From the beginning, Cardo had no intention of paying. Although the reward was not a lot of money for him, Cardo did not want the poor guy to get even a penny of his money.

In fact, he had hired several rebel ninjas over the years, and basically eliminated them in various ways, either when both sides were injured, or when celebrating success, poisoning or assassination. In short, Cardo had already liked this routine of hiring rebel ninjas, then killing them after completing the task and exempting the commission.

" bastard!" Zabuza, who realized that he had been deceived, was completely angry.

Chapter 34 Cardo→Up and Down Xixi

"Kakashi, it seems that we don't need to fight anymore." Zabuza smiled bitterly, thinking that everything he did was so ridiculous.

He risked his life to kill Kakashi and his group, just to earn Cardo's reward, so that he could decide whether to retire or continue to work hard to change the Water Kingdom in the future.

As a result, he had no chance of getting the money from the beginning. Kado had never thought of paying him. His goal from the beginning to the end was to kill Zabuza after he and Kakashi were both injured.

"Kado... I was really underestimated by you, a bastard!" Zabuza laughed in anger. Kado wanted to kill him with more than a thousand samurai. It is true that he was in a bad state at the moment, because he could not release a decent ninjutsu, and there was a high probability that he would be killed by so many people.

But, this bastard Kado didn't think that so many people could protect him, right?

"The battle with you ends here. I have new things to do." Zabuza stared at Kado with murderous anger. The latter was immediately frightened and quickly hid in the crowd.

"If your opponent is Kado, then I will sponsor you something as a special friendship." Naruto took out a storage scroll from his pocket and unfolded it.

After taking the beheading sword from Zabuza that day, Kakashi sealed up this famous weapon from the Hidden Mist Village, because no one in their group was good at using it, and it would be easy for them to get into trouble if they showed off the Hidden Mist Village's things.

At this moment, Naruto took out the scroll that sealed the beheading sword, and after performing the seal to unseal it, the huge beheading sword was summoned. Naruto threw it out, and Zabuza caught it steadily.

"Thanks, kid!" Zabuza immediately showed a bloodthirsty grin after getting the beheading sword.

As a senior ninja from the Hidden Mist Village who is good at killing people, his physical skills are terrible, and he is even more powerful with the beheading sword in his hand.

"Kado!!!!" Zabuza yelled his name, waved the beheading sword and rushed towards him.

Many samurai blocked the way, but Zabuza swung his beheading sword and easily split them in half. Occasionally, some swords hit him, but Zabuza didn't care. People from the Hidden Mist Village have the endurance to not be killed easily.

He hacked and killed all the way, without using any ninjutsu, and killed two or three hundred samurai with just physical skills. There were many more wounds on his body, and some weapons were stuck in his body, bloody.

"He is asking for death." Kakashi sighed when he saw this scene.

As a senior ninja, Kakashi naturally knew that with Zabuza's remaining physical strength, as long as he didn't want to die, these people would definitely not leave him. Later, he would have plenty of opportunities to kill Kado. It was too easy for a demon from the Hidden Mist Village to assassinate an ordinary person.

But he didn't retreat, but chose to attack without defense. He rushed forward, which was completely asking for death. I'm afraid that when the boy named Bai fell, he had already lost the idea of ​​living.

Although Zabuza looked miserable at this time, his eyes were still like a terrifying beast. He forcibly cut a path through the crowd and caught up with the fleeing Kado. The surrounding warriors were already frightened by the killing and could only surround him, hesitating and not daring to approach.

"Haha... Hahahahahahaha... Kado... Where do you want to run to?" Zabuza, covered in blood, approached him step by step with a grim smile, holding a beheading sword taller than Kado in his hand, dragging it on the ground, making a series of creepy sounds.

"You bastard, I believed your lies and died in vain in this place. Today, whether it is you, a despicable bastard, or me, who is like an idiot, stay here and keep him company..."

Zabuza picked up the beheading sword, his body full of blood, like a Shura crawling out of a sea of ​​blood, and slashed at Kado fiercely.

The warriors hired by Cardo were already scared out of their wits. No one dared to come up to protect Cardo. The once wealthy business man could only watch the sword fall and split him in half from the top of his head.

After the sword was slashed, Zabuza finally gave up his obsession and fell to the ground with a plop.

