Chapter 4: Chapter 004 – Alina and Professor Mcgonagall

Translator: Exodus Tales

Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 004 – Alina and Professor McGonagall

“What I mean is that…”

Alina’s eyes scanned Professor Mcgonagall and stopped on her plaid coat, which was trendy at least six or seven years ago before shrugging, “You were right, we are indeed people from two worlds.”

When she went to university in her previous life, she studied a very interesting unit called socio-economics.

In that class, the half-bald teacher who seemed to be a little cynical once said something which made Alina feel exceptionally fitting to the current scenario.

“Mysteries and unknown will only create distance, but not class division.”

Alina stuck a finger up and spoke word by word earnestly, “The only thing that can divide humans, which are born to be social animals, into two worlds, and ultimately, that is poverty!”

Without a doubt, from the first time, humans learned the existence of magic, witches, and wizards who have supernatural powers do have great advantages in accumulating wealth, power, and prestige compared to ordinary people. After all, the majority of ordinary people’s hard work could not exceed the witches and wizards waving their wands simply for a few times before the explosion of technologies.

In history, the most renowned twenty-eight Pureblood families in the Wizarding World all have been passed down for over a century, and they were all aristocratic families with illustrious prestige and wealth. Such as the Gaunt family, Longbottom family, and Potter family, they all gathered large amounts of wealth, power, and prestige with their magic powers during that time.

Hence, someone differentiated the Wizarding World and the Muggle World. The reason it was because the haughty ancient witches and wizards wished to keep themselves mysterious and intentionally raised the standard of entry.

As time passed, the two world’s positions changed unknowingly.

One should know that magic isn’t almighty. More accurately speaking, Alina’s positioning of the existence of magic was to provide convenience, breaking the limit of natural law, and add flowers to it.

It is a shame that the majority of witches and wizards failed to realize this point. Retrogressed exam factory styled education systems even made generations and generations of witches and wizards face the severe trials of earning a living.

Such as that certain someone who doesn’t wish to tell his name, Voldemort, his mother was born into the Gaunt family, and their ancestors were extremely wealthy. But in the 1900s, they spent the majority of their money and left no industries behind other than an old and shabby house.

“The time has changed, Professor McGonagall.”

Aline shook her head and spoke softly, “This world is no longer the stage for witches and wizards. I have no interest in the poverty strike and retrogressed Wizarding World. They can’t teach me what I need to know there.”

It wasn’t that the Wizarding World had fallen behind greatly, but because the Muggle World was stimulated greatly by the war of technology and the speed of advancement is indeed fearful. However, the time left for the witches and wizards was too short.

Even amongst all these, very few wise and farsighted adult witches and wizards could see this. But when they began to try to blend into the Muggle World, they would realize in despair that as someone from the Wizarding World who has never received any basic education, it was even difficult for them to survive in the Muggle World.

Their tyrannical magic powers could only lead them smoothly on the way to becoming robbers or terrorists; it was almost useless in other areas. Compared to a few centuries ago, a far more distant yet firm barrier was created once again in this world, and Alina had no interest in going on a big ship that’s starting to leak.

“Poverty-stricken Wizarding World, how dare you to say that?! You have no idea what kind of vast and mysterious world you are facing against!”

Professor McGonagall deeply frowned as if she was heavily offended. Her voice became stern and argued back instantly.

“Every adult witch and wizard will study at Hogwarts, taking classes such as potions, the history of magic, astronomy, herbs, transfiguration, charms and many others. Even if they spend an entire seven years on it, they will only learn the very basics of it. No matter which branches under magic, it is enough for a witch or wizard to spend their entire life studying about it.”

“But what’s the value of these classes? If the content of these classes can’t even promise their basic survival, then it is just unrealistic and impractical prattle no matter how profoundly mysterious it is.” Alina twirled the silver hair on her shoulders with her fingers and replied carelessly.

“Every graduate from Hogwarts can find a presentable job in the Wizarding World.” Professor McGonagall continued to argue back as she began to feel anger rising from within.

“If everyone can find a presentable job, then what’s the meaning of working hard? You ought to know that although the Muggle World’s authentication method of academic qualifications and academic degree is not perfect, it reflects the basic abilities objectively. From what I just heard, it seems like working hard or not is not so important in the Wizarding World.”

Alina lifted her head at Professor McGonagall, who looked faithful as always; she twitched her mouth and continued to question her without hesitation.

Alina thought that she was more aware of the ‘adult society’ in the Wizarding World in a way compared to Professor McGonagall. After all, even an extremely smart girl like Hermione Granger only ended up working as staff under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The boy who lived, Harry Potter and his friend, Ron, ended up joining the official violence organization of the Wizarding World.

In other words, the certificates and tests they worried about during school have nothing to do with their actual jobs. How is this bearable to thousands and thousands of Muggles who struggled in the abyss of judicial exams and just to shoulder justice and social orders?

Professor McGonagall frowned heavily, and a few more wrinkled appeared on her forehead. She had never met such a troublesome new student, and her tone of voice became cold.

“We will give out O.W.Ls certificate, and the higher level N.E.W.Ts certificate according to the students’ grades. At the same time, the knowledge the students gain throughout their learning at Hogwarts is not independent; they will follow a witch or a wizard for their entire life, and it is far more important than Muggle courses.”

