After accumulating so many times, Danzo's obsession with the position of Hokage and his resentment towards Hiruzen Sarutobi and his disciples have long been accumulated beyond measure.

After the Night of the Nine-Tails, the Third Hokage clearly ordered that the secret of Naruto being the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails be strictly kept. However, this matter was still leaked inexplicably. Not only did many people in the village know about it, but the fact of the Jinchuriki was even added to the story. It became "Naruto is the incarnation of the Kyuubi".

Although Kakashi had no evidence, he felt that there was no one other than Danzo who could do such a thing, and he was the only one who would be so petty as to have trouble with a child.

When the Yondaime-sama was around, he didn't dare to say anything, because the Yondaime was young, in his prime, a hero of the Great Ninja War, the disciple of the Third Hokage, and his own style was extremely popular, whether he was fighting for upper-level resources or mass base, He is not qualified and can only hide in the dark and chew his handkerchief.

After the death of the Fourth Hokage, perhaps in order to vent his resentment, he deliberately leaked the secret to disgust the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage's children.

Thinking of this, Kakashi could only sigh secretly. He didn't know what Naruto would do if he knew these things in the future. If this kid really turned dark, he would probably want to split Danzo in half.

Chapter 15 Naruto: I find it funny even when you talk about law

The ninja who was hit by Naruto died on the spot, while the other was seriously injured by Gou Fireball Jutsu and lost the ability to resist. However, he was still breathing and could be interrogated by Kakashi for a few words.

Kakashi asked a few questions briefly, checked their equipment and forehead protectors, and finally confirmed: "It seems that they are chuunin from Hidden Kiri Village, but I don't know who they are here for."

He woke up the unconscious Dazna, briefly explained to him what had happened, and then asked him: "Is there anything you want to say?"

Dazna, who had been pretending to be calm, broke out in a cold sweat. After struggling for a long time, he finally said, "You must be here for me."

"If you need to fight with ninjas, then the mission level should be raised from C level to at least B level. This will cost extra money."

"But...!" When it came to adding more money, Dazna became a little anxious: "Can we talk about it later? There is really no time left now!"

"So we are going to get C-level remuneration and do B-level work?" Kakashi was a little helpless. In this case, it is completely the ninja's freedom whether to continue doing the mission, because in essence, it is Daz Na breached the contract first and concealed the true situation of the mission.

He didn't care, because in fact, the so-called B-level missions were just like that in his eyes. He had even done A-level missions many times.

In the more than 20 years since his debut, he has completed more than 400 B-level missions, nearly 300 A-level missions, and even the highest-level S-level missions more than 40 times. He has also experienced a cruel ninja war. I have seen so many big scenes that I can’t even count them.

It doesn't make much difference to him to change a C-level mission into a B-level mission, it's just an extra effort.

He turned his inquiring gaze to the three little guys in the class: "What are your opinions? Do you want to continue this task?"

Naruto was naturally unafraid: "I have no problem. It would be better to say that becoming B-level makes things more interesting for me."

Sasuke's opinion was similar: "Fighting with powerful guys made me feel that training is meaningful. I'm almost getting rusty from always staying in the village doing non-heavy work. I'd rather die fighting." On the road, I don’t want to rot in a safe village.”

Sakura wanted to retreat, but seeing that Naruto and Sasuke had already stepped forward bravely, she could only hold it in her heart if she wanted to retreat, and weakly raised her hand: "I'll just follow and see..."

"Okay then." Kakashi smiled and turned to look at Dazuna: "Then, congratulations, this time it was worth every penny."

Not only did Tazuna use C-level money to hire a team of Jonin to help him with B-level tasks, but the team also included the son of the Fourth Hokage, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Konoha Village, and Uchiha. The last descendant of a clan, this lineup may not be worth more than this in another year.

There is another reason why Kakashi is willing to continue taking on the mission, and that is that he also has a weird genin called Naruto in his team. God knows if this kid has any outrageous tricks in his hands. Kakashi really wants to see it. one time.

He wouldn't be surprised if Naruto suddenly made a big wave with his hand and blew up everyone and everything on the other side. After all, this guy is the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. If the Nine-Tails' side is properly managed, it wouldn't be unreasonable to directly reward the opponent with a tailed beast jade. Maybe.

