Zhang Chao stepped into the company to the company, found that a work mad is not there, once again, please, I will have a little worried, and I am busy sending WeChat to condolences. The result is waiting for nearly an hour before waiting for a reply.

I don't want this hand: I just didn't care, I saw it.

Zhang Chao is a bit wonderful, and the work is not only very few, but also rarely fell asleep at this point. The word "again" is very spiritual, and he is more worried.

Zhang Dynasty: Are you okay?

I don't want this hand: Nothing, it is a bit uncomfortable.

Zhang Dynasty: Oh, I see your invoice, why don't you please do not ask?

I don't want this hand: I am too lazy to go to the hospital.

Zhang Dynasty: What to open, don't go to the hospital

Zhang Dynasty: You don't want to come

I don't want this hand:?

In fact, Zhang Dynasty asked such a reason. After all, I didn't ask for a high fever. I didn't have a high fever. The medicine was eaten, and I fake the model to pick the child to pick the ingredients. Every time I saw Zhang Dynasty, I'm going to persuade, "You go back to sleep. Drinking a few bottles of ice water is stronger than what medicine ", but unfortunately, the other party does not listen.

Confused this time, don't use him to persuade the old man, please have more uncomfortable?

Zhang Dynasty his own brain is complete, the more I want to worry, but I saw the other side to take a thermometer.

I don't want this hand: I haven't seen it, the body temperature is normal, I really have something wrong.

Zhang Dynasty: Where are you uncomfortable?

I don't want this hand: ......

I don't want this hand: an ankle

Zhang Dynasty also wants to have something to make some, see the other party, three , then ask him: Are you not busy today?

He wants to say "I am still not busy today". As a result, I have been retributed, I was taken by two emails and a call, and I couldn't make gossip.

Looking at the screen of the meeting, I confirmed that Zhang Dynasty didn't move, this threw the mobile phone and climbed up, and washed him last night to today's third bath.

He set a loose black jug-jog, just wiped the hair wardrobe to find a clean T-shirt, he heard the door rang, Jiang Tic is coming back.

Looking at the door outside the door, I took the towel on the side and took a gray T-shirt. He put the sleeves are heading, Jiang Ti has already gone in, and he took his waist.

Looking for a half, the red waist muscles were tightened in touch. He quickly pulled down the clothes and grabbed the finger of Jiang Ti: "If you don't come, I don't want to make two days."

Jiang Tic: "... I just want to ask you uncomfortable."

Looking back at him silently and said: "It is not here."

Jiang Tian is going to the next glimpse. Just changed a place, and he watched him and said, "Forget it, it is not uncomfortable, you don't move."

Jiang Ti has just had to open, and he will be said: "Brother"

Someone is called, Jiang Ti is nothing. He is actually really not planning to do, and it is a wooden. Positioning a sentence, blocking the opportunity he does not talk at all, nor is it not intentional. Finally, it can only be sealed.

Looking at the relatives, I can't help but laugh.

Jiang Tian made a little, asked: "Is it really uncomfortable?"

In fact, it is not true that it is a bit awkward. Last night, I was a sweaty and red, and I realized that the sound was full of pillows. His brother is really a professional class in the clinical man.

Even if I just started uncomfortable, I was also replaced by those psychological and physiological reactions. Otherwise, he will not help but feel again in the process of taking a shower.

"OK." The big master strongly supported his skin: "Don't let you mess, because I am relatively weak."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Ti was picked up, and he asked: "Explain, didn't understand."

Looking at the heart said that I believe in your evil again.

He turned the river over, taking the shoulder and put into the kitchen and said: "I am starving Dr. Jiang, I will give you the mouth, I will help you."

Dr. Jiang, who did not master the cooking, was hooked with his neck, forgot his level for a while, asked: "What do you want to eat?"

"Can you order a dish?" Sheng I thought about it: "Then I want to eat sweet and sour ribs, stone pan frog, black pepper, black pepper, crab powder tofu."

Jiang Tic: "..."

When I stayed in the trousers, I put it in the pocket of the trousers, and I hooked him and said, "Wake up, I finished."

Jiang Tian's expression is very difficult: "Wake up."

"What are you doing so silent?" Looking at it.

Jiang Di said him and said: "I dare to do you dare to eat?"

Wanted: "Is it sent to the hospital?"

Jiang Tic: "I barely study the doctor."

Looking: "Goodbye."

Jiang Di is needed to go to the laboratory in the afternoon. He looked at the time of the question: "I really want to eat these? Would you like to eat?"

The grandfather's appearance: "If you can find a restaurant standing, I will go out with you."


Dr. Jiang has reflected in a few seconds. Looking forward to the refrigerator.

"I will talk about it. I really have a ghost." Sheng Wang did not want to make a holiday, he helped the refrigerator door to pick pick up, then picked up a bag and said: "I want to eat it." Do you do this? "

This river is still true.

He is not only better than the general restaurant. Because he knew which ingredients showed, what didn't like. The adjusted finished product is full of preliminary.

