"Are they out then?" I asked.

"No," she sighed, "we waited outside all afternoon, until it was dark, and they didn't come out either. I was afraid that something might happen to them, so I took people in to find them. At last, I found them near the stadium site. The three teachers and students were already unconscious. "

She smiled bitterly, "I sent them to the hospital. After three days of rescue, the doctor announced that they were brain dead and became a vegetable..."

I pondered a little bit, "what happened later?"

"After Mr. Shen's accident, his eldest disciple came back from abroad," she said.

"Luoxiushan?" I frowned. "He's back?"

"Yes, you know him?" She asked.

"Once," I looked at her, "you go on

"Well," she nodded, "Mr. Luo said that his teacher is still available. He asked to enter the project area again to repair the array. I'm afraid something will happen to him, I didn't promise. He said that the array has touched. If it is not repaired, his teacher will die soon. He begged me, almost kneeling for me, and I couldn't help but agree. "

"And then? What happened to him? " I asked.

She smiled bitterly, "like his teacher, brain died and became a vegetable..."

I was silent for a long time and took a deep breath, "no wonder you worry about my youth and fear of my accident... That place is evil enough..."

"Master Wu Zheng, what is there underground?" , her eyes were red and she was a little excited. "Can you tell me?"

I looked at her and shook my head. "I don't know."

She didn't understand, "you don't know? But you just......

"that's not the same." I said, "it's OK to see you just now, but if I use divination to see the underground things, then there will be variables. It's a taboo to use divination to cut off Fengshui. Mr. Shen and his disciples all broke the taboo. Do you want me to do the same? "

"No, no, no! I don't want anything to happen to you! " She said quickly.

"Then don't ask me such a question again," I paused and asked her, "how many days has it been since Shen Lao's accident?"

"Today is the twenty second day," she said.

I thought a little and asked her, "what do you want to do about this?"

"I'll listen to you!" She looked at me sincerely, "young master, please help me!"

"Can you trust me?" I asked.

"I can believe it!" She nodded hard, "you are right, elder martial sister. You are so powerful! She said that you are worth 5000 yuan, and I will give you 60 million yuan. Can you see? "

I thought, "my free will, my assistant three million."

"Good! No problem! " Jiang Rou said.

I stood up. "Get ready. Let's go."

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