This action angered Sasuke. He could not tolerate Kakashi fighting him with such a contemptuous attitude. Wasn't it obvious that he didn't take him seriously?

"Don't look down on me!" Sasuke took out several shurikens and threw them at Kakashi.

At the moment when Sasuke threw the shurikens, Naruto felt that Kakashi's Qi had moved.

Kakashi's Qi instantly moved to the big tree behind them, and the "Kakashi" in front of them was left with only a little chakra fluctuation. It was obvious that Kakashi should have escaped using the substitution technique.

However, Sasuke did not have the ability to sense Qi. From his perspective, Kakashi did not dodge or avoid his shurikens. In his surprised eyes, he was stabbed with shurikens and his flesh and blood were blurred.

"It's fake." Naruto reminded, and then turned to look at the big tree where Kakashi hid.

Kakashi, who was stared at by Naruto, was slightly surprised: "He actually captured my position in an instant? Such a terrible perception, is it given to him by the Nine-Tailed Fox?"

In theory, a child of Naruto's age should not have such a strong perception, even many jonin can't react so quickly + lock the position. In Kakashi's opinion, the only explanation is that the Nine-Tailed Fox gave Naruto some power, making him different from ordinary people.

Chapter 8 King Fist, triple!

As long as he has the ability to perceive Qi, Naruto will not be attacked by anyone, because people in this world don't know that Qi exists, so they don't know how to hide their Qi.

Hiding Qi is not just about being still and holding your breath. You must first master the use of Qi to guide the Qi in your body, so that they can explode and increase combat power, or suppress the hidden breath.

In addition to sensing a person's position, Naruto can also roughly feel a person's good and evil through the difference in Qi. If a person has a strong negative tendency in his heart, his Qi will become low and depressed. Similarly, if a person has a strong killing intent, his Qi will become very violent.

Kakashi's temper was very calm, without any killing intent, even Sasuke's killing intent was higher than his.

After confirming that he had been discovered by Naruto, Kakashi simply jumped down from the tree, and subdued Sakura, who was still in a daze, with one move, and put a kunai on her neck.

"You two seem to have completely ignored the existence of your partner." Kakashi smiled calmly, but the cold kunai seemed to be able to cut Sakura's neck at any time.

In today's test, he was not actually testing the three people's fighting ability, nor was he testing their ability to adapt to changes. These things were not particularly important to Kakashi. He could teach about fighting, and he could also pass on the experience of adapting to changes. He had plenty of time to cultivate these things.

The only thing he wanted to test was whether these three people cared about their partners.

For Kakashi, partner is a word with a special meaning.

For ninjas, feelings are something that should not exist. As long as it is for the mission, whether it is their own life or the lives of others, they can be abandoned without hesitation. Life is no more noble than grass for ninjas.

However, Kakashi wants to see some different answers.

People who don't even care about their partners day and night are pure killing weapons, and they are not even human beings. Kakashi doesn't want his students to be such people.

His kunai is on Sakura's neck, but his eyes are always on Naruto and Sasuke. He wants to see their reactions.

As expected, Naruto and Sasuke stopped temporarily, and Naruto spoke first: "Teacher Kakashi, you are obviously a jonin, but you use hostages against genin. It's a bit ungentlemanly."

"This is a very common situation in wars and cruel missions. You have to learn to adapt." Kakashi smiled.

"That is to say, Mr. Kakashi, you are asking us to do multiple-choice questions, right?"

"That's right."

Naruto's mouth corners slightly raised: "But, Mr. Kakashi, I hate doing multiple-choice questions. In comparison, I prefer to let others do multiple-choice questions."

He suddenly clenched his fists, and his breath suddenly surged: "Haaaaaaaaaa.........!"

Kaiohken, 2 times!

A red wave of air burst out from his body, and Naruto's strength, defense, speed and other abilities all increased to 2 times before, and his actual combat ability instantly increased by leaps and bounds.

However, in contrast, Kaiohken also puts a lot of pressure on the body. With Naruto's current physical fitness, opening 2 times Kaiohken is equivalent to running with weights, opening 3 times Kaiohken is like an ultra-long-distance marathon, and opening 4 times Kaiohken is purely burning life.

