(If Julia is on the side... I wonder if it's okay.)

Bell watched Julia and Lianne converse from afar. From the beginning, Belle is close to Lianne. Currently, however, that obligation does not exist. Bell must fight on the front lines with Bell, and Lianne must lead the operation in the rear with Lianne. Besides... Lianne has woken up as a saint. I was with Bell when I was young, but maybe I don't need him anymore... that's what I was thinking.

And Yulia and I met slightly. Even though it was quite far away, Julia realized that someone was looking at her. At the same time, I thought about it. He said he could take care of Lianne. Originally, Bell became closer to her because of her ability to fight. Then it's only natural to leave it to someone stronger than yourself... yes, I've been thinking about it lately.

"Hey, Belle. It's time to turn around....."

It was Gil who came to the place where I was stunned. He just took a nap and came here to take his turn with Belle. Now building a base, the Warlock is resting in a simple tent. There is a slight light around, which lights up Bell's face slightly. Looking at the expression, Gil snapped.

"What? Are you lonely?

"... do you miss me? That's why... no, maybe so..."

"It's unusual. I can't believe you're being honest."

"I'm always... honest?

"Bad, bad. So, what's up? I want you to stare at those two."

Gil also sensed Julia and Lianne having a pleasant conversation. Lianne didn't notice at all, but Julia lowered her head slightly toward Gil as soon as she noticed her gaze.

"I... may have already finished my role..."

"Princess's amulet?

"It's not an amulet... to put it simply, yes..."

"I can't get separated. You're like a parent."

"Gil... what's wrong?

"In my case, he died before that happened. The girl downstairs... don't listen to me. After all, humans can only follow their own decisions. My parents, oh, my God, this is futile. That's why I respected his will..."

"... unexpectedly decent"

"I'm surprised. But maybe that's when you came."

"... I want Lianne-sama to be happy... But if I don't have to be happy... then I'm going to pull myself aside..."

"Hah... you idiot!"

"The princess is dear to you, but so is the princess."

"... the same?

"I've seen it for a long time, but Princess Lianne trusts and loves you more than anyone. Didn't you notice?

"... is that so?

"Hah... this is serious. Anyway, it doesn't mean we don't need you anymore just because the operation started and we split up."

"... that kind of thing?

Well, that's how it is.

"I see... I've studied."

Well, rest up, too.

"... okay."

That's how Belle leaves the scene. Looking backwards, I saw Lianne laughing with joy again. That look I've tried so many times. She usually has a lot of attention, so she doesn't smile very much, but laughs often in front of someone she trusts.

Belle had also been watching that smile since he was a child. And remember. Meet Lianne and the trajectory to date.

"Am I?

"Ah, I'll leave it to you. I won't be on duty in the evening for a while."


"This is absolute. I won't cover it up."

"... I understand."

I shut the door a little violently from irritation. And Bell walks straight ahead.

Bertina Wright, 24.

You're a genius who became a superior versus magician the other day. At that time, at Bell's age, it was disqualified to become a Premium vs. Mage. She was regarded as the greatest genius in the army. Such a bell, but at that time, I had no doubt about my talents. It is a certain pride, but it is also a fact.

Such an order was given to Bell. It was to take care of Princess Lianne, the Third Princess. She wanted to be a saint who was said to have existed 150 years ago... so she was taught in secret. Very few, including royalty and the army, know the truth. Put a personal escort on to protect her. Therefore, Bell was chosen considering age, strength, and even gender.

However, the upper ranks of the army did not take her personality into account. Belle is 24 years old for a retreat and still doesn't like talking to people. Adults were still better off, but above all children were bad. It ends with not knowing what to say. Even if the subject were a princess who could be a saint, I didn't think I could take care of it properly.

(It's not me... there are more qualified people... for sure)

I feel bad in my heart. Why should I do such an amulet? I am a genius who became a superior anti-magician when I was young. The place to fight is that dusk, not babysitting in a border city. The anger was manifested in her attitude. The sound of kicking the floor gradually grew and she managed to suppress her emotions… but it was not acceptable.

Just a few days ago, a trusted superior officer died. I also attended the funeral and swore. Your death will never be in vain. She was then promoted to Premium vs. Magus for her achievements in defeating the Magus. To be honest, I wanted to go and kill the Demons at dusk right away... driven by such emotions.

But when she meets Lianne, it changes a lot.

"Who are you...?

"My name is Bertina Wright... From now on, I will... put you on the guard... of Lianne. Please, call me bell..."



"Will Belle protect me?

"Yes, I will protect you until this life runs out..."

"Yes... from now on, Belle."

"Yes, Master Lianne."

It's just a decorative word. In fact, Bell wanted to leave this amulet to someone for a good reason. It doesn't have to be a special vs. magician, or a first-class vs. magician. In the first place, there is no harm to the royal family. The demons will never enter the border city, nor will the aristocrats do anything to the princess.

(Waste of time....)

End of the word. Bell thought so, but when he looked closely... he realized that Lianne's appearance was extraordinary. Once again, I am astonished at the appearance of human beings far beyond that, which should be said to be a saint candidate. Above all, the symmetrical parts should be noted. Human beings are always distorted. Only the parts of the face, only the limbs. But Lianne had a well-balanced and perfect appearance.



I was staring at it, and it made me feel suspicious. But that would be convenient. Let's change to another person because they hate it. Even in these moments, there are people fighting at dusk. There is no reason for me to step on such a place.

Thinking like that, Lianne talks about unexpected things.

"You think that's a waste of time?


I was stunned. And Bell knew. The harsh fate of a girl named Lianne....

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