But Kakashi really wants to know how Naruto defeated the Nine-Tails. Using the power of the Nine-Tails is not an easy task. The previous two Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, Uzumaki Mito and Master Uzumaki Kushin Naito relied on the powerful sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, and on the premise of firmly suppressing the Nine-Tails, he pulled it from its body and obtained part of the Nine-Tails chakra for use.

Why does it seem to be so easy when you get to Naruto?

The more mysteries became, the more Kakashi wanted to test Naruto and try to reveal some of the mysteries about him.

However, he remained calm on the surface. He just responded after the three expressed their opinions, and then continued to lead the team lazily.

On the way forward, Naruto walked up to Dazuna and asked him: "Mr. Dazuna, since we have agreed to complete the mission to the end, I think you should also tell us what this mission is about. Right? Who is hiring ninjas to kill you?"

Hearing this, Dazna showed a sad face and said with a grimace: "It's Cardo. He hired people to kill me."

Kakashi, who was leading the team in front, couldn't help but look back to confirm: "Kado? Is he the rich man who is ranked among the best in the world?"

"That's him. On the surface, that guy is just the boss of a shipping company, but in fact he is a gangster boss. He not only smuggles arms and banned drugs, but also colludes with mafia and rebel ninjas in other countries, and controls many small countries in his own hands."

Dazna said angrily: "The Wave Country where I am is like this. I believe you should have read some information about the Wave Country before you set off. It is just a poor island country, so poor that there is not even a ninja village. But we were not so poor at the beginning. In the past, we could do some business. Although we were not rich, we could get by."

"Until Cardo arrived, he used force to monopolize all the markets on the island, and any goods were only We can trade with him. The residents of our island work day and night, but we don't get the corresponding compensation. We can only live in poverty all our lives. "

"Just a while ago, we decided to build a bridge for the Kingdom of Waves to connect it with the outside world, so that we can freely trade with the outside world and our lives can gradually get better. "

"But this will offend Cardo. The completion of the bridge means that his monopoly position will be damaged, so he hired people to kill me. As a last resort, I had to come to Konoha Village and hire ninjas to escort me, otherwise I would be killed by him before I could reach the place where the bridge was built. "

After listening to Dazna's crying, Naruto couldn't help but touch his head: "My goodness, this is more cruel than the Wolf of Wall Street. How big a street lamp can hang him?"

"Street lamp?" Dazna didn't quite understand this joke.

"Nothing, I just wondered what to hang him with." Naruto entered the serious thinking mode.

At this time, Kakashi advised: "Naruto, as a ninja, you can't meddle in other people's business. Our mission is to escort Dazna and ensure his safety in building the bridge. The rest is not our business."

"Oh." Naruto agreed, but he was still thinking in his heart, if he found that guy was really so hateful after arriving at the Land of Waves, should he use the transformation technique to become someone else and hang him up, or blow him up with a Kamehameha from 800 miles away?

As for resorting to law? Talking about law in this world, Naruto wants to laugh.

Chapter 16 Your knife is very good, but it's mine now

After confirming to continue the mission, Kakashi led the team to continue to the Land of Waves.

Although the Land of Waves is a country, it actually covers an area of ​​only a small island, and its economy is extremely poor.

The distance between the Land of Waves and Konoha is not far, but the two lead very different lives.

Naruto is just an orphan in Konoha, without even parents, but he still has a place to live, can enjoy refrigerators, electric lights and other electrical appliances, and has no worries about food and clothing. Except for the lack of companions and loneliness, life is not difficult.

However, the people of Wave Country live a life like in ancient times. They can only make a living, and most of their clothes are tattered or worn for several years. The houses they live in are mainly wooden houses. Although everyone lives in the same world, they seem to be in different times.

While introducing the customs and customs of his hometown, Dazna rowed a small boat with the boatman to cross the sea.

In this season, there is often a thick fog on the sea, and the visibility is very poor. If it is not an experienced boatman, he dare not go out at this time.

But today they can take a boat, and it is precisely because of this fog.

