Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and said very aggrievedly: "But, Kakashi-sensei, that chakra is really very little."

"..." Kakashi felt that he was a little bit over the top. Do young people nowadays have so much chakra?

"Sakura, come here." He placed his last hope on his best score in theory class, the only student with both parents and a healthy mind.

"give it to me!"

Sakura attached a little chakra to her feet according to Kakashi's description, and then walked towards the tree.

As a result, to the surprise of several people, Sakura successfully mastered the chakra tree climbing method, and proudly sat on the branch and stuck out her tongue at the two of them.

"Just a little chakra is enough!" Sakura said proudly.

"How much less should it be..." Naruto and Sasuke thought they had just used enough chakra to the extent of their skin, but it turned out to be too much.

Chapter 24 Wait for me to change my number

After having the experience of failure, Naruto quickly began to grasp the essentials.

Using chakra to climb trees is a very, very basic thing compared to the entire chakra system. It can even be said to be the same as the introduction to kindergarten.

It doesn't consume chakra at all. It can be said that you just need to let chakra "exist" on the soles of your feet. According to Naruto's experience, it is about as big and thick as an insole. If it is too thin, it will not be sticky. Too thick and too strong.

After mastering this essential, Naruto successfully climbed a big tree in the third experiment and was able to walk freely on the branches. There was no problem whether he was hanging on a golden hook upside down or defecating on one foot.

At this time, Sasuke was embarrassed, because he had much more chakra than Sakura, and unlike Naruto, who had decades of training experience, when both Naruto and Sakura successfully climbed onto the big tree, He was still struggling to get up under the tree.

This made Sasuke feel even more humiliated. He couldn't accept that he was the weak link in the team, especially when the team also included Sakura.

"Damn... If you can't even take the first step, how can you talk about revenge...!"

Just when Sasuke didn't know what to do and was filled with grief and anger, Naruto came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Calm down, this is an entry-level thing. Don't learn it with the idea of ​​learning advanced skills."

With just one sentence, Sasuke felt that the clouds had been cleared up a bit. Chakra tree climbing was indeed a very entry-level thing. If you regard it as too advanced, apply too much chakra or be too impatient, it will easily fail.

The reason why Sakura succeeded easily was because she was very good in theory classes. She already knew about this course and its positioning in the ninja school, but she had not tested it in practice.

Naruto whispered in Sasuke's ear: "It's almost enough for an insole. I tested it myself. You can try it."

"Is it really okay?" Sasuke hesitated for a moment, and then began to concentrate chakra according to Naruto's words.

When a chakra the size and thickness of an insole condensed on the sole of his foot, Sasuke suddenly felt that the connection between himself and the ground had become more stable. Even if there was a strong wind, it would be difficult to blow him down.

Just the solid feeling on the soles of his feet gave him enough confidence.

Sasuke looked at the big tree in front of him and ran towards it with long strides.

"Sasuke, be careful!" Sakura couldn't help but remind him, remembering how Sasuke had failed a few times before and had fallen bruises all over his body.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke jumped in front of the tree and ran directly onto the trunk. Although his steps were not particularly steady, there was no doubt that he had succeeded.

"It's done!" Sasuke was a little excited as he stood on the tree. The change in mood almost made his feet slip. He quickly stabilized his mood and then stood firmly on the tree.

Kakashi, who seemed to be reading a book but was actually observing a few people, couldn't help but have a new evaluation of Naruto.

"This kid cares more about his partners than I expected... I thought he and Sasuke wouldn't get along well, or at least have some minor conflicts, but it turns out that their relationship seems to be warming up day by day... ."

At first, Kakashi had carefully read Sasuke's experiences over the years. He had been practicing diligently since the night of the genocide, so he was always the first in the ninja school. Moreover, he did not make friends with anyone and treated everyone indifferently. It's cold.

Kakashi can actually understand this feeling to some extent. It's not that Sasuke doesn't desire friendship, nor does he really care about others, but he has firmly set his life goal as "revenge". For this purpose, he can regardless of costs.

He probably feels that he is already a person with no bright future, and becoming friends with someone like him will only drag down both parties and bring more pain.

Kakashi also thought this way when he was relatively autistic, but he later came out of it. Although he can no longer return to the high-spirited feeling when he was young, he will not avoid strangers like he did when he was autistic.

But it is a pity that although ninjas always hope to turn themselves into ruthless tools and exist only for their goals, as long as they are human, they will always have feelings, and such things as ruthlessness cannot be achieved.

