A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 334: You got a nice place here

Chapter 334: You got a nice place here

The door suddenly exploded open! Cao Wei turns all alarmed. And when he sees who it was, he screams, "Why are you here?!" 

The person who busted the door down was Lu Chen and Duan Cheng. Ignoring his scream, Lu Chen looks around, "You got a nice place here." 

Seeing how Lu Chen is acting like he owns the place, Cao Wei yells again, "Why did you come here?!" Cao Wei has his guard up. He felt wary and fearful of Lu Chen's sudden appearance. 

He knew the child was on the attack now. 

Lu Chen turns and gives him a smirk. He sits on the sofa and says, "Now, Now. Let's have a proper conversation."

It's time to end everything. Lu Chen turns to Duan Cheng,

"Make sure nobody comes into the home and gets in our way."

"Yes, sir!" Duan Cheng nods as he walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him. Outside, his men surrounded the entire building, not letting anybody enter. 

"So that person is your henchman?" Seeing how Duan Cheng followed Lu Chen's orders, Cao Wei cursed inside. Never did he expect Lu Chen to have connections to the underground.

Lu Chen shrugs, "He's nothing more than an acquaintance." The only reason why Duan Cheng came with him was that he knew where Cao Wei lived and had people. 

"So, what do you want?" The only option Cao Wei has right now is to stall for time.

"I just want to have a nice long talk. Don't worry, nobody is going to bother us." 

"Do you think you get to decide everything?" Barging into his home and demanding an audience with him. Just everything he did pissed Cao Wei off. 

What gives the brat the right to be so smug.

Lu Chen tilts his head, "I suggest we should have this conversation. It's for your own interest."

Cao Wei chuckles, "Best interest? I think it's the other way around. It's in your best interest to leave my house, or do you want to be arrested." Lu Chen's action was not subtle at all. It will only take a few minutes for the police to catch wind of what happened.

"Pff, do you think it's a good idea for them to get involved after what you try to do to me?" Lu Chen takes out his phone and plays a recording.

It was Cao Wei talking about how he wanted to make Lu Chen's life a living hell. 

"So which side are the police going to take? Me or you?" It's a no-brainer on who they're going to decide. It's obvious Cao Wei was going to jail once they arrived.

And he knew it too. 

Cao Wei grits his teeth, not expecting Duan Cheng to record the entire conversation. 

"What do you want?" Cao Wei knew Lu Chen wanted something from him. He could have given the recording to the police, and that would be the end of him.

Yet he didn't. 

Lu Chen's smirk turns wider, "Very perceptive of you. I want you to give me the shares to my company." That was the thing Lu Chen wanted from Cao Wei.

The reason why Lu Chen didn't give the company his 100 percent is because of Cao Wei. How could he let somebody benefit off of his hard work?

Lu Chen would be a fool to let that happen. He was planning to knick the thorn on his side sooner or later. But it seems the guy had a death wish. 

"Hahaha! Do you think I'm insane?! Why would I give you these shares? Do you think what you have is enough to make me give it up ?!" Cao Wei understood why Lu Chen wanted the shares as well. 

"You will never have them! You have to get it from my cold dead body!" Cao Wei would rather die than give Lu Chen the shares. Even if he goes to jail, it will only take him a few years to get out. Even if it'll take a while, it was worth it. 

He could start over and take it over again. 

Lu Chen smirks, " I can arrange that. Well, I can arrange something even worse." He tosses some files onto the table. 

"Have a look at what I have here?"

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