However, although he fell, the warriors around him still did not dare to step forward. The tiger was still powerful after death. They were already scared out of their wits by Zabuza.

The warriors retreated timidly. Cardo was dead at this time. There was no need for them to fight with the opponent.

Zabuza was so scary. There were still four living ninjas on the opposite side, especially the white-haired leader. He should be more powerful than Zabuza. If they really started fighting, they might not be able to kill him.

If they were really so ignorant of their own danger, Naruto could send them all to heaven with one Kamehameha. However, Naruto did not like killing people, and except for the ghost brothers from the Hidden Mist Village who had insisted on assassinating them before, he always gave people room to maneuver.

The main thing is that he doesn't need to take action to kill these people.

The fleeing warriors began to flee to Cardo's base camp. But they still remembered that Cardo's 10,000 tons of food and various resources were stored there, and a lot of money was also hidden there. All they had to do was build a few ships to transport them away. With those supplies, they were considered developed.

But soon their dream was shattered. On their way back, they were surrounded by residents of the Kingdom of Waves armed with various weapons.

The remaining samurai are only a few hundred, and they are usually used to show off their power and suppress some small-scale peasant resistance. But now the entire Kingdom of Waves has been mobilized. The population of the Kingdom of Waves is 500,000, including young and middle-aged people. More than 100,000 or 200,000 people. Even if only one tenth of these people are mobilized, it is a very scary number.

The warriors who were surrounded by a sea of ​​people were now in a state of despair. They just wanted to escape and save their lives, but the residents obviously would not let them go.

They were carried by the crowd and came to the square, and then the people who had been bullied rushed here and began to liquidate.

"You broke my old man's leg!"

"My house was completely ransacked by you, even the old hens that laid eggs were taken away and eaten by you!"

"Where did you take my daughter to?!"

"Give my husband his life back!"

The crowd was excited for a while, and everyone counted the sins committed by each warrior one by one, then picked them out one by one and liquidated them one by one.

New warriors or other personnel were constantly being sent to the square, and they were all Cardo's subordinates. In order to manage the Kingdom of Waves, Cardo hired quite a few subordinates and thugs.

Thousands of people were counted from day to night. By the time the moon rose and people lit up their torches, all the warriors had been counted, and the scene became unsightly.

The scarlet anger in people's eyes gradually dissipated. The great revenge had been avenged, but they had no joy. The lost people would never come back.

They overthrew Cardo's rule and completed a major event that could be recorded in the history of the Kingdom of Waves. In the process, no innocent people were harmed. Every person killed was guilty of enough to cause death. The process was impeccable and sufficient. It will become a positive deed that will be written heavily in the annals of history in the future.

But many people did not laugh, but cried after the reckoning. Because broken legs will not be reattached and dead relatives will not be resurrected, many people may be like this from now on. Even if the Land of Waves really gets better because of the bridge, their lives will no longer become happy.

They knew it before they started, but even so, they joined the team and came together.

Chapter 35 I just think that people should live like a human being

Kakashi walked up to Zabuza, who was already unconscious and on his deathbed.

Seeing Kakashi coming, Zabuza tried his best to cheer up and squeezed out a sentence from his throat: "Can you do me a favor? Take Shiro."

Kakashi nodded silently and carefully carried Zabuza, who was covered in blood, to the dead Haku.

Perhaps all the tears Zabuza had shed in the past combined were not as much as today. He looked at the dead Shiro with tears streaming down his face.

Only now did he understand that nothing in this world is more precious than the person in front of him. Everything can be lost and recovered, except people.

Zabuza has always believed that the purpose of a ninja is to turn himself into a ruthless killing weapon, and he just needs to accept the task without emotion and then kill people.

But after meeting Shiro, this idea was shaken little by little. Until today, he finally understood that ninjas are just human beings and cannot be completely ruthless. Even if they are indifferent to 99% of the people in the world, they will still be indifferent after all. There will be that one person who will make him open his heart.

"I'm such a fool...I caused you to die here. I used to think you were just my killing tool, but now I realize that I was just deceiving myself."

Zabuza smiled wryly at himself. He stretched out his hand to caress Shiro's cheek. At this time, snowflakes actually fell from the sky, as if the heavens were mourning this young man who died young.

A snowflake fell on the corner of Bai's eye and melted slowly, as if Bai was crying.

