"I don't know about Bell... he was such a wonderful woman..."

Make sure Roy sees somewhere far away and starts talking. We watched the situation in silence.

"When I first met you, I thought you were a woman. I baked a lot of care and thought it was Urse. And then, as you know, I applied for a duel... and I lost. Can you believe it? Such a confident woman is the most powerful swordsman in the world. I was suspicious. Anyway, it's just an overstatement. But Belle was different. I couldn't reach my hands or legs...."

I don't know much about Roy's relationship with Bell, but I'm sure it's deep down in my heart that I lost to Bell because of Roy's personality.

"Over and over again, I applied to him for a duel. That's why I'm definitely going to beat this woman... but it never got fulfilled... look, Julia. Was the Magus strong enough to defeat Bell?

"Yes, I think the swordsmanship alone is quite high among the top magicians. When I fought, I had a lot of trouble fighting Mr. Bell...."

I see. That's enough to defeat Bell, I guess... I'm sure it's strong... Ah, yes. Belle was weaker than him, so I lost... I know... I know... "

Roy's face had turned bright red as if the alcohol had already completely turned around. Then tears fell out of his eyes. As I saw the momentum increase, the others were also silently staring at it.

I knew the others were crying at the funeral. But Roy was the only one with a tight expression. The sorrow, the tears.

Now it's coming out.

Perhaps that was Roy's pride. You can't cry in front of Ms. Bell, even if she doesn't move anymore and just becomes a corpse.

I guessed at random. [M]

"I loved Bell... so if I beat him, I would ask him to get engaged... yes... but I don't know... wasn't he the most powerful swordsman of all time..."


The sudden confession surprised me a little. [M]

But yes, did Roy... love Bell? Maybe it was a quarrel at first. But I guess I was attracted to her as I kept going out with her. I didn't see Mr. Bell as a romantic subject, but I understand.

Mr. Bell was a very attractive woman. The appearance was natural, but he was a noble person. There will be a lot of people whose eyes have been taken away by the way they behave. That's why she was called the mightiest swordsman of all mankind, the sword princess, and loved by everyone.

Memories of dying. That will certainly make us suffer. You can't burn yourself to the tears at once. It stays forever.

But that's why you can't forget the pain because of the burning wounds. You can fight on your back. And it's not just the pain. We also bear the will of our dead companions.

Never alone. We will fight and will continue to fight with human will. I'm sure the older you get, the more you do. Premium versus magicians tend to be particularly prone. The people around me are dying. But I will survive. It was the greatest anti-magicians of all time who fought with such thoughts.

That's how Mr. Bell became the carrying side, not the carrying side.

That's right. Now it's my turn and ours. [M] We will take over what she has done so far. Because that's human strength.

After that, Mr. Roy started getting even more excited, which led to festivals.

"Stop the humid atmosphere, stop it!! Drink till morning!!


So I decided to let the atmosphere flow on the spot.

It would be good for occasions. It is also possible to reveal the world like this. Instead of becoming pessimistic and optimistic, let's face the reality before us in reality and move on.

"Ohh... yeahhhh..."

I put my hand against the wall and managed not to vomit. No, I might have thrown up a little bit. It is now 3: 30 in the middle of the night. After that, I decided to go to a second meeting, but I was to gift up and go back to my dorm room.

I tried to disperse alcohol with magic, but I couldn't use magic well because I drank too much alcohol. Well, I didn't think it felt so bad at first.

When you leave the tavern, there is a cool breeze in the body that is burned by alcohol. While bathing in it, when I was walking in a little drunk myself, a feeling of vomiting came to me, and I was able to move forward as I walked.

As usual, you continue on an empty path, illuminated by streetlights.

In doing so, I felt a tall voice coming from nearby. There was a small park right there, and I was thinking about taking a break there. [M] I glanced into it and wondered if something had happened... there were women rowing blankets with a smile on their faces.

No... here. Why are you so scared at midnight, Blanco?

But I feel familiar anyway. Standing still, it was the face of a superior anti-magician. Of course, I'm not a man. It's a female team.

Sherry, Ella, Sheila, Eve, Princess Lianne, and Noah.

Eve and Noah were quite skillful at the sandbox, which is what makes a sand castle sublimated to one art.

Meanwhile, Shelley, Senpai, Sheila and Princess Lianne laugh as Blanco shakes them. No, can I say that you're laughing? It was obviously strange.


No, I'm scared.

Why is it so funny just to row a swing?

I mean, Eve and Noah have been making sand castle details with their dead eyes... and maybe I've warped into another world with drunken rhetoric?


As she gazed, Shelley shouted.

"Ah! It's Julia!!

Shelley runs with me. As she approaches Nico with a smile, she hugs me in the arm. Even though I was pressed against my chest, I felt it. [M] It stinks of alcohol. It definitely drinks better than me. [M] Looking at it, a large number of cans were discarded by the park bench. It's obviously alcohol.

I know Shelley's drinking habits.

Spirits. This is more or less what they get involved in.

"Um... it's different..."

Let's go. We can't stay here. It was because of my mind that I discovered this demon. Yes, it's a dream. That's why I'm leaving. If you go home, go home!!

"Julia... Ahahaha, there are two of you! Ahahaha!

Senpai came next. No, not just senpai. Everyone who was laughing madly at Blanco just now approaches me. [M]

"Yulia has been here, so why don't we all go back to drinking?

Give it up!!


My evening wasn't as dawn yet... and cheeks...

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