"Well, the three of us go ahead. Yulia and Shelley were at the forefront of the formation. I'll cover in the back."

"I understand."

"Yes, I think that's fine."

This time, we are not seriously attacking Twilight Hazard Zone Level 5, but our main objective is to investigate. So we don't go too deep, but we need to be very careful, because from here on out, the quality of monsters is literally different dimensions.

A monster strengthened by dusk. Among them, only monsters who have survived this world of weak predators are allowed to exist.

That's the world ahead of Twilight Hazard Zone Level 5.

First of all, I'll take the lead and move forward. Dusk concentrations are quite intense because you are at level 5. Most anti-magicians won't be able to move around properly.

"Yulia, it's crispy, but are you okay?

"I think it's still okay around here. I think the problem is from a little further....."

And the moment I said the word, I found the monster in front of me.

It seems to be moving in a swarm, but it's definitely Spider. However, unlike normal individuals, the color of the body was stained with purple and black. Above all, it will be evidence that we continue to be exposed to dusk light.

"Spider Spider, huh? It appears to be a special species, but it has quite a powerful poison. If you touch the skin a little bit, it will melt in the gloom."

"Ugh... it's kind of amazing."

"Ah, yes, that color is amazing. And the quality of the dusk that comes with it is very different."

"Now, what do we do? You can fight like this...."

Gil answered.

"No, it wouldn't be a good idea to do it here. The number of groups is quite large. Besides, the purpose of this investigation is to investigate. We should keep fighting to a minimum."

"That's right. I understand."

"Uu... it's disgusting..."

Shelley was always scared of that apparent spider, Spider. Perhaps the more powerful Sherry is in battle, the easier it will be to cut, but she said it was physiologically impossible.

As the three of you go forward, the light of dusk gets darker and darker. Me and Shelley are fine, but Mr Gill seemed a little spicy.

"Mr. Gill. Are you all right, sir? Take a break....."

"That's right. Do you think it would be sweet to talk? Looks like you got a little bit of a twilight."

"Yes, let's do that. Shelly, let's take a break."


When you reach a nearby tree, remove the water bottle from the backpack. And as the water poured in, she stared at the surroundings.

It hasn't changed much since I came here before. [M]

After a short break, we went further.

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