A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 342: Uninvited Guests

Chapter 342: Uninvited Guests

Zhang Jian's eyes go wide, and sweat starts to form. He didn't expect Feng Meifeng to be a psychic. All he knows now is that he was going to get crushed by her.

So Zhang Jian does the best he can come up with. 

He quickly hides behind Lu Chen and shouts out, "Is this how you treat your guest?!" Lu Chen is his shield. With him in the front, he wasn't going to fear Feng Meifeng now. 

"I invited Lu Chen, not you." Feng Meifeng glares at Zhang Jian for playing dirty. Seeing the look, Zhang Jian huddles behind Lu Chen even more. 

"Come at me! You think I'm afraid of you!"

"You!" Feng Meifeng's eyes were twitching. How could he be saying that when he huddles behind Lu Chen like a koala?

Before the two could go even further, Lu Chen stops the two, "Now, now. Let's not fight. Can't you see everybody is looking at us?" Hearing his words, the two look around and notice that everybody's looking at them with giggles. 

The two blush and glare at each other like cats and dogs. 

Lu Chen giggles as well, "Now, let's go eat." Lu Chen doesn't think about it more as he walks over to the food and starts to eat. 

The two look at Lu Chen, and they can only sigh. Feng Meifeng looks at Zhang Jian, and the man sticks his tongue out at her.

Before she could say anything else, Zhang Jian dashes out after Lu Chen. 

"..." Feng Meifeng was about to explode. But she stops, not letting what he did get to her.   

Fine, I let the child win! 

Feng Meifeng walks over to Lu Chen's side, and she brings out some water for him. 

"Slow down. You're going to choke if you eat so fast." 

Lu Chen quickly drinks the water, making the food go down faster,

"Thanks." Lu Chen has a big smile on his face. Seeing it, Feng Meifeng shakes her head. But a smile forms after that as she starts handing him more food. 

However, that smile on Feng Meifeng's face disappeared when she heard a scream.

"Where is that slut!" Everybody turned around to look at who shouted out like that. When Fu Chunhua and Feng Qiang saw who it was, their expression turned a darker shade.

Fu Chunhua screams out, "Why are you guys here?!" The people who came here were men and women. Both look to be in their late forties. 

The female gave Fu Chunhua a smug look, "Why couldn't we be here? It's not like you own the land." The two who came over her are none other than Lai Dingxiang's parents.

Not looking at Fu Chunhua, Lai Dingxiang's mother, Lin Qing stares around, "Now where is that slut who seduced my son?!" Lin Qing was fuming. 

She just couldn't believe Lai Dingxiang would be sent to prison for a lifetime! She and her husband demanded an explanation from the police.

The police had told the two everything. But the two didn't believe a word of it. 

Yet, they couldn't do a thing about it. 

However, all that anger is bottled inside of them, unable to burst out. But then the two remember Feng Meifeng. All of their anger is now directed towards her. 

Lin Qing looks around, and there she spots Feng Meifeng staring right back at her. She quickly hurries over to Feng Meifeng, pushing everybody in her way. 

"You bitch!" Lin Qing raises her hand, ready to slap Feng Meifeng on the face! However,

"What do you think you're doing?" Her hand never made contact with Feng Meifeng's face. Lu Chen stepped in her way and caught her hand. 

His expression's dark as he glares at Lin Qing. 

Lin Qing glares back at him. But her expression turns to a realization, "Oh, so the vixen has charmed you as well." 

Everything made sense now with Lu Chen's presence. She sneers at Feng Meifeng, "So you choose a playboy instead of my Dingxiang?" A cold laugh comes out of her, "I should have known you're a slut from the start."

Fu Chunhua screams out, "How dare you say that after what your son did!" The moment she says this, there's a question mark floating on everybody's head. 

All of them heard about Lai Dingxiang being sent to jail. But they didn't know why he was being sent there. 

Seeing how Feng Meifeng's expression turns darker, they know there's more to this incident.

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