".......Is this something the captain can do?"

Naruto stared at him expressionlessly: "This is something I can do. I know what you want to say. You just want to play some moral dilemma tricks with me, and then rationalize some behaviors of sacrificing others to fulfill the group. But sorry, I can really send people back. It is meaningless to forcibly limit the discussion of the ability of the person who does the question, because I am the one who answers the question, and I can do it."

"....You are not like a child at all."

At this moment, Itachi was shocked by Naruto, but the shocking part was not that Naruto refuted his question, but that Naruto at that moment was what Itachi wanted to be in his ideal.

When he was four years old, he was taken to the battlefield by his father to feel the cruelty of the battlefield. At that time, Itachi had a naive ideal, that is, as long as he was strong enough, he could solve all problems in a perfect way.

But in the process of growing up, Itachi was disappointed with himself. He couldn't do such a thing at all.

The question just now was the question that Danzo asked him when he joined the Anbu. At that time, Itachi answered without hesitation, "Kill the sick person and save the rest."

When making this answer, Itachi also thought of his ideal in his heart, but at that time he had become more and more aware of the remoteness of that ideal.

Until just now, an ideal "him" really appeared.

Chapter 219 The truth of the extermination of the clan

"You do have incredible power, and perhaps my original ideal is not impossible to achieve." Itachi looked at Naruto, and then said: "You already have your own way to go, so I will get straight to the point."

"Have you never been curious? The fact that you are the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki should be top secret. Only the ninjas who experienced the Nine-Tails Night know it, and they have all been ordered to keep their mouths shut by the third generation. How did this news spread throughout the village?"

Itachi's question was once a puzzle in Naruto's heart. He guessed that someone was behind it, but his priority task over the years has always been to improve combat effectiveness and explore his life experience to revive his parents, and to build bridges between the Snow Country, the Fire Country, and the Wind Country to change the lives of the three countries.

The original plan was to settle the current situation and then start to deal with the problems within Konoha. At present, he has settled the Snow Country, the Fire Country, and the Wind Country. The three countries are now in a period of rising cooperation and development, and there will be a long period of peace. He has also deterred the Earth Country, which can make them temporarily honest. The next target is the Lightning Country, because he promised Gaara to build a bridge between the Wind Country and the Lightning Country to exchange materials.

However, Uchiha Itachi seemed to reveal some answers to him in advance.

Itachi said in a deep voice: "After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the internal part of Konoha Village was in a state of grief, and a considerable number of people lost their relatives and friends. This huge resentment and contradiction needs a place to vent. If the village does not find a suitable way, then the spearhead will be aimed at the village itself."

"So, I am the point of diversion of contradictions?" Naruto pointed at himself.

"Yes, to be precise, you are one of them. After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the news that you are the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was spread by Danzo, and those who got the news began to discriminate against you automatically. They used the righteous name of "you are a child who should be watched out for" to vent their hatred towards you with peace of mind. They rely on discriminating against you to maintain their mental stability. Our Uchiha clan is the same, living with the dirty name of "the initiator of the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

"I see." Naruto nodded.

"You are calmer than I thought. I thought you would be very excited after hearing the news."

"Because I have thought about this possibility before and have prepared myself mentally."

"You are very perceptive and actually guessed this possibility. That's why I asked you about the captain and the crew at the beginning. Sacrificing Uzumaki Naruto's life can relieve the dissatisfaction of the village. Sacrificing the Uchiha clan can maintain the law and order of the village. These things have caused many people to fall into misfortune, but they have also brought stability and peace to more people."

Naruto thought thoughtfully: "So, the demise of the Uchiha clan is actually the intention of the village?"

Uchiha Itachi did not lie. When talking about these words, his temper was always stable and there was no sign of lying. But it is not ruled out that he used illusions on himself, causing himself to tell some lies that he believed.

"Yes, but no. The village's top leaders are not united, and it's hard for me to say who represents the will of the village. To be specific, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage and their supporters are indeed conciliatory towards the Uchiha clan. But in contrast, the village's advisors are hostile to the Uchiha clan. Unfortunately, the course of events eventually tilted the scales in favor of the advisors."

For a group as large as Konoha Village, it is very normal that the top leaders are not united. It's better to say that this is the norm.

One side advocates conciliatory attitudes towards the Uchiha clan, while the other side advocates being wary of the Uchiha clan. Both sides hold a considerable degree of political power. Which side wins in the end depends on the course of events.

The initial trend was favorable to the Uchiha clan. The Fourth Hokage came to power, and the Third Hokage became his assistant. The new and old forces combined together and once overwhelmed the opposition led by Danzo and two other advisors.

However, the Nine-Tails Rebellion tore all of this apart. The leaders of the Huairou faction, the Fourth Hokage and his wife, died in battle, and the Third Hokage's wife Sarutobi Biwako died in battle. Their supporters also suffered heavy casualties that night.

More importantly, the Nine-Tails Rebellion plunged the Uchiha clan into a quagmire again.

The village's high-level officials believed that only the Uchiha's eye power could control the Nine-Tails, so this incident was done by the Uchiha people.

