A Banished Failure Survives in the Borderland and Becomes an S-Rank Exorcist

Episode 136 The Last Bertina's perspective: A swordsman sleeping in the dusk

"Sensei!! Don't give up!! Still, it still helps!!

Shelley works hard to heal me. When I saw him, there were tears in his eyes. That's what they say, but... I already know. It's not just me, Shelly... I already understand.

I... can't make it anymore.

All we have to do is wait for him to die slowly.

You know, I was at her place 10 years ago.

"Che... Lee... CHA... Nh..."

"Sensei! Don't talk!! It's still dangerous!!

A healing magic that layers over your body. It certainly repaired my wounded spot... but I was relieved. The bleeding is stopping. But there's no way to recover the bleeding. If we could put blood into this body at once, we might be in time, but that's impossible.

Already... I've had enough. Enough... enough already. When I put my strength into the remaining right hand, I managed to take it to Shelley's right cheek.

"... Sherry... that's enough... thank you... so far, really..."


There is no stopping tears from falling apart. Sherry has already noticed. I can't make it anymore. In 10 minutes, you'll be dead. She stops the healing magic and lays her hand on my hand. My body will feel disgusting if someone already sees it in blood. But Shelley will hold my right hand tightly, which is so bloody.

Never forget that warmth.

That's how I started telling her. The ability of the opponent's Magus and how to deal with it. All I can tell you is... I've told you. I entrusted everything to you.

"... that's it... Shelly... this is it..."

"... this is Sensei's..."

"The Magic Sword, Ozuki Night... will definitely... help Shelly..."

"... sir. Leave it to me. The revenge of the teacher is definitely... I will definitely... I will fulfill it..."

"Yeah... Shelley... then... I can do it... definitely... because I believe in it... yes..."

"... yes... yes... I will definitely accomplish it..."

Even though my palm was overflowing with tears that fell apart... I didn't feel the warmth anymore. I can't feel anything anymore.

Ah... this is what it looks like when you die... I thought so, like other HR. There were also concerns. That's about the Major.

I can't face the Major... I have fought to kill the Magus, the Magus who killed the Major. Of course, that's not all, but I still think this day will come, and I put my best effort into it... and I survived the twilight syndrome. I got ahead of people and I was sure of winning.

But I lost. It didn't arrive. That Magus... Alfred was one step ahead of me. Yes, one step. Just one step. That's the only cause of defeat. In terms of difference, that's about it. But the winner survives and the loser dies. The difference is slight, but the results are very different. Too big a difference.

But still, I... I didn't regret dying here. I did my best. I showed the best of my abilities. On top of that, he suffered defeat. There could not have been any regrets. I'm sure Major would be mad at me, but I was filled now.

All my life, all my life, I've been suffering. Ever since I was a young man, I have seen the death of many of my fellow men in a bloody effort to fight at dusk. I was used to going to my friends' funeral.

--Does this life mean anything...?

No matter how many demons you kill, how many deaths you face, shredding your heart, shredding your body, and devoting everything to this human being... it's just a wilderness with nothing to reach.

Sometimes I dream about it. Standing alone in the wilderness where I have nothing.

Aren't I the only one who can get there? When I was tied up in such fear and I almost hated everything... there was always a major next to me.

The Major's support made my life meaningful.

- I want to fight for him. And I want to fight for the humanity he loves.

But I lost the Major. Nothing motivated me at first. But habits are scary, and when I wake up at my usual time, I walk around the base with my army shoes snapped through my sleeves as usual.

From there, I met a lot of important people. I have met Lianne, as well as the new Premium Warlock, and I have been kind to my men in the army. Everything was an imitation of the Major, but I still believed that that was what I had to do, and I kept on doing it.

I was able to take a disciple in that. The apprentice is looking after me now. I don't know what the cause and effect is, but I'm happy that Shelley is here. I'm sure the Major felt this way at that time, and I finally understood the meaning of the words at that time.

"I don't give a shit... I'm glad I'm finally dying of dusk... not dying... protecting my precious bell... and dying... that's why I make such a face..."

I didn't know what the word meant at first. But now I know. I also didn't want to die of twilight syndrome. If I were to die, it would have been a battlefield. Of course, liberation from dusk is the ultimate goal, but assuming death, there was no falsehood in that feeling.

So I was satisfied. Nothing could have been protected in this battle. Nothing could be accomplished in this battle.

That's not why I protected my disciples like a master. I was just a pitiful defeated magician, but I sincerely believe that Shelley will inherit this will.

There was no dust, such as regret.

"Sensei... I... I..."

"Shelly... honey... please... let me ask you... whether you want the world to be mankind..."

"... yes, Sensei"

Saying the same thing as the Major didn't imitate it. It just came out naturally.

There is no curtain for me anymore... so I'll leave it to you to follow. It's okay. Everyone's strong. I'm sure they'll get us there. Beyond this twilight... I'm sure everyone will...

Ah... now I know exactly... how the Major felt back then... very well... I understand...

"Leave it to me... Sensei... I'll definitely... crush the twilight... and show you!!

"Yeah... believe me... Believe me... I will..."

My relationship with Shelley is shorter than my relationship with the Major. But it's not time. My relationship with her, however short, is like an important treasure. Doctor, she really can't get up. He followed me all the time, with a bad mouth and a bad teacher. Incidentally, I am being called a teacher because I am embarrassed to be called a master.

Because he's the only master I have.

