In fact, this task is mainly for Jiraiya, because he is Tsunade's old acquaintance, and if Tsunade does not come back, he will have to take over as the Fifth Hokage, and he is the biggest stakeholder.

However, the third generation planned to use this to add to Naruto's mission qualifications. So far, Naruto's mission records have been D-level and C-level. The time in the Land of Waves was only B-level, and looking for The mission of the Fifth Hokage is related to the future of the country and Konoha Village, so he is considered to be A-level.

Chapter 105 "Ominous Gesture"

Although he was promoted to Chunin, Naruto did not like to wear Konoha's green vest uniform. On the one hand, it was because he was different from traditional ninjas. He did not need to carry many scrolls and ninja tools on his body, and naturally he did not need to have rich storage functions. uniform.

On the other hand, he still likes his original clothes. He prefers the green vest uniform as a formal suit to wear on special occasions.

Jiraiya said that he would treat Naruto to a meal to celebrate in the evening, but Naruto thought of Sasuke first. He said to Jiraiya: "You should find a chance to tell Sasuke about Uchiha Itachi's return to the village."

"Isn't this good? Sasuke has finally adapted to the life in the village. If I tell him about Itachi again, I'm afraid he will get excited again." Jiraiya expressed his concerns.

Naruto shook his head: "Family hatred is something he will always have to face. None of us are qualified to persuade him to give up revenge. It is the blood debt of his family, and he should avenge it."

"Besides, in fact, the more you oppose his revenge, the more painful he will be and the more anxious he will be about revenge. It is really best for him to tell him everything clearly and let him face it calmly."

Jiraiya shrugged: "Then you can find an opportunity to talk about it yourself. After all, that child can only talk to you and Kakashi Sakura in the village now."

He looked at the clock on the wall: "Remember to come here to find me before five o'clock. You still have to rush to find Tsunade. Maybe it will take a day, and the woman will go to other places, and it will be difficult to find her." ”

"Okay." Naruto nodded and used teleportation to leave the Hokage's office.

"This kid has his own ideas." The Third Hokage sighed.

"Yeah, sometimes what he says even surprises me as an adult. I really don't know what this kid has gone through to suddenly become mature." Jiraiya said with emotion: "To be honest, sometimes It felt like we were not chatting with a child, but with an adult of our age.”

"Perhaps it's because of the special life experience of being a Jinchuuriki." The Third Hokage thought of Naruto's experiences over the years.

Meanwhile, Naruto arrived at Sasuke's residence.

At this time, Sasuke was practicing shuriken throwing in the courtyard. When he saw Naruto arriving, he immediately stopped, wiped his sweat a little and greeted him: "Hey, Naruto!"

"It seems that you are sleeping well and practicing well." Naruto could see that Sasuke looked very good, which meant that he had not been squeezing his physical strength to practice as before recently.

The effect of pure death training is very poor. When he was in the Dragon Ball world, Vegeta had personally proved the shortcomings of this training method.

In the years before Buu's attack, Vegeta locked himself in a gravity chamber and practiced day and night in order to catch up with Goku. He often trained himself until he was out of breath and unable to move before he gave up. If Senbei If he had more money, Naruto doubted that he would eat fairy beans by the handful and practice without even sleeping.

As a result, even if he worked so hard, when he met Wukong again, he still found that there was a big gap between him and him, even wider than seven years ago.

Later, Wukong said that during the seven years he was in the underworld, he actually did not spend a lot of time practicing. Most of the time, he still implemented the Kame Senryu training method, and would rest after practicing appropriately. When I have extra time, I chat with the friends I met in the underworld, exchange life experiences, and compete with each other to make progress together.

From then on, Naruto fully understood what the best way to practice should be, which is adequate rest + proper practice + a peaceful mind, and the most important thing is to have an opponent of comparable strength to practice with.

When these conditions are combined, strength will improve at the fastest speed.

