
Wake up. Wake up naturally. Looking at the clock, the time is 5am. It is customary to get up at this time, and it basically happens at that time, even in any situation.

That's why even if someone you care about dies, there's no change in habits.

"... okay"

Shelley woke up from her bed and began to prepare. Start by stretching lightly and loosening your body. Afterwards, she walks in a navy blue silver-berried uniform, wearing military shoes and whistling her cutlets.

Beyond that is the exercise area.

The season has already completely entered winter.

Hah, it's so white when you exhale that it's visible in the air. In this cold, and early in the morning, the temperature drops below 10 degrees.

But that doesn't stop Shelley from training herself.

"Doctor, thank you again for today."

Thank you. Shelley bows respectfully in the absence of anyone. This place was originally reserved for Bell. There was no such decision, but Bell often used the scene and other opponents naturally gave it away to become a dedicated place.

Belle and Shelley used to train here.

Over and over again, they exchanged swords and raised each other up.

Among them, Shelley had some answers. It means that I may be able to cross my master, Bell.

But it won't come true forever. Because Bell... is no longer in this world.

The funeral is over, and Shelley won't stop even though it's a holiday in preparation for the parade that will take place in a few days.

Fulfill your revenge. It was Shelley's will that I swore to Bell. When it burns up, it never goes away.

That's why we train. Perform daily routines. You shouldn't expect that, such as your ability to wake up conveniently. Everything is a stack of your own every day. Certainly Shelley has the blood of the Demons, and from the point of view of talent, she has the best.

However, abilities are not limited to combat, but are determined by the right mix of talent, effort, and environment.

That's why she doesn't have to be slow. I will not neglect.

It's all for Belle and for mankind.

Shelley stacks up the sure days.

"... hah, hah, hah"

Rough breathing leaks out of her mouth.

Magic Sword, Oborotsuki Night. It is also an artifact received from Bell. The performance was not understood by Shelley today. It's just a sharp knife. That is the impression now.

But Shelley felt it. There is something in this magic sword. And there must be something Belle left behind... Believe it or not, Shelly finished her workout early this morning.

"Thank you."

Thank you again.

With all due respect, Shelley leaves. Without Bell, the days will come when they will be taken for granted.

But now... the loneliness of Belle was still inside Shelley.

"Oh, Mr. Shelley?

"Dear Lianne, I'm out of time."

Shelley raised her head in a gloomy manner. They ran into each other on the base.

Today, Lianne lives in a dormitory in the Primary City, not in the royal castle.

Said he didn't want to spoil the situation just because he was royal.

Of course, royalties other than hers lived in the royal castle and looked at Lianne with cold eyes. That's something she knows herself, but that's good.

Lianne made her own choice to burn Belle's footprints in the future.

"Are you going to lunch?

"Yes, but...."

Then why don't you join us?

"... eh? With me?

"Yes, I'd like to speak with Shelly."

"... okay."

They were close to Belle. No, the expression is incorrect.

I was bound by more ties than relatives, and I was in a mentor-and-teacher relationship.

What we have in common is that for both of us, Bell was an important person.

Meanwhile, Lianne and Shelley still have little interaction. Although there were common acquaintances, Julia and Ella, they had no chance to speak properly together.

Of course, Shelley agreed, but she was worried. That's because Belle is just inside your brain. It was the same with Lianne, but she tried to walk up to Shelley. Then I will not deny it.

They then proceeded to lunch in the city, not in the cafeteria on the base.

"Dear Lianne, where are you going for lunch?

"I have a delicious curry shop. It's a small shop in the alley, but I'm sure Shelley will like it."

"... curry? Yulia seems to like it."

"Does Julia like curry?

"Yes, I always eat curry in the cafeteria. I don't know if he said it was a complete diet."

"Hahaha, something's changed with Yulia-san."

"I agree. I'm not aware of it."

Arrive at a curry shop recommended by Lianne as she blooms in a chat. Sit in a counter seat with only eight and place an order. As we speak again, two women come together.

It was Julia, who dressed up as Ella, but the four of us talked a lot... and we're going to split up again. Ella and Shelley ate curry, and Shelley and Lianne, who had finished eating first, left.

"Mr. Shelley. I'd like to stop by, but how much time do you have?

"I don't have anything in particular today, so I'm fine."

Well, shall we go?



"Oh, there it is."

They move on again. From there, I was able to carry on the story of Yulia's dress just now. When Lianne was talking excitedly and wanted to produce something like Ella one day... she arrived.

They came to the place where they could see the city.



A moment of silence. It's not awkward, and even though Lianne said something, she still seems lost... in the meantime.

Shelley waits for it, and Lianne opens her mouth ready.

"It's about Bell...."


"Mr. Shelley. You're going to succeed Bell, aren't you?

"Yes, I am the official successor to the teacher"

"Really... to be honest, I envy you. Although jealousy may not be the same, Shelley can stand in the same place and with the same eyes as Bell. I'm sure you'll know everything Bell feels and knows. Like Belle, she will become a beautiful sword-princess."

"... Dear Lianne"

"Lianne, don't worry. It's the same age and royalty, but you don't have to treat it special. Can I call you Sherry, too?

"Yes... no, yeah. If Lianne says so."

"Hey, Shelly. Will you avenge Belle?

"Of course. I'll kill the Magus."

"Well... what I can't do... if it's true, I want to fulfill the sadness, anger and hatred that lie deep in my heart with my own hands. I want to kill the Magus who killed Bell with my own hands. But I know that's impossible. I don't have enough power to fight the Magus. That's why....."

"What is this?

"The pendant I gave Bell. Will you take it?

"... okay."

Lianne then turns behind Shelly and stretches out a little and puts the pendant on her neck. That's what I did to Bell before.

Lianne also smiled so that she could see it hanging on her neck.

"We loved the same people. You know the same grief, you know the same anger, you have the same hatred. That's why I entrust it to you. To avenge Belle. For me and for Belle."

"... I'll definitely make it. For Lianne and for the teacher."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you, Shelly."

Leave it to me, Lianne.

My hand was raised almost simultaneously. In this way, you can shake hands naturally.

Bell's gone. But what she left behind was certainly taken over.

Among the two girls, forever.

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