Time flies, the next weekend.

It's about seven o'clock in the evening, and the movie is about to officially start at eight o'clock, but at this time, Lu Ming regretted it a little.

He suddenly felt that it was a completely wrong decision for him to invite Song Xinyao to watch the movie.

"Xiao Lu, how do you see me wearing this dress?"

Song Xinyao was wearing a pale green long dress, with a light brown hat, flawless white jade arms, and slender jade legs, looking like a sister next door to a sense of youth.

"Well, this one is very good, youthful and beautiful, and it perfectly sets off your figure and fair skin.

"That's it, don't change it.

Lu Ming replied casually without raising his head.

It's not to blame him for being perfunctory, he's been waiting for Song Xinyao for almost an hour, and she's already changed seven or eight sets of naked clothes,

what else can he do? What else can he say?"

Song Xinyao said as she ran into her bedroom again.

Lu Ming was completely speechless, and directly slammed it into his mouth twice.

Let you be so cheap, say what to change your clothes and go again, now it's okay, it's been an hour, and it's still grinding.

Lu Ming sighed a little helplessly, and then took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time.

19:12 minutes.

There are still 48 minutes to go before the movie, but judging from Song Xinyao's speed, I'm afraid the two of them really can't catch up

, so be it.

Lu Ming didn't want to rush any time, it would be too late, what could he do, he was also helpless.

A little bored, he directly opened the game and started a pleasant match.

Another ten minutes later.

"I'm really convinced, why do I always match these teammates.

"Okay, no, the pits are going to die, they can't be brought at all, and they have nothing to play any games."

Lu Ming withdrew from the game with a black face, this time it was good, he was already in a bad mood, and this time it was even worse.

"Dangdang, how is this?" Song

Xinyao changed her clothes and turned around in front of Lu Ming again, showing it.

Lu Ming was not in a good mood, and Song Xinyao, who saw such an inkblot, really didn't have anything to say to praise people, but just said lightly.

"It's good, it's good. "

What, what do you mean by being good, you're asking me to watch a movie, alas, you're still a little impatient when I'm so formal?"

Song Xinyao muttered, looking a little unhappy.

"Sister, look at the current time, it's already 7:40, if we don't set off again, we really won't be able to catch up.


, okay, okay" Song Xinyao admired herself in the mirror for two more minutes, and then could only helplessly follow Lu Ming out.

The cinema is a little further away because the place is more remote, about twenty minutes away.

Originally, Lu Ming thought that a person of Song Xinyao's worth should at least have a Ferrari, Rolls-Royce or something luxury car.

But when I looked closer, my eyes did widen.

Wuling Hongguang!

That's right, it's the Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, which is known as a domestic god car.

The pink look is simply not too much.

"Uh, boss, is this your car?"

Lu Ming pointed to the car a little embarrassed and asked

, "Yes, is there any problem? "

No..... No problem.

Lu Ming pinched his nose a little embarrassed.

"Okay, then you can drive.

Song Xinyao threw the key directly to him, and Lu Ming took the key and pinched his nose a little embarrassed.

Good guy, when this car goes out, I'm afraid I'm the most beautiful boy.

"What are you doing in a daze, get in the car, are you still waiting for me to drive?"

Song Xinyao looked at Lu Ming, who was stunned, and couldn't help but speak.

Lu Ming reluctantly sat in the driver's seat, and Song Xinyao took advantage of the situation to get into the co-pilot, and hurriedly urged on the side.

"Hurry up, it's already seven fifty, and you won't be able to catch up with the inkblot Lu

Ming couldn't help but roll his eyes, do you know the ink now? Why didn't

you say that it was so troublesome to change your clothes.

I didn't say anything all the way, and when I came to the cinema, it was already more than eight o'clock, and I was ten minutes late.

After checking the tickets, the two walked into the theater, at which time the movie had officially started, and it was full of audiences.

Lu Ming took Song Xinyao's hand and walked through the crowd to find the seat of the two.

Originally, Song Xinyao was still a little excited when she saw Lu Ming holding her hand, but after the two of them sat down, her face instantly collapsed.

She saw a man in the seat next to her.

Zhang Qian!

That's right, it's Zhang Qian who has a "Teacher Lu Ming" on stage.

Seeing the two coming, Zhang Qian hurriedly whispered over and asked.

"Teacher Lu Ming, why did you come.

Lu Ming looked at Zhang Qian, who was sitting on the left, and then at Song Xinyao, who was sitting on the right, and suddenly one head was two big.

Why, these tickets are all connected!

Lu Ming, who was sandwiched between the two girls, could only smile awkwardly when he heard Zhang Qian's question.

"There was something on the way, and I was delayed for a while.

"This one, it shouldn't be the girlfriend you mentioned last time, hello sister, you're so beautiful.

Hearing this, Song Xinyao suddenly turned cloudy, and a smile instantly appeared on her face as if she was doing a trick.

The heart is also beautiful.

I didn't expect this stinky brother to say this outside?"

"Hello, hello, you're actually very cute." "

I have to say that the emotions between women are quite strange, just now I saw Zhang Qian still with unhappy Song Xinyao written on her face, and now she has already taken Zhang Qian's hand and started chatting.

As for Lu Ming, he has been pushed aside by the two women.

But after all, it was a public place, and after a simple whispered chat between the two women, they turned their attention to the movie.

The overall plot of the movie is still relatively old-fashioned, which is the story of a poor boy who graduated from a conservatory and chases his dreams through various hardships.

But whether it should be said or not, although the subject matter is old-fashioned, Zhang Zhenyue's shooting is not bad at all.

deceived the audience's tears, and when the climax part, "Dream Chasing Pure Heart" sounded, which made countless viewers cry on the scene.

Originally, Zhang Zhenyue originally planned to use this song as the theme song, but in the end, he found that this song was mixed in the middle of the movie, which seemed to resonate more with the audience.

And his idea was obviously successful, at least now in Lu Ming's opinion, it was quite successful.

His coat had already been taken by the two women to wipe his tears and snot ......

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