Maki's face turned cold: "Shut up, it's done, we have no choice, and don't forget, we are not the only Sand Ninjas, we also have the Sound Ninjas as allies!"

"You are right, I will take good care of you later." A hoarse voice sounded beside Maki, and he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

It was Orochimaru, definitely that guy, he has come to the competition!

Chapter 91 As long as I am in a momentary mood

Seeing Gaara becoming more and more passive, Maki frowned deeply.

If the fight continues like this, Gaara may not be able to control his emotions. If Shukaku's power breaks out in advance, the Sand Ninja Village will have to start planning in advance.

The situation that Maki was worried about soon became a reality. Gaara originally thought that Sasuke was at most a slightly challenging opponent and would eventually be defeated by him, but the reality was that Sasuke beat him to a pulp with just physical skills.

Gaara felt very unacceptable for the huge gap. He asked Sasuke loudly, puzzled and unwilling: "Why? In such a short time, you have become so much stronger!"

Gaara had collected information about Sasuke before the Chunin Exam, because as the last descendant of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke was the only strong man who was qualified to fight him in Gaara's eyes.

From the information at that time, Sasuke's strength was just enough to reach the Chunin level, and it was not certain whether he could pass the Chunin Exam.

But in such a short time, Sasuke became stronger at such an incredible speed, and Gaara could not understand the reason.

Sasuke raised his mouth: "You won't understand even if I tell you. With the help of trustworthy partners and teachers, and with the heart of protecting them, you can exercise in this way. The power you get is unprecedentedly strong."

If it was Sasuke a few months ago, he would definitely think he was crazy when he heard himself say this now.

But in these few months, Sasuke really felt the warmth from his friends and teachers.

Once, hatred kept him awake at night. He longed for revenge, but was troubled by the attitude of the outside world. Almost everyone advised him to give up revenge, live a good life, and not go astray.

He couldn't understand, my whole family was killed, I want to seek revenge on my enemies, is this also the wrong way?

The more this happened, the more eager Sasuke wanted revenge, which led to an increasingly unbalanced mentality.

Until Naruto told him that it was very normal for you to want revenge, and I would do the same if I were in his place. Whoever killed my parents, I would kill him. Unless my parents came back to life and forgave him, otherwise the king of heaven would not stop me from taking revenge.

After being recognized, Sasuke was not so eager to take revenge.

He calmed down to practice, ate with Naruto, fought, and talked about his experience in practice and his views on life.

Although they were of the same age, when he was with Naruto, he always felt like he was chatting with a reliable elder. He could always give just the right amount of practice and life guidance, and his words were always gentle and comfortable.

And Kakashi teacher, in this one month of training, Kakashi can be said to have given him everything he could learn at this stage, without any reservations. Sasuke can clearly feel that Kakashi teacher treats his apprentice sincerely.

Sasuke is not a person without conscience. He can feel the concern of his friends and teachers for him, and he also wants to respond to them with his own actions.

"Naruto, look carefully, this is the result of my training!"

He was constantly attacking Gaara with physical skills, and suddenly took a step back, leaving Gaara the opportunity to distance himself and take a breath.

Gaara immediately retreated continuously, summoned his own sand, and surrounded him, and finally launched the absolute defense that he was proud of.

"What do you mean?" Gaara was relieved at first, but then he felt the contempt from Sasuke.

He could have relied on the initial advantage to snowball until his chakra was exhausted and fell, but he took the initiative to give himself a chance?

What does this mean? Does Uchiha Sasuke think that even if he is given a chance, he can't win?

Sasuke waved at him: "Take out your so-called strongest defense, let me see if it is as strong as the legend says."

"You will regret it!" Gaara could hardly contain his anger. Sasuke obviously looked down on him just now, thinking that he only had an absolute defense, so he deliberately gave him a chance to show it.

He was not vague either, and directly called on the chakra in his body to condense and wrap the sand around him until the sand formed a solid ball, wrapping him deeply in it.

"Is this the so-called absolute defense?" Sasuke smiled disdainfully: "As long as I get excited, this thing will break immediately."

"How dare he be so arrogant?" Kankuro and Maki in the stands were a little angry. Gaara was suppressed by him just now, but now Gaara has recovered and successfully launched his absolute defense.