Because Cardo's men have been monitoring the surroundings of Wave Country and strictly checking the passing personnel, if it is during the day when visibility is very high, they will be immediately discovered by Cardo's men, and then a fierce battle will be inevitable.

Today there is a heavy fog, so they can sneak over without being noticed, avoiding a lot of trouble.

Kakashi is not afraid of fighting with the opponent. In fact, with the combat effectiveness of his team, as long as the opponent does not have more than one jonin, they can definitely defeat the opponent in one wave.

He is just lazy in daily life. He doesn't want to fight if he can avoid it, and he will fish if he can. After all, their mission is to escort Dazna, and the other party has not paid enough money, so he is not very motivated to fight.

If the opponent takes the initiative to come to the door, there is nothing we can do, we can only accept it, and by the way, see if Naruto has any other special skills.

The boat has been sailing for about an hour, and the outline of a bridge gradually appears in the fog.

The bridge looks very modern, but it has just started a short distance. There are many construction vehicles parked on it. The construction site seems to have stopped for a while, which should have been stopped by Cardo.

"Uncle, you are really capable." Naruto couldn't help but praise the bridge when he saw it. It was really beautifully designed, and the various load-bearing structures were very similar to the modern bridges he saw in the Dragon Ball world.

If this bridge is completed, it will definitely be a strong and durable bridge. The Wave Country can use this bridge to exchange what it needs with the outside world and slowly develop the island's economy.

Following the bridge inward, it will soon reach the shore, and the town of the Wave Country will begin to appear in sight.

The house architecture and structure here are very similar to the ancient water town, with one- and two-story wooden houses everywhere, wooden bridges and wooden staircases built by the river, which make a slight creaking sound when stepped on, and the air is filled with the special smell of wet wooden boards.

Kakashi was thinking in his mind at this moment: "The news that the two chuunin died in the battle should have been sent back to Kado. If he still wants to kill Mr. Dazuna, the next battle should happen now. ”

"Moreover, both chuunin have failed, and he will definitely send out jounin next."

He had no doubt that Cardo had Jonin-level combat power, because ninjas were hired with money. As long as you had money, you could hire very strong ninjas. His teacher Minato Namikaze was one of the most powerful ninjas in the ninja world. The yellow flash is frightened, but he is also hired to do various tasks in his spare time.

Moreover, the teacher is a man who completes tasks very quickly. Sometimes when there are no A-level tasks, he will also do some B-level and C-level tasks.

The person on the other side just jumped out and shouted, "I drove this road and planted this tree." Before he finished speaking, he looked up and said: "Fuck, yellow flash???"

Wow, golden legend!


However, there are not many characters stronger than Kakashi in the ninja world today, and Kado probably cannot hire a ruthless person who is too strong.

When Kakashi was aware of it, Naruto had already sensed a hostile energy not far away.

If the prediction is correct, it should be the killer sent by Cardo again.

At this time, the opponent was ready to take action. Naruto keenly heard the sound of the weapon breaking, as if the opponent had thrown a large weapon over.

"Haaah!!!!" Naruto exploded instantly, flew up and grabbed the weapon before anyone could react.

After catching it, Naruto took a closer look at the weapon. It was a very large machete, nearly as long as a person, and very wide. It required extremely strong arm strength to swing the knife.

After touching it for a moment, he knew that this was a top-quality weapon, and it was probably the opponent's favorite knife.

"Throwing this kind of thing around is such a waste of natural resources." Naruto marveled and put away the sword.

At this time, Kakashi and others had already reacted. When faced with that kind of attack, their first reaction was to hide first. How could they imagine that Naruto, a stupid young man, would confiscate the knife directly?

The well-informed Kakashi recognized the weapon after taking a quick look: "This is... the beheading sword of Kirigakure Village? So, this time the opponent is..."

The next second, a ninja with a forehead protector tied diagonally on his head rushed out of the woods, aiming straight for Naruto. Kakashi, with his quick eyes and quick hands, formed a seal in front of Naruto in one second: "Fire Release: High Fire Ball" Technique!”

In front of the Go Fireball Jutsu, the other party could only duck and retreat, and Kakashi and the other party also recognized each other's identities at this moment.

