Chapter 235 The second generation is anxious

Uchiha Naruto's Sharingan directly burned the second generation's CPU. After talking for a long time, the guy in front of him was actually a member of the Uchiha clan.

"Let me just say, the Uchiha clan is still capable of giving birth to the next Madara." The second generation sighed, but one thing still made him feel gratified: "It seems that my guess is not necessarily right. You Although he is very strong, he is not mentally broken. Maybe the future of the Uchiha clan depends on you to change it.”

"Nidaime-sama, your reaction is much calmer than I thought. Aren't you nervous at all because the Uchiha clan has become the future leader of the village?" Orochimaru said this, but in fact his own CPU was also burning. .

In his perception, the guy with yellow hair and black hair in front of him was Naruto, but Naruto suddenly revealed a pair of Sharingan eyes, which really showed too much information.

Could it be that Naruto still couldn't resist the temptation of Sharingan and picked out Uchiha Sasuke's eyes?

Or is it that Uchiha Sasuke was too grateful to Naruto, so he picked out his own eyes as a thank you gift to Naruto?

That’s a lot of fucking information.

The second generation said calmly: "As long as he is not mentally ill, what do I have to worry about? I hope you understand that what I am afraid of is a mentally ill Uchiha, not the original sin of the Uchiha himself. If I really care about Uchiha Bo has such a big opinion, when Uchiha Setsuna rebelled, I could still take the opportunity to attack Uchiha, but did I do that? "

Back then, when Senju Hashirama was the first Hokage, no one had any objections, because he was indeed the most capable and most prestigious one in the village, and even the Uchiha people didn't have anything to say about it. But when the second generation Senju Tobirama succeeded to the throne, things exploded.

Senju Hashirama is dead, what does it mean to let his biological brother take over? Is Konoha trying to create a family world?

This practice of Jia Tianxia cannot be implemented under the Ninja Village system, because the big families in the village are essentially partners, not subordinates.

Everyone can allow a person with prestige and ability to have the highest rights and obey his orders, but if this person wants to inherit the rights to his blood relatives, that is absolutely impossible. Konoha is not your family. It is the unity of everyone that makes Konoha possible. If you want to take Konoha as your own, this is not allowed.

Tobirama's succession was questioned like this, and the first one to bear the brunt was the Uchiha clan.

The people of Senju wanted to conquer the world, and Uchiha was the first one who could not agree. So a rebel group led by Setsuna Uchiha appeared in the Uchiha clan, and they plotted to seize power from the second generation, just like Fugaku and others who came back later. Just like people intend to seize power from the Sandaime.

However, the Nidaime quickly proved that his rise to power was not due to nepotism. He suppressed the rebellion of the Uchiha clan invisibly and did not hold the Uchiha clan accountable. At the same time, education was vigorously developed, and the ninja school system was established. Anbu was also established to strengthen the power of the Hokage. At the same time, the Konoha police force was established to maintain the stability of the village. These systems were also imitated by other ninja villages.

But his handling of the Uchiha clan still left a lot of controversy in later generations.

Many people believe that the second-generation Hokage is the Hokage who hates Uchiha the most and targets Uchiha the most, even though he actually did not do anything harmful to Uchiha. Even when the Uchiha clan rebelled, he held it high and ignored it. Fall gently.

The second generation glanced at Danzo next to him: "What he implements is not my will, but his own arbitrary ideas. To put it bluntly, I didn't choose him to inherit the position of Hokage because of this problem of his. He obviously He is just carrying out his own selfish desires, but he always likes to portray this behavior in a selfless direction. People with this style cannot become Hokage, and it is wrong to even hold him in a high position. "

The Nidaime's words completely confirmed Danzo's identity. His statement that "he inherited the Nidaime's will" was completely bullshit.

"This guy also transplanted the Sharingan into an arm of himself. By the way, the arm he transplanted the Sharingan into was made from the cells of your brother, the First Generation." Orochimaru looked at Danzo in a strange way. .

"Transplant the Sharingan?" The second generation frowned: "Why did he transplant so many Sharingan? The power of the Sharingan will not become stronger just because of the simple superposition of numbers."

"It's because I want to cast a forbidden technique, Izanagi."


"Oh? You don't know this technique?" Orochimaru suddenly became interested. He was really interested in mentioning the pupil technique in front of the second generation master of the forbidden technique, which the second generation of the master had never heard of.