Sasuke himself probably didn't realize it, but he had begun to regard Naruto as a good friend. When he succeeded, his delighted eyes immediately turned to Naruto, which showed that he really wanted to get Naruto's approval.

What's even worse is that Naruto seemed to know this, as he was smiling and applauding Sasuke.

Kakashi couldn't help but look at Sakura at this time.

She also kept staring at Sasuke with a look of "look at me, look at me", but Sasuke's eyes were always on Naruto, which made her feel very lonely.

Kakashi came behind Sakura without anyone noticing and patted her lost shoulder: "Sakura, it's useless to just look at you with hope. Only when you also have a dazzling halo, others will not be able to help but look at you, so work hard to practice!"

"Teacher Kakashi... woo woo..." Sakura suddenly collapsed.

However, Sasuke still didn't notice this.

After learning to climb trees, Kakashi let them go freely and said that they could draw inferences from one example and think about what other uses they could cite from climbing trees.

Sasuke stayed in the woods to practice, while Naruto went to the town. He planned to see what the town of Wave Country was like.

As expected, the towns in Wave Country are all made up of broken wooden houses, and the only difference from the seaside is that the houses are more densely packed.

He walked into the vegetable market, frowning even more - because this place can no longer be called a vegetable market, most of the stalls are empty, and only a few stalls have some scattered vegetables for sale, but the quantity is too small.

When he came to the stall of one of the vegetable stores, Naruto only saw a dozen cabbages, a small bundle of radishes, a handful of green onions, and a small basket of potatoes.

Looking at the pale and thin vendor uncle, Naruto couldn't help asking him: "I won't sell all the vegetables you eat at home?"

The uncle sighed: "To make some money, there is no other way."

"But what should you eat yourself?"

"'s all a worry, I don't want to mention it, are you buying vegetables? If not, just go!" The uncle was obviously so hungry that he was in a bad mood.

Naruto thought about it, chose to walk out of the vegetable store, and found an empty toilet.

After a while, he changed to Kakarot's account and walked over.

"Hey! Shopkeeper, your dishes are good."

Chapter 25 "Scumbag Rotor"

The stall owner saw a sturdy man coming, so he forced himself to ask him: "Do you want to buy vegetables?"

Kakarot took out a banknote from his pocket: "I can buy some, but you have to answer some questions for me."

When the uncle saw the banknote, his eyes were straight, and he nodded immediately: "You say! As long as you buy my vegetables, you can ask anything! But you put the money away first, it will be bad if the people of Cardo see that you have money!"

Kakarot did not comment, but just asked him: "The resources of the Wave Country are so scarce, and you don't look like you have any surplus food. Why do you sell so many precious foods?"

Hearing this, the uncle sighed and said: "I don't want to, but... My wife went fishing a few days ago and wanted to give it to my son. I tried to get some meat, but I accidentally fell into the sea. Although I was rescued, I have been having a fever ever since then. "

"I have tried all the folk remedies, but they can't reduce the fever. Only the antipyretic medicine in the pharmacy can work."

"But the pharmacy is owned by Kado, and I can't afford a dose of antipyretic medicine. I thought that the price of vegetables in the market is very expensive, so I took out the food at home..."

Kakarot frowned: "But even if I buy the medicine and reduce your wife's fever, what will you do if there is no food at home?"

"I don't know! Ordinary people like us don't have the ability to think about things so far ahead. We can only take one step at a time. I only know that I can't watch my wife die of illness!" The uncle showed a painful look on his face.

"At worst, we can only eat one meal a day, and then eat bark and leaves to fill our stomachs. As long as we can wait until the next wave of vegetables and grains mature, there will always be a way."

"So, what about your previous vegetables and grains?"

"We sold them to Kado. Last winter, we had no supplies to survive the winter, so we had to borrow money and supplies from him. More than half of our harvest this spring was given to him to pay off the debt."

"If you really can't make it to the next season, what will you do?"

"Go to Kado to borrow money again. You can't starve to death!"

"Then, the next season's harvest is used to pay off the debt, and you start to starve again. The next season's grain has not yet been produced, and winter is coming again. What will you do this time?"

Before the uncle had time to answer this question, several ronin holding samurai swords broke into the store. They were mercenaries under Kado, specializing in suppressing civilians.

When they came in, they naturally saw the banknotes in Kakarot's hand. In the country of waves, it is rare to see people who can take out such a large amount of banknotes. There is a high probability that they are outsiders who came here by accident. In their eyes, Kakarot was already a fat sheep from another place.