"Red breath... the power of the Nine-Tails?" Kakashi was stunned.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed in Naruto's body, its chakra is indeed red, and it stands to reason that the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki will indeed burst out a red breath when fighting, but when did Naruto learn to use the power of the Nine-Tailed?

Naruto didn't give him room to think, his figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and the next second he appeared behind Kakashi, and kicked Kakashi with all his strength in the air.

The difficult multiple-choice question was instantly kicked from Naruto to Kakashi. Next, he could only do one thing, either wipe Sakura's neck, or dodge Naruto's attack sideways. As for resisting it? Naruto now seems to be using the power of the Nine-Tailed, and he is not interested in trying how hard his head is.

"What was that, kid? The instant body technique?" Kakashi found that he could not understand Naruto more and more. He even suspected that the third generation had secretly given this kid some special training. Is the instant body speed what he should have at his age?

As a last resort, Kakashi could only dodge sideways to avoid being blown up by the power of the Nine-Tails.

However, the next scene made Kakashi dumbfounded.

After he dodged sideways, Naruto's flying kick was still unabated, and his target was directly heading for Sakura.

With a muffled sound, Naruto kicked Sakura out with one kick. The latter's weak body flew more than 20 meters away, and Sasuke ran up to catch Sakura tacitly.

"You are really cruel, kid." Kakashi thought that Naruto just wanted to force him to withdraw so that he could find a chance to rescue Sakura. Who knew that this kid directly kicked Sakura out with one kick. Although Sakura was indeed saved, is this really the thinking of a freshly graduated student?

But overall, Kakashi was satisfied with Naruto and Sasuke's performance. At least they were rescuing their teammates. Although the method was a bit Russian, the intention was indeed there.

After kicking Sakura away, Naruto in the Kaio-ken state took advantage of the situation to attack Kakashi fiercely, and kept swinging the Wolf Fang Wind Fist at Kakashi. Because his speed was also doubled, the speed of the Wolf Fang Wind Fist made Kakashi, a jonin, feel a little dazzled. If he didn't take it seriously, he might get hit.

"You have practiced physical skills well, and your speed and strength are both commendable." Kakashi kept dodging Naruto's attacks, but he didn't mean to fight back.

"It seems that the strength is still not enough." Naruto saw that Kakashi still had the mind to talk, and he knew his current strength. Doubling it would not be a big threat to him.

He immediately gritted his teeth, and a stronger red aura burst out of his body.

Kaio-ken, 3 times!

Entering the triple Kaio-ken state, Naruto's speed and strength have been improved to a level that even Kakashi is amazed at. After the 3x improvement, Naruto is no longer at the level of a Genin. In this state, if he does more tasks to brush up his qualifications and learn some ninjutsu, he can almost consider taking the Chunin exam.

The triple Kaio-ken is also a huge burden for Naruto. He now feels like he is running a marathon with all his strength. His body seems to be unable to support it, but it seems that he can run for another distance.

The most shocked person at this moment is Kakashi. He thought Naruto was using the power of the Nine-Tails and secretly wondered in his heart: "When did the Nine-Tails become so generous?"


Seeing that many readers have questions about the Kaio-ken, I will give some simple answers here

1. Goku can only open 4 times when his combat power is 8000, why can Naruto open 4 times when he just arrived?

Answer: Goku didn't have to reach 8000 to open it. He learned King-ken when his combat power was 8000. King-ken never had a basic combat power requirement. The best proof is that the author of King-ken, King Kai, did not have a combat power of 8000 at all.

2. Why can it be opened to 4 times?

Answer: Once you learn King-ken, you start at 2 times. As mentioned here and in the following text, Naruto opened it to 4 times purely for his life, but he has Senzu beans, and this is not a life-and-death battle. If he can't hold on, he can use Senzu beans to restore full health in seconds.

3. Do you still think 4 times is too exaggerated? Can the body withstand it?

Answer: Naruto relies on the powerful life form of the Uzumaki clan + Nine-tail Chakra (his body has always been protected by the Nine-tail Chakra, and he automatically recovers blood when injured. See the beginning of the manga Wave Country chapter for details, which amazed Kakashi) + the protection of his own Qi, so he can open it to this level.