Orochimaru introduced the use, activation principle and consequences of Izanagi in detail, but what puzzled several people was that the more Orochimaru introduced this technique, the more horrified and unbelievable the eyes of the second generation became.

"You mean, the Uchiha clan can use Izanagi to avoid the inevitable death?!" The second generation seemed to have thought of some very terrible possibility.

"Yes, but why did you... react so strongly?" Orochimaru was a little confused. He didn't react at all when Naruto showed his Sharingan just now. Why did Izanagi make him react so violently?

"Uchiha Madara! That old guy, he may not be dead at all!" For the first time, the second generation showed an anxious look in front of several people: "Tell me now, how many years has it been in Konoha!"

"Today is November 20, 1967." Kabuto Yakushi accurately reported the date.

"1967...1967!" The second generation paced back and forth in the room anxiously, like a top laner who had come back from an AFK game and found that the opponent had already pushed to his doorstep.

"It's been so long... It's bad, it's bad!" He clapped his hands suddenly: "It's a big deal!"

"Please don't worry, can you explain what's going on? Why are you reacting so violently?" Seeing that the second generation, who is so knowledgeable, was getting anxious, Orochimaru couldn't help but get nervous.

The second generation sighed and held his forehead: "Uchiha Madara died in the Valley of the End at the hands of my eldest brother. You all know this, right?"

"Yes, this is an event that has been described in great detail in the history of Konoha."

"That's the problem! After Madara died, I recovered his body and planned to study the secret of his strength. But before I could experiment, his body disappeared!"

"At that time, I didn't even think that he was not dead, because his death was verified by my eldest brother himself. Could my eldest brother have made a mistake in the body? At that time, I thought it was the Uchiha who stole his body and buried it. Because his body had begun to decay slightly at that time, the Sharingan could definitely not be transplanted to others, so I was not too worried."

"But just now you told me that there is also the eye technique of Izanagi, and I suddenly Realizing that since this technique exists, Uchiha Madara, as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the one who has obtained all the secrets of the Uchiha clan, cannot possibly not know this technique! "

"Since he knows this technique, how could he die without using Izanagi?"

"So, he must not be dead! At that time, he used Izanagi to fake his corpse and then ran away!"

The second generation did not hide his regret: "It was a mistake, a mistake! I died in Konoha 20 years ago, and this guy must have been alive at that time. Maybe he was also behind the coup in Kumogakure. Although he should be dead now according to his normal life span, he has lived in the world for so long that he cannot have done nothing. He must have laid a huge conspiracy, and we know nothing about it!"

Chapter 236 Second Generation: No, you are a tomb robber?

The second generation repeatedly paced back and forth around the room with his hands behind his back. It can be seen that he is really anxious.

"This won't work! It seems that I can't just leave after explaining the problem this time." The second generation seemed to have made up his mind and began to make seals with his hands:

"Rat-Chou-Shen-Yin-Chen-Hai, Impure World Reincarnation, Release!!!!"

At this moment, Orochimaru felt that his control over the second generation's Impure World Reincarnation had disappeared.

"What?" Orochimaru's cold sweat suddenly flowed down.

There is actually a solution to Impure World Reincarnation. If the object of Impure World Reincarnation knows the method of the solution and is not deprived of consciousness at the beginning, it can be released from control through the solution and become an immortal monster with unlimited chakra recovery.

Luckily, Naruto is here now, otherwise Orochimaru would be sweating profusely now.

If the second generation wants to attack this traitor, he will most likely have to give up his life here today. If the uncontrolled second generation with an Impure World Reincarnation body is thrown back to the past, I'm afraid he can kill the Kinkaku and Ginkaku troops and leave calmly.

Before the power reaches the level of the first generation Hokage, the immortal body and infinite recovery of chakra are basically like cheating abilities.

After regaining his freedom, the second generation immediately gave orders to Orochimaru: "From your previous description, you seem to know a lot about Konoha's situation? Find me a few people immediately, preferably those who died in recent years but are very loyal to Konoha. I want to bring them out of the world and go with me to the ninja world to secretly investigate Uchiha Madara-related matters!"

"Uh..." Orochimaru turned his head to look at Naruto, and cast a questioning look at him, which meant whether he should listen to him.

