Before the seal is consolidated to a certain extent, the Nine-Tails is a negative buff to the jinchuriki itself, because its chakra is much stronger than other tailed beasts, which means that the difficulty of sealing it will increase exponentially, and fighting it within the seal will The difficulty will also increase exponentially.

The Kyuubi raised Kushina's upper limit, allowing her to steal the Kyuubi's chakra and fight with stronger strength. But at the same time, it also greatly weakened her lower limit and affected her lower limit as a ninja.

She couldn't even step out of the barrier, let alone fight, until Minato helped her solidify the seal. If it weren't for the need to seal the Kyuubi, with her powerful vitality and chakra as a member of the Uzumaki clan, she could at least touch the edge of the Kage level, and even truly become a strong person at the Kage level.

Of course, after Minato helped her solidify the seal, this issue could be put aside.

She never expected that there would be a day when she would return to the world after she died, and the person who resurrected her seemed to be the child she had entrusted to the Third Hokage before her death, Uzumaki Naruto.

The child's appearance indeed made her think it was her own child at a glance. In addition to the indescribable kindness, his yellow hair inherited from Minato and his face that was very similar to hers were strong evidence.

Kushina stared at Naruto's face and asked him after a long time: " it really you? You have grown so big..."

"I'm 15 this year, mom."

"15...Has it already been 15 years?" Kushina couldn't help but sigh, "Naruto, how was your childhood? Did the third generation old man take good care of you?"

"The third-generation grandfather cares about me very much. The place I live in is also very good. Apart from being a little lonely, there is nothing wrong with me."

"'s all because of your parents. They couldn't be by your side and grow up with you." Kushina's face was full of guilt.

Then, as if she remembered something, she asked Naruto: "Have you learned to control the power of the Nine-Tails?"

She had been thinking about this issue before she died. Although the Kyuubi was sealed in Naruto to give him the capital to fight against the mysterious masked man in the future, the Kyuubi was also a big risk, and she was also very afraid that her son would not survive. This level.

Well now, she is resurrected. With her current sealing skills, she can help Naruto suppress the Kyuubi.

When Naruto heard this, he scratched his head with a strange expression, and then made a shadow clone beside him: "Mom, you'd better ask it yourself."

With a bang, Naruto created a shadow clone, and the eyes of this shadow clone were vertical pupils, which was a sign of the Nine-Tails Chakra dominance.

"Hmph, I didn't expect to see each other again, Kushina." Kyuubi's angry voice sounded.

"This voice...and chakra, are you the Kyuubi?!" Kushina was shocked. If the seal was still there, it would be impossible for the Kyuubi to appear alone in this form anyway. Now it Being able to possess Naruto's shadow clone alone means that the seal probably no longer exists.

Just when she was shocked, Naruto waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to worry: "Mom, Kyuubi and I have reconciled, don't worry about us."

"Reconciled?" Kushina looked at Naruto in disbelief: " did you do it?"

She knew that Kyuubi was an arrogant and arrogant master, and most people would not fall into its eyes at all. Even if you sincerely wanted to reconcile with it, you must have enough strength to talk to it.

"Of course I persuade people with virtue." Naruto said without changing his expression.

Kyuubi glanced at him with a speechless expression, and could only be forced to admit: "Yes, yes, Naruto conquered me with his virtue."

"Huh?" Kushina looked shocked.

No, when did you become so kind, Kyuubi?

Why, back then Minato didn't separate you in terms of yin and yang, but in terms of good and evil?

"Mom, let's not talk about this for now. It's windy outside. I'll take you home to talk." Naruto reached out and gently grabbed the arms of Kushina and the Nine-tailed Shadow Clone, and teleported back to the Leaf Village.

Kushina was no stranger to this feeling. She felt the same way when Minato took her to fly the God of Thunder all over the world, but...

"Son, have you even learned your father's Flying Thunder God?"

Naruto originally wanted to say no, but it was a bit troublesome to explain the ability to teleport to her, so he simply nodded: "Well, I learned it and made some improvements."

