A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 222: The effects of grandeur

Chapter 222: The effects of grandeur

"But young master-"

Lu Chen interrupts him with a question, "Elder Wu, what do you think a company needs?" 

"Hmmm? Of course, a company needs a stable infrastructure and people that could do work." For a company to have some function, a bare minimum structure should be there for the workers. 

"Yes, but there is something I think a company needs. And that is the attention of the people." The reason why Lu Chen chose this company wasn't solely because of how cheap it was. It's because it was loaded with different problems.

"With how serious the problems the company had, it's probably been topping the headlines for quite some time now." The popularity of a dying company is not to be underestimated. 

"If I can fix the company and make it better than what it once was, then the company will definitely gain a significant amount of popularity and fame." It was high risk, high return. Of course, Lu Chen knew of the consequences of failing to change the company. 

However, Zhang Jian was his ace in the hole.

It didn't matter how run-down or beaten the company was. With Zhang Jian's musical capability, anything was possible with him.

Even though he knows about the high returns Lu Chen could gain, it's still a could. It was an 80-20, 80 of Lu Chen failing, and 20 of Lu Chen being successful in Elder Wu's mind. 

Elder Wu still had doubts about it, "Why don't you try to become the CEO of this company? It's better in every way than that one." The one he's talking about is the first one in the binder. Elder Wu had listed down the companies from best to worst in the binder. 

But Lu Chen shook his head, "No. That company has a problem. It's too dull." The first company's problem is that it's too bland. The only reason why it's going bankrupt is due to it having nothing left. It had always been a mid-tier company on the lower side. The company wasn't able to create a top-tier idol. 

Moreover, they didn't have any problems at all. Because of this, the company is disappearing due to no reputation and notoriety. 

'It wouldn't be able to produce the same effect as that company.' Yes, the first one has a better pedigree than the one he chose, and the infrastructure would probably be better too. 

However, it won't have the same impact.

If Lu Chen manages to make the company famous, then it would be a chicken turn into a phoenix. If he chose the one Elder Wu wanted, it would have less impact because of its semi-reputation.

Seeing Lu Chen's expression, Elder Wu knew it was too late. The child has decided on it. Lu Chen was too stubborn like his grandfather for him to say anything about it. 

"Young master, don't worry. I will buy as much stock as possible for you to take control of the company." Taking control of a company like that was a matter of minutes after buying most of the stocks.

When Lu Chen heard that, he began to snicker. He was eager to make the company his.

He was going to make sure the company was going to be a success. There is no chance for him to back out of this.


The next morning, 

Lu Chen was jogging to school like every other day. After coming back from the hospital, Lu Chen continues on with his usual routine. 

At first, Zhang Wenling wanted him to stop him from doing that for a few days. She was scared somebody might ambush Lu Chen on the streets. 

However, Lu Chen says he was fine, and she didn't have to worry so much. With how much Elder Wu had threatened them, Lu Chen knows they will never bother him again. 

'It took me so long to convince her.' Before Zhang Wenling could say anything more about it, Lu Chen quickly left the room like a mouse. 

It was the same old day. As Lu Chen was jogging through the shopping district, gaining the eyes of everybody around him.  

And he notices Feng Meifegn as well. However, there's something different about her.

'Hmm? Why is she standing there?' Unlike the usual, Feng Meifeng wasn't reading a book as she walked. She was just standing there, waiting for something. 

'Let's just say hi and then go back to my training.' Walking over to Feng Meifeng, Lu Chen greets her,

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