Uchiha Naruto nodded: "Okay, just do as he says."

Orochimaru thought for a moment, then showed a strange look on his face: "Recently, a person who was very loyal to Konoha did die, and we do have his Impure World Materials on hand."

"Then what are you waiting for? Pull it out for me to use!"

"Uh..." Orochimaru walked out of the laboratory with a strange look on his face, and came back with a can of something in his hand after a while. The small can was clearly written with "Uchiha Itachi". Through the transparent can, you can see that there are some hairs inside. It is estimated that Orochimaru secretly stole it from the place where Itachi lived when he was in the Akatsuki organization.


The moment they saw this name, the second generation and Uchiha Naruto were a little bit nervous.

"He is indeed loyal to Konoha, and he can even kill his entire family." Orochimaru showed an awkward but polite smile.

".....Use it first." The corners of the second generation's mouth twitched slightly.

Orochimaru nodded, and told Kabuto to find another living person for the Impure World Reincarnation Technique, and then perform the Impure World Reincarnation Technique again: "Imperial World Reincarnation Technique!"

Instantly, a large amount of dust covered the body of the Impure World Reincarnation Material, and after a short scream, Uchiha Itachi appeared in front of several people again.

"Is this... Impure World Reincarnation Technique?" Uchiha Itachi looked at his palm, then raised his head: "Then who is the caster?"

At this moment, Itachi had already made up his mind. If the person who reincarnated him from the dirty land was someone with evil intentions towards Konoha, he would use the Mangekyo Sharingan that Shisui entrusted to him before his death to activate that person. Other gods protect Konoha, lest that guy use the power of the reincarnation of the dirty earth to harm Konoha.

As soon as he looked up, Itachi's CPU burned out.

Among the people present, the one he recognized first was Orochimaru. At that moment, he almost wanted to use another god on Orochimaru, but the few people he saw next made his brain shut down again.

A guy who looked very familiar, who looked like both Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, stood aside, with a pair of Sharingan eyes.

Were there any omissions back then? It shouldn't be.

There is another guy who wears Konoha's forehead protector, a Sengoku-style armor, and is also the reincarnation of the dirty land.

Itachi only recalled the identity corresponding to the other person's image for a moment. He asked tentatively: "Are you...the Nidaime Hokage?"

The second generation Hokage nodded with a strange look on his face.

This strange lineup made Itachi's brain heat up a bit. After pondering for a while, Itachi asked a few people: "Excuse me...what is the reason for reincarnating me from the dirt?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally Orochimaru stood up and explained: "The Nidaime-sama suspected that Uchiha Madara was not dead, so he decided to investigate Uchiha Madara within the scope of the ninja world. For this, he needed some people who were thought to be dead by the world. to assist him."

"I see." Itachi nodded clearly: "Then you have found the right person. I do know Uchiha Madara."

"What?" Nidaime suddenly became excited: "So you have a clue about Madara?"

Itachi nodded slightly: "Yes, that guy was one of the murderers of the Uchiha clan's destruction ten years ago. It was he who secretly encouraged the Uchiha clan to launch a coup and pushed the Uchiha clan to death."

"Then do you know where he is? No, we are not qualified enough to challenge him. Who is that over there! The one who knows how to spit, do you have my brother's cells? If you do, take them out quickly. I'll call my brother out!"

The second generation may indeed have a little bit of martial virtue, but if it is for Uchiha Madara, then his martial virtue is minus infinity. If you can circle-kick him, you must circle-kick him. Any idea of ​​​​a duel is disrespectful to Uchiha Madara.

At the same time, the Nidaime still firmly remembers the unchanging truth of the Warring States Period: when big things happen, call the big brother.

Although his eldest brother Senju Hashirama's brain is not particularly bright, his fists are really big in a physical sense.

With his big brother's fists and his brains, he was truly invincible in the ninja world.

When you meet Uchiha Madara, you are right to call him big brother.

Unexpectedly, before Orochimaru could speak, Itachi spoke first: "Nidaime-sama, to deal with Uchiha Madara, I'm afraid the First Generation-sama won't need to take action."

"Oh? Is that guy so old that he can't even walk anymore?" When the second generation heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Could he take advantage of his illness to kill him?

"No, that guy's body is very healthy, and he doesn't look like he's dying. Instead, he looks like a young man. His strength is not very strong, and even if I fight with him, I may not be able to defeat him." Itachi said very explained confidently.

