9th Circle Lord

# 174 Hatzling

The steps of the Router, who was walking without a seat, stopped.

I feel sick looking at the horizon of the open plain.

He tilts his head.

“Why are you there? ”

He urged the muttering steps.

I took one step and crossed the area and area as if I had traveled for a moment.

The wilderness unfolds as it passes through a plain with moderate ridges.

A small village in the Hori Soldier Basin was seen in the middle of the sandy winds.

Luther headed for the village entrance in an instant.

The atmosphere at the entrance was disturbing.

The people of the village gather and carry the shegansali on a cart.

Looks like they're all moving in.

When Luther showed up, people showed vigilance in unison.

Strangers who do not know their identity are not easily welcomed in rural society.

A shriveled man in the sun approaches with an impression.


The day of the burying of Artoo stood.

Luther pondered Zhang's question.

‘What should we do this time? ’

It was a fun router for frequent job changes.

He made up his mind.

Luther deliberately searches his arms with an expressionless face and gives out his hand.

It was an ID given by the Fiorense family.

But they cannot know it.

However, I was flawed by the identity card embossed in glorious gold.

The first Longhan, who had been beaten, blinked and asked carefully.

“What's that? ”

“This is the Wizard Luther of the Fiorense family. I received word of a problem here and dispatched an investigator. ”

I blinked at Luther's fake identity.

“The Fiorense family? ”

Even the rural villages on the outskirts know Fiorense.

The long shoulders shrugged.

Luther raises his jaw and asks in a haughty gesture.

“Yes. Who is the chief of this town? ”

“Now, wait a minute. ”

Zhang Han heads inside the village of Hull Beetle Toad.

After a while, an old man with a crooked waist came out with a cane.

The old man, who appeared with a long arm, burst into tears as soon as he saw Luther.

“Oh, wizard. Please help our village. ”

Just a longing old man.

Luther faced a rather cold attitude.

“First, we need to look at the facts. What the hell is going on here? ”

“As you can see, the village has become desolate. ”

“Destroyed? Didn't it originally? ”

“It was originally a great place to live, even for a lot of travelers. But it turned out to be like this one day. ”

“Please elaborate. ”

The burning of the elderly began.

It was originally said to be a good place to live, not in the wilderness, but in the open blue fields.

However, one day suddenly all the fields died and all the grain planted in the village died.

“The ground suddenly dried up, and it turned into sand. Originally it was a moist, good quality soil, and suddenly it came here. ”

“The land is dry. I see.”

“Can you put it back? ”

“I know we need to do more research, but it's not impossible. ”

Luther's answer was that the old man's face was painted.

“Is that true? ”

“There's no change for no reason. I will investigate and return the town as it was before, so you can reassure the villagers. ”

“Oh, my God, is that so? Thank you, Wizard. ”

It's been a long time since the chief's face is bright.

The people of the village who were watching were so happy to hear the news.

Router, who was walking through a dry field with a glance of goodwill, smiled at the back of the village.

‘How did you stay here? ’

I confront the old relationship again.

Luther tells the villagers to investigate the mountain and then climbs the mountain.

The mountains were ripe red like autumn foliage.

The whole plant was dead, and the dead branches were brushed to the ground without force.

Luther climbs to the top of the mountain and stands in front of the cliff.

Before, moisture remained as if it had served as a waterfall.

Luther lightly spurts himself into the middle of the waterfall, then continues straight ahead.

A solid rock stands in his way, penetrating him like a welcome.

The interior was spacious and also bright.

It was as bright as a luminescent stone, but there was a reason.

“Long time no see, my friend. ”

His gaze turned to the origin of the cave.

There, Golden Dragon Cox was hibernating.

In the meantime, this squad was being influenced by Cox.

The dragon has a mana body.

When I was hibernating, I didn't have to control the Mana, so I left it. I was trying to wake up, so my body was naturally pulling the Mana to replenish my health.

It is natural to absorb Mana and turn the surrounding battalion into a ruin.

And absorbing Mana during hibernation means waking up soon.

The massive eyelids move as if they were awake.

Luther sat in front of him and waited until he woke up.

After a while, Cox's giant eyelids were lifted.

Blurred eyes became apparent.

At the same time, he confirmed the presence of Luther.

Luther, who received Cox's gaze, smiled.

“Now it's happening. ”

At first, the gaze that was doubtful swung within.

At the same time, Cox's body was swarming with light.

Coming back to human form, Cox welcomed Luther with two arms wide.

“No! Who is this! ”

Cox hugs Luther warmly, as if his long encounter had been pleasant.

After a fierce welcome, Cox stares at Luther with a shivering gaze.

“Are you awake now? ”


“What is the futility I said before? ”

“He ruled well. But I don't know when else to fire, so I have to give you a periodic hibernation like you do. ”

“The power of the void is strange. ”

Cox's gaze was filled with envy.

Luther wondered what happened to Cox instead of his personal information.

“But how did you sleep outside like this? ”

“No one welcomed me. ”

I felt bitterness in Cox's laughter.

Luther touched me.

