9th Circle Lord

# 171 Horse Match 2

For this reason, it was simple.

Even though it was a qualifying game, it could not afford the sign that jumped into the kingdom of heaven.

Duke sighs.

“I can't even get into the preliminary round with more votes than last year. ”

“Of course it is. ”

In curiosity, Baron Canberra explained the cause of the right sign.

“Sir Carlts, who won last year, was a good performer in the Elmont final. Of course, Drake's horse race became famous. There's a lot of spectators to watch at the cost of expensive signs, so it's natural to climb. ”

Against the backdrop of the province's famous horse race, it was time for the continent's top performers to come together and perform well in the Elmont horse race.

The winner, Dreis Carlts, scored the final in the Elmont Horse Championship.

Of course, the attention was focused on dressing, and that's how much people came to visit and watch.

There were a lot of people to see, so the sign was up, and bad people like Duke couldn't even get a head start.

Luther offered Duke's family a hard time.

“If you can't handle the sign, I'll give it to you. ”

“Well, is that true? ”

“Of course, thanks to you, we have information that there is a horse race in Dreis, so you can think of it as an informant. ”

Canberra had a good laugh when she heard it.

“Now you're a thankful man. Don't do that. Join us. There's plenty of room, so it'll be great to watch. ”

“Thank you. Thank you very much. ”

Ruben tugs out and hugs Luther's leg as he moves through the impressive family.

“Are you joining us? ”


“Are you strong? ”

“Of course. I intend to win with my protégé. ”

Ruben laughs at his ambition.

“I'll cheer you hard. ”

Canberra confirms and urges time rather than wishing the two conversations bluntly.

“Let's go. We'll get started soon. ”

I entered the stadium with a group of Dukes who joined me.

It's time to break up with the Arena.

With the support of Baron Canberra's group and Duke's family, Luther headed to the horse race where the participants were headed.

The baron drags an even and sturdy brown horse towards the entry seat.

The order of Luther is approaching in the fierce neural warfare of good knights awaiting his turn.

Even in the preliminary round, the stadium was 10,000 seats.


“Maksen! Maksen! ”

“The Invincible Maxine! ”

An enormous man appeared on a black horse at the entrance opposite Nuran Stadium, and the audience seat was covered in deterioration.

He cries out in the open iron spear.

“Today is the day of Maksen! ”


Luther was more famous for his bursting screams.

An old worker, who was preparing to open the Iron Gate, kicked his tongue at Luther.

“The Knight hasn't been around since the first day of qualification. ”

Luther asked the sympathetic young gaze.

“What does that mean? ”

“Opponents across the street. Sir Maxine Cork, number three last year. Charge like a mad bull at the same time as the start, plunging your opponent to the ground with enormous force. Power was also brave enough to win even before I met Lord Carlson. ”

“That was a great knight. ”

He said that Luther's workforce seemed to be hard on the right footing.

“Since Lord Maksen's defeat last year, I have heard that he is much better than he used to be. The young knight is now flattered. ”


Luther laughs out the rest of the funny words of the old worker.

I don't know how long it's been since I've seen someone who looks down on him.

No wonder I didn't know the situation.

Luther smiles calmly with a smile.

“Long and short. ”

“Lord Maksen is strong. ”

“It's almost a battle, isn't it fun? People are enthusiastic about the duel because it can have unexpected results. ”

An old worker stares at Luther with a strange gaze.

I'm impressed with having a strong opponent.

The young knight's mind is not normal.

Labourer said.

“It could be a miracle. ”

“It's already happened. ”

In the meantime, the iron gate opens and Luther goes to the stadium.

The voice of the moderator informing the introduction growled.

“The next opponent is Baron Canberra's Knight! Lord Luther!”

Unlike the long-standing Maxen, a brief introduction was all.

The crowd cheered and shouted.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!”

It was a sign to fight.

Neither did the moderator want to pull the preliminary round.

“I'll start the Horse Duel from now on! ”

Could his cry have been a flare.

Magsen rushed in, fearful of the moderator's words falling.

The most important thing in the horse race was the acceleration and accuracy of the target.

You must run before the opponent.

“Come on!”

Luther also stepped forward, kicking the horse's boat.

The words were relatively slow.

Then, I felt different about running into each other.

Maxen's Charging Horse Spear is threatening, but Luther looks shabby.

Each other's energy is different.

Ruben, who was watching with nervousness, covered his face with the palm of his hand without even knowing it.

“No! ”

Baron Canberra is restless and bites his cheeky lips, and Duke rubs his wet palms against his knees.

An immediate situation is approaching.

Now we're close enough to see each other's faces.

Maksen started first.

He puts out a long horse spear.

Maksen had one span longer than the rest of his arm, as big as a sphere.

That's why it's physically more advantageous than the opponent with a level of strength to hold a heavy horse spear in one hand.


Maksen's attitude, which spit out the confusion, is horrible.

After finding out the target's distance, Luther puts out a window at the expected point.

It was relatively slow.

Now Charlna's settlement covers the battle.

Maksen's window was about to pass through Luther's window in an instant.

Luther bounces his wrist slightly, bouncing on Maksen's window.

Maksen's arms slightly swung up.

Even if you try to beat it, the pushing force is above expectations.

A slight biton trajectory passed over Luther's shoulders, and Luther was able to plug the Horse Spear into Maksen's prestige as predicted.

Maksen was evil at it.

In this way, it pushes and falls to the floor.

However, the flower of the match was a duel after the fall.

