Just when they all thought that today would be a peaceful day, a violent explosion tore their fantasy apart.

Four white-robed men with strange lines on their faces smashed the gate of the shrine and strode in.

"The place where the shrine maiden lives is really big. She is indeed an upper-class person." One of the white-robed women with a rough voice looked around.

"After all, she is the only one who can seal Lord Huangquan. Shouldn't she be worshipped well? Or find her quickly and kill her." The leading white-robed man calmly commanded the three people.

Under his command, the three people quickly dispersed, searching and surrounding from different directions, aiming directly at the center of the shrine of the shrine maiden.

"Everyone, the time to be loyal has come, follow me!" The warriors drew their swords and stepped forward, trying to stop their progress.

However, as they expected from the beginning, their strength was too fragile in front of these white-robed men who mastered ninjutsu. The attacks thrown by the other party at will made them seriously injured or even flew backwards. The effect of blocking became negligible. The only effect was to rush forward one after another and waste even a little time of the other party.

"These dogs are so annoying." One of the white-robed men seemed to be annoyed. He suddenly stopped moving forward, turned around and launched a large-scale earth escape ninjutsu at them. Countless gravel gushed out from the ground, and the warriors fell down in groups. Some were hit in the vitals and died on the spot, and some were disabled and could not move forward.

In front of the ninja, ordinary warriors are just like children. Ninjutsu is a pure dimensionality reduction attack for cold weapons.

Seeing their companions fall one by one, the remaining warriors wanted to retreat, but after thinking of something in their minds, they still mustered up the courage to rush up again.

"Lord Aster, Lord Aster, wake up! Huang Quan's men are attacking!" The personal guard hurriedly woke up the sleeping witch. Unexpectedly, she didn't show any surprise when she knew the enemy was attacking, and even changed her clothes before going to bed.

"I know." She nodded calmly.

"Lord Aster, please rest assured, I will fight to the death to protect you out!" A close warrior beside him immediately pulled her away.

"Not fighting to the death, but you are going to die soon." Aster looked at him and said faintly. "Go, you won't die if you go now."

"Lord Aster, what are you talking about!" The warrior had already made up his mind to die, and he turned his head to look at the door as if he had a premonition of something.

A man in a white robe had already found this place. After seeing Aster's long cream-colored hair and purple eyes, he immediately confirmed her identity.

"Oh~ Isn't this our noble miko? It seems that she hasn't had time to evacuate yet." The man in a white robe approached her with a wanton grin.

"What a pity, she was born so beautiful, but she is destined to die early." The other party said words of pity, but his hands were ruthless, and he threw more than a dozen kunai at her.

The sharp weapon pierced the body smoothly, but it did not pierce the witch, but pierced the samurai who stood in front of her at the critical moment.

The white-robed man's moves were merciless, and the samurai's long-trained solid body was almost pierced, with bloody holes all over his body, and I'm afraid even his internal organs had been pierced.

His body fell weakly, and he was still telling his companions beside him when he was dying: "Zhuo... Take Lord Aster and run away, run away quickly..."

A tear fell from the corner of Aster's eyes. She had seen this scene before. She had a special ability to predict the scene of others' death. Everyone who was predicted by her would die accurately in the predicted way.

She was desperate. This feeling of knowing that the people around her would die but being unable to change it was painful.

Other white-robed people had also rushed to the room, and now there was only the last samurai left to protect her.

At present, she has not predicted the next death scene. I wonder if it is because she will die next, so there will be no future scenes?

"I'll bet my life on you. I won't allow you to hurt Lady Aster!" The last samurai, Azuho, ​​picked up his samurai sword and blocked her, but his figure seemed too fragile at the moment.

"I'm very touched by your loyalty, but it's meaningless." The white-robed leader smiled and gave an order, and the three rushed forward.

Seeing this scene, Aster silently closed her eyes and prepared to accept her fate.

A gust of wind seemed to flash in front of her, and the imagined pain and death did not come. Aster slowly opened her eyes and saw the red vortex pattern.

"I'm sorry, someone paid enough money, so she can't lose a hair."

Before the voice fell, the three people who had just rushed over flew backwards at a faster speed. In front of Aster, a tall yellow-haired figure appeared as if out of thin air. He casually slapped the three white-robed people away, and then walked to the samurai who was almost dead.

"Fortunately, he hasn't died yet."

He gently placed his hand on the warrior, and the next second, the sound of metal hitting the floor was heard. All the kunai in the warrior's body were ejected, and the blood holes on his body were all healed in an instant. He even sat up with a confused look on his face.

Aster's pupils trembled instantly. This was the first time that someone escaped the prophecy of certain death. In the past, no one who died according to the prophecy survived.

She couldn't help but look up at the tall yellow-haired figure. At this moment, he seemed like a magical savior. He not only took her away from the threat of death, but also surpassed the fate of the predicted death.

Although Naruto only appeared for a few seconds, he casually slapped three white-robed men away and healed the dying people casually. The performance instantly made the white-robed man who led the group realize that he was not easy to mess with. Just when he wanted to turn around and run with his men, a handsome black-haired boy holding a Kusanagi sword stood at the door without knowing when.