“I'm ready to hear it. Let's get out of here. ”

“By the way, how did you find me? ”

“I saw it when I went. ”

The talking router lifts his legs and slightly fills the floor.

Then Manna, who had been sucked by Cox to conceal the culprit, got up from his floor and began covering the surrounding area.

As the manna rises in abundance, a cloud of food appears in the sky and begins to pour rain.

Shoot him!

Rainy and good quality soil remained in the water.

Soon this battalion will again hold the Purple as it was before.

Luther moved to town with Cox.

The impact of dry crops was greater than the impact of rain not raining.

It rained and the soil was wet.

The showers are coming down, and all the villagers are out there dancing.

I'm glad it rained.

Luther gave good news to the chief.

“Now this area will go back to its former state. ”

“Stan, did the Wizard make it rain? ”

“I didn't let it rain, but I found an anomaly in this crew's manna. It's back to normal. ”

The old man, who was ignorant of magic, did not understand the meaning, but accepted it as meaning that Luther had solved it.

There is no silver man.

The attitude of the chiefs and villagers was extreme.

I stayed at the best house with guidance.

Luther had a conversation with Cox over a drink owed directly to the chief.

“No one welcomed you, what does that mean? ”

“First of all, the xenophobia didn't welcome me. You know, they've done a little damage to the dragon. ”

Hundreds of years of deported history remains deeply rooted.

So there's no way Cox would be welcome.

Luther understood that.

“I can't help it. But that doesn't mean you can't be constrained. ”

There was no place where Cox with the polymorph could not operate.

If he liked it, he could act like an elf or a Demibeast.

“Actually. ”

Cox, who scratched his forehead, sighed in less than a minute.

“There's a reason they rejected me. ”


“I want to revive the dragons again. ”

According to Cox's plan, Luther tilts his head.

“When did the race die or not, why did you suddenly change your mind? ”

“After all the dragons disappeared, I was left alone, and suddenly I had a strange idea. If I die, all dragons will be extinct. ”


“I don't know what you think, but I'm uncomfortable with my party. I thought I couldn't let my roots go like this. ”

You couldn't let the dragon go extinct.

Luther understood Cox's feelings.

But in the meantime, no one could feel comfortable considering the dragon's influence.

“Have you ever told anyone about your plan? ”

“Of course not. I'm sure you're against it. ”

The Sultanates, including the Gentiles, will do the same.

As well as powerful humans, we cannot welcome the resurrection of the great dragons.

Luther only realized why Cox had to take a hibernation on the edge.

“Are you prepared to resurrect your people? ”

“It's not resurrection. It's a rebirth. ”

“To have a baby?”

“Yes, and the egg has already begun. ”

Luther's gaze was strange.

Cox, noticing the meaning of the gaze, burst into laughter.

“Our dragons, unlike humans, are autonomous. If you want, you can lay eggs on your own. ”

In the first place, the distinction between males and females was meaningless.

Luther laughed to the point.

Cox asked for his weight.

“What do you think? ”

“My thoughts? ”

“My plan. If you disagree, I will abandon this plan. ”

Luther is the one who brought the dragon to ruin, but Cox did not resent it.

The dragon society of the past was rotten water.

It was so corrupt that no one could touch it, and without Luther's event, it would still be able to keep the dragon society alive.

Rather, I was thankful to be able to start this initiative.

Luther answered Cox's sarcastic question to Nusre.

“Why am I opposed to your plan? Do as you please.”

Cox was surprised by the unexpected reaction this time.

“Are you sure you can do that? ”

“I'm not the owner of this world. You don't need my permission. The important thing is your support. ”

“I'm trying to reinvigorate a dragon that has caused trouble in the past. ”

“Yes, but not in the past. Above all, your children. ”

Cox sighs for Luther's positive answer.

“First of all, the rush lights went out. I'm glad you're not against it. ”

“A friend gives birth to a child, no way. ”

“Thank you.”

“You're welcome, but you'll need early education. We shouldn't repeat the history of the past. ”

“Of course. I'm definitely going to map that out. ”

Cox, who was pledging, hesitated for a moment.

“If it's not too much, can I ask you a favor? ”


“Help the egg wake up. ”


“It's been a while since I laid my eggs, but I don't think I'm going to wake up. Because you don't have enough pure manna. ”

“That could help. ”

Luther immediately opened up the space.

“Don't go.”

Cox nods at Luther's hand.

I quite liked the floating island in the open universe.

“If you face the universe close by, you might as well hold a grudge. It's a good environment to grow bold. ”

Cox, who snorts with admiration, smiles widely and raises his thumb.

“The purity of Mana is excellent. It's a good place for Hatzling to grow. ”


“It means calling a puppy dragon. I want to be a parenting place in the future, but are you okay? ”


“Well, let's get started. ”

Vivin Cox loosened the polymorph by hand.

A modern body, Cox lays down the eggs he lays in front of Luther.

Luther first saw dragon eggs.

Luther, who was watching closely, made a laugh.

“You see all the dragon eggs while you live. ”

It was interesting and fun.

Luther looked at the egg with curious eyes.

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