This was how Sasuke practiced last month. Naruto provided him with logistics and let him eat and sleep well. Kakashi led him to practice, fought with him, and guided him. At the same time, his mentality also changed due to Naruto. Much more peaceful.

With the blessing of these factors, in just one month, Sasuke's progress made Gaara stupefied. During the Chunin exam, he beat Gaara to pieces without even using ninjutsu and genjutsu. If he continues to practice like this for a few more days, Months later, the gap will only be wider.

At present, after several days of training, Sasuke seems to be more calm and powerful than during the Chunin Exam.

"Sasuke, I came here to tell you a few things."

Naruto walked to the eaves, sat casually on the wooden floor, and told Sasuke about his promotion to Chunin.

After hearing this, Sasuke first congratulated him: "I knew you could definitely do it! In this way, the first chuunin of our seventh class was born. To be honest, I feel that I have to work hard. The next chunin I must pass the test of tolerance!”

With Sasuke's current rate of improvement, he may be able to kill everyone in the next Chunin Examination by himself. Promotion to Chunin is a sure thing.

In fact, his strength was enough this time, but in addition to strength, the promotion to Chunin also requires a test of character. Before Sasuke and Gaara had fought to their heart's content, Gaara turned into a tailed beast and overturned the table, leaving Sasuke with no chance to show off.

The two took the opportunity to talk about many things that happened in the past six months. Although they had only been partners in a class for half a year, Sasuke felt that it was full of good memories. If it weren't for the blood feud, he would really like to live like this forever.

Sasuke knew that no matter how good his life was now, he couldn't forget his blood feud. Forgetting the hatred of his parents and relatives was not what people should do.

During the conversation, Sasuke laughed with Naruto from time to time. At this time, they really looked like young boys of this age, not ninjas.

After chatting for a long time, Naruto finally said the second thing he came for: "The third-generation grandfather assigned me the first mission of becoming a Chunin, asking me and Jiraiya to go out of the village and find an important person. As for who she is, I can only tell you after I come back."

"You are asked to go out with Jiraiya, it seems that your identity is not ordinary." Sasuke was a little surprised when he heard it.

For ordinary tasks, just entrust it to Team 7. At present, the configuration of Team 7 is actually very high. Kakashi is an elite jonin, and Naruto is also at the level of jonin without full strength. Sasuke can also be regarded as a Chunin-level combat power. Sakura is also a Genin after all. This configuration can be used to fight the Ninja World War. Jiraiya is actually dispatched for a mere mission to find someone?

This means that the person involved is at the level of Kage.

"You have to be more careful, don't be careless just because you have just been promoted to Chunin." Sasuke said with some worry.

"Don't worry, you know my ability to run away. If things go wrong, I will fly back to the village directly. Who can stop me?" Naruto unconsciously gestured at himself with his thumb.

Chapter 106 Sakura: Too much!

Before Naruto finished speaking, he looked at his gesture with horror: "Fuck, how did I make this gesture?"

He quickly tried to make up for it and pointed his thumb at Sakura who just came in to talk to Sasuke.

For some reason, Sakura suddenly felt more confident.

Naruto was relieved. If there is metaphysics in this world, then the gesture he just made is definitely an inexplicable one in metaphysics.

Naruto called that gesture the gesture that makes anyone who uses it lose, because everyone he has seen using this gesture has lost in the end.

The first time I saw this gesture was when Raditz first came to Earth. At that time, Goku was considered the strongest person on Earth. He confidently made this gesture to Raditz, and was beaten up by Raditz with a combat power of 1400.

Later, on Namek, Frieza also used this gesture to gesture to himself, and said something like "There should be a limit to the wild monkey's complacency."

Then everyone knows what happened.

Then, No. 17 used this gesture to himself, saying that he was the "ultimate warrior", and then he was sucked into Cell by a storm.

After that, it was Vegeta's most classic "I am, Super Vegeta", and he was violently humiliated by the perfect form of Cell.

Before that, Vegeta also made this gesture on Namek and said that he was a Super Saiyan, but was dragged up by Frieza and beaten.