"Naruto, what are you hesitating about? Why don't you just send them down?" Sasuke pulled out the Kusanagi sword and drew a few blade lights.

This Kusanagi sword was "suggested" by Naruto to Orochimaru to give to Sasuke not long ago, because he found that Sasuke seemed to like playing with knives.

Sasuke really liked this Kusanagi sword. Although it was stronger with ninjutsu, it was really cool to draw a blade light.

A white-robed man who was about to escape felt a flash of knife in front of him, and was cut in half by Sasuke's knife, just like playing Fruit Ninja.

The white-robed man was numb now. Although the yellow-haired man in the house seemed to be difficult to deal with, the one outside the house could really cut people with one knife.

Since the one outside the house must not be provoked, then fight with the one in the house!

The three of them made up their minds and turned around and rushed towards Naruto.

Facing the three white-robed men who rushed over, Naruto casually fired a small bullet to blast the leader aside, preparing to take him back to Morino Ibiki for interrogation. For the remaining two people, he dodged and grabbed them by the neck one by one.

"What did I do to make you think I'm easier to deal with?"

Chapter 196 Death Prophecy

"Damn it!" The two white-robed men sighed that they were unlucky. How could they run into these two monsters?

Looking at the forehead protectors on their foreheads, they should be ninjas from Konoha.

As expected of the world's number one ninja village, the level of the ninjas is indeed abnormal.

The two white-robed men are Huang Quan's capable generals. Through a special secret technique, they master the changes in the nature of chakra and can reach a level between the middle ninja and the jonin. This level is more than enough to deal with samurai, but it is still far from the real elite ninja.

Of course, what they don't know is that even if a real jonin meets Naruto and Sasuke now, they will be defeated.

Naruto carefully examined the faces of the two people and found that their conditions were very strange. The flesh on their faces became like masks, hard and with strange stripes, and the whole eyes turned dark black, and the state of their qi was also very strange.

Thinking of this, Naruto's mind moved, and his palm luck was activated to activate the Spirito Separation Technique. The next second, many unknown creatures like black snakes separated from the two people.

These creatures seemed to have to rely on the human body to survive. As soon as they were expelled from the body by the Spirito Separation Technique, they immediately screamed and began to look for living people by any means, trying to get into their bodies again.

Naruto's body suddenly exploded with energy, blowing several insects away. Sasuke tacitly threw out several kunai and nailed them to the ground.

At the same time, Sakura jumped into the room from outside and said to Naruto and Sasuke: "The wounded outside have been basically treated. How is it here?"

"Sakura, you came at the right time. Take a look at the things on the ground to see if they are creatures from this world." Naruto nodded at the black insects on the ground and motioned Sakura to identify them.

In terms of theoretical knowledge, Sakura's level is undoubtedly worthy of recognition. If these black insects are normal creatures, she should be able to recognize them.

Sakura looked down and shook her head directly: "This is not any known creature. It seems that I should take them back to dissect them and add a new page to the encyclopedia."

As she said, she took out a delicate small bottle from her waist bag, cut the body of the black insect with a chakra scalpel, and then carefully kept it inside.

"It seems that the legend that the Wuliang is a creature from another world is still credible."

Before coming here to perform the mission, Naruto had a brief understanding of the legend of the Wuliang. It is said that this thing came from another world, not a life in this world.

For the people in the ninja world, this is just a fantasy legend, because the concepts of other worlds and parallel universes are too advanced for this world.

But Naruto himself has been to other worlds and returned from other worlds, so he believes in this legend.

After the black worm left the body, the two white-robed men returned to their normal human appearance, more or less handsome, but their energy became very weak after the black worm left the body. It seems that all their skills are given by the black worm.

Naruto looked at the two people in his hands, thought for a moment and said, "I'll give you two a chance. If you can give me some information before the guy next to you, I can consider sparing your lives."

"Give up, we won't tell you anything about Lord Huangquan!"

"Big brother will definitely not tell you anything!" The two were very determined.

"Well, it seems that this day next year will be your death anniversary." Naruto strangled their necks and confirmed that their energy was completely gone and there was no possibility of resurrection.

Naruto watched the bodies of the two people fall limply and sighed silently.

Since returning to this world, he has killed more people in the past few years than he had in Dragon Ball for decades.

The reason is that this world lacks the rule of law. In a world without the rule of law, if you want to punish bad guys, you have to do it yourself. If you don't do it, he will really get away with it.

Just like these two people now, if they are not killed here, they will continue to kill people in the future, because what these two people just said has clearly shown that they are desperate warriors.

As for betting on whether others will repent, Naruto will not do such a thing, because if the bad guys don't repent, they will kill good people. What kind of person will bet on the repentance of bad guys with the lives of good people? Unless you have dragon balls.

Naruto glanced at the last white-robed man who was just knocked unconscious by his gas bullet. He was obviously the leader of the four people. The other three people would consult his opinion first before they died. He also said that he was the eldest brother.

