A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 321: Punishment

Chapter 321: Punishment

The person who struck Kang Shuchun was none other than Yao Jiayi. He wasn't going to let this keep happening.

"Do you think I'll tell you just because you jumped in as well?" Kang Shuchun continues to act smug against the two. But on the inside, Kang Shuchun knew this was going to be a problem. 

Xu Qiao was someone she could deal with. 

But Yao Jiayi was a whole different matter. 

"Then I'll make you." Yao Jiayi didn't wait for Kang Shuchun to respond as he dashed towards her.

Kang Shuchun reacts instantly and puts up her guard, trying to block the blow. She could tell he was aiming for her face.

But Yao Jiayi instantly changes the trajectory mid-way, aiming at her stomach instead!

Kang Shuchun was blown away a couple of meters. This time, blood spewed out of her mouth. Kang Shuchun stares at him like he's a monster. 

Changing the trajectory of a mid-blow requires a lot of control and muscle tension to do that.

However, Kang Shuchhun wasn't going to back down as she charged at Yao Jiayi. Yao Jiayi takes a step back, dodging the blow. He counterattacks as he strikes Kang Shuchun on the head. 

"I expected more from you." Yao Jiayi thought Kang Shuchun would be very rational, not charging head-on like an animal.

Kang Shuchun's face looked scuffed up. But she laughs, "Oh, so the great Yao Jiayi can't feel the pain on his arm?"

"?!" Yao Jiayi looks at his forearm. There was a deep wound in his arm. He looks at Kang Shuchun.

Her thumb was covered in his blood. When Kang Shuchun charged at him, her thumb was pointed upwards, piercing his arm. 

"Seems like I underestimated you." Yao Jiayi smiles. But Xu Qiao shivers from it. 

He knows that Yao Jiayi was seriously pissed off.

"And I heavily overestimated you." Kang Shuchun smirks, ready to go at him! It didn't matter how injured she was; she was raring to go. 

And Yao Jiayi was the same as well. 

But before the two could duke it out,

"Hold it!" Elder Wu jumps in between the two, stopping them from charging.  

"Are you really going to step in now?" Yao Jiayi frowns at Elder Wu. With him stepping in, things could get a bit dicey.

Elder Wu nodded and asked, "Shouldn't you be more worried about your young miss? She did run into the forest." Elder Wu was watching the direction Liu Fei Fei went. It was straight into the forest. 

Anybody would know that this is a problem. 

“Tsk." Yao Jiayi gave him a dirty look because he knew what Elder Wu said was right. He turns to Xu Qiao, "Let's go." 

"Wu Guoliang(Elder Wu), control your disciple. The next time this happens again, it won't be going your way again." Yai Jiayi was holding back when he attacked her. Yao Jiayi could kill Kang Shuchun if he wanted to. 

But he understood the relationship of the families. Kang Shuchun was one of the talented people in the Lu family. Killing her would just cause tension between the two families.

"I will keep that in mind." Elder Wu continues to have a smile on his face. 

Yao Jiayi has a stern expression, while Xu Qiao has a dirty one. But they didn't do anything as they left.

Once they left, the smile on Elder Wu's face disappeared. Instead, his expression was livid, "What are you trying to pull?!" 

Did she want to cause a problem for Lu Chen?! 

"Nothing! I was just monitoring the opposition." Kang Shuchun wasn't going to tell anybody about this. It would bring a whole can of disaster.

Elder Wu sighs, "Seriously, how can you cause so many problems?" The incident with Feng Meifeng and now tension between the Liu family bodyguards. 

How many more problems will she bring?

"You need to be punished for all of this." Elder Wu cannot let this go unpunished.


And back to the present,

"Master! This punishment is too unreasonable!" Kang Shuchun glares at Elder Wu. She looked like she was going to cry at any moment. 

What Elder Wu did was too far. 

"It's your fault for causing so many problems. So keep watching this scene." Elder Wu grins. The punishment Elder Wu thought up the perfect punishment for her. 

Sit from afar and watch Lu Chen and Feng Meifeng snuggle up together. 

This was the perfect punishment for Kang Shuchun!

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