
"Uhh... uhhhhhh..."



I feel like I'm being slapped in the head. But it's a dream. Because I'm eating so much curry now. [M] It seems that today is a special day and it is called curry day. I kept eating the curry in front of me.

Delicious, delicious... itchy, delicious...

You can't stop eating such delicious potatoes.

"... stop waking up!!

At the moment, I was rolling on the ground. Keep rolling, don't you dare! And hit the wall.

"Ugh... there was... that?

When I open my eyes, there are only walls there.

Uh, where's my curry? Now that I'm enjoying dry curry, why...?

"Who, curry?

What are you talking about curry?

"Ah... I see, here..."

I remember. [M] After that, we talked all night in excitement. [M] Of course, I had almost no need to sleep, so I was perfectly fine. [M] However, it doesn't mean you don't need to sleep at all, so you need about an hour or two.

And I realize where I was sleeping. Yes... when I looked closely, Ariel was next to me sleeping...

Were you sleeping in one bed...?

You're sweating cold... and at the same time you look at the person standing in front of you. Yes, it was senpai. Of course I desperately try to explain myself. [M]

"Yulia, hey, why are you sleeping here? Hey?"

"... um..."

"Hey, why is there an elf woman next door?

"Chi, that's not true!

"Hey, why isn't this woman dressed?

"What about it?"

"Hey, what was Julia doing? Hey...."

When I looked closely, I saw Ariel's back in full view. And rather than wearing clothes, why are we doing this... now we need to do something about this smiling senpai.

At first glance, it looks like he's just smiling and asking questions. I know that I'm not angry with my voice tone. But those eyes aren't laughing at all. Looking at me still, my eyes like peeking into the abyss continue to capture me.

Let me be clear. Scary. This may be the first time in my life. I'm sure if I make the wrong choice here... I'll die. With that readiness, I will continue my conversation with you. [M]

"Well, there's a lot going on and I'm staying here!

"Yeah, that's right. All right, I'll give you a hundred steps to stay. But why are we sleeping together, with naked elves next to us? And a woman's. Hey... I wonder why, Julia."

"... actually, I don't remember much..."

"Hoo... I don't remember."

When I noticed, Senpai was holding something like a whip in his hand and banging it with his hand.

Eh... what is it... I can't believe it...

No, I'm not sure yet. It's not too late, not yet...

"Hmm, Yulia-san, no! Ehehe....."

Ah, dead.

"But I'm sorry! Actually, I was drinking last night! Julia is innocent! Please forgive me! I don't care what happens to me, but please forgive Julia."


Sitting down. Ariel woke up and apologized as soon as she sat down to see what was going on between me and Senpai. I was staring at it. [M]

"What are you doing, Julia? Sit down, too."

Ah, yes.

I also sat down next to Mr. Ariels. Lower your head. Do I have to go this far if I can suck? But don't talk about it. Just apologize to the angry woman for now. Even if the reason is unclear, it is important to apologize.

"Senpai, I didn't either...."

"Hmm. So, what are you doing?

If you don't say it in no time, death is a must. Of course I know why senpai is angry. [M] Then you can put it in your mouth.

"Did I just get out and cause trouble to the elves...?

"Hmm. That's right... heh... that's right... hmm"

And you failed? But Senpai won't ask any more questions. Stay still and stare at me.

"Well, that's fine. Looks like nothing happened. But, Julia, don't do anything naughty. I'm on a mission right now. No matter how much of the village it is, don't be alarmed."

"There are no words to return...."

I wasn't alarmed. I always deploy Twilight Sights to fully understand the magic elements within a 10-kilometer radius. Even if you were asleep, you'd react quickly enough. But what senpai is saying is that he is prepared. How pathetic... what should I do if the sequence zero is scolded here?

I'm so painful in my cheeks, I'm pooping! "[]/(v5k, vi) (uk) to slap/to slap/"

"All right, I'm awake."

"All right then. Okay, here we go. I have to build a base today."


Finally, I thank Mr. Ariels. [M]

"Mr. Ariels. I'm really sorry this time. And thank you. Let me stay."

"No, thank you for everything."

We broke up there, but I was really scared that senpai's gaze was sharp until the end...

Don't make senpai angry. Such words were added to my dictionary. [M]

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