
"Huh? Trouble with an area where demons are being activated?

It was the children who were coming to King's Capital for the purpose of learning while Masar was away who brought the story.

"Yeah, they say a weird demon comes down the mountain from time to time in a settlement all the way north to attack livestock and people. But I wrote to you that it's hard to deal with because I don't have many sightings...

"Yeah? Then it's not the jurisdiction of a support force or anything from the state?

It was May who was listening beside him who answered Masal's question.

"Now that we're in the King's meeting, he said it's gonna take some time for the soldiers to get there. Besides, Mae said it was faster and more definitely for you to go than for the soldiers.

It will certainly take a very long time to decide, elect, prepare, march, and deal with which of the troops will be dispatched. Since it will take about January for the letter to arrive, is it possible that things are already in urgent need….

"All right, shall I go then? I'll give you a map. Tell me which neighborhood is more or less a village.

The skill of the map is that being a god eliminates the bondage of range designation. There are precision maps with a radius of less than 3 km at a time or a weird tie called the World Map….

"Around the northernmost part of the country... a demon from a mountain is around a mountain range that hasn't become a dominated area of people...

On the north side of the three countries, Vintaria, Greitas and Bazelarca, there are huge mountain ranges that hold back the expansion of people's living areas. It seems that there are many large or unknown demons and warcraft in this mountain range, and people never set foot first.

"Come on, May's going too!

"Da-me, May's leaving a message. Because I'll bring you a souvenir.

"Mmm... you're going somewhere where you just seem to enjoy yourself.

Apparently it was on his face that he reacted to the word unknown organism or region.

"I give May an important directive. The first is to report to Adelina that I have come out to solve this problem after today's discussion.

And here's a summary of the basics about sailboats. Please use this to put the kids together and develop a new ship! The boat race to be held next year shall be a competition that adds wind to the water flow!

Because that's when the race will be my wedding, so let's make the winner's ship the size that people can ride! What do you say? "

"Come on, you're getting married!? And he said he'd make it a real ship! I'll do my best, guys!

From Masaru's hand he snapped a booklet written about the sailboat, and took the children and May ran to the workshop.

"Speaking of which, while I was gone, the workshop was turning into a shipyard for the kids... you say buildings that nobody uses hurt and it's nothing good, but you can't tell me to give it back to you anymore. Do you want to build a new workshop even when building more temples?

One missed Mae and began to prepare herself.

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