In this case, unless Sasuke has the strength of a jonin, he will never be able to do anything to Gaara.

But the next second, black lines spread from Sasuke's neck and directly covered his body.

The Third Hokage who saw this scene stood up from his chair: "That is......!"

In the audience, Mitarashi Anko, who was sitting next to Karin, also widened her eyes: "That is... Orochimaru's Heaven's Curse Seal?!"

Both the third generation and Anko knew this thing, because before Orochimaru left Konoha, he planted the same Heavenly Curse Seal on Anko's neck.

The power of the curse seal has also troubled Anko for a period of time. At its worst, black lines similar to Sasuke's appeared on her body, but she couldn't control that power and almost went berserk.

Fortunately, the Third Hokage suppressed it for her. He used the evil seal to suppress the power of the curse seal, so that Anko could live a normal life. But neither Anko nor Sandai have forgotten the terrifying look when the curse seal takes effect.

But now, Sasuke has directly activated the Heavenly Curse Seal state, and it seems to have no side effects?

In the auditorium, Orochimaru, disguised as an audience, also licked his tongue excitedly: "That's it... This is the perfect curse seal I'm pursuing! There are no side effects or adverse reactions at all, and it's powerful. It’s become stronger too!”

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Naruto's position with piercing eyes: "Naruto did you do it? This problem that has troubled me for decades has been easily solved by you. How can a person be a genius? To this extent?”

At this moment, Orochimaru no longer has any thoughts of becoming an enemy of Konoha, because his head is not broken. He knows very well that he can no longer kill Naruto who has learned the sage mode. If he becomes an enemy at this time, When Naruto grows up, he will have to run for his life all over the world.

What he was most afraid of was Naruto's "Flying Thunder God". Last time, he had clearly checked his whole body and even cut open his internal organs to confirm that he did not have the Flying Thunder God technique. But when he returned to Konoha, It was still locked instantly.

If he doesn't understand this method of searching for enemies, Orochimaru won't be able to sleep, because he can't guarantee whether Naruto will suddenly come over while he's resting.

His goal is to live forever, to see all the wonders of the world over a long period of time, to learn all the ninjutsu in the world, and to explore all the mysteries. Under this premise, he absolutely does not want to offend a person who has the ability to hunt him down all over the world.

Chapter 92 The Immortal Jiraiya

Looking at the field again, Sasuke, who has activated the Curse Seal, has experienced a rapid growth in strength instantly. After all, this is also a low-end version of Sage Mode, and the improvement is naturally huge. Basically, after activating the Curse Seal, he can directly complete the previous and previous attacks. A similar opponent to myself.

But it wasn't over yet. Sasuke stretched out his left hand, and a large amount of Thunder Chakra condensed on his palm, gradually making a harsh sound like a bird's song.

Soon, the thunder chakra completely enveloped Sasuke's left hand, and the roar of thunder and lightning reached its peak at this moment, as if there were countless birdsong overlapping together.

In the stands, Kai turned to look at Kakashi beside him: "You are really amazing. One dares to teach, and the other can learn."

What Sasuke unleashed at this moment was one of Kakashi's ultimate moves, Chidori.

This is a stunt invented by Kakashi when he was a boy. The reason for this invention is that Kakashi learned the Rasengan from his teacher Hatae Feng Shuimon at that time, but found that he could not use the thunder escape chakra that he was best at. Get into it.

So Kakashi found another way and developed the ninjutsu, Chidori, which was activated by thunder escape chakra.

The attack of the Rasengan is an internal injury. The internal organs of those hit by the Rasengan will be smashed to pieces, while the Chidori's killing method is a penetrating injury. It will directly pierce or cut off the opponent's body with the sharpest cutting.

Kakashi even used this move to cut off lightning, and because of this, Chidori also had the nickname "Raikiri".

Kakashi also took a certain risk when teaching Chidori to Sasuke, because Chidori can change the nature and form of chakra at the same time. These two are considered high-level applications of chakra. If the use of the Three Body Technique is equivalent to the elementary school level Mathematics, then property changes and morphological changes are at least at the university level.

But Sasuke's talent did not let him down. It took him less than a month and he really learned it.