"If there is a pure land in this world, I really hope I can go there with you..." Zabuza slowly closed his eyes and his breath gradually dropped.

"Kakashi-sensei, let's bury them." Naruto suggested.

"Yeah." Kakashi also felt that his heart was touched. He dug two graves with his own hands, buried Haku and Zabuza in them, and buried Zabuza's decapitating sword as a sacrifice.

In the next few days, a large number of young and middle-aged people from the Kingdom of Waves joined in the process of repairing the bridge. The labor force was abundant, because with the food supply in Cardo's warehouse, everyone worked very energetically.

Without any external influence, and with the help of almost everyone in the Country of Waves, the bridge is being built at a rapid speed every day. Everyone also firmly believes that this bridge will bring changes to the Country of Waves.

After confirming that there was no threat, Kakashi and his party left the Country of Waves the night before the bridge was completed. They had left Konoha long enough. Before leaving, they only notified Tatsuna, who was their employer. Knowing that he couldn't keep him, he took out the highest-level reward for a B-level mission from his wallet.

"This is crowdfunded by everyone from the Kingdom of Waves. Please accept it. Without you, we would never be where we are today." Dazna sincerely gave everyone the reward.

Kakashi did not refuse, because this mission was indeed worthy of the reward. If Dazna went alone, he would only accept the initial C-level mission reward, but if it was a reward given by the Wave Country, there would be no reason to refuse.

The day after they returned to Konoha, the Wave Country Bridge was completed. Everyone argued for a long time about the name. Some people wanted to commemorate the dead Keisha and name it Keisha Bridge, but some people thought it was the credit of the Konoha ninjas and wanted to name it Konoha Bridge or something like that.

"This bridge is the common hard work of all the people of the Wave Country. I think it's better to call it the People's Bridge."

A full-hearted voice sounded, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw two ninjas, one big and one small, slowly coming from the bridge.

Facing the doubtful and even vigilant people in the Land of Waves, the two ninjas explained: "We are wandering ninjas without a ninja village. If you don't mind, we want to stay in the Land of Waves and become ninjas here."

At first, everyone didn't believe it, until the younger ninja said: "We were introduced by Uzumaki Naruto from Konoha Village. He is an interesting guy who always says 'dadebayo' when he speaks."

The people of the Land of Waves believed them a little bit, mainly because they really need permanent ninjas now. After the bridge is built, people from other countries and regions will start to travel here more and more. The Land of Waves must not have a decent defense force.

In the ninja world, the highest defense force of a country is ninjas. Powerful countries have their own ninja villages, such as Konoha Village, Mist Village, Cloud Village, Sand Village, etc., while smaller countries cannot form ninja villages, so they can only settle for the second best and cooperate with some ninjas. The country supports them, and they provide defense for the country.

After a careful interrogation, the Kingdom of Waves finally decided to let the two ninjas stay. At first, they were of course very vigilant. Every night, they would arrange people to stand guard around and pay close attention to their suspicious actions. If they found that these guys had bad intentions, they would immediately send people to the ninja villages of the five major countries to hire people to deal with them.

Fortunately, the two ninjas seemed to really want to live here. They have always been very well-behaved and honest. In the days that followed, they also provided practical defense for the Kingdom of Waves and solved several incidents. Only then did the Kingdom of Waves let down their guard against them.

Another night, the two ninjas helped the Kingdom of Waves solve a group of fleeing robbers and returned to their residence with the reward.

After confirming that there was no one around, they lifted the transformation technique and revealed their true appearance. It turned out to be Zabuza and Haku who were supposed to be dead.

Zabuza lay down on the big bed and said leisurely: "It turns out that this is the life of a normal ninja. You can earn a lot of money by helping people catch chickens and dogs. When I was in the Hidden Mist Village, I never took any orders other than killing people."

"Master Zabuza, what do you want for dinner?"

"Whatever, whatever you cook is delicious anyway." Zabuza lazily squirmed his body.

"It seems that you two have adapted to life here."

A voice that was very familiar to the two of them sounded, and Naruto, who changed into Kakarot's skin, used instant teleportation to appear in the room.

Seeing Naruto coming, Zabuza and Bai immediately came over to salute: "Long time no see, thank you for what you did before!"

