Chapter 358: Excel

When the two look at Zhang Jian's album, the view and comment count are zero. 

"..." Gong Changming and Zhang Jian don't say anything. Instead, they walk away from Lu Chen's desk, and then;

Drop! Zhang Jian drops to his knees, and Lu Chen can see the plasma coming out of his mouth. While Gong Changming walks to the corner and starts banging his head on the wall.

"I knew it. I knew my album was trash. I'm nothing more than dirt."  "I can't believe it. Nobody actually looked at my masterpieces. Am I nothing more than a fly?"

Lu Chen's face twitches as he hears the two talking."

"Can you two not be so dramatic? Did you guys check it properly? You realize the album was posted a moment ago, right?" The posting time showed it was posted a few seconds ago. So, of course, the album wouldn't have views on it. 

Hearing his reasoning, Zhang Jian and Gong Changming sigh in relief. But then another amount of annoyance came out of them, 

"How long will it take to get one view then?" "Will we need a year to get past one million views?"

"Oh for the love of-" Before the two could become worried again, Lu Chen smacks the two in the head. His face shows pure irritation. He couldn't take the two's complaining and worry. 

"If you guys are going to act like this, then get back to work. Stop thinking about it." Lu Chen knows. If he was gonna go through with the two complaining for another hour, he was going to go ballistic.

The two trugs out of Lu Chen's office. You can feel the hollow and dark feeling coming out of them. But Lu Chen didn't care. He knows they should do something else rather than continue to look at it.


The day was coming to an end, and Lu Chen was getting ready to leave. As he walks down to Zhang Jian's office, he passes other workers, and they bow their heads at him.  Lu Chen nods and continues over to Zhang Jian's room. As he was about to knock on the door, Zhang Jian came rushing out of the room!

"Brother Chen!" The depressed expression he had before is nowhere there. Instead, a giant goof grin replaces it. 

"What happened?"

"You're not going to believe it!" Zhang Jian takes out his phone, "Take a look at this!" When Lu Chen looks at his phone, it shows Zhang Jian's album. Instead of having a zero count, it says 10 million. And there are more than a hundred comments on it as well. 

"Did you see how many people are talking about my album?! They're saying that it's one of the best albums out there!" Zhang Jian's face turns increasingly red remembering the comments he read. 

He couldn't believe his work would be so popular with everybody. 

"That's expected. Now let's go." Lu Chen doesn't say more as he walks out of the building. Zhang Jian follows him with a giant giddy smile. 


"Do you have to keep smiling like that? It's creeping me out." Throughout the whole car ride, Zhang Jian continues to act happy. He couldn't let it go. The views and positive comments continue to rise. 

As Zhang Jian was about to open the door,

"Surprise!" A bunch of confetti shot out at the two. Zhang Jian's eye goes wide as he looks at Zhang Wenling and the rest holding the confetti launcher. 

"What's all of this?" Zhang Jian comes out of his shock and asks. 

"This is the celebration for your album being released!" Zhang Wenling has an excited smile as she says this. 

"..." Zhang Jian continues to be speechless. Seeing this, Zhang Wenling pushes him in and to the table. There, he saw a large amount of food on the table. All of it is his favorite food. 

"Xiao Chen told me to prepare all of your favorite food to celebrate." Hearing that, Zhang turns around to look at Lu Chen. 

"What? I can do something nice from time to time." Even before the album was about to be released, Lu Chen told Zhang Wenling to prepare for a celebration. 

He didn't need to see the comments or the view counts. Lu Chen just knows that Zhang Jian would excel.

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