At this moment, the curse seal mode was turned on, and Sasuke's ability to control the Chidori increased again. He held the Chidori in his palm tightly, his Sharingan opened instantly, and at lightning speed, he attacked Gaara, who was in absolute defense. attack.

Chidori cooperated with Sasuke's current Taijutsu, and the attack speed was too fast. Everyone only saw a flash of lightning, and the next second, Chidori directly pierced Gaara's absolute defense.

The absolute defense that once made people feel extremely desperate was now like tofu, with a hole directly poked out. And judging from the position of Sasuke's stab, I'm afraid Gaara inside is also in danger.

"Oops, if he does this, Shukaku will be exposed in advance!" Marki suddenly felt that the situation was not good.

Sasuke's action had definitely put Gaara's life in danger, and once Gaara was in danger, Shukaku would not be able to sit idly by.

The jinchuriki and the tailed beasts have a life-and-death relationship. Once the jinchuriki dies, the tailed beasts will also die. However, when the jinchuriki dies, he is really dead, and when the tailed beasts die, they will condense chakra again after a certain period of time. resurrection.

Even so, the tailed beast didn't want to die for no reason, because it was quite unpleasant to experience death.

Therefore, when the jinchūriki are in danger, the tailed beasts will basically squeeze out some chakra and strength to help them tide over the difficulties.

For this reason, there have been situations where the jinchūriki were directly thrown into the opponent's crowd and forced the tailed beast to take action. However, the consequence of this was that the tailed beast eventually went berserk and almost fought to the death with the Ninja Village.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Ninja Village does not want to push the tailed beast to that level, because once the tailed beast dies and is resurrected, it will be in a wild state, and it may be captured by others first, and it will really lose its blood.

At this moment, Sasuke's Chidori shot directly penetrated Gaara's absolute defense. I am afraid that Shukaku in Gaara's body will not be able to sit still.

Sure enough, Sasuke felt his hand pierce the opponent's body and was still proud of his victory. The next second he felt a chilling chakra overflowing from Gaara's body.

"What is this?" Sasuke decisively pulled out his hand and backed away continuously.

In his shocked eyes, a ferocious big yellow claw broke through the sand ball composed of absolute defense and poked out.

Moreover, Gaara's figure also emerged from inside. Seeing his current state, Maki immediately understood that Shukaku's situation was unstoppable.

Sasuke's Chidori stabbed directly through Gaara's abdomen. Now he was in a trance and couldn't control Shukaku at all.

To make matters worse, in order to protect himself, Gaara seemed to have actively drawn Shukaku's power and entered a state of dependence.

The so-called dependent body means that the Jinchuuriki uses the power of the tailed beast to a certain extent. It still maintains the human shape, but the characteristics of the tailed beast appear on the body surface, and the strength has also increased significantly.

Gaara in this state could easily be subdued by him or the Kazekage, but the problem at this moment was no longer there.

The Third Hokage stared at Gaara below, and turned to look at the Fourth Kazekage with an unkind expression: "It turns out that the jinchuriki of Suna Ninja Village's generation is this boy, but it's a matter of him being a jinchuriki, why has your village never told him Should I inform you?”

Under normal circumstances, there is certainly no need to report to other villages who the jinchuriki is. Even this is a fact that must be concealed, unless the jinchūriki has stabilized, or has used the power of the tailed beast in public, and it is really impossible to hide it.

But the Suna Ninja Village and Konoha are allies, and the Tailed Beasts are strategically terrifying beings comparable to nuclear weapons. If the Suna Ninja Village wants the Jinchūriki to take the exam, it must notify them, otherwise you will go behind the back of your allies. What are you trying to do by transporting weapons of mass destruction into other people's villages? Re-enact the Night of the Nine Tails?

The Fourth Kazekage looked at Gaara below who had entered the state of possession, and then at the Third Hokage who had a bad expression next to him. Finally, he gritted his teeth and yelled at the people around him: "Do it!"

Following his command, a cup was thrown as a signal, and several people suddenly rushed out of the auditorium and flew towards the stand where the Third Hokage was.

"Who?!" The ANBU immediately wanted to stop them, but Orochimaru, the leader, directly used ninjutsu to shoot them down. When several people came to the Hokage's exclusive stand, four of them stood directly at the four corners of the stand. , quickly formed seals with both hands to perform barrier ninjutsu: "Four Purple Flame Formation!"