In addition, since his current combat power is 20 points, 4 times Kaio-ken only increases combat power by 60 points, so his body can support it. Goku couldn't support it because he increased his combat power by 24,000 in one breath.

And with 80 combat power, if you don't use Qigong, the output is actually very limited. For example, at the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament, Chi-Chi's combat power was 130 points, and Goku reached 180 points, but neither of them could do anything about the fire in the Bull Demon King's house.

Finally, it was Master Kame who had 180 combat power in his muscle state, and he used a Kamehameha to solve the fire that two people were helpless against. You can't simply and directly convert the character's combat power by "how big a pit can be blown with XX points of combat power", because the destructive power of using Qigong and not using Qigong is really very different.

Naruto has 80 combat power. If he uses the new Qigong Cannon, the high-destructive skills such as the Magic Light Killing Cannon, Kakashi will definitely not be able to withstand it. However, it is impossible to use Qigong to kill in a competition. A combat power of 80 that is not durable and does not kill has very limited actual combat ability (only compared with elite jonin like Kakashi, and those below jonin cannot fight against this combat power).

And, in fact, even if it is opened to four times or even higher, the consequence mentioned in the Dragon Ball setting is only "physical collapse". This sequelae does not need to be worried about with Senzu beans or healers.

Chapter 9 Konoha Taijutsu Secret Art: Thousand Years of Killing!

Fighting with all his strength in the triple Kaio-ken state made Naruto vaguely regain some of the feeling of fighting before.

Fighting with the highest Kaio-ken against an enemy that he cannot defeat at all is fascinating.

After fighting with all his might, he shouted "Goku!!!" and was carried away. Then, he was pulled back by the dragon when he was queuing up with his good brother Krillin in the underworld. When he opened his eyes, he saw his companions' bright smiles like Dabao. This feeling was somewhat abstract.

It was really difficult at the beginning of training. It was really difficult for a pure earth mortal to keep up with a group of aliens. Later, Naruto learned to be smart. Since his combat power could not keep up, he would learn more skills and become a functional talent.

Wolf Fang Wind Fist, Four Body Fist, Hole Hole Wave, Air Bomb, Kaio Ken, Kamehameha, New Air Cannon, Magic Light Killing Cannon, Magic Flash, Galick Cannon, Final Flash, Sun Fist, Air Circle Slash, and even in the end he even learned the Ultra Instinct. I am afraid that even Cell does not have as many skills as him.

Without suppressing his combat power by more than one stage, there is almost no chance of winning against him, because he knows too much.

Therefore, after Naruto came back, he directly regarded survival as the top priority at the moment. As long as he could have three to five years to practice and train his body to be strong enough to master these skills, there should be few people in this world who could match him.

The Kaio-ken was burning Naruto's physical strength like crazy. If he had been a completely mortal in the previous world, he would have fallen down by now.

However, now that he was using his original body, he felt that he still had enough physical strength. He didn't know what kind of physical constitution he had, and his endurance was so good.

Naruto became more and more courageous in the battle, but Kakashi was not so relaxed. He was in a very embarrassing state now.

If he didn't show his true strength to fight Naruto, he would probably be in a mess, because the 3x Kaio-ken was really not a lie.

But as a jonin, it was too embarrassing for him to fight a kid who had just graduated and was not even a genin with his true strength.

"Teacher Minato, your son has the potential to surpass you in the future." Kakashi sighed, and suddenly burst out his true strength, his speed increased explosively, and he got rid of Naruto's entanglement in an instant.

After pulling away, Kakashi flew back and began to quickly make seals with his hands.

Seeing Kakashi's hand movements, Sasuke suddenly widened his eyes: "Si, Wei, Shen, Hai, Wu, Yin, this is... the Great Fireball Technique? Naruto, get out of the way!"

It seemed too late, Kakashi had already completed the seals, and spit out a huge fireball at Naruto who was flying forward: "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Kakashi had just experienced Naruto's speed of three times Kaio-ken, and he believed that Naruto could definitely dodge it, but he was dumbfounded the next second - Naruto didn't dodge at all, and rushed up directly with the Great Fireball Technique.

