A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 200: WTH just happened

I’m going to use ‘’ to display inner thoughts:

Chapter 200: WTH just happened

"Young man, for now, bear with it. We need to go to the hospital now." The paramedic quickly grabs some bandages, wrapping his head up. Letting the two of them continue on would just make Lu Chen faint even faster. 

'Is she trying to kill me where I stand right now!' Pure rage is on his face, wondering if she's just intentionally doing this to him!

More blood was about to leak out of him if he continued on with his anger. But before Lu Chen could scream, Luo Ai jumps in as she asks, "How about I go with you guys as well?" 

With how stubborn Liu Fei Fei was, Lu Chen is fighting a losing battle. And she knows it's going to be a brawl in the car. So she was going to go with them to be the moderator. 

Lu Chen gave her a look. 'What the hell are you planning, Luo Ai? I don't need you to go with me as well!' Luo Ai coming with him and Liu Fei Fei being there is just asking for problems to occur.

Understanding the look Lu Chen is giving her, Luo Ai gave a look back; 'Trust me.' She had to go. There are many questions that need answering,

Lu Chen was about to say no to that. However, he started to tilt back and forth. His head is blacking out again.

'Aww dammit! Why now of all times!'

Luo Ai catches Lu Chen and shouts, "Oh no! Lu Chen, you need to get to the hospital this instant!" Turning to the paramedic, "Quickly, let's go!" Quickly taking control of the conversation, Luo Ai wasn't going to let Lu Chen take control, or the talk will be never-ending. 

"Luo Ai, I swear on my-" Lu Chen knows Luo Ai was trying to stop him from saying anything about this. However, he wasn't going to let this happen...if was able to stop it tho. Luo Ai has brute strength as she grabs onto his arm very tightly.

'What the?!' From how tight she was grabbing his arm, Lu Chen felt she was much stronger than Feng Meifeng and Ye Meixiu altogether.

Remembering what Tang Weimin said about her beating up the thugs to a bloody pulp, he kinda felt pity for those guys. Lu Chen couldn't overpower her, and he was forced to agree with her without any resistance. 

Before the ambulance could leave, another voice calls out,


When Lu Chen heard that, 'Who is it this time?!' He turns to see it was Feng Meifeng calling out to them now. 

"I'm coming with you guys." When Feng Meifeng said this, Lu Chen wanted to die at this moment. 

'Why do you need to come as well?!' Yes, he felt grateful for Feng Meifeng helping him. But she didn't need to come with him as well.

With Luo Ai and Liu Fei Fei there, plus Feng Meifeng, Lu Chen knows it's just the beginnings of trouble.

Seeing the multiple expressions she's getting from everybody, Feng Meifeng explains, "I'm just going with him because I'm his class monitor. And besides, how can I let him go with two ladies? That's already a problem."

"..." Did you forget that you are also a girl?

Before anybody could say anything to her, Feng Meifeng was just like Luo Ai as she walked in the ambulance as well.

"...." 'I don't get a say, do I?' Lu Chen couldn't say anything to it. He was the minority in this situation. Lu Chen looks over to the paramedic, signaling him to drive or there'll be more people coming. 

The paramedic did just that as he quickly drove away from the scene. And the crowd of students had only one thought as they left,


The students couldn't believe that not only Luo Ai and Liu Fei Fei were leaving with him, but Feng Meifeng as well. And Long Shen was left there, looking like a lost puppy.

But the students didn't have any time to say anything. The gym Lao Shi shouts at them, "What are you kids still doing out here! Stop standing around like statues and go home!"

If the peanut gallery continues to stand there, it will cause a problem later on.

As the people were leaving, Zhang Jian was going to leave as well. The only wounds he got were just cuts and bruises. Before he left, he gave Long Shen's trio one final mocking look at them.

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