"It's amazing...your dad just learned it when he was the same age as you." Kushina gradually realized that her son seemed to be a little stronger than imagined.

Great, I can show the "Sword of Shinobi Love" to Iwagakure again.

Kushina looked around, then jumped onto the roof of Konoha and glanced around: "Fifteen years... Many places in the village have changed. It seems that it is developing well."

At this time, she noticed the Hokage Rock in the distance. In addition to the faces of the previous four generations of Hokages, there was actually a new face being built there. Although it was only a prototype, it seemed to be a woman's face.

"Has the village already elected the Godaime? Look at that face, it couldn't be Tsunade-sama, right?"

"Mom, you guessed it right. The Fifth Generation is Tsunade, but she has only been in office for two years. Before that, she had been acting as Hokage for the Third Generation."

Kushina nodded: "It unfolded completely as expected."

Minato died suddenly. At that time, only the Sandaime had enough prestige and strength in the village to maintain stability when the village suffered huge losses and even the Hokage died.

As for guessing that the Fifth Generation was Tsunade, it was entirely because in Kushina's impression, apart from Tsunade, there was no other young-looking woman who could serve as the Hokage.

Now that Kushina has resurrected, Naruto plans to go to the Third Generation to get his parents' house back and let his mother live there. When his parents died, the property and house left behind were temporarily sealed up. Because Naruto was still young and had no ability to receive these properties, the Sandaime planned to hand them over to him when he came of age.

I just don't know if the Third Generation will be shocked when he sees Kushina suddenly appear.

Chapter 168 Kushina: Mom understands, Mom understands everything

"Naruto, take me to see where you live first." Kushina suddenly turned her head and looked at Naruto.

"Ah? Go to my place?"

"Well, I want to see how my son is doing."

Although Naruto said that he was doing well, and Kushina also believed in the character of the old man of the Third Generation, she could not rest assured without seeing it with her own eyes.

Because Minato had the bad habit of reporting good news but not bad news, Naruto might not be doing very well, but he deliberately said good things to avoid worrying his mother.

In addition, there was the bad guy Danzo in the village...When Kushina was a Jinchūriki, he tried to win her over openly and secretly. If it weren't for Minato, a wise and brave man, protecting her, she couldn't say whether Danzo would take more radical measures.

Until now, Kushina is still very grateful to Minato for his efforts for her. She was a little girl from Uzumaki who came from another place. She had no one to protect her when she first arrived. Even her classmates often made fun of her. The village leaders only regarded her as a tool to seal the Nine-Tails.

It was Minato who stood by her and saved her that night and redeemed her. Later, she protected herself from all kinds of undercurrents in the village, so that she didn't have to face the dark side of the village.

If she hadn't met Minato, Kushina really didn't dare to think about what would happen to her. Maybe she would have died because of the Nine-Tails' breaking of the seal, or maybe she would have saved her life but became a fighting weapon in the village.

No matter how it develops, she will not have a happy life, nor will she become a happy wife and mother.

Now that she has just been resurrected, she still feels a little alienated from this world because she has been away for too long. Although her son is her own, and she has placed infinite love on her son before her death, she still has a strong sense of unreality in her heart when she closes her eyes and opens them again, and suddenly finds that her son has grown up.

At her strong request, Naruto had to take her to his residence.

When Naruto stopped by the commercial street, Kushina asked him with some surprise: "Do you live here?"

"Well, the residence arranged for me by the third generation grandfather is quite convenient." Naruto took out the key and turned the door.

The room is not very big, but it is spacious enough for one person. It is fully furnished with furniture and appliances, including a shoe cabinet, a sink, a sideboard, a windshield, a locker, a separate toilet and bathroom, and a special training room. It also has a TV and a refrigerator.

Moreover, the room is very tidy and looks cleaned regularly. It looks good.

"It seems that the Sandaime kept his promise." Kushina breathed a sigh of relief, then she suddenly frowned and sniffed the air carefully: "No, Naruto, why is there a girl's smell in your house?"

