A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 290: Door smashing

Chapter 290: Door smashing

Not knowing what was going on, Feng Meifeng followed Lai Dingxiang. The two didn't speak as they walked. Lai Dingxiang did try to start a conversation, but Feng Meifeng never answered. She wanted this dinner to be over with. 

When they arrived at the place, Feng Meifeng was surprised. 

It was a high-end restaurant. 

'How could he afford something like that?!' Feng Meifeng thought they would be going to a barbeque restaurant or something cheap. 

Lai Dingxiang shows the waiter his card, and the waiter leads them to their seats. However, they weren't eating with all the other customers. Instead, the two of them were brought into their own personal room! 

The room was topped with everything. A wine rack with different types of wine. And the view of the city. It was grand and beautiful.

Before the two went in, Lai Dingxiang had told the waiter that he wanted everything on the menu. The waiter nodded and left the two to their own devices.

Lai Dingxiang sat down. However, Feng Meifeng didn't. He asks her, "What's wrong?"

"How did you book a place like this?" Feng Meifeng was cautious. This whole thing was too suspicious. 

"Don't worry about it. My friend had booked this table for himself. But he didn't have time today due to an issue. So he gave this table for me to use today." Despite saying this, Feng Meifeng didn't believe it.

She knows what type of friends Lai Dingxiang hangs around with. None of them would be able to afford this place.

Feng Meifeng turns for the door, "I'm leaving." She would be a fool to stay here any longer. The place was too suspicious for her.

Lai Dingxiang's expression changes as he tries to console her, "Please, don't leave. The food would be going to waste if you leave."

"What are you trying to pull?!" Feng Meifeng didn't care if the food would be wasted! 

Lai Dingxiang shakes his head, "I'm not trying to pull anything! I just wanted to treat you to a meal?!"

"I don't buy it!"

Tears start to fall from his eyes. He couldn't help but complain, 

"I just want to have a peaceful dinner with you! That's all I want! Why can't you accept that?!"

Feng Meifeng wanted to say more about this, but she hesitated. Her mind was in turmoil,

'What if he really is trying to make amends to what he did?'

If it was really like that, then it would be a whole different story. Feng Meifeng didn't know what to do right now. Should she go, or should she stay? 

"I-I'm sorry. I really don't mean to be cautious. But you have to understand it from my perspective."

"It's fine. I understand why you are so afraid of me. But I'm really trying to get forgiveness from you." Lai Dingxiang wipes the tears away and said with a forced smile, 

"Can we still have a meal together, please?"

Feng Meifeng didn't know what to say. It took her a few seconds, but she decided,

"Sure, let's have a meal." Feng Meifeng sits down.

Lai Dingxiang's face brightens.  He takes a bottle of champagne and pours a glass to Feng Meifeng, 

"To a great meal!" 

Feng Meifeng touched their glasses and took a sip. She didn't like drinking. However, it would be awkward with what happened before. 

Food started arriving, surrounding the whole table. When Lai Dingxiang saw all of it, he smiled, "Now let's eat."

The two started eating, and Feng Mefieng felt nothing was wrong. However, Lai Dingxaing was glancing at her from time to time. 

Feng Meifeng noticed it and felt a bit uncomfortable. She moves away, but Lai Dingxiang follows and goes closer. 

"Hey, get away from-" Feng Mefieng stood up, trying to tell him to scram! But something went wrong!

'Why does my head hurt?!' Feng Mefieng felt lightheaded. But what made her even weirder is that her body was warm.

She starts swaying up and down. Lai Dingxiang grabs onto her. The smile he had on his face was nowhere to be found.

"It seems like it's taken effect now." A sinister smirk replaced the smile. 

What did you do to me?! That's what Feng Meifeng wanted to say! But her body wouldn't listen to her. Not only that, her body was becoming hot by any touch.

Lai Dingxiang picked her up and took her to the elevator. The upper floors of the restaurant were hotel rooms. 

"To think you were such an idiot for taking the bet!" Lai Dingxiang laughs as he throws her on the bed. 

Seeing the resentful expression on Feng Meifeng's face, he slaps her!

"Don't you dare look at me with that face! Do you know how many times I have tried to ask you out?" There were too many to count. 

Madness was etched on his face as he brings himself closer to Feng Meifeng, 

"Don't worry, Xiao Feng. After today, you will know that I'm the only one for you." He starts taking off Feng Meifeng's clothes, leaving her only in her underwear. 

Tears fell out of Feng Mefieng's eyes, hoping for somebody to stop this. However, nobody could. Her head was starting to become fuzzy, unable to think anymore. 

Seeing this, Lai Dingxiang smirks even more. As he was about to take off his clothes,

He hears loud banging from the door.

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