After defeating the impact that falls on the ground, the opponent also intends to pull down and see the battle.

So I prepared for the shock, and I gathered Mana and started preparing to hold on.

Despite his skillful handling, Maksen still despised his opponent.

Since he was relatively slower than himself, I thought that the strength of the spear should be enough to keep him away from the horse.

However, I broke my expectation when I hit it.

Quaa 'ang!

The wooden spear hits Maksen's prestige and pushes him forward.

The waist folded and at the same time floated into the air.

Maksen flew back faster than he had been.

Maksen, who drew the parabola, hit the floor.


After falling, I rolled the floor several times and cramped my whole body.

Therapists who were waiting for an emergency ran to Hulk Bite Maksen.

The therapists who saw Maksen swung across their arms.

It means he's lost his mind.


Ruben opens his mouth and screams.

Baron Canberra stood up and roared like a beast.

“Ouch! I won! I won!”

On the contrary, his shouts kept the crowd quiet.

They look at Luther as if they can't believe it.

It was the emergence of new talent.

A restaurant where they all come together.

Baron Canberra's mouth led to his ears.

I didn't know how I felt when I left laughing.

“Well done. Very well done. Hahahaha.”

Last year, he beat his third best man, Maksen.

The crowd was cluttered by the shock, and now Baron Canberra's fame was almost like a fire.

“If we do this, we can really get to the mainline. I salute your outstanding skills. ”

Baron Canberra's dramatic hymn was a necessity and all of his companions praised Luther.

Ruben raises his voice with a heartbeat that still seems unlucky.

“Brother, won't you win like this? ”

“We have to.”

Baron Canberra smiles.

The attitude was consistent, the health team was confident.

“Then we can't stay still either. I'm gonna have to trust you and jump into gambling. ”

“Gambling? ”

“That's one of the reasons the horse race is so popular. It's how you make money by making a dividend on the winner. It's probably going to take a lot of money to leave the winner behind by now. ”

Everyone was interested.

Duke asked with excitement.

“How much will you earn if you hit the winner? ”

“Depends on the probability. Knights with high odds of winning do not receive a large dividend instead of being guaranteed safety. But Lord Luther here is not known yet, so the dividends will be quite numerous. ”

“But now that we've defeated Maksen, we're going to be famous. ”

“So let's hurry. ”

Canberra busts her ass.

Luther's confidence in the health team showed signs of winning.

Duke, who hesitated, also asked.

“Can I walk, too? ”

“Of course. I'll lend you something. No, I'll just give it to you. Thank God Lord Luther is with us because of you. ”

“Thank you.”

“It's not the time to do this. We have to go. ”

Canberra and Duke head to the gambling stadium with the stakes, and the rest of us had a long conversation about the tournament today.

Ruben asked with a thoughtful eye.

“What do I do to get good at a horse race? ”

“Be bold and discreet. And we have to try. ”

“I want to be a knight like you. ”

“From now on, you have to work hard. ”

“How do I train? ”

“You just have to move hard. ”

Ruben's question is endless.

Sophia pulls Ruben.

“You'll get tired of the competition, so stop asking questions. ”

“I have a lot to ask you. ”

“I'll take your place. Sir Luther, we'll stay back. ”

While Sofa was taking Ruben, who was sorry, Luther went back to the room alone.

There remained the luck of the horse race during the day.

“That's pretty interesting. ”

In a moment, the concluding match attracted Luther quite a bit of interest.

“Let's have some fun for a while. ”

For now, we win the horse race.

I can't wait to think about what to do after that.

Luther's gaze was like a whirlwind.

He repeated his victory, and the content was also overwhelming.

In the meantime, the main line was opened.

A total of sixteen articles were assembled.

Unlike the anonymous Luther, they were all well-known contenders.

The main line has begun and is in the standby, and a middle-aged article is approaching.

Last year's winner was Carlts.

He glances up and down at the router.

“You beat Maksen to death, didn't you? It wouldn't have been easy. ”

“I was lucky. ”

Carlts said with a glance of restraint in moderation.

“Let's see how lucky you are. ”

Moderate neurowarfare is always welcome.

Luther revealed confidence to Carlts by laughing at him.

The main line started and Luther's first opponent was Anatos, last year's semi-winner.

Anatos, like Maksen, had a large body, but a small kidney.

In the Great War, a small kidney is rather a strength.

I need to pay more attention because there is a narrow spot to stab.

The opponents are being watched from a certain distance.


The moderator cries out terribly before the end of the horse-turetzil.

“Get started!”

Anatos started sprinting.

I ran across Luther as well.

However, it caused variables in Anatos.

After lifting the grasped spear inward, as the distance draws closer, he suddenly throws it at himself.

He threw a life-like spear just before the crash.

What's the reason?

The purpose was quickly revealed.

The target that the wooden spear was aiming for was the brown horse he was riding on, not himself.

Luther bounces off a wooden spear aimed at the horse's glance.

Anatos purposely jumped out of the horse when he tried to fight back because Luther didn't have enough flexibility to take it back.

A horse lost by the owner passes through the router.

Anatos, who rolls the floor, pulls out the sword and shouts.

“If you're a real man, let's fight with the sword! ”

Luther ignored his request.

Rather, his behavior was very disturbing.

If the spear that was thrown as it was in the running position hit the horse's glance, it would have died as it was.

Anatos' actions, who chose the cowardly method instead of the frontal battle, were disgusting.

Luther ignores his request and starts harassing him like he's about to raise something to make him regret what he said.

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