In order to take care of the "widows of the widows", Jiang Tian is not installed, and the two have a fork, standing on the side of the pot while chatting.

As a result, I just had two mouths, and the cat son touched his nose. It has been looking for a corner nest in the morning, and when you are bored, you want to put it out to play, and you have not found it. Now you don't ask.

I just called a "son", my son stretched into his trousers. This pants are loose, and he is taking a bath, it is still not enough to take it, and it is almost being taken down by the cat.

He is busy, and ask Jiang Tic: "Is it doing my pants?"

"Want to eat face." Jiang Ti said.

Looking at a brain door: "The cat is not a meat animal? Is it changed by you?"

Jiang Tian bends his back and grabbed the cat's neck and moved it to: "I like the taste of the milk with the cheese, I don't know who to learn."

Looking at him to lie to the living room and opened a can, I was a laugh, and I have a moment of celebration. Fortunately, I didn't have a gift, gave him a cat.

Looking at half, I received the WeChat of Zhang Dynasty, picking up two sentences in the work, and then took a picture of the past. He knew that the other party suddenly rushed, found a private education fitness, and all kinds of custom fitness meals were taking pictures of the coach every day.

Sure enough, the other party returned a large string of shielded words, saying that he hadn't eaten it for a long time, letting the lover. Looking down.

The result is not a few minutes, Zhang Dynasty asked himself: Is it delicious?

I don't want this hand: delicious.

Zhang Dynasty: Are you so picking up? Which restaurant?

I don't want this hand: my home

Zhang Dynasty: Will you cook? What are you? In addition to the mineral water in your refrigerator, you will be a beer, you will be a bird's meal.

I don't want this hand: Who is telling you is what I did.

Zhang Dynasty:?

Zhang Dynasty: ......

Zhang Dynasty: I can go to you! Go, don't talk.

I have to come over, I have to come over, and I have been alive and I am gone, and I am "oh".

"Who is laughing?" Jiang Ji asked.

"Zhang Dynasty." Yan said: "I am a colleague."

When I said this, he remembered what, pulled down the previous chat records to Jiang Tian: "When I chased me this morning, I asked uncomfortable, forcing me to say that I am."

After the news, he threw the mobile phone to the pocket, and rolled a fork. When he just took into his mouth, he heard his brother suddenly said: "The ankle can actually take a week."

Looking at the hand of the fork, looked looked at Jiang Tic.

He doubizes that his brother is playing rogue but he has no evidence.

The days of the two people are too pleasant, and people have forgotten their time. Jiang Ti has seen a mobile phone from the laboratory, which has been close to the year.

This year is very early, January 25th. Originally Jiangnou and Ding's old man are almost that time, just can catch up with the Spring Festival. Who knows that a thing suddenly interpolates come in and disrupted the original plan.

On the 17th, Jiang Ti suddenly received a call, a strange number, talking about a female voice. Asked the other party: "Do you are a family of Mr. Ji?"

Mr. Season said that he really heard it, so that he had almost no reaction in a moment. The other party also said in his a few seconds: "He is not very good now, and it is not convenient to walk, so I called me."

Jiang added his eyebrow and swallowed "I don't know".

As early as the beginning of last year, Zhao Wei said with him that the Qihayu body has lived in the hospital.

At the beginning, Duocheng brain cancer did not support, and stopped breathing in a certain day after winter holiday. It is said that in the last day, the hospital advised Ji Yuyu to bring him home. After all, most of the patients think about the roots of the leaves. But Duocheng's hometown has long been there. He has lived in Beijing, and Shanghai has lived in the abroad. It has been going abroad for many years. There are a lot of places that have been, but they can be lying away, and there is no in bed. Stop breathing.

At that time, Jiang Tian wanted to be a mess, Sheng Mingyang, Jiangnu, and no one would be able to listen to Duocheng at all. When they finally knew the news, they had already passed the transit.

After Du Cheng died, Jihayu is no longer moving. It is said that there is a long period of time in the state of being lost, I don't know because I have destroyed the ex-wife and life that I have liked, or because of the passage of the lover. To say the former, he has no conscience to from the private, and he has never had a much higher heart.

Don't say others, I am afraid that he will not say clearly.

In short, he did something, like a beach mud. The consequence is to bring a borker to yourself, and then he fainted in a certain day, and won't walk when you wake up, and it is not very clear.

He does not lack the money, you can support long-lasting medical expenses, and some carers help him busy. But his most important thing in this life is the face, which can have this day. So someone else can restore some, but he can't. In his body, the naked eye can see energy and vitality is passing, only more than a year, the situation is already very bad.

The care worker said: "He said that he wants to see you again, I feel that you have a lot of money, he still has a little property and money, and no one can stay."

This day, Beijing is snowing, Jiang Tao stands downstairs, listening to these words, wrinkled with eyebrows and quietly, said: "I can't use it, let him find someone."

Although he said, he went to a hospital for three days after Saturday, because he heard that Jiang Na came back in advance.

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