"Uh..." Naruto remembered that Karin might be sleeping in the bedroom.

Kushina followed the smell and finally found Karin sleeping soundly on Naruto's big bed.

When she saw the girl's red hair, Kushina was shocked: "Son, are you sure this is really your home?"

"It's real, otherwise where would I get the key?"

"Then this girl..." Kushina's mind suddenly became active.

Awesome son, you are worthy of being the child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. You have made such rapid progress at the age of 15? ? ? ? ?

"Mom, listen to my explanation..."

"No need to explain, I have been through it all, I understand." Kushina smiled kindly.

I didn't expect that, with one eye closed and one eye open, this grandmother is almost a grandmother, tsk tsk...

Just at this time, the sound of the two people talking woke up Karin who was sleeping soundly. She sat up in a daze and saw Kushina with red hair when she opened her eyes.

In a daze, Karin thought she dreamed of her mother again, because her mother was also from the Uzumaki clan and had the same red hair as Kushina.

"Mom... is it you, are you here to see me again?" Karin's tears came down all of a sudden, and she hugged Kushina without saying a word.

"This...?" Kushina was confused by this sudden address.

It shouldn't be so fast, right? Calling mom as soon as you come up?

Naruto could only whisper in her ear: "Karin is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan who drifted to the Kusagakure Village. She has a special physique. She can recover her injuries and chakra by being bitten by others. Therefore, she and her mother have been persecuted since they were young. Her mother died because of exhaustion of chakra. I met her during the Chunin Exam and brought her to our Konoha."

"I see." Kushina suddenly felt sad when she heard this. As a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, she can understand better than anyone else the hardship and pain of her clan members wandering around after the destruction of Uzushio Village.

"Poor child." Kushina hugged Xianglin sympathetically.

But immediately, she realized another problem, "That's not right, son, you extradited him to Konoha, why did you lead him to your bed?"

"This is a long story..." Naruto explained to Kushina with a cold sweat on his face what had happened between him and Xiang Rin in the past two years.

Kushina suddenly realized after hearing this: "Oh~ So that's what happened, mom understands!"

"Mom, what do you know..." Naruto wiped his cold sweat.

"You really deserve to be my and your father's son!" Kushina gave Naruto a thumbs up.

Isn't this the same routine as when Minato saved her, but this girl was a little bolder. She climbed directly onto Naruto's bed, much braver than herself back then.

"It seems that my son is living quite well now. Mom can rest in peace even if she returns to the Pure Land soon." Kushina had a peaceful expression on her face, as if she was about to return to the Pure Land in the next second.

"Wait, one more thing, Naruto, who is your current teacher?" Kushina looked at Naruto with sharp eyes.


"I knew..." Kushina was not surprised by this answer at all, and then she asked Naruto: "Have Mr. Jiraiya ever shown you his masterpiece?"

"Masterpiece? What masterpiece can Master Jiraiya have..." Naruto curled his lips when he heard this.

Kushina misunderstood the meaning, thinking that Naruto had not watched Jiraiya's "Intimate Paradise", and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, okay, Jiraiya-sensei still has moral integrity..."

Unfortunately, what Naruto actually meant was, "How dare he be called a masterpiece with his little skill? Get up and see what I do!"

At this time, Xiang Rin, who had been crying in Kushina for a long time, finally began to wake up, because she gradually felt that the size of the "mother" she was holding seemed different.

When she looked up, she realized that the person she was holding was not the mother in her dream, but a red-haired woman who looked somewhat similar to her mother. Naruto was standing next to her, and he looked very close to her.

Seeing that Xiang Rin was misunderstanding, Naruto quickly explained: "Xiang Rin, this is my mother, and she is also from the Uzumaki clan."

"Naruto's...mother?" Xianglin looked at the red-haired woman in front of her and said she was from the Uzumaki clan. She believed it 100%, but said she was Naruto's mother... .

Naruto, when did you have a mother behind everyone's back?