Later, he also used this gesture in front of Black Goku and Toppo, and without exception, they all failed.

It is said that Gohan and Vegito also used this gesture in front of Buu, but Naruto was not very clear about the process because he was in Buu's stomach at the time.

This series of experiences made Naruto hate this gesture and regarded it as an ominous sign.

However, what Naruto did not notice was that Sasuke's eyes gradually lit up after seeing the gesture.

"I always feel that this gesture is very handsome." Sasuke began to think in his heart, when will he find an opportunity to do the same gesture.

"Sasuke, I made a few dumplings, do you want to try them?" Sakura raised the food box in her hand shyly.

Sasuke was silent for a while: "Sakura, don't you know that what I hate most is sweets?"

"Ah?" Sakura was stunned. She thought that Sasuke might not be interested, but she didn't think that sweets were actually Sasuke's most hated food.

She looked around and noticed Naruto sitting next to Sasuke, so she walked over and asked him: "Naruto, Sasuke doesn't like this, so you eat it?"

Naruto's mouth twitched: "Sakura, is there a possibility that I can make dango myself, and it tastes better than this."

"No way, my dango skills were taught by my mother, and I can catch up with the average master." Sakura was very unconvinced.

At this time, Sasuke stood up and gave Sakura a critical hit: "Sakura, Naruto is right, the dango he made is really delicious."

"Ah?" Sakura's brain quickly digested the information in Sasuke's words: "Sasuke, you... have you eaten the dango made by Naruto?"

"I have eaten it, it tastes good, even I, who don't like dango, have eaten it." Sasuke nodded honestly.

"Then... then you can try mine too."

"I said, I hate sweets." Sasuke's attitude was very firm.

"Then why do you eat Naruto's dumplings?"

"Because they are delicious."

"Then you can try mine, maybe mine is even better?"

"No, I don't like sweets."

"Wuwuwuwuwu..." Sasuke's logic broke Sakura down, and she ran away sadly.

"Sasuke, is this too much?" Naruto looked at Sakura's sad back, feeling a little sorry.

"It's okay, she has parents, at most she can go home and cry to her mother." As soon as Sasuke said this, Naruto and he looked at each other, and both laughed wildly at themselves.

Back to the point, after Naruto and Sasuke chatted for a while, he suddenly started talking to Sasuke about revenge: "Sasuke, do you have any specific plans for revenge?"

"Revenge..." Sasuke was silent for a short while: "I don't have any good ideas for the time being, it's nothing more than training my skills first, and then wait until I'm stronger than him to find him and make a break."

At this point, Sasuke also reminded Naruto: "Naruto, although we are friends, there are some things I want to say in advance. When I fight him, even if I die, you are not allowed to take action. This is our Uchiha clan's own business. If you intervene, it is an insult to me."

"Don't worry, I will rescue you after you are beaten to death at most. I won't intervene before you are beaten to death." Naruto patted his chest to express his affirmation.

Sasuke felt a little relieved after hearing this, and said half-jokingly: "What? You said it as if I must be beaten to death. Maybe I could just knock that guy down with three punches and two kicks?"

"With your current level, it is definitely not possible. Your brother should be at the level of a Kage-level strongman. Maybe it takes Jiraiya and the third generation grandfather to deal with him."

"Have you seen him?" Sasuke keenly heard something from Naruto's words.

Naruto no longer concealed it and said directly and frankly: "Yes, he seemed to want to sneak in and do something when Konoha was damaged, but he was caught in advance. It's a pity that he was not caught."

Sasuke was silent for a long time, and then asked Naruto: "Has he become very strong now?"

"I can't say how strong he is, but he is definitely at the level of a Kage-level strongman."

"Damn, when can I defeat him like this?" Sasuke couldn't help but feel a little anxious. If Itachi has become Kage-level or even stronger than that, it would be difficult for Sasuke to kill him with his current strength.