"Hey, hey?!" Kakashi was confused. He really didn't think that Naruto would be so stubborn as to take the ninjutsu. Although the Great Fireball Jutsu was only a C-level ninjutsu, if he released it, the power would be terrible.

"Naruto, are you okay??"

Kakashi just thought to himself, "Teacher Minato, I'm sorry!", and the next second he saw Naruto rushing out of the Great Fireball Jutsu unscathed, not even a hair was burned, only his clothes were damaged a little.


Kakashi's cognition was refreshed again. He really couldn't think of how Naruto, a fresh graduate, could resist the Great Fireball Jutsu?

Thinking about it, Kakashi could only think that the Nine-Tails was too generous.

He himself felt that this answer was outrageous and unbelievable, but the problem was that there was no other possibility. You said that Naruto, a 12 or 13-year-old Jinchūriki child, could become so strong because of something other than the Nine-Tails?

It's impossible that there is a way in this world that can instantly heal a person after being injured, right? Even the legendary first generation Hokage, who is said to be immortal, at least has to read a bar when he recovers his health.

Kakashi naturally couldn't know that there is a magical thing in this world called Senzu Beans.

He also didn't know that Naruto always had a Senzu Bean hidden under his tongue, and he could take it whenever he needed it.

After changing to Senzu Beans, Naruto still felt unsafe. What if he encountered a dangerous situation and didn't have time to eat Senzu Beans? A can of Senzu Beans didn't have time to eat it, and he died. Isn't this very frustrating?

So, Naruto developed the habit of hiding a Senzu Bean in his mouth before doing things. Whenever he needed to go out to do something, and there was a certain risk, he would hide a Senzu Bean in his mouth first. Once something happened, he could take it directly, and he could also rely on the instant recovery characteristics of Senzu Beans to catch the other party off guard.

The Great Fireball Technique just now did burn him, but he took the Senzu Beans the moment before rushing out of the flames and instantly recovered to full health, which really caught Kakashi off guard.

Naruto didn't expect to beat Kakashi. He always had only one goal, which was to get the bell.

When Kakashi was stunned after rushing out of the flames, Naruto shouted in his heart: "Kaioh-ken, four times!"

Kakashi only felt a red shadow flash by, and the next second the bell in his hand disappeared.

"Success!" Naruto held the bell and was happy.

But the next second, a white mist came out of the bell and turned into a piece of wood in Naruto's palm.

"No way, Kakashi teacher, you are so treacherous???" Naruto never thought that Kakashi could play so dirty with three students. Not only did he fight seriously, but he also swapped the bell.

Because the bell and the wood are dead objects, without air, Naruto didn't see that this thing was fake.

Kakashi's voice sounded behind Naruto: "The world of ninja is full of intrigues and deceptions. You have to learn to accept it."

His figure appeared behind Naruto like a ghost, and at the same time, he put his hands together and put four fingers together, as if he was making a seal.

"The secret of Konoha's physical technique... Thousand Years of Killing!"

Kakashi can make Naruto feel the growth of life with just this stab.

But at this moment, Naruto's voice sounded behind Kakashi: "Is this the secret of Konoha's physical technique? I like it very much."

"What?!!" Kakashi was numb again. He clearly felt that Naruto was standing behind him at this moment, but the Naruto in front of him also had the same aura.

Kakashi can see through ordinary clone techniques at a glance, because in essence it is just an afterimage created by chakra, unless it is some advanced clone techniques, such as Shadow Clone Technique, this B-level ninjutsu developed by the second generation of Hokage can create a clone that is exactly the same as the original body, and the chakra is evenly distributed, and there is almost no difference between the clone and the original body.

But how did this kid learn the Shadow Clone Technique? Did you give him some special training, Third-generation master? ?

"The secret of Konoha's taijutsu... Thousand Years of Death!" Naruto behind Kakashi smiled evilly and copied Kakashi's ninjutsu.


How many of you have been attacked by your classmates' Thousand Years of Death before? Raise your paw (@_@;)

Chapter 10 Sun Fist!!

"Kisama!!!!" Kakashi's eyes widened instantly, and he immediately used the Substitution Technique to escape on the spot.

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