A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 260: First-time jitters

Chapter 260: First-time jitters

Lu Chen knows the two of them had hit it off really well in the beginning. The two have been talking ever since then. 

"Don't get me started on him. Why is that guy so freaking stubborn!" Just hearing Gong Changming's name was enough to make Zhang Jian lose it. 

Prior, the two had talked about the arrangement of one of his songs. But it took them over an hour to change one minor thing. They have been arguing with each other to stake their case.

Both of them were too stubborn to change their ideas. 

"Pff, you guys got this. Just go slowly and listen to each other's point of view." This's the only thing he could say to these geniuses. 

".....Fine." Zhang Jian didn't say anymore as he closes the call. He quickly calls Gong Changming,

"Yo! We got work to do."  With the competition coming up now, he has to work even harder than before.

'Alright, time for me to get to work.' While Zhang Jian was thinking he needs to work harder, Lu Chen thought the same. With Duan Huiling and Zhang Jian working hard, Lu Chen needs to figure out plans for the company. 


On the day of the competition,

"Boss, shouldn't you get some rest?" Duan Huiling and Lu Chen are in the venue watching the stage.

"Nah, I'll be fine. How can I call myself his brother if I can't watch him succeed?" There are large dark circles under Lu Chen's eyes. 

The last few days were a pure annoyance for him. After dealing with his paperwork, Lu Chen was helping Duan Huiling search through the tapes. 

They went overtime for the past few days. However, it didn't put a dent in their workload. There were still so many people they had to fire. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't get many people to help." The people Duan Huiling asked for help were two people. It wasn't enough.

"It's ok. We're going to have more people later on. For now, we can suffer a bit." They need to take some baby steps in the beginning to make leaps later on. 

"I understand." Duan Huiling was excited. She hasn't felt this excited in quite a while. 

After the old CEO left, the work she's been doing didn't feel like it'll improve the company, more like trying to keep the company from imploding instead.

But with what Lu Chen's doing, she feels there will be progress for the company.

While the two continue to discuss the company, one of the stadium workers comes up to them, "Excuse me, are you guys companions of Zhang Jian?"

"Yes, we are." Lu Chen had a gut feeling that something happened. 

"Contestant Zhang Jian is having some trouble. He wants to see his brother." Duan Huilling was surprised by this. But it was nothing compared to the worried look Lu Chen had. 

"Take me to him now."


"What am I looking at right now?" Lu Chen didn't expect Zhang Jian to become like this.  The guy was sweating buckets. 

Zhang Jian was walking around like a robot back and forth, waiting for his turn. 

"Yeah, when he looked at the crowd, he instantly;y turned into stone." The backstage worker told Lu Chen about it. 

Lu Chen walks over to Zhang Jian, "Hey buddy, are you ok?" 

"Oh god, how am I going to deal with this?!" Zhang Jian ignores Lu Chen as he’s too anxious. 

"Are you going to flake out now?" Lu Chen's words were so direct that Duan Huiling and the workers in the back were giving him a look. 

However, Lu Chen ignores their look. He knows the best way to snap Zhang Jian out of this funk was to be direct. 

And it did work. 

"But there are so many people. I didn't expect there to be so much!" The shouting of the crowd made the hair on Zhang Jian's body stand up!

"Brother Chen, I don't think I can go up there."

Lu Chen sighs, "But don't you have everything ready? Wouldn't all that hard work you did for the past few days go down the drain?"

"....." His silence meant a yes.

"Zhang Jian, do you remember the dream you always wanted to achieve?"

"...Yeah. To become an idol."

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