"Throw it to Mr. Ibiki for torture." Naruto has full confidence in Ibiki's torture skills. As long as the time is long enough, there is no mouth that he can't pry open.

Before that, Naruto turned around and took a look at the target of his mission, the witch Aster from the Land of Demons.

Just like the story described in the book, the witch is a beautiful girl with fair skin. At this moment, she is looking at Naruto with her rare cyan eyes, full of curiosity.

"Is there anything wrong with my appearance?" Naruto was a little scared by her gaze.

"No, you are quite handsome." Aster first fully affirmed Naruto's appearance, and then continued to look at Naruto curiously: "I am just a little curious, what is so special about you? It actually made my death prophecy invalid."

"Death prophecy?"

"Well, I have always had a special ability to predict the death of people around me. Everyone who is predicted cannot escape this fate, no matter how hard they struggle, but you broke through this prophecy today."

She pointed to the samurai who was healed by Naruto and said: "Just one day ago, I predicted his death, but he did not die, but was saved by you. . "

"Your ability is amazing." Naruto immediately became interested: "Then you can see when I will die?"

"I can't see it."

"Huh? Didn't you say that you can predict people's death?"

"It can only be predicted when people are about to die. If you can't see your death, it means you won't die in the near future. In addition..." Aster said a little depressed: "All the people I predicted died to protect me."

In fact, there are some more unpleasant words that Aster didn't say, that is, some people think that her ability is actually to find scapegoats, because those people died because they wanted to save her. If she is not saved, Aster will die.

The fate of death is not insurmountable. Just watch Aster die without saving her. However, so far, no one has chosen to watch Aster die without saving her.

Chapter 197 Hundred Thousand Troops!

"The goal of this mission is to escort the miko to the shrine in the Swamp Country to seal the body of the demon."

After reading the requirements on the task list, Naruto was puzzled: "Seal the body of the demon? Wasn't the body of the demon sealed before?"

Ashiwa replied: "Seal his body means to keep his body sealed for a certain period of time to prevent him from taking back his body, because he can't live in the state of soul. If he can't take back his body in the next few days, his soul will dissipate."

"It's pretty rubbish." Naruto thought about it and commented.

"Do you have the specific coordinates of the shrine? I can take you there directly."

Ashiwa shook her head: "The shrine is hidden in the mountains of the Swamp Country. It's very hidden. I don't know the exact location. I can only find the location of the shrine by sensing when I arrive in the Swamp Country."

However, it is obvious that Ashiwa doesn't understand what Naruto means by "go there directly".

"We have to go to Swamp Country first... It's okay, it won't take long, just hold my hand."

"Ah?" Shiwan took a step back subconsciously: "What are you going to do?"

"Take you to Swamp Country." After saying this, Naruto suddenly remembered that she might not understand the concept of time and space ninjutsu, let alone understand instant movement.

So, he gestured to Shiwan with his hands and feet: "We ninjas have a special technique that can cross a very long distance in a short time. As long as you hold my hand, I can take you to Swamp Country immediately."

"Like when you just appeared?" Shiwan recalled that when Naruto appeared just now, it was as if he suddenly refreshed from this world and appeared out of thin air beside her.


"The ability of ninjas... is so magical." Shiwan remembered Naruto's performance of instantly resuscitating the samurai just now. She used to think that ninjas were a group of guys who could release water and spit fire, but she didn't expect that their abilities were so strong that they could basically save people who were almost dead.

Out of trust in Naruto, she gently raised her hand and grabbed Naruto's fingers.

"Hold tight, or I can't take you with me." Naruto directly held her whole hand.

When holding Aster's hand, Naruto sighed in his heart, this little girl probably doesn't have to do any work at ordinary times. Ordinary people's hands will be more or less calloused, but her hands are as soft as a child's.

"You... hold too hard." Aster whispered.

"Hold on for a moment, Sasuke, hold my other hand." Naruto called out, and Sasuke directly held Naruto's other hand, and Sakura next to him immediately reached out and grabbed Sasuke's arm.

"Very good, let's go!" Naruto roughly estimated the location of the Swamp Country, and began to constantly lock the air along the way, and quickly went to the Swamp Country through multiple teleportations.

Aster felt only a flash in front of her eyes, and the scenery that came into her eyes began to change rapidly. She was still in the big room of the shrine in the last second, and she came directly to the forest of the Ghost Country in the next second.

Before she could appreciate the scenery of the forest carefully, the picture in front of her changed again, from the forest of the Ghost Country to the large plain between the Ghost Country and the Swamp Country. She could even see the sheep grazing on the grass from a distance.

Naruto looked up at the direction of the sun, confirmed that he did not teleport in the wrong direction, and then continued to teleport.

The scenery in front of Shiyuan changed again. This time, she came directly to the small town of Swamp Country. She heard the noise of people and people coming and going on the streets. She looked around blankly as if she had suddenly traveled to another world.

"It's amazing. I came to the outside world in an instant."

As a shrine maiden, she didn't seem to be very free on weekdays. Her range of activities was not large, roughly around the shrine and nearby villages and towns. It was her first time to go to such a large market like today.

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