The reason why the two of them were able to survive was naturally because Naruto gave Bai two Senzu beans in the forest.

At that time, Bai didn't know the magical use of Senzu beans. Naruto only told him to do whatever he wanted to do, and if he felt that he was going to die, he should eat this thing.

After being pierced by Kakashi's Raikiri, Bai remembered Naruto's words, so he used his last strength to swallow the Senzu beans hidden in his mouth. In just a moment, all his injuries recovered, and he knew what Naruto meant by what he said to him that day.

After recovering from his injuries, he immediately used the Kirigakure's exclusive skill of pretending to be dead. Zabuza used this trick to deceive Kakashi at the beginning, and now Bai deceived him again. Naturally, Kakashi would not open Bai's clothes to examine the body under such circumstances.

When Zabuza was dying, Naruto deliberately stood in front of them, blocking Kakashi's sight. Bai took the opportunity to stuff the Senzu beans into Zabuza's mouth, and then the two pretended to be dead together.

What happened later was arranged by Naruto. The Kingdom of Waves did need decent ninja combat power to ensure safety, which is why Naruto chose to save the lives of the two of them.

Facts have proved that his choice was correct. With the strength of Zabuza and Bai, it was more than enough to protect a small country like the Kingdom of Waves, and the two of them got the quiet life they wanted in the Kingdom of Waves as they wished.

Bai was amazed by all the arrangements Naruto made in Wave Country, from inspiring the rebellious sentiment of Wave Country people, leading to the final overthrow of Kado, to providing the location of the granary, solving the food problem of Wave Country during the winter and transition period, to designing a trap to kill Kado, saving the lives of the two of them, and bringing two high-end ninja combat forces to Wave Country. He did not do much in each matter, but it was like a delicate plucking of the strings of a harp, allowing Wave Country to get rid of Kado and move towards prosperity.

But there was only one thing that Bai couldn't figure out. When he met Naruto today, he decided to ask clearly.

"I want to know one thing."

"What is it?"

"Why did you do so much for the people of Wave Country? They don't know you at all, what is your reason for helping them like this?"

"Reasons..." Naruto suddenly smiled, and scenes of this world emerged in his mind.

"I just think that people should live like human beings, not like pigs, dogs, cattle and horses, that's all."


The Land of Waves chapter ends here, and the next chapter is the Chunin Exam, Naruto's peak of pretense ()

Chapter 36 Chunin Exam

After completing the mission in the Land of Waves, Kakashi submitted a report on this mission to the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage squinted at first, and then his eyes widened.

"The Kirigakure rebel ninja Momochi Zabuza and Haku?"

In fact, as early as when Dazna came to entrust the mission, the Third Hokage knew that this mission would not be simple, at least not just a C-level, because Dazna looked like he was hiding something.

The Third Hokage has seen a lot of this kind of thing. Many people offended ninjas for various reasons, and then had to run to Konoha to spend money to protect themselves. Some rich people directly issued B-level and above missions, asking the elites among the jonin to go with them to kill their enemies.

This kind of work is actually easy to do. The fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze often did this kind of work before he took over as Hokage. Generally, he would take some time to rush to the scene, find the enemy, and then use a Flying Thunder God followed by a Rasengan. OK, get the money.

Originally, the third generation thought that this matter would at most involve a Chunin, because these days, Jōnin is really a rare commodity. It takes not only time to train a Jonin, but also requires the person being trained to have enough talent. It is not that you can become a Jonin after training for a long time.

Moreover, ordinary Jonins are just so-so for people of Kakashi's level. Kakashi killed countless Chunins and Jonins during the Ninja World War.

Who would have thought that this time the opponent was actually a heavyweight Jonin like Momochi Zabuza. At his level, although he still had a big chance of losing to Kakashi, Kakashi also had the possibility of overturning.

The most terrible thing is that when fighting with people of Zabuza's level, Kakashi can't take care of Naruto and others.

Zabuza alone is deadly enough, but what's even more deadly is that he is accompanied by Haku who has a bloodline limit. If it weren't for Naruto and Sasuke's strong strength, Haku would probably kill the three Genin and then cooperate with Zabuza to kill Kakashi.

After reading the mission report, the third generation broke into a cold sweat. If this mission was replaced by other Jonin teams, it would probably be dangerous.

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