
The funeral is over. I looked at the sky and thought. [M]

Mr. Bell must be waiting. Beyond this twilight, I'm sure...

That's how I'm going to get out of here. I don't have any plans after this. I plan to go back to my room and read the book I read. But the faces around me are lined up. [M]

"Guys, what's going on?

"Hey, Julia. It was a big deal this time."

"Mr. Roy. I can't...."

"Ha, don't be modest. We all recognize your achievements."

"... I see. But I...."

"Hah... this is exactly what makes the robust one. Then I'm going for a drink now. Follow me."


I don't feel that way, so I'll say no. I tried to say that, but it was an unexpected person who followed me.

"Julia-kun. Just a little. I don't know.

"Mr. Derrick...."

The current members are the Premium vs. Mage Men.

Roy, Derrick, Gil, Leo, Johann. Roy knows that he likes to drink alcohol, so it's perfectly natural to invite him. And Mr. Johann seems to like alcohol. These two are unexpectedly alcoholic and quite famous in the neighborhood.

Others, Gil, Leo, and Derrick don't seem to agree... well, I still only know the superficial part of everybody. We talked on previous business trips, and we haven't talked that much since the squad is different in subsequent operations.

I've been face-to-face at Operations, but that's it.

... speaking of which, maybe I'm more involved with women. [M] In relation to the composition of the team, I can't help but be with a female Premium vs. Mage....

Derrick continued his remarks even as he thought about it.

"Julia, you didn't have a rapport."

"Maybe that's what you do to a rookie Premium vs. Wizard?

"No, not really."

"... eh?

I'm just kidding. I'm gonna get you out of here.

That way, we can hear everyone laughing in the back.

Hey, what's up? What the hell is going on?

Until earlier, everyone had dark expressions. That's true, too. Bell, one of the premier anti-magicians after Gil, passed away.

She is also the most powerful swordsman of mankind.

Even so, everybody's expression is somewhere bright. Speaking of switching quickly, until then... is this a matter of getting used to it?

I have certainly been exposed to many deaths in the past few months. [M] But I'm sure the anti-magicians, who are older than me, are touching death even more. There must have been a lot of farewells. Premium vs. Mages have a fairly low chance of dying because of their strength. Sometimes like Bell this time, but it's still clear that ordinary anti-magicians have shorter lives.

I wonder why. I may be accustomed to such things. Besides, I wonder if we can disturb the peace here. If you invited me, I was beginning to change my mind about going.

"I see. I'm a minor, so I can't drink..."

"It's okay, it's okay. This kind of atmosphere is fine."


Saying that, Roy raised his hands loudly. I've already taken off my jacket and wrapped around the sleeves of my shirt. I don't think it's after the funeral, but I still think it's Roy.

"Hello! I have an entire place for you today and I have a favorite shop. All right, let's go, guys!


Once we had the mystery, we would have a drinking party with the men of the Premium Warlock.

"Master, are you ready?

"... Roy. Oh, I'm just getting ready."

Fu, that's right.

"Don't hesitate to do it today. It's an important day...."

"Ah, don't hesitate to let me."

Zorosolo and we are entering. There are six men in the Premium Versus Mage team. The space in this tavern is obviously more than that, but I'm sure it's special to keep it private.

That's how we get to the table. When the three of us line up against each other, we start ordering drinks straight away.

Master, six of the usual.

Yes, sir.

"Hey!? I'm a minor!?

"Oh? Can't you drink my liquor?

"Hmm... isn't it really powerful...?"

"I was already drinking gabber when I was you. It's going to be okay."

"Eh... okay, everybody?"

There seems to be no particular objection when I look at everyone at a glance.

"Well, if you say you can drink it, I'll drink it..."

And I was reluctant to accept. [M] However, I don't want to be like Shelley, as I did last time, so I think I'll give myself a little weight.

Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure it's okay physically. Worst of all, I think it's theoretically possible to disperse alcohol with magic.

That's how the liquor in the jock comes. It contained a lot of bubbles and was a yellow-colored liquor. I don't know. Wheat sparkling liquor? Apparently.

"All right, you're all around, right? Well then...."


For now, I'll raise my jock and make a toast. [M] But after that atmosphere, I thought I could do this kind of thing a lot... and it seemed like everyone was already drinking the liquor whispering their throats.


Staring still, the golden liquid sounded like it was inviting me. Normally, I would have said something tough here and refused. But not now. I was... somewhere sentimental.

Even if I awaken my abilities as a demon and my emotions have become scarce, I have many thoughts about Belle's death.

--If only I had gone, not Mr. Bell.

--Defeat the ancient scorpion Ancient Scorpion sooner and return to Bell.

--When I move with Sherry, if I move faster... seriously.

Such a hypothesis was made throughout the funeral. Of course you know. Such assumptions are meaningless and useless to think about. Still, I can't help thinking about it. There must have been a way to avoid that death.

However, as there is the word "regret", it is only a thought that is calculated backwards from the result. Because time is irreversible, and it will never come true.

So about today... I wanted to get away from myself thinking about something I couldn't help it with. That's how I get my hands on the liquor. [M]


It didn't taste good. I definitely don't feel it tastes good.

But somewhere pleasant. The bitter taste that spreads to your tongue and the feeling of alcohol passing through your throat.

Hot. It's not as hot as burning, but I thought it would be best to describe the throat as hot.

"Oh, Julia. It's a good drink."

"Mr. Gill... is this delicious? Thanks to me....."

"Well, I don't hate it. When I was young, I didn't know the flavor was good... but now it's essential."


Will I one day be old enough to taste this liquor? [M] I'm only 15 years old, and I can't predict 10 years, 20 years, or 30 years. Maybe you'll die halfway down the road. That's it, just like Mr. Bell... But now let's enjoy the ease. Maybe that's one of the things I can do to survive.

"Well, well. Do you want to talk about it?

"Oh, that's good, Mr. Roy."

"... I don't like it..."

"Leo is quite a rap when he gets drunk."

"Johann, it's amazing..."

And everybody starts making noise with Gayagaya.

What the hell is going on?

At the moment, everyone's eyes are on me. [M] It was Roy who opened his mouth.

"Hey, Julia. Who the hell are you? Ella, Shelly? Or... Eve in the big hole? You're so hot. So, who do we pick?

"... eh?

As everyone laughed at Niyaniya, the first topic of his life began.

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