”

“I don't think so yet, but it's awkward. It's like a sandcastle that's about to collapse with your hands. What do you like about me? ”

Luther was confident and openly asked.

Elaine's face ran up like a flashlight.

She stuttered.

“Well, what's that supposed to mean? ”

“It's not just you. So are the two ladies here. ”

Luther alternates with the maids sitting quietly on Elaine's left and right.

The maids who were looking at the Router were blushing their cheeks at the direct words of the Router.

The flawless Elaine and the snowy maids fell down in amazement as if they were on fire.

Elaine pokes at the router.

“Now you're a cheater. ”

“This is interesting. ”

Luther was miraculously illuminated when all three of them were fond of him.

“There are all these days. I can't believe I'm attractive to reason. ”

Regret was different.

In his youth, it was also because of his reputation, but women were frightened when they saw him alone.

Even if it was the first time I saw it, the generosity was obvious.

But until now, I have been favored by reason.

Luther strokes his face.

“Is my face being eaten by reason in this era? ”

Luther's own words have been blocked, and Elaine's words have been blocked.

He twisted his orange head to the left and asked the cute maid.

“Lady, tell me the truth. Where do you like me? ”

The maid, who was identified, bowed her head with a red face.

Elaine raised her voice.

“Are you going to keep playing nice? And why do you keep hitting on my maid? Are you interested?”

“I didn't think I'd answer you honestly, even if I asked you. Then you tell me. Where do you like me? ”

“What the hell did you say before! ”

Luther smiles at the excitement of Elaine, who shouts aloud.

I didn't know Luther, but the modern era was filled with such a shabby impression.

It has a distinct eye area and sharp eyes.

The body was dry, but the atmosphere is also mysterious, whether the shoulders are wide, torn, or empty.

Is that so?

I didn't do it in color, but all the women in the wagon were attracted to Luther.

Luther mutters like a loner.

“This is also good. ”

Elaine sits on her forehead.

This is not yourself.

He is not his usual confident and confident self.

Elaine asked coldly.

“What do you mean good? ”

“In the meantime, it was far from normal life. I had to fight all the time. My life was cold and dry and I was also miserable. ”

I have endured heavy pressure in any form and lived up to my responsibilities.

That's why I wanted to escape from my first life.

But the second life was also not free.

And it was only until now that the rest of my heart came to me with a third life.

“It's not bad to live like this. Maybe it's the life I really wanted. ”

In Luther's self-muttering, the maids looked at me with both their hands.

His deep eyes have a strange charm that attracts the mind.

Elaine also lost her horse and looked at Luther.

The more I looked at it, the more I wanted to know and feel.

Regardless of women's minds, Luther was good at the moment.

“If you fulfill the responsibilities I have been given. Until then, you'll have to enjoy and feel more. ”

I thought it would be good to get close to what I had gone so far to maintain a sensitive sensation.

Drinks, women, and entertainment.

Luther laughed with a single chew.

“If it's too blurry, it's okay. ”

Chiara will also like her changed self.

Elaine whispers like a crustacean.

I wanted to say something, but when I saw Luther, I felt like someone was poking me in the heart.

Elaine said calmly.

“What the hell are you mumbling to yourself about? ”

Luther looked at Elaine, and asked her.

“I want to know the history of human beings in the last decade, do you know it? ”

Elaine couldn't help but talk to Luther.

“What the hell are you talking about? You want me to tell you human history? Don't you know anything? ”

“I've been asleep for a while and I don't know much. ”

“You slept? You haven't slept in 10 years? ”

“Older than that. ”

“Do you think I believe that? ”

Luther smiled.

“Believe it or not, it's your heart. Now, what's the answer to my question? ”

I've been drawn to him since I got on the wagon.

Elaine sighs as she glimpses Luther.

“Somehow I keep swinging at you. I'm not like this originally. ”

“What happened to the Vasco Empire? ”

“The Vasco Empire? ”

Elaine frowns.