What's more terrible is that Itachi later learned that this incident was actually done by the Uchiha clan.

There is no way to get rid of this black pot, because the consultant actually got the correct answer.

The Huairou faction suffered a huge blow, and the facts also developed in a direction that was beneficial to the opposition. Therefore, in the following years, the power of the opposition increased rapidly, and the Uchiha clan began to be excluded.

The exclusion brought dissatisfaction, and the Uchiha clan began to hold high-intensity meetings at the Nanga Shrine. Every meeting would push emotions to extremes, which eventually led to their decision to launch a coup.

The means of the coup were also ridiculous. They actually planned to let Shisui, who was still alive at the time, raid the residence of the Third Hokage, then kidnap the Third Hokage, take the Third Hokage as a hostage, use the police force headquarters as a base, negotiate with the village, and let the village agree to their demands.

At that time, Itachi didn't understand whether these people were kicked in the head by a donkey. At that time, the Third Hokage was not very old. He was still the ninjutsu professor who was feared by the ninja world. How could they think they had the ability to kidnap him as a hostage?

On the eve of the coup, Uchiha Itachi learned the truth about their expansion-

It was Uchiha Madara

He met the masked man in front of the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine.

That was not their first meeting. When Uchiha Itachi was still a Genin, he was attacked by the other party during the mission of protecting the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. His first teammate Tenma died at the hands of the other party, and another teammate Shinko was left with a psychological shadow because of this and never became a ninja again in his life.

At that time, Itachi noticed that the other party had a strange time-space ninjutsu, which would cause strange space distortion when used. Later, he found this distortion more than once near the shrine of the Uchiha clan, so he finally discovered the fact that the masked man had always been connected with the Uchiha clan.

In front of the stone tablet of the shrine, the masked man generously admitted that he was Uchiha Madara, and the rebels of the Uchiha clan were actually instigated by him. And the reason he did this was not to liberate the Uchiha clan, but to take revenge on the Uchiha clan.

At this point, Itachi completely understood.

The Uchiha clan was played, first as a victim of the village to divert conflicts, and then became a toy for Uchiha Madara to take revenge on the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village.

They naively thought that Uchiha Madara would support them, so they dared to launch a coup.

They didn't even know that there were actually spies from the root organization arranged by Danzo in the Uchiha clan. The content of every meeting and everyone's behavior were recorded in detail and sent to Danzo.


The history and experience of the Uchiha clan before and after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, as well as internal events, are mainly based on the original comics and the official novel "Itachi's True Biography". In addition, it is not recommended to directly evaluate the behavior of characters before the plot is finished.

Chapter 220 The way for Uchiha to survive

At every clan meeting, the spies arranged by Danzo recorded the content of their discussions clearly. It can be said that this group of people was no different from holding a meeting in front of Danzo.

Until the extermination of the clan, this group of people had no idea that Danzo knew them so well, and they were still dreaming of kidnapping the Hokage.

This gap in means is enough to show how slim the Uchiha clan's chances of winning are.

Even if we don't mention the means, the comparison of the combat power of both sides is completely disproportionate.

This is not the fault of the Uchiha clan. They also sincerely participated in the Third Ninja World War and made great contributions to Konoha. Itachi's father, Uchiha Fugaku, even won the title of "Evil Eye Fugaku" in the war.

Because of this, the Uchiha clan misjudged their own strength.

They mistakenly believed that Fugaku was capable of competing for the position of the fourth generation Hokage, and that Fugaku's achievements and abilities were not inferior to Namikaze Minato, but this was just their wishful thinking. The real situation was that the opponent that the fourth generation Raikage had been talking about all his life was the yellow flash Namikaze Minato, and it was Namikaze Minato who could stop the children from crying at night in the Hidden Rock Village.

His merits were so great that he could even suppress Orochimaru as a civilian, one generation lower than Orochimaru, and fight one less ninja world war than Orochimaru, and get the most support to become the fourth generation Hokage.

This is also where Itachi was disappointed with his clansmen. They always seemed to be confused about their position, thinking that Fugaku could compete with Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato, and that they were capable of kidnapping the third generation Hokage.

But the responsibility was not all on them. If we only look at the surface, there were indeed few people in Konoha after the Nine-Tails Rebellion who could compete with the Uchiha clan.

But they don't know that Konoha is not just the surface. Under this towering tree, there are "roots".

If the root organization is included, the Uchiha clan is nothing.

There are only two people in the Uchiha clan who oppose the coup, one is Itachi and the other is Shisui, and they are the only two members of the Uchiha clan who have seen the "root".

After seeing the true strength of Konoha, I no longer think that Uchiha's coup has any possibility of success.

After understanding Danzo, he would no longer find it useful to kidnap the Third Hokage.

Even if the Third Hokage is really tied up, it will be of no use at all. Danzo is eager for you to break up the vote, so that he will become the Fifth Hokage.

Therefore, Itachi and Shisui both tried to prevent the coup from happening, but failed without exception.

The clan members were deceived by the masked man Uchiha Madara, and mistakenly believed that behind them stood their ancestor Uchiha Madara who could fight the first Hokage, so they felt that they would definitely win.

