residents who are more than welcome to return… but

"Welcome back, sweetheart!

Upon returning, for some reason, they received an enthusiastic welcome, and three people were astonished to see if anything had happened.

"You know what! There's a goddess in the sky, so, you know, she talked to me!

Of course, the announcement to the people of Viktinias was also given to Vintaria, and then everyone seemed so excited and fussy.

"Yes, gentlemen. I understand the excitement very much, but I don't have time right now. It will be difficult to prepare for the Founding Fathers' Festival… Masar will be planning something concrete, so please listen to what you do not know as the person in charge of the Founding Fathers' Festival and then do not work with your assumptions, etc.

Residents asking to eat in Adelina's words… something seems to have a strange switch on from excitement.

"I'll start with the schedule. Discussions with the Viktinias have led us to want to do something on the first day of the eve festival for an event aimed at meeting and interacting with the attendees. On the second day the Founding Festival… this will be celebrated by all of you after having officially become a country by the Gods in their founding rites. On the third day Adelina will be appointed queen by the King's Blessing Rite. Adelina and Zarg's wedding is about to take place as it is.

It looks like the residents who were asking me to eat in just now are having a brain miss stop as a poker for some reason.

"Guys......... what's up?

"Hey... Adelina, are you marrying you and Uncle Zag? Uncle Zag is the king?

"Oh, you're talking about Adelina's marriage... then...

When I was about to tell you how it happened, it showed up.


Masaru is hit hard in the face with an intense right fist and blows away in a stiffness.

"What does Adelina mean by queen! Besides, open the door............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Explain it properly, sir!

This is the appearance of Portalim Commander Lancelot. Behind Adelina, Zag has a bright blue face and a gut tremor.

"............ Huh! That hurts... you'd be surprised.

"Brother, I'm usually surprised. So, I'm sorry, huh?

Gita's proper scratch goes in. It was nice to look at you unexpectedly and calmly.

"Adelina is the queen of all the inhabitants! I didn't decide!

The residents simultaneously turn away from Lancelot.

"Besides, Zag marries Adelina because the two of them are exchanging love sentences, and the god who saw it just ordered Zag to be the king's mate! I didn't decide this, either!

"" Hey Masal!??

Two people who can be exposed and wolfed to exchange love sentences.

"And since Zag was already recognized as King's Mate by three pillars, Victinius and Islasephila and Zelafitis, and he had two marriages and replied to his consent, you can't change it, either?

Exposure never stops.

"That's why Lancelot is also inside Adelina, so bless the two of us properly and help us prepare for the Founding Festival for the time being.

"Wet, wet... remember Masal.

"Well, the bride and groom are good friends of Mr. Lancelot there! Because I've been working on a detailed plan in the temple! Oh, and how's Slay doing?

"I'm here.

"Then Slay will be my aide! Bye!"

And he abducted Sulai, and fled thirty and six times. Masaru rushed to the temple's private room by pushing the troublesome Lancelot.

"Well, Slay... we're still talking privately from here... on the third day of the King's Blessing Rite you will also be blessed as King of Bazelarka. It was decided that a suitable place for the ritual could not be prepared in Bazelarka, where the Wang Du was not present, and we were asked to go together. Hang in there."

"For this reason the other representatives of Bazelarka...

"I'm coming over here with the knuckles. Bazelarka also had a proper divine revelation - the knuckle that told him to come to God by name must be tough.

"You're... you're still horrible.

"You're the one in trouble without your partner, aren't you? Keep about one person on hand you can trust, a knuckle nominated by God would be a reason to surround you, wouldn't it?... all the time, I'll make a plan around here, so help me!

"Why me!

"If you don't give me a hand, I'll let you bless the real king without a prior meeting.

"Holy shit! Devil!"

The preparations for the Founding Festival of Vintalia proceeded little by little, with screaming and mourning everywhere.

"Ghaaaaaa, Masal, I'm helping you! Mr. Lancelot's coming after me with a sword. Uh-huh.

Zag... you have to live strong.

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