In an instant, the forces from the four directions combined together to form a purple rectangular barrier, directly wrapping the stands inside.

The Fourth Kazekage also looked at the Third Hokage with a bad expression: "Lord Hokage, it's time for Konoha Village to change its appearance."

The Third Hokage was not afraid at all: "Rasa, I advise you, it's not too late to turn back now."

"Hahahahaha... It seems you haven't figured out your situation yet." Luo Sha clapped his hands, and the person who just rushed in took off his mask, revealing Orochimaru's face: "We are again We meet, Sarutobi-sensei."

"Orochimaru?" Although the Third Hokage had known that he would come, when he actually saw his former apprentice appearing in the camp to assassinate him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

"The Third Hokage, I admit that you were very strong in the past, but now you are old. Whether it's me or Orochimaru, you can't handle either one, let alone face both of us!" Luo Sha was full of confidence.

"What if you add me?"

The guard who had been motionless behind the Third Hokage suddenly smiled, and then a burst of white mist rose from his body, transforming into Jiraiya's appearance.

Not only that, he also entered immortal mode, his pupils turned into frog eyes, his nose swelled and became larger, and at the same time, two toads the size of human heads appeared on his shoulders, standing on each of his shoulders.

Chapter 93 Shukaku, you are too dangerous

"Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas?" The Fourth Kazekage suddenly frowned.

Before executing the plan to collapse Konoha, he had already investigated the whereabouts of the three ninjas of Konoha. Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, became an ally with him, while Tsunade spent all day gambling in a small town in the Land of Fire. , As for Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, he has also been observed to be active far away from Konoha Village recently.

Even if Jiraiya returned to the village early, he would not be able to hide beside the Hokage as a guard as he had expected.

The only explanation is that their plan was exposed, or the Leaf Village was on alert for some reason.

The Fourth Kazekage's first reaction was to turn his head and look at Orochimaru behind him, but he found that Orochimaru also looked troubled: "Damn it, has the plan been exposed? Why did Jiraiya return to the village early?"

"It seems it was a false alarm. The person who betrayed me was not Orochimaru." The Fourth Kazekage breathed a sigh of relief.

He observed Jiraiya and the Third Hokage, and then said to Orochimaru behind him: "Orochimaru, I'll leave this old friend to you, Jiraiya. It's just for you two to catch up on old times, and the Third Hokage is a tough guy. Let me eat it!”

"Well, that's it." Orochimaru remained calm on the surface, but he was actually cursing in his heart.

Damn it, anyone can see that Sage Jiraiya is not easy to mess with. You gave him to me, and said so nicely, don't you just want me to die, and you go to pick the weak persimmon?

Haha, I was originally commissioned by Naruto to stab you in the back, but now, even if Naruto is not there, I will definitely stab you.

Orochimaru licked his tongue and showed a cruel expression.

"Orochimaru, you are here after all." Jiraiya stared at this old friend. Although he had a great advantage in the Sage Mode, he also knew that this old friend was not a good person.

There is a reason why they can be ranked among the three ninjas. No one is a rookie.

"Jiraiya... You still have the same stupid expression as before." Orochimaru's tone was like reminiscing about the past, but also like mocking.

"No point in talking more. If you want to destroy Konoha, you'd better get past me first!"

Inside the Four Purple Flame Formation, four Kage-level warriors fought a peak duel. Various escape techniques and physical techniques were used overwhelmingly inside, and outside the barrier, it was now very lively.

Gaara's mutation directly led to the early implementation of the Konoha collapse plan, and after the Konoha collapse plan began, Gaara no longer had to suppress himself.

His mission this time was to transform into Shukaku and use the power of the tailed beasts to cause as much destruction as possible in Konoha Village, so that Konoha would experience the same loss as the Nine-Tails Rebellion again.

A huge amount of chakra instantly rushed out of his body, and a huge air wave instantly rolled up on the spot, almost blowing Sasuke away.

When the white smoke dissipated, a huge monster as big as a hill appeared in Konoha Village. It looked like a raccoon cat, covered with blue stripes all over its body, and had an extremely huge tail.

As soon as it appeared, it opened its mouth wide, as if it was about to release some powerful attack.

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