A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 278: Yay Yay Yay

Chapter 278: Yay Yay Yay

"Oh, it's nothing." It was his time to hide it. But then Lu Chen grabs her hand, "Let's go somewhere else." With how many people stared at him again, it's getting annoying. Kang Shuchun nods and follows Lu Chen. 

The two sat at a bench away from all the eyes.

"Give me a minute. I'm going to get something." Kang Shuchun wonders what Lu chen was getting. It only took a few minutes. 

Lu Chen came back with a bag full of bandages and alcohol rubs.

"Let's get you fixed up." Lu Chen sat down beside her and took out the alcohol rubs. When Kang Shuchun saw that, she was so happy! She moves closer to Lu Chen, giving her face to him. 

"Oww, Oww!" When Lu Chen heard that, he apologized, "Sorry. I'll do it more gently." Lu Chen uses the gentlest amount of force on her wounds as he focuses on the wound. 

As Lu Chen focused on Kang Shuchun's wounds, the woman was on cloud nine. She was trying her best to keep a straight face. 

In her heart though, she could die at any moment. The way Lu Chen was looking at her just made her want to faint. 

'Serious Chen Chen is so cute!' 

After bandaging the scratches, Lu Chen was going to tell her that they should go home now. 

However, Kang Shuchun had other plans. She told him, "Young master, let me treat the wound on your face." 

"Don't worry about it. It's just a light bruise." Lu Chen was going to let it die out. The wound wasn't hurting him anymore.

However, Kang Shuchun insists, "Young Master, you are the third son of the Lu family. You have to maintain your prestige and elegance. A wound like that would make people question it."

"It's only a light color tho." Lu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was exaggerating so hard. But he couldn't say anything to it as Kang Shuchun's expression was too solemn.

"...Fine." Lu Chen hands over his face now. Kang Shuchun smiles as she gets to work. 

As she treats his wounds, Kang Shuchun gets closer and closer to him. Lu Chen noticed it and was blushing. 

'Why is she so close?!' He could feel the heat coming off of her. Or maybe it was just him. But there was a faint smell of citrus coming off her lips. 

After Lu Chen placed a big band-aid on his face, Kang Shuchun smiled, "Young master, I'm done now." Lu Chen sighs as he quickly moves away from Kang Shuchun.

His heart almost couldn't take it. 

"...Young master, do you not like me?" Lu Chen looks over to see Kang Shuchun teary-eyed. 

"Huh?! Why do you ask that?!" 

"You just quickly left my side. Do you not want to stay near me?"


"It's fine, young master. You don't need to say anything. I won't-" Before Kang Shuchun could say a thing, her mouth was closed off!

Lu Chen kissed her. He knew what happened was a misunderstanding. And the best way to deal with it is to show it.

"I don't hate you. I-" Before Lu Chen could say it, Kang Shuchun returned back a kiss of her own! 

Kang Shuchun couldn't take it anymore as her desire went crazy.

"Mmmhmmf." Lu Chen's mouth got sealed even harder with her kiss! He was shocked that Kang Shuchun could kiss so hard. 

Yet, the more Kang Shuchun kissed him, the more Lu Chen got into it. This was the first time he got such a long kiss. 

It took them a good few minutes. But it was enough. Kang Shuchun let's go, and both of their faces were beet red. 

Lu Chen jokes, "Why did you stop?" When Kang Shuchun heard that, her face got even redder,

"Young master, if we kept going, you would have fainted."

"Oh. Well, we got a breath now. Sooo." Lu Chen didn't say anymore as he kissed her again. He was the first one to initiate it first. So he should be the one to end it. 

Kang Shuchun hugs Lu Chen's waist, not wanting this to end. 

Hands down, she won this war! 


"Yay! Yay! YAY!" Kang Shuchun jumps on her bed as she was too excited about what happened before. Lu Chen gave her a kiss. 

Not a peck. But a passionate one that only lovers would give to each other. 

"I'm definitely going to be Miss.Lu." She could see it now. Lu Chen and her walking hand and hand together. 

Before the thoughts could go into no return, Kang Shuchun snaps back to reality. 

'It still isn't enough.' Yes, Kang Shuchun knew she won the war. But it was just a small war. She hasn't officially become Miss Lu yet. 

She knows she will have to continue to stomp on the others until she becomes it. 

Just thinking about it made Kang Shuchun menacingly laugh as she has plans in store for the girls coming at Lu Chen's way.

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