A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 163: It seems those thugs are done dealing with them.

Chapter 163: It seems those thugs are done  dealing with them.

As Zhang Jian looks at the two of them, he has two thoughts going through his mind. One is; See brother Chen! I told you Feng Meifeng is great waifu material! To see how his guess is on the mark, he wanted to toot his own horn for being such a good matchmaker. 

The second thought, on the other hand; Goddamit, you ass! I can't believe you would cheat the girl with those bs wounds on your body! And what the hell is with those words you said?! Not a playboy, my ass! You are the natural type! From how smooth Lu Chen was at dealing with Feng Meifeng made Zhang Jian jealous. Even though Zhang Jian is a playboy, he had to think about what he says, unlike the natural Lu Chen.

But behind all of his jealousy and envy, Zhang Jian was curious as well. The wounds on Lu Chen's body weren't something that had happened in the fight. Some of the bruises on his body were darker than others, and bruises don't form so quickly as well. Zhang Jian could tell that some of  Lu Chen's wounds were made from at least a few days ago. 

Was it from the day he came late? 

That was the only day he could have gotten injured.

But the main point Zhang Jian kept griping on is Lu Chen abusing the wounds. To use your injuries to make the girl fall head over... Wait! Can't I use this too? Protecting the beauty from the villains and then showing off the battle scars to her. Hmmm, this could be a good pickup line. 

Jealousy had turned into mulling and then to dark thoughts. With how effective Lu Chen's actions were with Feng Meifeng, Zhang Jian realizes it would be an effective way to ask out girls.

While each person was dealing with their own situation, the door opened quickly! The four people stopped what they were thinking to look at who opened the door so rashly. The only person who didn't look is Lu Chen as he already knew who it was. Hmmm, it seems those thugs are done dealing with them.

The people who walked into the nurse's office are none other than Long Shen's group. However, something is different about them. Unlike the usual noble aura they always have when they walked around, it's been replaced by a tense and dangerous atmosphere instead.

Luo Ai and Liu Fei Fei looked uninjured at all and still had their usual auras around them. But right now, their beauty is being overshadowed as both girls are making a serious expression. Liu Fei Fei especially, as she's carrying Long Shen over her shoulders.

And if Liu Fei Fei didn't carry him, nobody would realize who he is! Long Shen didn't have his usual princely aura at all. The neat and tidy hair he had, has turned into a messy chicken coup. And his appearance took the biggest hit as his face has many cuts. He couldn't even open his left eye as the swelling made it impossible. 

It felt like he went through a tornado twice. Yet, everybody isn't focused on Long Shen's hair or face. The main thing that is different about Long Shen is his left arm. Long Shen has used his blazer to make a makeshift cast to support his arm.

Why are there so many students so injured today?! The nurse didn't mind students coming to the nurse's office. But the problem is that the three of them look so hurt that they might faint on the spot. Scratch that, make it four.

Long Shen wasn't the only person who was injured in the group. The three of them had blocked the five from looking at Tang Weimin, who's behind them. And the man is carrying Yao Shao with him.

Lu Chen and Zhang Jian look at Yao Shao with wide eyes. Is that really the fatty? The two couldn't believe that the person there is Yao Shao. 

If Long Shen looks like he's been hit by a tornado, then Yao Shao looks like he went through the tornado and then did a U-turn back in to get something. Yao Shao's appearance is totally different from his smug and lump appearance.  

His uniform was torn to shreds. The only thing that kept it looking like a shirt is the few bits and pieces still connected to each other. If there was a gust of wind, his uniform would have been blown off, leaving him buck naked.

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