"Konoha's copy ninja Kakashi... a big fish really came this time."

"Hahaha, oh my, isn't this Kirigakure's defected ninja Mochi Zabuza?"

One face to face, you can clearly feel the difference in attitude between the two parties.

Zabuza's attitude was very solemn, and he obviously regarded Kakashi as a strong opponent, while Kakashi's attitude was relatively casual, perhaps because he believed that he would not lose to Zabuza.

"If I'm fighting you, it would be better to use this." Kakashi slowly raised his left eye, which was blocked by his forehead protector.

The moment he revealed his left eye, both Sasuke and Sakura were shocked, because it was a three-magatama Sharingan.

Because Sakura was kicked unconscious by Naruto during the graduation exam, and Sasuke was knocked unconscious by Naruto's Sun Punch, so neither of them knew about Kakashi's Sharingan.

The most shocked one was Sasuke, because the Sharingan is the unique blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha clan. Why does Kakashi also have it?

"It seems that we are both unlucky, and we met a difficult guy." Zabuza glanced at Kakashi. He knew very well what a terrible opponent Kakashi was, and he did not dare to be careless at all. The seal gesture was used to perform Kirigakure's unique ninjutsu.

"Ninja Technique: Kirigakure Technique!"

The surrounding fog immediately filled up, and the visibility was so low that it was almost impossible to see your fingers. Even the sound seemed to be isolated by the fog, and the surrounding became very quiet.

"Protect Mr. Tatsuna!" Sasuke shouted decisively to several people around him.

They are always close to each other, so they can still find each other even in the Kirigakure.

However, this Kirigakure technique has no effect on Naruto.

As long as you use the ability to sense energy, you can easily find the location of Momochi Zabuza and several others.

At this moment, he could sense that Mochi Zabuza was sneaking towards him, probably trying to steal the decapitating sword back.

Naruto expressed that he really wanted to scream.


I was really unlucky recently. I went out to eat some stir-fry and got food poisoning. For the first time in my life, I experienced the feeling of being pushed into the emergency room by an ambulance.

The respirator was inserted into the nose, and the electrocardiogram was taped on, making it look like it was about to collapse - which may not be far away after all.

After hanging on the water for ten hours, I finally recovered in one breath.

Chapter 17 Flying Thunder God? ?

From Naruto's perspective, Momochi Zabuza tiptoed up to him, and then quietly approached the beheading knife, intending to snatch the knife back. After all, this knife was his great treasure, how could he allow it to fall into the hands of others? My hands are being played with by others.

However, just when Zabuza thought his movements were unnoticed, Naruto suddenly turned his head and smiled at him.


Even though Zabu had experienced hundreds of battles, he suddenly felt cold sweat at this moment.

Masters usually don't panic because of a strong enemy, but they will get nervous because of a weird enemy.

Naruto belongs to the latter.

Kakashi is obviously leading a genin class. The three teenagers next to him are obviously rookie genin. Not to mention seeing through his Mist Hidden Art, they are already excellent in quality if they can stay calm and not drag their feet in the Mist Hidden Art.

Because the Mist Hidden Art not only brings visual and auditory pressure, but also has a slight illusion effect, which will increase the psychological pressure of the person being cast. It is useless for masters like Kakashi, but it is very convenient to kill those who are not as strong as themselves.

With impaired vision and hearing, and increasing psychological pressure, the opponent generally can no longer judge Zabuza's position, and can only be killed by him silently cutting his throat.

However, this kid actually smiled at himself. His smile was definitely not a joke, but he really saw himself.

How is this possible? Under the Mist Hidden Art, people's vision is greatly affected. Zabuza can move freely because he is the one who performs the Mist Hidden Art. He can sense the enemy in the Mist Hidden Art, but what's wrong with this kid?

But time is urgent. Zabuza knows that the Mist Hidden Art will definitely not delay Kakashi for long. This guy is a tough guy who fought in the Third Ninja World War and has seen the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Art. He can't get an advantage in front of Kakashi. He must attack his students first to make him reveal his flaws, so that he has a chance to kill him.

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