9th Circle Lord

# 177Ch confront2

I applied for an interview with the Emperor, but the expenses are heavy.

Including Ego Knights, the immediate guards watched over Luther and the wizards who followed him unrelentingly.

A long passageway lined with red carpets makes you feel popular among the wall paintings.

‘There's a lot of security. The elves were so scared. ’

The stuttering is not the usual vigilance for elves in Bario's memory.

Elves sweep the battlefield through elemental spirits.

Similar to the wizards, but different.

And the biggest difference is that the spirit is driven through will with free materials without casting.

It meant that humans had more advantages than wizards, so humans couldn't easily touch elves.

It wasn't the only one.

Humans have to deal with elves as well as dwarves and Demibeasts.

And there's no one else to look at.

The confrontational phase is continuing, but the human race cannot be seen as equally advantageous.

Therefore, the Imperial Palace remained more secure than ever, and Luther was able to glimpse the emperor's vigilant mind in this respect.

The iron gate is blocking through the long passageway.

The Iron Gate will be opened as soon as the visitor is informed.

Inside was a wrinkled old man sitting on a large round table.

The old man looked humble.

Bario's hair is less intense, shoulders stretched and skin is full of wrinkles.

If there were no crown on my head, I would look pitiful.

Luther faces the Emperor.

A great man standing at the apex of the human race. His eyes were blurred.

There was a reason.

The solid line to the Emperor's Essence was leading under the floor.

You're a puppet.

Things are getting weird.

The emperor opened his mouth, facing the cloudy eyes.

“Welcome. Duke Bario. I've been waiting for you. ”

“I greet His Majesty. ”

First, Luther greeted Emperor Donovan.

The Emperor touched the other side.

“You have something to say, don't you? Have a seat.”

“Thank you.”

When he sat down, the Emperor asked.

“Yes. What do you have to say? ”

“Before that, Emperor. I think we should do the screening as scheduled. Poor complexion. ”

Duke Bario is also the emperor's attending physician.

The Emperor shakes his head.

“No, I'm fine. So let's get this thing out first. ”

“Very well. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to start negotiating with the Elves. ”

The Emperor's sword twitched.

“Bargaining? What are you talking about? ”

“It's an irrelevant act of nourishment. We need to find a compromise and find a way to break each other's crisis. ”

The Emperor's expression was strange.

He blurted as he heard Luther's offer without saying a word.

“I can't believe you're saying that. Is that Duke Barrio I know of? ”

“That's right, Emperor. ”

“No, it can't be. You are more hardened than anyone else to the heretics. But now that we're here to negotiate, I can't believe it. ”

In the eyes of the Emperor, an eye of doubt flowed out.

“What changed your mind all of a sudden? ”

“Your Majesty, I'm on the line of ninety next year. As I got older, I was hesitant to watch him bleed. It's time to retire. ”

The eyes of the emperor are frowned on a dull toro decorated.

“I thought the wick was solid, but it was blinding. I'm disappointed.”

“Give me a chance to negotiate with the Elves. ”

“I'll do the nails. Step back.”

In response to the Emperor's refusal, Luther took his place.

“All right, I'll back off. ”

“You've changed. ”

Somehow his last words are thrilling.

Luther turns to the Emperor's gaze for the last time.

Thoughts deepened on the way back.

Who uses the Emperor as a puppet? ’

I'm guessing.

But I hope not.

‘Please, I hope it's not what I think. ’

He returned to the executive office with that thought in mind.

Luther returning to the parlour was locked in his thoughts.

After entering the Imperial Palace and thinking closely about the process to confront the Emperor, the deduction was soon completed.

‘Why did you drown in the swamp? What's the reason? ’

After I finished thinking, Luther's armor exploded.

But the elasticity was also brief.


Luther looks up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, the entire Imperial Palace was enchanted.

What's going on?

Scaredly before the thought was over, a foundation appeared on Luther's side.


The assassin who appeared behind Luther's back without a sound shoved a dagger.

Router breaks his head, pulling out his dagger and twisting the assassin's neck.

I got a stranglehold, and there's no groaning.

Rather, after trying to use the crisis as an opportunity, I used the recoil of the stranglehold to raise my legs vigorously.


The leg accurately priced Luther's groin.

A loud shock sounded and the desk was broken, and the documents were swung into the air.

The opponent looks at the router.

Luther looked at the only pupil in the mask with a careless eye.

Luther told me not to go to the mask.

“Neither am I. ”

The masked pupil was still unresponsive.

Luther reveals a mask that twists the opponent's face without a bird responding.

The unfathomable face of the Ego Knight that I saw the other day was revealed.

Luther said.

“I have built the entire Imperial Palace as a magical encampment so that you can move at any moment. Suddenly, if you ambush without a hitch from behind, you will be forced to move even if you are the eighth Circle Master. ”

The Emperor tried to eliminate himself.

Certainly because of the conversation that took place during the day.

“That's not what the puppet did. Rather.”

During the conversation, Luther sighs deeply as she looks at the Ego Knight.

