A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 331: He knows what he has to do

Chapter 331: He knows what he has to do

The next day, He Tao was walking back and forth in front of the break room. He was planning to make Lu Chen a cup of coffee and pour the poison in. However, he was struggling.

Should he really do it? That has been on his mind the entire night. He takes the bag out and looks at it. The bag should be light, but to He Tao, it was the opposite.

It felt like the heaviest thing out there.

If he really pours the contents into Lu Chen's drink, what would happen to himself? 

Even though He Tao was loyal to Cao Wei, he didn't hate Lu Chen. He looks around and notices the bright smiles on the workers' faces. 

Before, the workers had lifeless faces. They were ashamed of working at ARC because of the previous CEO.  But now, they are full of smiles, proud that they work here.

Should he really destroy this?

But He Tao quickly shakes his head. 'No! If I don't do this, my life is on the line!' What matters to him is that he should be protecting himself. 

He Tao walks into the break room; his mind is made up. He was going to do it. As he walks into the break room, ready to make the coffee. 

As he's about to make the coffee,

"He Tao." Jumping up like a cat, He Tao turns around to see Duan Huiling giving him a glare. 

He Tao could feel his back filling up with sweat. Before Duan Huiling can notice, he quickly shoves the bag into his pocket. He asks,

"What do you want, Duan Huiling?"

"The CEO wants to meet you." That's the only thing she says as she walks out of the break room. With her leaving, He Tao sighs in relief.

He thought a couple of years were shaved off his life span. 

But then his face starts to pale. 'The CEO wants to meet me personally?' He Tao didn't understand why Lu Chen wanted to meet him?

Compared to the other board members, he had always been on the down-low. 

But then a thought hit him.

'Does he know?' If Lu Chen knows that he's Cao Wei's right-hand man, then it would make sense. This is going to cause a problem for him.

He Tao takes the bag out of his pocket again. His brows knit. 

But he knows what he must do. 


"Come in." Lu Chen says as he hears his door being knocked. He Tao walks in, and he's holding two cups of coffee in his hand. 

"What do you need from me, CEO?" He Tao places one of the coffee in front of Lu Chen and sips on the other one. 

Lu Chen looks at the coffee. But then he turns to He Tao, "I just wanted to ask you how you are doing with your work?"

"I'm doing fine." He Tao was confused as to why Lu Chen was asking him these questions. 

"Are you sure?" Lu Chen looks at him in concern. However, He Tao continues to be confused as to why he was doing this. 

"As I said, I'm fine. If this is all, I want to go back to my work." He Tao was going to leave the room. But then, 

"Do you really think you can leave after helping Cao Wei out?" The moment Lu Chen says this, He Tao's face turns twisted. 

"I don't understand what you mean, CEO?" He Tao continues to deny it.

"Oh please, do you think you can deny it now? Everybody saw you bring Cao Wei into the building. It's obvious you are a spy.

Well, more like a pawn." A spy would be too good of a way to describe He Tao. He was more like an expendable that Cao Wei could throw away the moment he outlived his usefulness.

"...What are you going to do to me?" Now that Lu Chen explained everything, He Tao knew he couldn't escape.

Lu Chen smiles, "I'll stop beating around the bush; I want you to stop working for Cao Wei. I want you to give me some dirt on him." 

"You can forget about it." He Tao wasn't going to betray Cao Wei. 

"Not even when you can go to jail for spiking my coffee?"

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