“Are you referring to the Southern Empire that was destroyed seven hundred years ago? ”

“Seven hundred years? You're old. Why did you perish? ”

“Why. Elmont Federation. No, it was the Empire. Destroyed by the Elmont Empire. ”

Elaine knew history well.

She explained.

“We took down the Vasco Empire and united the continent. It was the greatest achievement of Emperor Jillian. ”

“Emperor Jillian? ”

“No way. You don't know Emperor Jillian of Hojo? ”

“No, I know. Very well. ”

Luther, who laughed bitterly, felt regret.

‘I promised to watch, but you didn't. ’

I wanted to go back and see her again, but I didn't.

He recalls Jillian, who was at the time, but Elaine recalls Jillian, who was a great emperor and cannabis.

“Emperor Jillian's achievements in building the Elmont Federation and opening the Mado era have been worthless all day. He was great.”

“I think so. So you're still the Elmont Empire? ”

“It's a federal state now. One of the achievements of Emperor Jillian is the Federation. I bled to a minimum for the gift of the Mado era. Political fights are fierce right now, but we're still not at war with each other. Either way, I'm one of them. ”

“Does that mean it's not a bloody world anymore? ”

“That's right. With the war gone, security has stabilized and people's lives have improved. That's the present. ”

“Yes, better than in the past. ”

“I don't understand what you're saying. When the hell was your past? ”

“Somehow I wanted to be quiet outside. The surrounding area is a bulwark across the mountains. It's a good construction matrix to be raided by bandits and bandits. Everyone looks back except Elburn. Maybe that's the effect, isn't it? ”

“Why do you keep avoiding words? First of all, that's the question. Hiring a mercenary, Elburn, is all he's good at as a guide to the portal gate. ”

The world has stabilized, so many mercenaries have lost their position.

According to Elaine, if you're a mercenary, you have to keep your fist and pitch. Or he seemed to be just a guide.

It was a change in the position of mercenaries as the situation stabilized.

Luther swept his chin.

“Then you're too old to be a mercenary. ”

I don't think I have the same respect as before.

Even if Illien's attitude toward Elburn is known right now.

He's a child. He treats Elburn like a child.

It was unimaginable before.

Elaine's eyes narrowed again.

“You weren't even a mercenary and you were going to be a mercenary? ”

“I tried to do it because it was worth it. It was an easy and enlightening job to get through anywhere. But now I guess not. ”

“How dare you. What the hell are you? ”

“I can't handle it even if I say so. And once we know who I am, we have to break up here. ”

“What do you mean by that? Can't you tell me your name? ”

“His name is Luther. ”


The flawed Elaine has a strange twitch.

“Are you a wizard? ”

“Why did you think that? ”

“The name of the Miracle Wizard was Luther. Earl Elmont. He also excavated Emperor Jillian. A great man.”

“How did you know that? ”

“It's written in history, of course. It was also a name that was often mentioned in the Emperor's book. Anyway, it's kind of interesting that it's like his name. Are you a miracle wizard? I healed the emperor of the Vasco Empire, took the Elmont province, built a city, set up an academy, and made him a disciple of Emperor Jillian. ”

It's as if he knows his deeds.

Luther praised Elaine's knowledge with a smile.

“You've studied a lot. ”

“It's amazing and interesting. Since he was there, Emperor Jillian existed, so I am interested because he is the beginning of the Elmont Federation. ”

Elaine laughed and asked.

“Are you the magician of the miracle? ”


It has now become far from itself in the past.

Luther, who answered decisively, swept his jaw.

“I think the wizard is still being treated, but I need to act like a wizard. ”

Elaine opens her eyes.

“What? Are you really a wizard? ”

“Let's just say that for now. ”

“You're not lying, are you? ”

“Quite a healing wizard than you look. ”

“How do you believe that? ”

“I can prove something. ”


“I will heal your hands. ”

Elaine was wearing gloves only on her left hand.

It means there is a reason for seedlings to hide unless only the left hand is in a toxic cold.

But Luther immediately noticed and offered to solve the secret she wanted to hide.

Elaine's eyes twitch at the end of the day.

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