Kakashi himself is not Itachi's opponent. How long will it take for him to become stronger than Itachi if he practices under him?

Sasuke knows that the ultimate achievement of a ninja often depends on who his teacher is. The reason why the three ninjas are so famous and powerful is partly because their teacher is the third generation Hokage, one of the strongest people in the ninja world at that time. With his teachings, the three ninjas can finally become famous.

Naruto saw Sasuke's anxiety, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, you are not at the level that Kakashi teacher can't teach you now, and even if you really reach that step, there are still the third generation grandfather and Jiraiya teacher in the village, especially the third generation grandfather, who is proficient in the five escapes, and it is definitely more than enough to teach you."

"Besides, I am by your side to practice with you."

After some comfort, Sasuke's mood gradually calmed down.

Yes, the Third Hokage is the ninjutsu professor of Konoha. He is proficient in all ninjutsu of Konoha and non-family secrets. There are many techniques, such as the Flying Thunder God Technique. Although he cannot use it himself, he can teach it to students. If the students are talented enough, they can learn it.

If the Third Hokage is willing to teach him, then he has a good chance of defeating Itachi.

Chapter 107 Overtaking on a Curve

Sasuke's mood gradually relaxed, and at the same time, there was a little more gratitude in his eyes when he looked at Naruto.

He is not a fool. When he said this, he had come to his senses. Naruto must be afraid that he would lose his composure because of anxiety after knowing about Itachi, so he came to comfort him.

Many people, including Kakashi, had advised him before, but he would not be disgusted only when Naruto said the same words, because others advised him to give up revenge and not worry about the death of his family, but only Naruto told him that you want revenge, you should take revenge, but you have to take revenge with a clear mind. If you don't have a clear mind, you will not only fail to take revenge, but also get yourself involved.

"Naruto, how big do you think the gap is between him and me?" Sasuke asked in a deep voice.

"Very big. Even if you go all out now, you can barely be considered a jonin, while Uchiha Itachi is at least at the level of Kage, and may even be considered strong among the Kage."

Naruto looked at Sasuke and said, "I have some suggestions on training. Do you want to hear them?"

"I'm all ears."

"You must first learn to fully master the power of the Curse Seal Mode, and then use the Curse Seal Mode as a springboard to enter the Sage Mode."

"Sage Mode? What is that? There is also the Curse Seal Mode. Don't I already know how to use it?" Sasuke's face was full of confusion.

"Let me first tell you about the curse seal mode." Naruto pointed at the curse seal on Sasuke's neck and said, "Essentially, the curse seal is a tool that absorbs natural energy and fuses it with the chakra in your body, that is, physical energy and spiritual energy, to produce senjutsu chakra."

"Now you can only use this tool freely. However, a tool is a tool after all, and the power it provides is essentially a low-quality sage mode. If you only use the curse seal, the upper limit will be just that."

"The Sage Mode is different. Let me show you how."

Naruto closed his eyes and instantly entered the Sage Mode.

From Sasuke's perspective, Naruto's body instantly became thinner, and his face and body became more handsome and strong.

As for the change in strength, Sasuke couldn't sense it because he couldn't sense Qi.

"This is the Sage Mode. To describe it, I became ten times stronger in an instant." Naruto thought about it and added to Sasuke: "The ten times I mentioned may not be the same as the ten times you understand. Usually, what people say is ten times stronger is just a general adjective. It may actually be more than 50% stronger than before, and can beat the previous self."

"In the calculation method I used, if you become 30% stronger, you can beat the previous self at will. You can calculate what this 10 times means."

The concept of combat power value was introduced when Raditz came to Earth. At that time, everyone was very curious about the combat power value measurement glasses used by Frieza's army.

In the combat power numerical system, exponential growth is a very exaggerated concept.

For a normal, strong and ordinary person, the average combat power is about 5 points, and 10 points of combat power can reach the level of lifting a small car with bare hands and humiliating jackals, tigers and leopards as if they were small dogs.

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