"Oh?" The second generation quickly parsed out several key words in Itachi's words.

[Good health] [Like young people] [Not very strong]

After combining this information for a while, the second generation suddenly thought of something: "It seems that that guy is not the real Uchiha Madara. Even if the real Uchiha Madara has only one breath left, he is not something you can deal with. What you said That Uchiha Madara is probably just the heir that guy found to inherit his name and work outside."

Itachi caught his words without being humble or arrogant: "Your analysis makes sense, but that guy holds a lot of secrets. In fact, I have been looking for opportunities to use Shisui's eyes to control him and relieve Konoha of a Enemy."

"Shisui? Who is this?" The second generation raised his eyebrows.

"Uchiha Shisui, my good friend, is also the person who guides me forward. You should know his ancestor Uchiha Mirror, he is the same person as his ancestor."

"Oh, Kage!" As soon as he mentioned Uchiha Kage, the second generation understood: "King is a very good young man! It's a pity that because his brain is too normal, his ability is a bit poor, otherwise I would really think about whether to train him If he can become Hokage, the conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha will be resolved to the greatest extent."

Orochimaru heard this and hurriedly started a conversation: "We also have the filthy material of the Uchiha mirror!"

The second generation frowned when he heard this: "No, boy, are you a tomb robber?"

Chapter 237 This is the Uchiha Guards

"Sir, what are you talking about!" Orochimaru let out a few strange laughs from his throat: "I also visited your laboratory before your death, and many things in it surprised me."

"Oh~ I remembered it when you mentioned this. Is there anyone who will maintain my laboratory later?" Nidaime suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Unfortunately, no. The Sandaime Hokage is opposed to testing these things on humans. Your laboratory was later cleared."

"Oh, this is really what a monkey would do." The Nidaime sighed after hearing this: "Uchiha Madara's hair and some body cells are preserved in my laboratory. If the laboratory has been maintained by someone, maybe We can also use those things to reincarnate him from the dirt."

At this time, Uchiha Itachi interjected: "As long as we defeat Madara's heir, we can get any information we want to know from him."

After saying that, Uchiha Itachi pondered for a while: "Madara has always hidden his whereabouts. The only one who can find him is the leader of the Akatsuki organization."

"This is a clue. Do you know where the leader of the Akatsuki organization is?" The second generation began to think about countermeasures.

"I don't know his specific location, nor his true identity, but I learned some time before my death that his base camp may be in the Kingdom of Rain."

Upon hearing the words "The Country of Rain", Uchiha Naruto's expression changed slightly.

Just at this time, the alarm clock on the wall pointed to the thirtieth mark. With a flash of light, Uchiha Naruto disintegrated and turned into Sasuke and Naruto.

The appearance of the two of them surprised several people again: "You two... are you two the ones who turned into that guy just now?"

Naruto nodded: "A secret technique that can perfectly combine the power of two people and become one person."

"Is there such a thing?" Orochimaru's eyes flashed, as if the door to a new world had opened.

"So who are you two?" The second generation was still in the recognition stage.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. He is Uchiha Sasuke, the son of Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan." Naruto briefly introduced himself to the two of them.

"You two have quite a story." Upon hearing this, the Nidaime realized that one's father's surname is Namikaze, his son's surname is Uzumaki, and the other is the last member of the Uchiha clan. The story of these two people is enough to fill at least 720 episodes.

Before he finished speaking, the Nidaime suddenly casually hit the floor not far away with a water escape sword, preventing Danzo from crawling away secretly.

"I haven't had time to talk about you yet, Danzo. My reputation has been ruined by you. Although the Uchiha clan has hidden dangers, they sincerely fought for the village during the Ninja World War. You You killed the whole family, and you still have the nerve to claim that you inherited my will? I can’t afford to lose this person!”

The second generation glanced at Sasuke aside: "You are the last living member of the Uchiha clan. It's up to you how to deal with him."

"Nidaime-sama!" Danzo never expected that Nidaime, the master, would abandon it like this?

"Sorry, we can't stay with you for a while." Naruto and Sasuke dragged Danzo away apologetically. When passing by Orochimaru, Orochimaru silently handed him some detonating charms, kunai, shurikens and other weapons. Two people.

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