What do you think, Yulia?

"Yeah, it's delicious."

"That's good!

Life with Ariel, who is already used to it. I was completely in the village of Elves. [M] That said, time has not passed. It's been roughly a week. These people are really nice people. Human beings treat me normally, even though I say the seeds are different. [M] For now, I am careful, but there is no strange movement. I don't see any poison in my diet.

--I hope it's worrying.....

The more you think about it, the more unpleasant it feels in your brain. Ellis and I have been together for a long time lately, and occasionally we're worried about something. We're going to show her that look. Of course I won't show you such things in front of me. [M] But sometimes you get a glimpse at the moment.

What the hell is going on? If you're going to betray me completely from the beginning, it's no wonder there's already movement. I am constantly expanding Twilight Site for twilight eyes, but there are no signs. [M]

And we go to bed as usual. I will wake up soon, so I'm not sleeping the same time as Ariel. Still, I'm splitting the bed properly now. She is sleeping in bed and I am laying a futon on the floor. [M]

And your consciousness gradually fades. Sleepy... very sleepy. You shouldn't be so tired today, but you're strangely sleepy...

"... uuuuu, haahhhhhh"

There was a breathtaking sound on my face. [M] In a moment, I perceive magic activation. This is aggressive magic. It's probably a fire attribute. When I perceive it in an instant, I try to suppress the person standing beside me.

"... * giggle *!

"Alice, I knew it...."

I don't love her. I suppress her who was about to activate her magic against me immediately. Grab both wrists and hit the floor. From the side, it looks like I'm holding her from above. But I don't have time to worry about that right now. Why did she try to do this? I need to talk to you.

"Well, why did you notice...? Even though the magic was activated..."

"You're still activating hypnotic magic. But unfortunately, my body is special. I'm not a normal person."

"Oh, I see...."

Even as she stared at her eyes, Ariel slipped away from me gently, wondering if she had any backlash. Then Ariel's eyes spilled with tears.

From there, you can see the limitless overflow of weir, but you can't let it flow with affection. I held her in my left hand and forced her face to the front with my right hand.

Your gaze crosses.

"Why are you doing this? That magic would have been fatal if it had been normal."

"... you even know the magic that activates."

"Because I have magic eyes."

"... after all, Yulia-san is strong. There is no rival in this village. No, I'm sure it's very strong in the world of dusk. I'm sure it's comparable to the Magus....."

"Why are you crying?"

"I wonder why..."

"You'd better talk to him. I don't like torture very much."


Activates Invisible Blade, an invisible sword from the right hand. Then I peeled the skin off Ariel's neck and bled slightly. It's a pointless wound, but I need to show you that I'm ready to do it.

Besides, there must be something going on with her. Yes, I was sure. A tearful expression of anguish. It seemed like he was saying he didn't want to do this.

"If you want to kill me, please kill me....."

"Is there something going on?


"I know you're a very good person."

"... no, I'm an outrageous person. There's no excuse."

"Who's up there?


At that moment, I remembered her. Speaking of which, I heard her parents died in the evening. But maybe... that's what I thought, and I'm talking about a speculation.

"Is the man who killed your parents involved?


That's it. Keep your lips tight and stare me in the eye.

"Why is that... no way, people are involved!!

It's a fierce hate. The eyes were different from the previous one, and the fierce flame seemed to be burning.

"No, that's not true. I met an elf a few weeks ago."

"Then why...?"

It's just a hunch.

"I see... I see..."

"I want you to tell me the story. Maybe we can help."

You lose vigor from your eyes and lose strength from your body as it is. It was like a shell. But now I think I can hear you. When I release myself, I am forced to wake up and sit in bed. [M] I sat next to it and stared at the void silently. It was Alice, who was facing down for a long time, but after about 10 minutes she opened her mouth.

"... it was a family of four. As you can see, my house is too big to live alone. She used to live with me, my parents and my sister. Until a year ago."

"A year ago."

"Yes, so one day a year ago... we met. The demons, among them, are the rulers of this land."

"What the hell is that..."

"Ancient Scorpion."