Alina felt Professor’s displeasure, and she shrugged carelessly as she already decided not to attend Hogwarts, “But it doesn’t change the fact that the same person putting in the same amount of time and efforts will earn a more generous reward in the Muggle World.”

The girl looked at the clock hanging by the bed as she talked. The conversation already lasted for about fifteen minutes. Although she was confident enough to fight back every argument Professor McGonagall has from all perspectives, it doesn’t mean that she was interested in analyzing the detriments of the Wizarding World with a granny level witch.

Alina decided to use her ultimate skill and end this meaningless debate quickly.

Without waiting for Professor McGonagall to argue back again, Alina put her hand up and cut her off first, “Fine; we won’t discuss whether these classes are actually useful or not. Dear Professor McGonagall, may I ask, can the majority of students completely grasp the contents of the classes Hogwarts teaches? Or, I can change the way of asking it…”

Alina pointed at the luxurious chair Professor Mcgonagall was sitting on and raised her eyebrows, “How many graduates can accurately recreate the transfiguration magic you just performed? How many students actually reached the estimated teaching goal?”

“In your so-called Wizarding World, how many witches and wizards are actually capable? As a simple example, there is a Muggle evildoer who’s holding a dagger in close proximity, how many witches or wizards can promise that they can bring the evildoer under control 100 percent certain?”



Professor McGonagall opened her mouth but sank into an embarrassed silence. By all means, she could say a random number, but her long term habit made her unaccustomed to lie—— the Wizarding World isn’t so strong. Otherwise, the terror Voldemort and the Deatheaters brought decades ago wouldn’t be so severe.n

Alina wasn’t surprised in the slightest by Professor Mcgonagall’s silence.

Knowing that the grades of Harry and Ron, who never studied before class, don’t listen in class, and replied majorly on guessing in exams counted towards the middle to good high students, it is imaginable how bad a part of Hogwarts students are. Assuming this way, those young witches and wizards whose grades weren’t even as well as Harry Potter probably won’t be any good after graduation.

Even so, Hogwarts was still counted as the most outstanding school in the entire Wizarding World; then, it is obvious what the level of education is like in that world. Even children from the distant mountain villages in her previous life were better than these people.

However, Alina didn’t plan to let go of the silent Professor. She planned to stop all topics of the Wizarding World today and make her life return to her jolly, trade war after being the reborn plot.

“After all these years, how many students can out of all the students you’ve taught earn a higher salary than you? I think, most of the time, it is getting worse year by year. To be more straightforward, if they encountered some sort of disaster or illness, making them unable to work, perhaps they will have to starve next month. Even giving their children a few pieces of moderate quality clothing would be considered a comfortable life, isn’t it?”

Professor McGonagall’s breathing became even heavier as her lips pursed into a thin line. In her previous years of students, Lucius Malfoy is the one who’s the most extravagant with spendings, but his extravagance came from the Malfoy family’s savings, and it has nothing much to do with his own ability.

“So, you have destroyed all your students. Because of your out of date, narrow-minded, completely sealed and irresponsible teaching methods, and the Wizarding World, you are proud of but completely unclear of its stance. The ridiculous thing is that you are taking pleasure in destroying the unlimited possibilities for your students.”

Alina stood up straight and lifted her head up, looking at Professor McGonagall without the slightest timidity as she raised her volume.

“You are just a bunch of poverty-stricken and out of date terrorists who are stuck in the false fairyland constructed by magic. A bunch of people who are too scared to lift your heads up to look at the outside world and a bunch of incompetent teachers who are leading students astray.”

“I, Alina Kaslana, will never step into that baffling world of yours.”

Professor McGonagall shot up from her chair, and her chest fluctuated violently like a windpipe. Her gaze pierced sharply and furiously on the silver-haired girl’s face like a sharp sword. She opened her mouth in an attempt to argue back, but she made no sound.

Seeing that Professor Mcgonagall’s right hand clenched her wand tightly and appeared on the verge of a rampage, Alina secretly swallowed hard—— did she go overboard?

She glanced at the pale-faced Benitez behind her who seemed to fall into deep thought, Alina clenched her teeth and stretched her arms out in front of Benitez, continued to speak fiercely despite being secretly scared.

“Are you finally out of words and going to attack us? Is it going to be Obliviate or Crucio? Come on, show me what the final pride a great witch is like!”

“Humph. Remember what you said; we will meet again.”

Professor McGonagall let out a heavy breath then breathed deeply in an attempt to push the fury down her chest.

She glanced at Alina deeply and took back the wand in her hands. She grabbed the hat placed on the table next to her and strode away in silence as she didn’t even want to ask why Alina knew the spells from the Wizarding World.

—— She was afraid that if she continued to talk to this annoying little girl, she would completely lose control of her emotions.

“So, you are really a professor, but just from the Wizarding World?”

Benitez, who had been watching from the side, finally somewhat cleared his mind and subconsciously urged her to stay as he looked at the back of her leaving.

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“Since you went out of your way to come here, how about a bowl of warm stew before you leave?”

“No witches ever eat owls!”

Professor McGonagall was unable to restrain her anger as she roared from outside. The extremely conserved Madam McGonagall finally cursed and smashed the door close heavily.

Alina stretched her hands out innocently and shrugged.

“But that’s Scotland round face fat chicken.”

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