That's how I became Shelley's teacher, but I'm sure she'll make it. To the secret sword of the end I arrived at. No, Shelley can go further. The talent is higher than mine. Like the Major recognized my talents, I also recognize her talents.

I'm sure Shelley... can beat the Magus.

Believe me, I will start spinning the final words.

"Sherry... here, take this..."

"What is this...?

"I want you to... give it to Lianne-sama... and tell her that you've taken care of me... until now, I really... thank you..."

"... sure. Always delivered. This and those words....."


I'll give Shelley the pendant I got the other day. Even though it is dyed with my blood... perhaps Lianne-sama... will take care of this artifact...

Ah, but... I've broken my promise. I swore I would definitely go home. I have never broken the promise. If you're free from dusk, let's do the cake shop together. The dream won't come true anymore.

Lianne looks strong, but she is also weak. I'm still a 15-year-old. Of course not. If I knew I was dead, I would definitely cry. You may not be able to stand up. Even if you know. Lianne is certainly a saint and a genius. From that genius brain, everyone fears and worships her.

But still, being a girl doesn't change anything. They have the same emotions, laugh if they are happy, and cry if they are sad.

Beautiful and stronger than anyone with such natural sensitivities.

She has always been alone. I was the only one nearby. There have been many people who have avoided Lady Lianne. Still others know the beauty of her inner beauty. You can see that when you look at Ella, Shelly, Julia, etc. He, they are facing Lianne directly. Those people are already on Lady Lianne's side.

Yes, she's not alone anymore. I'm surrounded by a lot of people...

That's why it's okay. Dear Lianne, without me, you can... stand up nicely and move on... My friends will definitely support me... So get over it. Please overcome my death and get to the world beyond... the blue sky, please.

"Hey... Shelly..."

"Yes, Sensei...."

"The sky... the sky is beautiful... beautiful... the blue sky"

"Yes... yes... beautiful... very beautiful, blue sky."

I couldn't see anymore. The sound is getting farther. But for me now, even if it was a hallucination and a dream manifestation, I certainly saw it.

This is the blue sky, where we are sure to reach. A world beyond this fierce dusk. I'm not there anymore. But all the remnants of the Warlock will fight my way.

As I have fought with the deaths of so many of my fellow men, so can my death be carried by someone else.

Ah... I don't regret dying at all. There is no sorrow. Don't worry about it. I believe it. Because I... truly believe in everyone I love.

Without me, the world goes round. This world keeps turning. I'll get out of there and go far away... but that's enough. I'm alive enough.

Well, it's time to say goodbye.

"Everybody... goodbye... and... thank you. Everyone... must be able to reach... at the end of this twilight... in the blue sky..."

Tears fell out. It conveys my cheeks and falls to the ground.

I still feel lonely somewhere. If I could, I really wanted to see the blue sky in this world. And in a peaceful world, I wanted to live in peace with everyone. How do our juniors grow up? Besides, what kind of adult would Lianne be? I'm sure you'll grow up to be a beautiful, more pathetic woman than anyone else.

But... that won't come true.

That's why I'm... waiting. Beyond this twilight, I'll always be in the blue sky at the end of it... so, please...

May peace be upon this world...


I feel like I can hear something loud, but... my consciousness is falling into a slight sleep... like spinning around... like sinking into the darkness... into the depths of a dark abyss... falling and falling...

- Goodbye, world.

"... where are we?

When I woke up, I was standing in a pure white but somewhere blue world. And right in front of me... there was a master.

He talks to me with a smile.

"Hello, Belle. Are you here too?"

"Master... why"

"I don't know. Nobody knows where we are... but Belle. Why are you laughing and crying so much?

"Why... why... why..."

"Did you entrust it to me?

"Yes... a lot of important people have done it. I've entrusted them... with everything."

"I see... you've been working hard ever since I've been gone... Looks like you're a little old."

"... stupid. It's superfluous to be old....."

I jumped into my master's chest.

Ah... this must be the last respite I've been given. A warm dream you can see before you get played from this world. I know, but my master... and I'm not in that world anymore.

Even if you know. Me and Master are just dead. Still, in this world, I could spend the last time with my master... even if it was a fantasy. I don't care what world this is.

However, if I can see Master again in this consciousness... it doesn't matter where I am.

Just a stopover to the end point of death. But I was still too good, and I thought I was blessed.

I had my beloved disciple escort me, and I met my master again by the time I reached death. Nothing is happier. I can assure you that.

"Master... did I do my best?

"Oh, of course. Who do you think raised you? This is me?

"Fufu... that's right... that's right..."

"Hey, Belle."


"Have you been filled?

"Yes, my life was well filled. I won't regret it... I'm sure our vengeance... will be done by my disciples."

"Hoo... did you have an apprentice?

"Yes, she's strong, isn't she? Much stronger than me."

"Hahaha... that's a terrible story. But if that's what Bell says... I'm sure of it."

"Fufufu... that's right. I told you everything my master taught me and everything I have."

"I see....."


It feels warm. It's definitely warm. It was... like 10 years ago...



The gaze overlaps.

This way, you can naturally suck it up and mouth it.

Ever since that night. I'm sure this is the little finish God gave me. Just a moment before I died in my true sense and this consciousness disappeared from the world... it was time for happiness.

Master and I take a short distance and he will hold my hand tightly.

"Belle, let's go."

"... where are you going?

"At this end, beyond the world."

"... yes. Master..."

Connect hands. I feel the warmth of my master firmly in my hand and go forward.

Try to go beyond the end of this light.

So we were swallowed up by the light and vanished.

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