A monster. The ancient "Ancient" system..... "

Ancient "Ancient" monsters are by definition individuals who have lived for more than 100 years. In addition, it is said that there are even intellectuals in the huge body. It's so much so that humanoid creatures can manipulate language and logically think.

"The boundaries of this village were perfect. We've been living quiet days. Even if we were ruled by dusk, we were happy. There was nothing harmful."


"But this place was identified, and one day there were ancient scorpions, Ancient Scorpions, and Scorpions in front of the village, and they suddenly appeared."

Her expression is getting darker and darker. I've predicted some things already, but I'm sure what we're going to talk about isn't a pleasant story.

"We started the fight immediately. However, the individual has no magic at all. We were defeated and enslaved to them."

Should I say...? The story of this hand is not unusual. There were examples in the past literature of one race subjugating another.

And Ariel suddenly started coughing at the tip of her arrow, trying to spin the words.

"Uhh... hah...!

"... why is there blood?!?

"Yulia-san. Look at my back....."

As soon as I take off her clothes, I look at her back as she was told. [M] That's where it was... engraved. But this is very similar to Twilight Syndrome, but it's not. This stamp is the Curse of the Curse. A kind of magic that ties objects with a curse. How did that happen to her...?

"All Elves are under this curse, The Curse. To never disobey... they never ravaged us all at once. Rather, it was rational. And every month... I was told to supply the elves on a regular basis."

"Supply... sacrifice?"

"Yes, my family has sacrificed it too... uhh... ooh..."

I can't stop bleeding. Blood is constantly overflowing from the mouth. In addition, the engraving is red and glowing.

"Perhaps... because I'm talking about this... the curse [Curse] is... reacting..."

Let's de-curse.

"But this is...."

I know what you mean. Once the Curse is cast, it is difficult to lift it. It takes a lot of skill. We need to expose all the components of the Curse and deal with it so that it doesn't break. Most things cause the subject to die at the moment of external interference.

I stare at the stamp with my twilight eye. [M] A bright red stamp is intertwined and engraved on the back.

The components are... understandable. The literature is exactly as it was in the book that Edgar gave me. I don't know what the cause and effect was, but there was something in that book about the Curse. Maybe we can do something about this. First, you can assimilate the unique region "Personal Field" with mine, transcribe the curse "Curse" to me, and finally scatter it with the region spread "Diffusion".

Originally, Senpai, Eve, who is good at magic, and Noah would be able to do it more efficiently, but we don't have time right now. We have to do this right away. It's already a life-threatening bleed.

"Alice, maybe we can break the curse on Curse. But...."

I talked about the process. That's because it doesn't feel good for her or for a woman.

"Okay... thank you very much"


Then I had her take off all my clothes. [M] Furthermore, contact with the mucous membrane is the most effective way to intervene in the intrinsic region "Personal Field". But only if the other party does not refuse to intervene. When I get it in her mouth, I assimilate it with my own unique domain, Personal Field. And as it is, it activates Area Spread "Diffusion".

"Uhh... uhhhh... uhhhh..."

Probably running with burning back pain. And after that pain lasted about 30 minutes... I succeeded in lifting the curse on Curse.

"Hah... hah... hah..."

Are you okay?

"... yes. I really don't know what to say... okay. I... I've been fooling Yulia-san all along... and I can't believe you helped me..."

"... you must have always been in conflict. And the magic that attacked me back then. You wanted me to notice that, didn't you? Choose magic that is easy to understand. There must have been more secrecy."

"... everything is foreseeable. Even though there is a curse, Curse, I... can't believe I betrayed the people who have done so much to you... so I wish you'd killed me here..."

"... Ariel. Your elf suffering is over."

"... but I'm sure it won't do you any good..."

"In any case, the monsters who dominate this realm were confronted one day. It's just now."

"Yes... yes..."

Again, Ariel wept. It must have been painful. The days when they were robbed of their families and frightened by the curse of Curse. I can't imagine how harsh it must have been for me to continue to be exposed to the pressure of betraying and involving humans.

And I asked her again to tell me more.

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