They put the cold steel knife on Kakarot's neck, and gently tapped his chin with the back of the knife, threatening him: "Boy, I'm short of money recently, bring some money here!"

"What if I refuse you?" Kakarot answered calmly.

"Reject? That won't do, how can you refuse me?" The other party pressed the steel knife against Kakarot's neck, as if he was going to cut his throat in the next second: "Many people in this town have refused me, guess where they are buried now?"

"Hahahaha..." Kakarot laughed coldly: "It seems that you are always short of money? I have a good idea."


"From now on, just have someone burn paper for you."

Before he finished speaking, the steel knife in the Ronin's hand broke and fell to the ground inch by inch. Then, Kakarot raised the Ronin closest to him with one hand: "Tell me, is my proposal good?"

The other party was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly: "Oh...I...I don't want to do that!"

"That's not okay. How can you refuse me?" Kakarot smiled evilly and threw him out the door. He hit the rocks hard, making the sound of broken bones.

There was a sound of breaking wind behind him. It was two ronin trying to sneak up on him from behind. However, Kakarot just exploded the energy in his body, making their katana unable to move his body even one bit.

"You're so skilled at wielding the knife. It's aimed at the vital point as soon as you come up. Have you tried it on a lot of people?"

Kakarot dodged and held the two people over one by one, as if they were very close.

"You're dressed well and you look good. Tell me, what did you eat for lunch today?"

He heard the sound of teeth chattering, and the two people who were so murderous just now were actually trembling continuously.

"Don't be like this. Isn't it good to show off the momentum you just had? This will make me think that you guys are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. Well...that way you will die even more miserably."

The two people who were frightened could only tell him tremblingly: "Lunch... lunch is beef stew with potatoes and tuna rice balls."

Snap, snap, snap

Kakarot let go of them and clapped softly.

"It's great. Even I can't have lunch like this. Some people have almost lost their lives just to let their children eat a fish."

Then, he stared at the two of them with terrifying eyes: "It seems that you two live a very prosperous life. I don't know why you would like this ten thousand yuan bill in my hand?"

"I beg you, please let us go!" One of the ronin could no longer hold on and knelt on the ground, kowtowing uncontrollably.


Kakarot kicked him away, causing him to fall to the ground clutching his stomach in pain.

"Why did you answer the wrong question? This is not good. It is basic courtesy to answer others well, isn't it?"

Then, he squinted at the remaining ronin: "You will answer my questions well, right?"

The other party immediately fell to his knees on the ground, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube: "I...we had a few full meals and felt a little full, so we came to the street for a walk. We made an appointment before coming. If there is a beautiful woman, we can take it back with us. It’s cool. If you encounter a rich fat sheep, just squeeze it out and kill it. If you really have nothing to do, just smash up a shop and use it as an after-dinner exercise!”

"Louder, repeat it again, I want everyone to hear it!"


The extremely frightened Ronin shouted out all the words he just said in a trembling voice, word for word, so that everyone in the market could hear clearly.

In an instant, their reactions were different.

Some people were furious, some clenched the knives they were using for cutting vegetables, some shrank but clenched their fists, and some pretended not to hear anything and left quickly.

"I remembered the days when I was practicing on the island." Kakarot suddenly seemed to be walking and chatting endlessly: "For a while, I was confused by some things and couldn't figure it out, and even my practice was delayed."

"Then I couldn't help it anymore, so I asked my teacher."

"The teacher told me that you don't have to be confused. As a human being, as long as you live in this world, even if you do nothing, you will become the enemy of some people. You don't need to do anything wrong. Many times you have something to eat. Everyone else seems to be wrong.”

"What should we do? I asked the teacher."

"The teacher told me that if anyone refuses to let you eat, you beat him down and then reason with him. If he doesn't listen to the reason, you continue to beat him! If he still doesn't listen, you keep beating him until he He will never be your enemy again."

"Everyone, you see, the truth is as simple as this. You live your life as you should. Have you done anything evil? I don't think so."

"But even if you did nothing, they have already made up their mind to humiliate your wife and daughter, take away your money, and destroy your family business."

"Can you just hide away? Huh? Everyone, can you hide away?"

"Can your wife and daughter not go out? Can you not spend money outside? Can you hide all your stores?"

"If not, it will be you today, him tomorrow, and who will be the day after tomorrow?"

Having said that, Kakarot kicked the last samurai to the ground, then turned and left.

Before leaving, he turned his back to everyone and shouted: "I haven't killed any of these three people. You can decide how to deal with them."

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