“I need to see the owner. ”

Luther paralyzes the Ego Knight, stiffens him like a log, and then grabs his back neck.

It was not difficult to find a master who called the Emperor like a puppet.

It had already identified the destination of the solid line that led to the Emperor's Essence.

“Unexpected recycling. ”

I didn't want this kind of meeting, but I can't help it.

Luther headed to the destination of the emperor and the solid line that led through the spatial shift.

The space that is arbitrarily created is overwhelmed by the influence of the created entity.

But Luther was different.

After all, this was all based on a void, and he became a void himself.

The emperor's solid line was a completely different new space.

The creation of subspaces should be at least at the master level.

And the opponent was a Nine Circle Maestro beyond the Master.

Of course he couldn't have made room.

After arriving at the opponent's space, Luther looks around.

"That's harsh."

The sky is thick and the earth is split.

The red fog is blurry everywhere.

Luther passes through the fog and moves in the direction of popularity.

I finally reached it, and I saw myself sitting on a flat floor.

The opponent smiles at Luther's appearance.

“Long time no see, Master. ”

Luther looks at the opponent with her complicated eyes.

He was a young man with a solid body.

Luther nods at the young man's greetings.

“Yes, it's been a long time. Jillian.”

The opponent was Jillian, the invited emperor of the Elmont Empire, who only knew he was dead.

Jillian did not unravel the smile on his mouth.

Rather, it is a single bundle, as if it would be small.

“You're finally awake. It took you a long time.”

“In response, you knew I was awake. ”

“The magic camp formed around you went through my hands. Of course you don't. ”

“You did.”

“I see a long time of discipleship, and I'm bored with greetings. Aren't you glad I'm here? ”

“No way. I'm so glad to see you. But the process isn't easy. ”

He didn't come even though he knew he was awake.

Unlike Jillian in his childhood, he had no current innocence.

Luther looks at Jillian slippery.

“You've changed.”

Jillian's heart seemed to be good.

Luther felt sorry for Jillian.

Jillian has changed too much.

“How could you lay a hand on the power of darkness? ”

His whole body was already full of dark power.

Luther seemed like he was about to become the Demon King.

Less than the Demon King of Naxanore, but still the same flow.

Jillian laughed at his concerns.

“Because of greed. ”

“What kind of greed made you do that? ”

“No wonder. to gain more power. ”

“You weren't satisfied with the Maestro. ”

“Yes, I'm not satisfied. Most of all, I didn't like the fact that I had to die. I could not escape death even if I went beyond the realm of man and climbed to the horizon of transcendence. Teacher has crossed the line of death. Why can't I jump? I don't even know why I can't be better than you. ”

Luther's expression is serious about Jillian's jealousy.

Even when his eyes were cold, Jillian was overwhelmed.

“I'm telling you in advance, this is my space. In other words, I'm no different than God. ”

“Get up.”

On Luther's orders, Jillian refused to take a snore and blamed her as she got up.

With Jillian's complex gaze behind him, Luther reaches out as big.

Router, who approached close enough to catch his breath, looks at Jillian and sighs.

“I didn't get over it. It's a shame.”

“What does that mean? ”

“People don't change easily. After all, your destiny is set. I thought you'd be different. So I chose you. But you are. ”

Jillian was jealous and hostile to himself in the past.

But he was just as talented.

Luther exalts his talent and covers him in the past.

However, while he was away, Jillian was revisiting the past.

Luther regretted that.

“Fate can change. But why haven't you changed? I thought it would be different. Why didn't you try to change? ”

Jillian shoots at Luther's question with bitter eyes.

“I'm changing. Unlike you, but in the way I seek. From the past, the Demon Kings of Naxanore were great prophets. They pursued eternal life, unleashed endless power. Maybe the way we should go is the way of the Demon King. ”

“It is not the way of the Demon King. That path is the path of darkness. The darkness that endlessly hates, destroys, and tries to kill. The darkness is clandestine and intense, devouring his will. After all, you said it was your own choice, but it was encroached upon by the darkness without knowing it. You wouldn't know that. ”

“Don't lie. Then what's the evil spirit? He is exercising the power of the Demon King by his own will. Why is he okay? ”

“He has a strong will, unlike you. I thought evil spirits had that will in a day or two. A strong will gained by enduring the time of cowardice. That will is strong enough to wield the power of the whispering darkness. But you know what you have. Did you think you could handle the power of destruction with a magical achievement? Your choice was wrong. ”

Jillian did not listen to Luther's advice.

Rather, he felt he was persecuting himself.

I want to kill.

Jillian's eyes turned red.

“Teacher, will you let me go? It's been a long time since I've seen you, and I'd like to give you a gift. ”

I smell blood in my voice.

Luther stares at him with an indifferent eye.

I was troubled.

Eliminate Jillian.

Or put it back.

And what will happen if you make a choice?

‘I didn't want to interfere. ’

I tried to make a metaphor for myself.

But the world was still unstable.

There was a reason.

‘All beings are unstable, not God. ’

The perfect being is only God.

Seeing Jillian, it was a new idea.

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