Chapter 169: The corpses are sealed away

No wonder Xianglin is so surprised, because a person suddenly appears in front of you when you just woke up with his biological mother who has been dead for 15 years. This kind of thing is really shocking.

How should I put it? Most people's reaction is probably "Get up violently, see the dead come back to life, then sleep for a while."

"Naruto, it may be rude to say this, but... didn't your mother pass away very early?" Xiang Rin glanced at Kushina weakly.

"I'm also curious, how did Naruto resurrect me? Such a complete resurrection is unheard of in the ninja world." Kushina turned curious eyes on Naruto: "Also, this kind of resurrection Is the method to resurrect only one person at a time? Otherwise, why wouldn’t your father be here?”

Naruto had known that he would face this problem, so he immediately replied in a deep voice: "I have nothing to hide from you. I do have a technique that can resurrect people, but the conditions required for this kind of resurrection are very harsh, and it takes one year. It can only be activated once."

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Kushina: "This technique does not only resurrect one person at a time, but the soul of the resurrected person must be in the Pure Land, and I have to provide their specific information. I originally planned to bring you and Dad was resurrected together, but he found that his soul was not in the Pure Land. "

"Not in the Pure Land?" Kushina was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted: "I see, that's why I didn't see your dad. His soul should be in the belly of the God of Death now."

"The God of Death?" Naruto was a little confused: "The God of Death really exists in this world?"

"Existence exists, but... it is different from the God of Death as everyone usually understands it. It is just a special existence, not a god in charge of life and death in some legends. The Uzumaki clan has a secret technique, You can perform a powerful sealing technique by signing a contract with the God of Death, which is called 'Ghost Sealing'."

"When your father sealed the Nine-Tails, he used the Ghoul Seal. The advantage of this technique is that the sealing ability is very strong, much stronger than ordinary sealing techniques. But the cost is also very high. After using the Ghoul Seal , the souls of the caster and the one being cast will be swallowed by the God of Death, and they will never be able to go to the Pure Land. Minato's soul is in this state now, and he is trapped in the God of Death."

Only then did Naruto understand why Shenron couldn't find his father's soul, because his soul was essentially hidden in the stomach of the God of Death, not where any normal soul should be.

"How can I free my father's soul?"

"This is very difficult." Kushina looked embarrassed: "I have only heard from my elders before that Konoha has a mask storage hall of our Uzumaki clan, which stores the masks of the god of death. You can use that mask to summon the god of death, and then cut open its stomach, so that you can release the soul in the god of death's stomach."

"However, the person who casts this technique will also become the sacrifice of the god of death, and the soul will be swallowed into the stomach and sink forever. In essence, this is just a life for life."

Kushina sighed helplessly: "If I had known that there was a ninjutsu for resurrection, I wouldn't have had to cast the Shiki Fuujin back then. Minato just didn't think there was a possibility of resurrection, so he was so determined to cast this technique."

For the dead, there is actually not much difference between the soul going to the Pure Land or going to the belly of the god of death. They are all just sinking unconsciously in one place, so Minato used the Shiki Fuujin without caring.

If he knew that his son could resurrect himself in a dozen years, he might consider using other sealing techniques with Kushina to seal the Nine-Tails.

"I'll find a way." Naruto didn't quite know what the god of death was. Although there was a 99% chance that it couldn't withstand a single blow of destruction, the best way to solve something you didn't understand was to first understand it well enough, and then find a way to crack it.

If you act rashly, you might hurt the soul of your father in the god of death's belly.

At this moment, Naruto couldn't help but miss the Dragon Ball world. If he wanted to do a business in this area there, he only needed to find King Yama and King Kai skillfully, and he could take out any soul in the underworld. Even if there was a special situation like the god of death, there would be professional clergy to help him deal with it.

"If I have time in the future, I might as well build a underworld here." This bold idea suddenly came to Naruto's mind.

In fact, whether it is the Dragon Ball world or the Ninja world, the essential foundation is the same, both have the Pure Land as the destination of the dead, the difference is that Dragon Ball also has a underworld system established by the gods.

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