But it is a pity that Uchiha Madara came here specifically to deceive the Uchiha clan. His purpose was to destroy Uchiha. It would be best to see Uchiha and Konoha dog bite dog.

"In the end, the coup was inevitably passed. Danzo, who knew the news, gave me two choices." Uchiha Itachi raised two fingers to Naruto: "One is to stand with the Uchiha clan. Together, we will be wiped out together; secondly, I will personally participate in the operation, and in exchange, I can keep Sasuke's life."

Hearing this, Naruto thought thoughtfully: "So, your judgment is that the Uchiha clan and Konoha must choose one or the other?"

"This is true."

"Well...then I can ask you a few questions."

"Please say."

"Have you not considered opening up other options besides the ones Danzo gave you?"

"Other options? I think there is no choice. The Uchiha clan's coup has been approved by the clan meeting board. It cannot be stopped, even with illusions. And once the Uchiha coup, the village will fall into chaos again. Chaos, that couldn't be allowed to happen, and there was no chance of them succeeding. I thought I had no choice at that point."

Naruto touched his chin: "Let me ask you, if the Uchiha clan knew that their rebellion plan had been made public, would they still rebel?"

"Not anyone with the intelligence of a toddler or above."

"Then you should also know why Konoha chose you to implement the plan, right?"

"Fully understand."

The reason why a cruel and ruthless person like Danzo wanted Itachi to carry out his plan, even at the cost of leaving an Uchiha alive, was very simple, that is, the massacre of a clan must not be done by Konoha.

The Uchiha clan is a big clan that built the village. If they all get slaughtered because they make mistakes, other families who join Konoha will also die in grief.

The other big clans will lose trust in the higher-ups and start to become suspicious, thinking that as long as any clan is considered a threat to Konoha, they will be killed. This situation will be out of control.

Therefore, it is necessary for the Uchiha clan to take action and kill all the Uchiha clan, so that the situation becomes "the Uchiha clan people are crazy again and kill all their own clan". Only in this way can this matter be solved perfectly.

Uchiha Itachi nodded, obviously he was very aware of the considerations involved. But because of this, Naruto became very puzzled: "Since you know these two things, have you ever thought that you can actually make this matter public?"


Just two words, it immediately shut down Itachi Xian10's brain.

public? How can such a thing be made public?

Seeing that his mind was at a loss, Naruto immediately explained: "You also said that if the Uchiha clan knows that their plan is made public, they will definitely not be able to rebel again, because if they rebel after being exposed, they will attack the whole village as a clan, even if they have no brains No matter how hard it works, you know you can’t win.”

"And after this matter is made public, Konoha not only cannot exterminate the Uchiha clan, but also has to protect them and not let them make any mistakes. Because after the matter is made public, if the Uchiha clan makes any mistakes again, everyone will think that Konoha is behind it. Kill the hero."

"Of course, if you disclose this matter, you will definitely be unable to be a human being on both sides. But the problem is, aren't you also a human being on both sides now?"

"The plan is exposed, and it is inevitable that Uchiha's status in the village will continue to decline, but that is much better than the whole family dying. And after the matter is made public, this matter can be brought to the table."

"Don't you know the masked man? He is also an Uchiha. Why can't you disclose his information to the village and put the blame for the Nine-Tails Rebellion on his head?"

"You Uchiha just stood in the middle of the village and used a loudspeaker to shout to the Hokage's office, 'I didn't do it on the night of the Kyuubi! I am a hero of Konoha. You drove me to the edge of the village to kill the donkey!', Mu Can Ye still kill you in front of you? "

Again, once the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha is completely made public, Uchiha will never die.

In this case, Uchiha is the number one cutter.

I'm lying on the ground. I'm relying on you. Do you have the guts to kill me?

If you dare to kill me, just wait and break away from other wealthy clans.

Since I, Uchiha, as the founder of the village, have fought three great ninja wars with you, and you kill them whenever you ask, then why can't you kill other people?

Chapter 221 Itachi: CPU burned out

Naruto's proposal was a completely unimagined path for Itachi, because this path was completely shameless and would embarrass the whole village.

But the Uchiha clan is the most shameless clan. As long as they can be shameless, they will never be exterminated, and even entering the upper echelons of the village is not difficult.

In a world like the ninja world, where people are extraordinarily shameless, the Sharingan was enough to survive 10 years ago.

Itachi thought about it briefly and found that this method could really keep the Uchiha clan alive.

Although it would be embarrassing, it was much better than the death of the entire clan.

Although Itachi would be a nobody on both sides, he was also a nobody on both sides now.

"But this would only pile up the contradictions. Even if it doesn't break out now, it will always break out in a more serious way in the future, and it may cause more serious consequences at that time." Itachi hesitated.

"Uchiha Itachi, have you ever heard of a saying, 'Believe in the wisdom of future generations'?"


"Let me ask you, why did all the Uchiha clan die except Sasuke, and not even a distant relative was left?"

"Because the Uchiha clan rarely married outside, and even if they married outside, they would return to live in the Uchiha settlement."

"What if you let go and have fun?"

"Let go and have fun means...?" Itachi couldn't understand such an open word for a while.

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